
Demodectic mange in humans: how to get rid of subcutaneous mites. Demodex mite on the face Signs of demodex on the face

Demodicosis in humans is a chronic dermatological disease, caused by the small Demodex mite. This mite is a representative of opportunistic microflora on the skin; it is constantly present in the excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands, hair follicles and glands of the eyelids. The disease occurs only in cases where there is a decrease immune defense(sometimes even a violation of local immunity in a local area of ​​​​the skin is enough), and the mite can penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin. Therefore, to make a diagnosis, it is not enough to just detect the pathogen, since it is present in the secretions of the sebaceous glands and skin scrapings in most healthy people. Symptoms of the disease must be detected.

Reasons for the development of demodicosis

The causative agent of demodicosis is an opportunistic mite Demodex folliculorum.

The studies did not reveal any relationship between the disease and the gender or age of the patient. Typical localization of the emerging pathological process– the skin of the face and head, since the largest number of sebaceous glands is concentrated on it, the secretions of which the tick feeds on.

The main predisposing factors, in addition to a decrease in local skin immunity, are a violation of the sebum production regime, changes in its composition and the presence of concomitant diseases skin, especially accompanied by increased sebum secretion (), and pustular lesions.

Often people with normal immune status provoke the development of demodicosis in themselves. Attempts to independently remove acne, pustules and other formations from the skin lead to the creation of not only favorable conditions for the tick to penetrate deep into the skin, but also to spread it with your hands. Can also contribute to the onset of a pathological process in the skin long-term use some medicines(antibiotics and steroid hormones), use of low-quality or unsuitable cosmetics for this skin type. It is also possible to exclude such a factor as poor nutrition And bad habits: the predominance of carbohydrate foods in the diet, abuse of salt, spices, herbs, alcohol and smoking can also increase the risk of demodicosis.

Transmission of the causative agent of the disease from person to person is possible through close bodily contact, however, symptoms of demodicosis can occur only with a significant increase in the number of mites in a particular person (more than 30 pieces in one sebaceous gland) and in the presence of certain factors. Therefore, a person suffering from demodicosis does not pose a danger to others.

It should be noted that mites of a similar structure that live on the skin of animals never cause disease in humans.

Symptoms of demodicosis

In most cases, signs of the disease are found on the patient’s head; in advanced and severe cases, the pathological process may spread to top part chest and back. Typically, foci of inflammation are concentrated on the skin of the face (nose, nasolabial triangle, forehead, cheeks, chin, eyelids). This is due to the fact that it is the sebaceous glands on the facial skin that intensively produce sebum, while reacting sensitively to the most minor changes hormonal levels, disruptions in work internal organs and the body's immune system.

According to most dermatologists, the main symptom of demodicosis is the appearance of rosacea (rosacea). The patient exhibits persistent hyperemia of the facial skin; pink papules, pustules (pustules) may form, and more late stages disease, persistent thickening of the skin appears in the affected areas, telangiectasia ( spider veins). Patients may also experience severe itching and a feeling of tightness of the skin. In advanced cases, with a long-term course of demodicosis, disfiguring nasal hypertrophy (rhinophyma) can develop, which most often occurs in men. All these symptoms usually occur against the background of increased oily skin and enlarged pores.

In half of the cases, in addition to demodicosis of the skin, patients (mainly the elderly) are diagnosed with demodicosis of the eyes, which manifests itself in the form of blepharitis. Patients complain of dryness and sensation foreign body in the eyes, redness, lacrimation. There is quite severe itching of the eyelids, swelling of the eyelids, redness of the edges of the eyelids, fragility, thinning and loss of eyelashes. After sleep, sticky discharge, crusts or scales may be found on the edges of the eyelids.

Treatment of demodicosis

A person with demodicosis should definitely adjust their diet.

If signs of demodicosis appear, you should consult a doctor. In most cases, medication is necessary, although local treatment also plays an important role. In addition, lifestyle correction is necessary, since it has a direct impact on the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

It is necessary to begin treatment with the elimination of nutritional disorders. Patients need to adhere to a certain diet, not only during the treatment period, but also in the future. The diet limits the consumption of foods that increase sebum secretion and blockage of the glands.

It is necessary to refuse or reduce the consumption of fatty, fried, salty, spicy foods, remove spices, spices, marinades, smoked foods, as well as easily digestible carbohydrates from the diet. In addition, you should not abuse products containing artificial additives, flavors, dyes and other substances that adversely affect the body. To normalize work digestive system It is necessary to enrich the diet with fresh vegetables, fruits and dairy products.

Not the least role in successful treatment and plays for further prevention immune status patient, therefore it is necessary for everyone possible ways strengthen the body's defenses ( restorative procedures, taking vitamin complexes, natural immunomodulators, etc.).

Also during the treatment period it is necessary to exclude long stay under sun rays, refuse thermal procedures (visiting saunas, steam rooms) and eliminate other factors that stimulate increased sebum secretion.

Drug treatment usually consists of prescribing drugs from the metronidazole group (Trichopol, Klion, Flagyl, etc.), these medicines contribute to death subcutaneous mite. Therapy usually lasts at least 4–6 weeks, during which time the body receives enough a large number of medicinal substance, which can affect the functioning of the liver and kidneys. Therefore, treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor, who should periodically prescribe blood tests (clinical and biochemical).

External treatment of demodicosis can last up to six months, so patients need to be patient and strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations. It consists of using various ointments (“Metronidazole”, “Benzyl benzoate” sulfuric, yellow mercury, etc.), Dexodem Phyto cream-gel, pharmacy mash containing alcohols, ethers and tar, which are prepared according to a doctor’s prescription in a pharmacy, are also recommended. Alcohol-based drugs should not be used to treat demodicosis. long time. With short-term use, they contribute to the death of mites, and with long-term use, they dry out the skin, which increases the production of sebum, and, as a result, a new outbreak of the disease is possible.

Additionally, physiotherapeutic treatment methods (electrophoresis) and cryotherapy can be used.

In recent years, it has become increasingly popular cosmetic procedure, called microdermabrasion (hardware skin resurfacing procedure), during which the layer of skin in which mites are localized is removed. It is also possible to carry out non-hardware cleansing of the facial skin using peelings containing fruit acids. Such procedures for demodicosis cannot be performed during the period of acute manifestations of the disease; consultation with a dermatologist is required.

demodex mite

During the specified time, female ticks must lay eggs. Within 2-3 days, larvae develop from them, and then adults. Mainly, Demodex lives in sebaceous glands or follicles, but comes to the surface to lay eggs.

A healthy person is almost not bothered by ticks. However, with a decline in immunity or severe stress, microorganisms begin to multiply, their number rapidly increasing. Skin redness, itching and other symptoms occur.

But this fact does not mean that treatment is not necessary. In its advanced stage, the disease becomes almost unbearable. The patient's appearance changes, he cannot sleep, since any touch to the face causes pain. Demodectic mange can be distinguished by its characteristic features.

Subcutaneous tick in humans: symptoms

Doctors consider the so-called “triangle” to be the most vulnerable to ticks: the chin, wings of the nose and the fold between the nose and lips. However, demodicosis can also affect other areas of the face: cheeks, eyelids, forehead, and in an advanced stage it spreads to the neck.

Doctors distinguish several stages of the disease:

  • In the first stage, the skin looks reddened, and the disease itself resembles rosacea. With these symptoms, it is better to immediately contact a dermatologist and begin treatment. However, most people try to cure acne on their own using inappropriate methods.
  • On middle stage the skin looks irritated and bumpy. Bumps and pimples appear on it, and blood vessels become clearly visible.
  • In the severe stage, acne becomes painful and unbearable itching occurs. The nose enlarges and turns purple. Gradually, the colony of mites spreads to the entire face. If the disease strikes hairline on the head, the mite can cause baldness. When the eyelids are affected, they turn red and the conjunctiva is affected.

If it is important to you how to recognize demodex, pay attention to the following symptoms:

  • oily skin, which is characterized by a greasy shine;
  • pustules and ulcers increasing in size;
  • the affected areas acquire a gray or purple tint;
  • itching, which increases in the absence of treatment;
  • the skin tightens, causing facial expressions to suffer;
  • pores visually expand;
  • my eyes are getting more and more tired.

Exacerbation of demodicosis occurs in the autumn-spring period, when the body suffers from vitamin deficiency, and the immune system weakened. Elderly people, patients who love fatty and high-calorie foods, and workers who spend long periods in stuffy, dusty rooms are susceptible to the disease.

To make sure that you really have demodicosis, you can get tested. Typically, a scraping is taken from the affected area of ​​skin.

If the mite settles in the hair or eyelash follicles, then the hair or eyelashes are sent for analysis. The answer is usually ready within an hour. If the test result is positive, treatment should be started immediately.

Demodex on the face: treatment

To get rid of a tick, you need to know exactly what kills it. There are many remedies to eliminate the disease. Treatment of facial skin lasts from 1 month to six months and is comprehensive.

If demodex has affected the skin of the face, the first thing you should do is consult a dermatologist. Depending on the stage of the disease and the test results obtained, he will prescribe medications and advise you to seek advice from other specialists (ophthalmologist, endocrinologist, surgeon).

Treatment with medications

What products can eliminate ticks?

This is far from full list drugs that doctors prescribe for demodicosis. The list presented is the official “protocol” of treatment, but the procedure can be approached from the other side.

Chatterbox from demodex

The most effective remedy at home - lotion with chloramphenicol, or chatterbox, as it is called. To prepare the product you will need:

  • two parts of chloramphenicol;
  • part of boric acid;
  • 2.5 parts each of aspirin and sulfur;
  • medical alcohol.

Mix these components with alcohol (all substances in tablets must first be ground into powder) and shake well. Then take a cotton swab, soak it in the lotion and gently apply to the affected areas.

In especially severe cases, doctors themselves prepare ethereal chatterboxes, but it is better to take such medicines from the hands of doctors.

Stop demodex mites

You can try the complex at home cosmetics"Stop demodex." It includes:

  • lotion;
  • soap;
  • eye gel;
  • shampoo;
  • drops;
  • ointments for different stages diseases;
  • phytobalm.

When the disease occurs, you can combine both external and internal methods applications. As evidenced by patient reviews, Stop Demodex is an excellent way to deal with ticks.

Folk remedies for the treatment of demodicosis

If you are unable to visit a doctor, use available folk remedies:

  • Berry sour masks. They tighten pores well and dry out the skin. Face masks should be prepared from them. However, if the skin is dry, it would be a good idea to add an egg yolk.
  • Mix two parts grated apple and one part horseradish root. Apply the resulting mixture to the skin. Leave the mask on for about a quarter of an hour. If it stings too much, you can wash it off earlier.
  • Cosmetic clay. Today this product is sold in any pharmacy. The clay is diluted with water to obtain a paste-like slurry, then applied to the face. Keep the mask on for at least a quarter of an hour. Since at this moment there is a feeling of tightening, it is better not to use facial expressions or talk during the procedure.
  • Gauze soaked in infusion of sage, chamomile, oak bark, calendula.

Using folk and pharmaceutical remedies in combination, you will definitely be able to get rid of the tick.

See you soon!

Skin diseases that do not affect the functioning of internal organs seem less dangerous, but this is not always the case. For example, what are they worth? psychological problems that the sick person faces! And also - itching and burning, which do not allow you to sleep normally at night, the risk of various kinds of complications... All this has to be experienced by people suffering from a disease such as demodicosis. Let's talk about why it occurs, how it is diagnosed, and most importantly, how successfully it can be treated.

Demodectic mange in humans - what is it?

The culprit of the disease (ICD-10 code - B88.0) is the mite Demodex folliculorum, its metabolic products. The enemy can only be examined under a microscope, since its dimensions do not exceed 0.1-0.4 mm. The tick is found in small quantities in almost all people, but rarely causes trouble to anyone - natural immunity, as a rule, is enough so that the enemy does not reveal itself in any way. However, against the background of other diseases and negative circumstances, tick activity becomes dangerously high.

Its nutrition consists of secretions of the sebaceous glands, so the causative agent of demodicosis feels more comfortable on oily skin. Life cycle mite life is several weeks: the female lays about two dozen eggs in the cavity of the hair follicle, from which larvae develop after a couple of days, and then adults.

A distinctive feature of the demodex mite is that its activity increases sharply at temperatures above +25 o C. This explains the fact that in winter the disease is diagnosed extremely rarely.

According to the nature of the course of the disease, demodicosis can be of two types: primary (it develops suddenly, without obvious prerequisites) and secondary (against the background of various diseases, for example, chronic ones).

Manifestations of demodicosis resemble rosacea (or rosacea, as experts call this disease), since in both cases the sebaceous glands are affected. However, the nature of the diseases is different, which means that the treatment regimen must take into account the characteristics of each of them, otherwise the drugs and procedures will be ineffective.

Reasons for appearance

Demodicosis can be caused by the following factors:

  • very oily skin and, accordingly, increased sebum production;
  • neglect of hygiene, as a result of which the sebaceous and sweat glands can be clogged;
  • abuse of cosmetics, especially those containing hormonal components;
  • wounds or inflammatory processes on the skin that are viral or infectious in nature;
  • weakened immunity after illness;
  • a large number of medications taken (especially -);
  • problems with the endocrine system;
  • diseases gastrointestinal tract, including chronic;
  • abuse of sunbathing - natural and artificial;
  • frequent trips to public baths and saunas, where there may be a risk of infection;
  • age-related skin changes in people over 65 years of age.

For demodicosis, according to a number of experts, psychosomatics is very important. There are statistics according to which 85% of diseases have one or another psychological basis. Demodectic mange, if we consider it from a mental point of view, is a kind of attempt by a person to withdraw into himself, to establish barriers that prevent communication with other people, to become “untouchable.”

Symptoms and signs of the disease

Despite the fact that the signs of this disease are almost the same as those of acne, there is a feature characteristic of demodicosis - this is a plaque that forms along the edges of the eyelids, due to which the eyelashes first stick together and then begin to fall out.

Symptoms of the disease:

  • pink or red spots that transform into acne;
  • itching that becomes unbearable after washing;
  • changes in the structure of the skin - it looks uneven, bumpy;
  • blood vessels located in the area of ​​the skin expand and become more clearly defined;
  • in affected areas, hair growth stops, and existing ones (if eyelashes, eyebrows, hair are affected) begin to fall out;
  • Small bursting bubbles appear on the skin and peeling begins.

Types and localization of the disease

There are two forms of demodicosis depending on the location: dermatological, in which the skin of the face and body is affected, and ophthalmological, if the mite damages the eyelids and eyeballs.

The dermatological form is represented by several types:

  • erythematous - symptoms of the disease are reduced to redness on the skin;
  • pustular - there are a large number of ulcers;
  • papular - characterized mainly by a small rash;
  • combined - when the symptoms include redness, rash, and ulcers.

The subcutaneous mite infects the face and head (including the scalp), and less commonly, the body and limbs. Let's consider each case in more detail.

Face (eyes, eyelids)

Why does the face especially often end up in the tick-affected area? Everything is very simple - this is where a large number of sebaceous glands are located, which also become dirty quite often.

The first people to suffer from ticks are:

  • eyelids and brow ridges;
  • skin around the lips and chin;
  • nasolabial folds;
  • skin in the area of ​​the auditory opening.

Upon diagnosis "demodectic blepharitis" not only the eyelids suffer (the skin becomes red, swollen, itchy), but also eyeball. Due to the deficiency of tear fluid caused by the disease, there is a feeling of a foreign body or sand in the eyes. Visual acuity deteriorates, the eyes get tired very quickly.

If the facial subcutaneous mite destroys the follicles of the eyelashes, another problem arises: the eyelashes begin to grow incorrectly, inward, and as a result injure the cornea. In addition to the existing problems, the patient may develop another disease - marginal keratitis, characterized by the appearance of ulcers on the edges of the cornea. This may be followed by photophobia and spasm of the eyelids, causing severe pain.


If there is a tick in the area of ​​interest hairy part head, the person will first feel a slight itch. Then other symptoms will appear: the skin will begin to peel, the hair will lose its natural shine, will quickly become dirty, and then fall out. If treatment is not started in time, after a few weeks there may be nothing left to save on your head.

Body (back, shoulders, chest, arms, legs)

The tick reaches these places much less often. The fact is that its “density per square centimeter” decreases from top to bottom due to a reduction in the number of “feeding points” - the sebaceous glands. There is less chance of a tick getting a bite on your back and chest than on your forehead or chin. Well, there are almost never signs of demodicosis on the feet, since there are a minimum of such glands there.

If, however, rashes and ulcers appear on the human body, groin area, on the arms and legs, this means that the disease has entered severe stage, and the time when it could have been defeated with “little blood” has been lost.

Treatment may require strong drugs, including antibiotics.

To the symptoms characteristic of demodicosis are added specific, very bad smell, feeling of tightness of the skin, severe burning.

Photo: what demodicosis looks like on the face of women and men

Is it contagious and can it be passed on to other people?

Demodicosis is a contagious disease that spreads easily contact method. However, this is not a reason to panic. In fact, 97% of healthy people (this is medical statistics) are carriers of Demodex folliculorum, but in order for the mite to go on the offensive, it needs favorable conditions, which were discussed at the beginning of the article.

There are especially many carriers of the disease among older people– every two out of three people are infected with ticks. In a child, the potential danger is lower - one person out of three is infected. For middle-aged people, this statistic is 50/50.

Information for owners of cats and dogs: our pets can also suffer from demodicosis, but these forms of the disease are absolutely safe for people.

Diagnostics: what tests need to be taken

To correctly determine the diagnosis of a patient, the doctor, in addition to a visual examination and studying the anamnesis (information about the patient and his disease), will need data laboratory research. The material for them is scraping of follicles, sebaceous glands. Also taken for research hairs of eyelashes and eyebrows.

In order for the picture of the disease to be objective, the patient should not wash his face 3 days before taking a scraping - this is the only way to detect the mite itself, traces of its vital activity, and larvae. The doctor receives the results of laboratory tests 2-3 days after collecting the material.

Demodex mite: treatment of facial skin with drugs

Some patients, mostly women, consider demodicosis a cosmetic problem that can be solved with foundation. The result in this case is like an ostrich that hides its head in the sand and feels completely safe.

Demodicosis is treated by dermatologists for a long time, in detail, to eliminate the risk of relapse. Treatment includes a whole range of measures.


In addition, the doctor prescribes antihistamines: Suprastin, Clemastine, Tavegil. They help relieve swelling, relieve itching and protect a person from the risk of intoxication, which can be caused by tick waste products.

Patients with demodicosis should also take vitamins to restore health and strengthen the immune system. In this regard, Vitrum has proven itself well - vitamin complex out of 30 necessary for the body nutrients, as well as Selmevit Intensive - it contains 20 vitamins and minerals.

Ointments, gels

These drugs are necessary means of local therapy for demodicosis. Among them are traditionally sulfuric acid, zinc ointment, as well as preparations containing tar and mercury. A patient with demodicosis may have ointments and gels prescribed:

  • Demalan,
  • Benzyl benzoate,
  • Spregal,
  • Klion,
  • Rozamet,
  • Ichthyol (ichthyol ointment),
  • Permethrin ointment,
  • Amitrazole,
  • Streptocide soluble,
  • Solantra,
  • Skinoren,
  • Trichosexual ointment,
  • Clenzit S (gel)
  • Dimexide (emulsion).

Concerning hormonal ointments(such as Akriderm), they try not to prescribe them, since they weaken the skin’s defenses and this allows the mite to continue to multiply.

If after 7-10 days of using this or that ointment a positive effect still does not appear, the doctor will try to solve the problem with the help of an antibiotic. In this capacity, a mash with Levomycetin can be used. Metrogyl gel is used at the same time.

If positive result no, after a month has passed from the start of treatment, the doctor may prescribe the antibiotic Zinerit (it is available in the form of creams and eye drops).

Treatment with creams and ointments for demodicosis lasts from 1 month to a year. During this time, the doctor manages to prescribe several courses to the patient with mandatory breaks for 1 week. Sometimes the patient is prescribed several ointments and creams at the same time. Among them may be Yam ointment (aversectin ointment) - it is intended for treating animals, but also helps humans. It contains sulfur, salicylic acid, tar.

To treat the consequences of the disease, products such as Imoferase are used, which relieve the skin of scars, unevenness, and scars.


For ophthalmic demodicosis, the doctor prescribes ophthalmic drug in the form of drops (Armin, Tosmilen, Ciprofloxacin, Levomycetin). Their use is not always traditional. For example, drops of Carbachol and Phosphacol are used to lubricate the edges of the eyelids. This causes a contraction of the orbicularis oculi muscle, during which their contents, including mites, come out of the glands.


Some pharmacological companies produce product lines for the treatment of certain diseases. In the case of demodicosis, you can use “Stop demodicosis” preparations - they contain gels, soap, and shampoo for daily care of diseased skin.

Of other shampoos, the patient may be recommended brands:

  • Demodex (contains sulfur, tea tree oil);
  • Ovante;
  • Demazol;
  • Munting.

How to treat with folk remedies

At home, people often resort to folk remedies. In case of demodicosis, all of them should be agreed upon with the attending physician.

These are decoctions of plants such as celandine, aloe, wormwood, anabasis, chamomile, calendula tincture, burdock juice, decoction made from oak bark.

Thanks to such products, which are used to wipe the inflamed skin, the favorable environment necessary for the tick for its active life and reproduction is destroyed.

Birch tar is useful for the scalp (it is used to lubricate the affected areas of the skin), both in pure form and in the composition various means for skin care ( tar soap and shampoo). You can also add a 10% alcohol infusion of propolis to your shampoo or hair rinse.

Diet and nutrition basics

The diet recommended for people suffering from demodicosis is dairy-vegetable. It allows you to more effectively rid the body of toxins and not overload the digestive system. Healthy drinks green tea, still mineral water, natural juices. Alcohol, coffee and packaged drinks are prohibited.

Prohibited foods include fatty foods, canned food, fast food, and citrus fruits.

Other ways to fight

Doctors today have in their arsenal effective techniques that help cope with a dangerous disease:

  • ozone therapy (relieves inflammation);
  • cryomassage, i.e. massage using cold (the tick is afraid low temperatures, the procedure reduces its activity, although it does not kill);
  • plasmapheresis (promotes the removal of toxic products from the body);
  • TCA peeling (carries out deep cleaning of pores);
  • procedures using the Darsonval device (exposure to tissue with high-frequency pulsed current).

As for physiotherapy with a warming effect, they are contraindicated for demodicosis because they stimulate the activity of the mite.

What to do during pregnancy

What you definitely can’t do is self-medicate. To get rid of demodicosis, they usually use very strong drugs, which may be dangerous for the unborn child. The position of doctors on this issue is as follows: if the disease does not cause serious trouble to the woman, then it is better to postpone treatment with such drugs for the time when the child is born.

But what is permissible is local therapy by using antibacterial agents, some traditional methods treatments that need to be agreed with your doctor. As for procedures such as cryomassage, they can be dangerous for expectant mother, since they affect the tone of the uterus.

Are there those who were successfully cured and got rid of the disease forever?

The prognosis for this disease is victory over the disease in 30-60 days. In addition, scientists from Orenburg have developed a scheme and created medicines with which demodicosis can be cured in 4 days. The “secret weapon” includes Benzyl benzoate ointment and creams – Uniderm and Emolium. Instructions for using Emolium cream can be found here.

Unfortunately, talking about getting rid of the disease forever can be done with great caution. The problem is that even after long-term remission, every tenth case of demodicosis is marked by relapse. And reviews on the Internet on this topic are often not the most optimistic. For example: “It seemed that I was completely cured and even forgot about the problem for 3 years, but then, after experiencing severe stress, I fell ill with demodicosis again.”


Problems arise for those who ignore treatment in the early stages of the disease. In this case, demodicosis may be followed by:

  • conjunctivitis,
  • blepharitis,
  • barley,
  • purulent inflammation of the skin, for example, the appearance.


Prevention measures allow people to protect themselves from relapse of an unpleasant disease. Very important .

Appearance is important for any person. Various skin diseases can cause damage to it. And even if they do not cause irreparable harm to health, their treatment should not be delayed. Similar problems include demodicosis. This is more likely a pronounced cosmetic defect than serious illness, but measures should be taken immediately so that a person’s self-esteem does not suffer.

What is demodicosis

Demodicosis is a disease that is caused by a specific subcutaneous demodex mite (Demodex Folliculorum). This is a microscopic arachnid that lives on the surface of human skin and in its deeper layers. The mite is considered a representative of the opportunistic flora of human skin, that is, normally it can be found even in healthy person(according to research, up to 80% of healthy people have demodex as part of their skin microflora). But if the pathogen population increases sharply, it begins to cause significant harm to humans.

It usually lives in the ducts of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles (including the follicles in which the eyelash bulbs are located). Conditions for increasing its numbers arise when local immunity is weakened. Then demodex penetrates into the deep layers of the skin and begins its life activity so actively that signs of its presence are detected.

The causative agent of demodicosis is the opportunistic mite Demodex Folliculorum

The mite can settle on any part of human skin where there are sebaceous glands, because their secretion is the arachnid’s main nutrition. A comfortable temperature for demodex is 37–40 o C, so in warm rooms or during the hot season, the symptoms of the disease may become more acute.

Demodex mite development cycle

The life cycle of Demodex consists of the following stages:

After mating, the fate of adult ticks is different: females lay eggs, and males die. One clutch of a female consists of several dozen eggs.

Demodex reproduces most actively in the off-season, when natural immunity person is weakened.

Video: demodex mite under a microscope

Routes of infection with demodicosis

A person can become infected with a tick from another person only through close contact with exposed parts of the body.

But even in this case, pathology will develop only with weakened immunity, and its signs will appear if the concentration of mites in one hair follicle reaches 30 individuals.

Nevertheless, there are a number of factors that predispose a tick to multiply in a particular person. And it must be said that most people themselves provoke the onset or exacerbation of their pathology. Conditions for an increase in the number of Demodex Folliculorum occur when:

  • disruption of sebum production and changes in its composition (usually the development of demodex occurs with increased secretion of the sebaceous glands);
  • a person’s attempts to squeeze out pimples (the mite is driven from the surface into the skin, where it begins to multiply);
  • long-term use of certain medications (antibiotics or hormonal drugs), which can disrupt the balance of microorganisms on the surface of the skin;
  • using low-quality cosmetics;
  • poor nutrition (abuse of carbohydrate foods, salt, spices);
  • presence of bad habits.

People at risk for developing demodicosis:

  • with conditions of immunodeficiency (diabetes mellitus, HIV, tuberculosis, malignant tumors);
  • with gastrointestinal diseases leading to disruption of the intestinal microflora;
  • prone to allergic reactions;
  • living in constant stress;
  • having occupational hazards (contact with dust, toxic substances).

Demodex mites can also live on the skin of animals, but humans cannot become infected with these types of pathogens.

These are specific types of mites (Demodex cati and Demodex gatoi) that cannot live on human skin.

Classification of the disease

  • Depending on the site of development of the pathology, demodicosis is distinguished: ophthalmological (demodex of the eye) - provoked by a mite Demodex Brevis
    • , often accompanied by eye complications:
    • chronic conjunctivitis;
    • dry eye syndrome;
    • keratitis;
  • injury to the conjunctiva due to improper eyelash growth;

dermatological - caused by the species Demodex Folliculorum, observed on the skin.

  1. Dermatological demodicosis has several forms. They are also called the stages of pathology, because in its development it sequentially goes through each of them:
  2. Erythematous. It is characterized by the appearance of pronounced areas of redness (erythema) on the skin.
  3. Hypertrophic. Appears with advanced demodicosis. It is characterized by thickening and growth of the skin in areas of rashes, and blood circulation and nutrition of these areas are disrupted. If areas of hypertrophy form on the face, they have certain names:
    • rhinophyma - on the nose;
    • metaphima - on the forehead;
    • otofima - on the earlobe;
    • gnathophyma - on the chin.

Photo gallery: stages of dermatological demodicosis

At the first stage of demodicosis, areas of redness appear on the skin. The second stage of demodicosis is characterized by the appearance of compactions (pimples). In advanced cases of demodicosis, the skin in the affected area thickens and grows.

Demodectic mange is also distinguished:

  • primary - as an independent disease;
  • secondary - as a complication of other diseases, often chronic.

Some doctors do not consider demodicosis as an independent disease, but consider it a provoking factor or a stage in the development of another, more severe skin pathology - rosacea. By the way, in International classification diseases (ICD-10), demodicosis is not identified as a separate disease.


Depending on the stage of the disease, its symptoms vary. But still, the beginning of demodicosis can be distinguished by its manifestations:

  • The appearance of acne. Acne is formed due to narrowing of the excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands and their blockage. Upon joining staphylococcal infection In place of pimples (papules), pustules (pustules) form.
  • A greasy sheen on the skin. When affected by Demodex, the sebaceous glands begin to intensively produce their secretions. It is very difficult to get rid of excess oily skin; the shine remains even after washing.
  • Itchy skin. During its life, Demodex secretes toxins, to which the human immune system responds with a violent allergic reaction, accompanied by itching, which intensifies in the evening and at night. This is due to the activity of the tick at this particular time of day.
  • Redness of the skin. The capillaries in the area affected by demodex expand, blood flows to them, which causes redness of the skin. This is a sign of inflammation.
  • Hypertrophy (overgrowth) of the skin. Inflamed skin thickens and gradually loses some of its functions. This is especially noticeable in severe forms or advanced stages of the disease.

Diagnosis of demodicosis

Demodicosis is detected using microscopic examination. Two days before taking the material, the patient should not wash with soap or other alkaline products, and should not use cosmetics. Under such conditions, the results will be most reliable.

Material for research is taken in different ways:

  • Scraping using a scalpel. The advantage of the method is the ability to collect material from several affected areas at once, as well as from the sebaceous glands. The disadvantage is that it damages the skin.
  • Superficial biopsy (“tape punch”). A piece of adhesive tape measuring 1 cm2 is glued to the affected area for 1 minute, after which it is examined under a microscope. The method is quite informative and widely used.
  • Epilation of 2–4 eyelashes from the affected area (eyelash test).

When using microscopic examination, indicators of tick activity are the presence of more than 5 adults, larvae or eggs per 1 cm 2 of skin.

When conducting an eyelash test, the presence of more than 1 mite on 2–4 eyelashes indicates demodicosis.

The microscopic research method consists of counting adults, larvae and eggs of Demodex under high magnification. But laboratory methods are considered not as reliable and informative as a biopsy of the affected skin area followed by histological examination . Unfortunately, after using this method, a scar remains on the skin, but it is possible to diagnose not only demodicosis, but also the fungal and inflammatory diseases

(if available).

Treatment of pathology It is impossible to completely get rid of the presence of demodex mites on the skin, because they are found in 90% of healthy people. That's why

the main task

treatment - to achieve stable remission and prevent complications in the future.

Depending on the severity of skin lesions, doctors recommend combining systemic and local drugs with physiotherapeutic methods. Systemic therapy Among the drugs

systemic action

most often prescribed:

Table: overview of external agents for the treatment of demodicosis
Photo gallery: remedies for demodicosis for external use
Metrogyl is a gel for combating demodicosis based on metronidazole. The use of Spregal against demodicosis is highly effective and convenient. Blefarogel 2 effectively reduces the mite population, quickly relieves inflammation of the eyelids, eliminates itching Ichthyol ointment
can be used to treat demodicosis by patients of any age and gender, including pregnant women and people with sensitive skin

Salicylic ointment

Physiotherapeutic effects will help speed up the treatment of demodicosis with drugs. The following methods are most effective against subcutaneous mites:

  • electrophoresis with medications - under the influence electric current active substances medications penetrate deeper into the skin, affecting mites;
  • narrowband light emission of blue color- wave blue color penetrates to a depth of 2.5 mm, which corresponds to the location of the sebaceous glands, the light has disinfecting properties and contributes to the death of pathogens.

Traditional methods of treatment

Treatment of demodicosis is long-term. Sometimes it takes 4–6 months to get rid of the symptoms of the disease completely. Folk remedies will come to the rescue, which will support the effect of medications and will contribute to a speedy recovery. But you should not replace your doctor’s recommendations with home remedies: the effect of treatment is not immediately noticeable, and the disease may progress in the meantime.

Decoction of wormwood

  1. Pour 2 tablespoons of dry raw materials into a liter of boiling water.
  2. Boil for 5 minutes.
  3. Leave for 3 hours.
  4. Take half a glass according to the following scheme:
    • 1st day - every hour;
    • 2nd day - every 2 hours;
    • Days 3–6 - every 3 hours.

The drink can be sweetened with honey. Prepare fresh decoction daily.

Celandine root oil extract

Oil extract of celandine roots is convenient to use not only for dermatological demodicosis, but also for damage to the eyelids. It is prepared like this:

  1. Finely chop the fresh celandine root.
  2. Fill a glass of crushed root with the same amount of vegetable oil (sunflower oil is fine).
  3. Close the jar with the product and leave it in the sun for 2 weeks.
  4. Strain, pour into a dark glass container and store in the refrigerator.

Sour cream is added to the oil and applied to the face every night at night. If the eyelids are affected, the oil is carefully applied along the eyelash line.

Aloe juice

Aloe juice is known for its anti-inflammatory and moisturizing properties. It does not act on the mite itself as much as it improves the condition of the skin affected by it and alleviates the symptoms of demodicosis:

  1. Juice indoor plant squeeze onto a sterile bandage and apply to areas of skin inflamed from demodicosis. You can squeeze the juice onto a cotton pad and apply it to your eyelids.
  2. After 20 minutes, the compress can be removed.
  3. There is no need to wash off the juice from the skin.
  4. The procedure can be performed several times a day.

Calendula is known for its powerful anti-inflammatory properties. Besides, alcohol tincture removes excess sebum from the skin surface, which reduces the breeding ground for demodex. But you shouldn’t use this product on an ongoing basis, since alcohol in this case dries out the skin and the sebaceous glands, on the contrary, will strive to restore the moisture of the skin. It is best to use calendula tincture in courses of 1 week with a week break.

Ready-made calendula tincture can be purchased at the pharmacy. In the morning and evening after washing, wipe the affected areas of the skin with a cotton pad soaked in the tincture. There is no need to wash it off the skin.

Birch tar- natural antibiotic. It is successfully used for any skin lesions, including eczema and psoriasis. It is also effective against demodicosis. But there is always a risk of an allergic reaction of the body or a skin burn. Therefore, before using birch tar, a skin test should be performed.

It is better to apply tar to the skin of the face by mixing it in equal proportions with olive oil. Distribute the product carefully thin layer on the affected areas. For any unpleasant sensations remove the drug from the skin using a cotton pad soaked in vegetable oil and then wash your face warm water with baby soap.

Garlic oil with propolis tincture

This remedy can be taken both externally and internally. Such a complex effect will more likely get rid of demodicosis.

First prepare the garlic butter. For external use it is better to take Castor oil, if you plan to take it orally - sunflower or olive:

  1. Peel the head of garlic and finely chop it with a knife.
  2. Place the prepared garlic in a jar and pour in enough oil to cover it by 1 cm.
  3. Leave for a week in a cool, dark place.
  4. Strain. The oil should now be stored in the refrigerator.

It is better to purchase propolis tincture at a pharmacy. Then proceed as follows:

  1. Mix a small amount of garlic oil with propolis tincture in equal parts.
  2. Apply the resulting mixture to the affected areas, cover them with a gauze bandage or bandage (convenient to do at night).
  3. If it is not possible to apply a bandage, leave the mixture on the skin uncovered.
  4. Apply 2-3 times daily.

For oral administration, garlic oil should also be mixed with propolis tincture in equal quantities and consumed 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals. It is recommended to drink the product with a decoction of calendula.

Photo gallery: components of folk recipes for demodicosis

Wormwood leaves act as a natural antiseptic. Aloe leaves contain about 200 substances that have medicinal properties Birch tar is one of the most popular traditional medicines. Calendula tincture - effective drug, widely used both traditional and traditional medicine Propolis tincture has an antipruritic and analgesic effect, stimulates the regeneration process

Features of the treatment of demodicosis in children, pregnant and lactating women

Demodicosis always develops against a background of weakened immunity. The body's defenses have not yet fully formed in children, and in pregnant and lactating women they are significantly weakened. Therefore, it is so important in these cases to get rid of the pathology without harming the growing body, as well as the developing fetus and baby.

In children

Most often, demodicosis in children develops in the off-season, when the body is weakened by constant attacks from viruses from the outside. But the diagnosis must be confirmed by a doctor; no self-medication of the child is acceptable.

Therapy for demodicosis in children includes the following areas:

  • Vitamin therapy and strengthening the immune system. This is achieved by prescribing appropriate medications, as well as normalizing the child’s diet and regimen.
  • Treatment of the underlying disease that gave impetus to the development of demodicosis (this could be gastrointestinal pathologies, colds or viral infections).
  • Gentle external therapy. Children are most often prescribed drugs based on tar or sulfur.
  • Skin hygiene. During treatment, parents are advised to treat the baby's skin. antiseptic solutions(Chlorhexidine, Furacilin) ​​to avoid secondary infection.

In pregnant and lactating women

In the first trimester of pregnancy, it is not recommended to start treatment for demodicosis, because it is during this period that all the internal systems of the baby are formed. Metronidazole-based medications are especially dangerous during this period.

But if the symptoms of the disease are obvious and there is noticeable discomfort, the doctor still recommends starting treatment. Drugs are selected taking into account the minimum possible harm for the developing fetus.

Treatment is chosen just as carefully for a nursing woman, because most active ingredients drugs against demodicosis penetrate into breast milk and can affect the baby’s well-being.

Relatively safe drugs products from the Demodex Complex series are considered. Most often, when treating children, pregnant and nursing mothers, doctors turn to them.

With demodicosis, the skin suffers enough, so the main goal of caring for it is not to burden it even more, but to help it recover faster without losing important qualities. Therefore, dermatologists recommend:

  • During treatment, use a minimum of cosmetics (it should be High Quality), and if possible, do without it altogether.
  • Completely avoid powder and foundation.
  • Avoid scrubs, products containing alcohol or menthol. They dry and irritate the skin.
  • Moisturize the skin with a high-quality cream.
  • Protect the affected areas from exposure to ultraviolet radiation (if possible, use not a cream, but a hat with a brim or clothing that does not allow the rays to reach the inflamed skin).
  • Wash with water at room temperature and mild products.
  • After washing, gently pat your skin dry with a cotton or disposable paper towel.

Video: how to treat demodicosis

Prevention of demodicosis

There is no special prevention of demodicosis, because mites, causing pathology, are permanent inhabitants of the microflora of human skin.

  • But still, some tips will help avoid their activation:
  • for the slightest changes in the skin (the appearance of acne, itching), consult a dermatologist;
  • strengthen the immune system by hardening, and in the off-season - with vitamin and mineral complexes;
  • Maintain personal hygiene, change bedding and towels more often; minimize stressful situations
  • , try to rest more, take daily walks;

Reduce touching your face with your hands to a minimum, and if you wear glasses, wipe their bridge and temples with disinfectant solutions more often.

Video: how to protect yourself from demodicosis

In medicine, there are many diseases that affect the condition of the skin. As a result, the patient develops pimples on the facial, cervical and body areas. One of these problems is demodicosis of the skin.

What is this disease and who causes it?

Description of the pathogen

Therefore, the question is often heard: “What is Demodex? What are the reasons for its manifestation? Ticks of this subspecies have completely small size

, and therefore it is simply impossible to replace them with the naked eye. Their length is less than one millimeter, and they do not have any shade.

If a person has been diagnosed with demodex, skin treatment should begin immediately. And there are several reasons for this. First of all, the mite sucks out everything from the hair follicles and skin. useful material. Because of this, some areas become swollen, red, and pimples appear. The worst thing is when demodicosis leads to hair loss.

How is demodicosis transmitted?

Subcutaneous inhabitants and have no ability to live outside human body, although they can live in environment under certain conditions. For example, a tick can live in aquatic environment at a temperature of fifteen degrees for up to twenty days. Therefore, the issue of infection of a healthy person still remains unanswered.

Now we need to look at another question. Is demodicosis contagious in humans? And how can you become infected with this disease?

Experts have also found that demodicosis disease can be inherited. If a demodex mite is detected in a patient, he should know how it is transmitted. That is why demodicosis is contagious and can lead to infection of others and loved ones.

Demodex is often found in pets. This tick does not harm the health of the animal, but is transmitted in a circle to people.

Causes of the disease

There are many factors that result in discomfort. They are divided into external and internal types.

The causes of demodicosis may be hidden in the presence of excess weight, poor nutrition, anemia in the female half of the population or impotence in men.

There are also other reasons for the appearance skin disease. They are classified as external factors as:

  • jumps in temperature indicators;
  • poor environmental situation in the country;
  • incorrect lifestyle;
  • regular use of cosmetics;
  • dust at home;
  • occurrence of stressful situations;
  • long-term use of corticosteroid drugs;
  • constant visits to baths and saunas;
  • long exposure to the sun for tanning.

All of the above reasons can only lead to the manifestation of the disease. But experts have only one opinion.

Demodex mites begin to actively reproduce on the skin due to changes in skin pH.

When such an environment occurs, the tick begins to actively reproduce and lay its eggs. Some half of the individuals die and remain on the skin. And this process leads to the addition of yeast-like fungi and bacteria.

As a result, a person begins to actively produce sebum, which causes unpleasant symptoms in the form of irritation, allergic manifestations and itching.


When a person has an idea of ​​what kind of disease it is, it is worth figuring out how to determine the presence of the disease in oneself. Symptoms are divided into two types: skin and ocular manifestations.

If a patient has cutaneous demodicosis, the symptoms are characterized by the formation of an inflammatory process on the skin of the facial area. Most often the brow ridges, cheeks, and chin are affected. In the rarest situations, signs of demodicosis appear on the chest, back and ear areas.

The main symptom of the disease is inflammatory process in the sebaceous glands and hair follicles, which leads to the appearance of acne.

If skin covering affected by demodex mites, symptoms will manifest themselves in:

Symptoms sometimes subside and go away, but after a while a relapse occurs again. Each time the patient’s condition worsens, making it much more difficult to get rid of demodex.

How does demodicosis manifest itself in the ocular form?

The subcutaneous demodex mite can infect not only facial area, but also the eyes. Namely, it settles in the eyelash area.

With this type of disease, the patient complains:

  • fatigue visual organ. First, an inflammatory process appears, which gradually leads to disruption of the functioning of the eyelash follicles. The patient tries to focus his vision, which causes fatigue;
  • sticking of eyelashes. If a person suffers from demodicosis, then in the morning hours after sleep you can find a sticky film on the eyelids;
  • eyelash loss. Observed when the eyelash bulb is affected;
  • redness of the eyelids. Blood supply to the affected area increases. Swelling and redness act as a protective reaction;
  • inflammation of the eyelids. This type of disorder occurs when the tear duct is blocked, which leads to an inflammatory process.

Often, patients with ocular demodicosis are diagnosed with psoriasis, persistent styes, acne, and oral dermatitis. If demodicosis is suspected in a person, symptoms and treatment should be determined immediately. The thing is that this disease has complications. And when decomecosis becomes more complex, it will be more difficult to cure.


Before making a diagnosis of demodicosis, you need to conduct a thorough diagnosis. To do this, you need to contact a specialist with your problem and talk in detail about the accompanying symptoms.

After this, the patient suffering from demodicosis is prescribed an examination, which includes:

At the end of these manipulations, the doctor interprets the results and announces the presence or absence of the disease.

If demodicosis disease is present, then treatment tactics are developed.

Therapeutic measures

If demodex is detected, the causes must be recognized promptly. The method of treatment depends on this. All measures must be prescribed by the attending physician, who will monitor the progress of the process.

It is not recommended to use medications and folk remedies on your own, as they may cause side effects. If there is demodicosis, treatment will not be quick and its duration will average two to three months.

How to get rid of demodicosis? The patient is discharged local drugs and immunomodulatory agents.

You can defeat demodicosis with:

If ocular demodicosis is diagnosed, treatment involves the use of drops:

Is it possible to cure demodicosis? folk remedies?

Often used folk ways act as additional therapy. They soothe the skin and have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Wormwood, tansy, and chamomile are often used. Infusions for rubbing are prepared from these herbs.

Can we cure this disease? The treatment regimen for demodicosis includes not only the use of ointments, rubs and creams, but also adherence to a strict diet.

An infected person with this disease experiences disruption of the digestive system. Therefore, after getting rid of the tick, you need to give up alcohol and carbonated drinks, sweets, flour, salty, fatty and fried foods.

How to cure demodex with serious lesions? If the disease begins to progress to more severe form, then it is possible laser treatment demodex or surgery.

Preventive actions

Prevention of demodicosis implies:

Cleaning your face using disposable wipes. It is not recommended to use towels:

  • washing clothes and bed linen every two days;
  • regularly wiping glasses, razors and cases with alcohol;
  • replacing feather and down pillows and blankets with padding polyester ones;
  • refusal to use cosmetics;
  • checking pets for the presence of demodex.

The causative agent of demodicosis loves an alkaline environment, and therefore it is necessary to regularly carry out hygiene measures.

One more important rule When therapy is directed against the causative agent of demodicosis, the person suffering from this disease is regularly changing bed linen and clothing. It is recommended to change both every day.

The fact is that the tick can remain on these objects and, if handled incorrectly, fall back on its victim, leading to re-infection. Here it is important to know at what temperature does demodex die?

When washing bed linen, clothes and household items (towels and other things) of a person suffering from demodicosis, the water temperature should be at least 55°C; experienced experts recommend at least 60°C.