
Hypoallergenic cream for children. Allergy medications for newborns: name, active ingredient, price

In recent decades, allergies have increasingly manifested themselves in people with weakened immune systems, hereditary predisposition, and especially children, whose bodies are not yet strong enough to withstand aggressive factors. environment: various dyes, preservatives in food, clothing, household chemicals, insect poisons, molds, waste products of plants, animals, etc.

All of them often cause a violent reaction of the epithelium in the form of redness, hives, swelling, severe itching, thickening and peeling in the affected areas, and eczema.

Antiallergic gels for children belong to the category of products for local treatment symptoms of this pathology. They can be divided into non-hormonal and hormone-containing drugs. They are designed to alleviate and stop the signs of an atypical response of a hypersensitive immune system to a particular allergen.

But often these medications contain components that can not weaken, but, on the contrary, intensify the symptoms of allergies. Therefore, only a doctor should select the most optimal cream or ointment for skin allergies for children after establishing an accurate diagnosis based on anamnesis and test data.


As mentioned above, all creams and ointments for allergy sufferers are divided into 2 types: hormonal (containing steroids) and non-hormonal. The former cannot be purchased for children without a doctor's prescription. The latter are safer, but also have a number of age and other restrictions and a certain scope of application. Non-hormonal drugs local action(ointments, creams) produce the following effects:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antipruritic;
  • anesthetic;
  • cooling;
  • decongestant;
  • regenerating, wound healing;
  • moisturizing;
  • disinfectant, antimicrobial effect and others (for example, immunostimulating).

Typical not hormonal cream against allergies for children can be used almost from infancy, without the risk of causing harm to health.

The list of these drugs includes the following popular ointments and creams: Fenistil, Gistan (but not Gistan N, which contains hormones), Skin-Cap (possibly contains hormones, although this is not indicated on the label), Elidel ", "Desitin", "Protopik", "Wundehil", "Dioxidin", "Sulfargin", ichthyol, zinc-containing ointment ("Gel Curiosin" or zinc hyaluronate), "Bepanten" ("Bepanten plus", "Depanthenol"), “La-Cri”, “Mustela Stelatopia”, “Actovegin”, “Solcoseryl”, “Radevit”, Videstim”, “Methyluracil” ointment.


A typical hormonal skin allergy cream for children contains steroids. Such ointments and creams can be used according to a doctor’s prescription to relieve the symptoms of a hypersensitive reaction of the epithelium in children only when other means are powerless.

They are very effective, and many allergy ointments for children are instantly absorbed into the blood through the skin, so they quickly eliminate the urge to scratch the affected areas of the skin, relieve inflammation and other symptoms, but have side effects ( renal failure, immunosuppression, Cushing's syndrome), and therefore can be dangerous to the child's health.

When treating children, it is better not to use such drugs as Flucinar (Flumetasone, Lorinden), Celestoderm (Betamethasone, Daivobet, Fucicort), hydrocortisone ointment (Oxycort, Dectacort, " Corteid" and other names), "Ftorocort" ("Triamcinolone", "Nazacort", "Ftoderm"), "Mometasone" ("Elokom", "Monovo", "Gistan N", "Avecort"), "Clobetasol" ( "Dermovate", possibly "Skin-Cap"). These drugs may be sold in pharmacies under other commercial names.

Relatively safe (but this does not mean that they can be prescribed to a child on their own) “Elokom”, “Advantan”.

Please read this list carefully to be aware of unsafe allergy creams and be careful not to use them even after a doctor’s prescription.

Indications for use

Each allergy cream for children has its own focus.

Many of them are contraindicated for infants, but can be safely prescribed to treat allergies in older children.

Others, on the contrary, are prescribed for infants (for example, “Mustela Stelatopia”, “Bepanten”), some ointments have an antibacterial effect, others have a moisturizing effect, relieving dry skin, etc.

1. "Fenistil-gel"

For children's allergies, Fenistil cream with antihistamines is very popular, reducing the urge to scratch, relieving irritation and pain at the site of application of the drug. Indicated for allergies to insect bites (wasps, mosquitoes and others), burns.

If a child has dermatoses, urticaria, eczema with various types allergies, this particular cream is prescribed, which is practically harmless for children at least a month old.

The product has side effects, arising from personal skin sensitivity: dryness, rashes, burning sensation and even itching.

The cream is best applied locally to children under 6 years of age. After use, do not expose to direct UV radiation. Do not use on large areas of skin in children over 6 years of age. acute inflammation and if the skin bleeds.

A dietary supplement containing lily of the valley oil, extracts from string, calendula, violet, lupine and other herbs. The product relieves inflammation, reduces blistering rashes, the urge to scratch, symptoms of urticaria, eczema, neurodermatitis (atopic dermatosis). Effective against insect bites.

3. "Wundehill"

Cream based on plant extracts with wound-healing, antibactericidal, regenerating, anti-inflammatory, antipruritic effects. The cream has no contraindications; it can be applied to large surfaces of the skin, even for small children.

4. "Elidel"

The cream has an anti-inflammatory effect in severe dermatoses. Allowed for use from 3 months. Cannot be combined with ultraviolet irradiation.

5. "Skin Cap"

An ambiguous cream (gel), possibly containing hormones. Has antifungal, antibacterial, moisturizing effect. Indicated for dryness, psoriasis, seborrhea, atopic dermatosis in children over 1 year old.

6. "Desitin"

Zinc-based ointment for the treatment of dermatitis, burns, rashes, ulcers, eczema, diaper rash. The drug spreads as a protective film over the skin, but applying Desitin directly to areas affected by infection is contraindicated.

7. "Protopic"

0.03% ointment used for atopic dermatitis from 2 years of age. An excellent anti-inflammatory agent without side effects.

8. "Bepanten"

The cream has a healing, regenerating effect on the skin, relieving dryness. Indicated for dermatitis, allergic lesions, skin irritation. Prescribed for dry, flaky skin, even in infants. Side effects are very rare.

9. "Mustela Stelatopia"

Emulsion with natural extracts for babies.

10. "Advantan"

Removal cream and ointment allergic inflammation, pain, itching in children from six months of age.

11. "Elokom"

Anti-inflammatory and antipruritic ointment for 2-year-old children and older.

Allergies in newborns occur mainly to food, household chemicals and cosmetics. Should only be given to a child as a last resort medications. The baby’s immunity is just developing, and medications can cause irreparable harm to his body. In addition, many of them have side effects (impaired liver and kidney function).

Allergy remedies for newborns up to 1 month

Allergies in children under 1 month of age are not considered dangerous. Can be more dangerous medications, which often block the natural production of substances in the child’s body responsible for effective fight with infections and diseases.

Effective allergy remedies for newborns are as follows:

If a child of 1 month of age has a severe allergic reaction (swelling, difficulty breathing, etc.), there is no need to self-medicate. You must call an ambulance immediately.

Allergy remedies for newborns (list)

All allergy medications used to treat children are not self-prescribed. It is necessary to consult with a therapist and undergo a series of tests from an allergist and immunologist. Antihistamines have contraindications and a number of side effects. For children, allergy medications are available in drops, gels and creams.

Effective allergy remedies for newborns are described in the table below.

Drug name, price Action Peculiarities
"Zodak", drops for oral administration, from 138 rubles Dissolve 4-5 drops in milk mixture or water. The course of therapy lasts 5-10 days. Approved for use by newborns from 2 weeks of age.

Side effects: abnormal stool, severe fatigue, runny nose, drowsiness.

"Fenistil", drops for oral administration or gel for external use, from 320 rubles Dissolve 10-30 drops in milk mixture or water. Take 1 time per day during or after meals.

Use the product in the form of a gel to lubricate the external manifestations of allergies, but without affecting too large areas of the skin.

Side effects: dry mouth, dizziness, nausea.

Not addictive.

“Zyrtec”, drops for oral administration, from 300 rubles Dissolve 5 drops in milk mixture or water. Take 1 time per day during or after meals. Approved for use from 6 months.

It is prohibited for people with kidney disease.

Side effects: dizziness, severe fatigue, headache, disturbance of stool and urination.

Not addictive.

"Suprastin", liquid for injection and tablets, from 121 rubles Take ¼ tablet per day, crushed and added to mixture or water.

Use no more than 10 days and only as prescribed by a doctor (important).

It is better not to use before 6 months.

Allowed for use from 1 month.


Side effects: drowsiness, dizziness, lethargy, insomnia, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain.

"Elidel", ointment, from 916 rubles Used to treat skin allergies.

Apply to damaged areas 2 times a day.

Use up to 3 weeks.

Allowed for use from 3 months.

Use with caution and only as a last resort (important).

"Bepanten", cream, from 379 rubles Used to treat any negative manifestations on the skin, including allergic ones.

Apply 1-2 times a day to dry, cleansed skin.

Approved for use from the first days of life.

May cause itching.

Though modern market and offers a lot of variety antihistamines, they should be used with caution and only with the approval of a doctor. The baby should not be given medications for up to a month. The only exception is Bepanten cream.

Gistan is an anti-allergy cream that is successfully used for newborns and children preschool age. Is medicine, comes in capsule and cream form. Main active substance The drug contains mometasone. In addition to mometasone, the medication contains liquid paraffin and emulsion wax, sodium citrate, cetromacrogol, propylene glycol, chlorocresol and water.

The main active ingredient that the ointment contains has an anti-inflammatory effect and eliminates itching. It has the ability to reduce inflammation of the skin and slow down allergic processes. Reviews from people who have used the product show that achieving the required therapeutic effect maybe in two weeks.

Treatment with cream allergic dermatitis in children over two years old it will help remove obvious symptoms illness for three weeks.

The ointment is prescribed by dermatologists for allergic dermatosis, inflammation of the skin and itching, which include a course of therapy using antihistamines, in particular, a cream is used.

Gistane is used in the fight against atopic and seborrheic dermatitis and for psoriasis, including in children.

The cream contains vitamin-rich components that create a positive effect on the skin:

  • Bisabolol. Helps relieve irritation and inflammation from the affected area. Fights well against fungi, bacteria and microbes.
  • Lavender. Reproduces antiseptic and bactericidal effects, a good disinfectant. Helps on early stage overcome irritation, cleanses the affected areas of the skin and prevents infection from entering the epidermis. Helps heal wounds and restore skin cells.
  • Dexpanthenol. When it interacts with the skin, it produces pantothenic acid. Its presence helps the affected skin heal, making it soft and moist.

Instructions for use

Following the instructions, Gistan cream is used externally. To do this, apply a small layer to the inflamed areas of the skin no more than once a day. When using ointment, avoid getting the cream on the eye mucosa. If the cream does get into your eyes, rinse them thoroughly with cool water. In specific situations, it is recommended to apply Gistan using an occlusive dressing.

When applying occlusive dressings with cream to a child, you need to carefully monitor the functioning of the adrenal glands, since the use of such dressings significantly increases the risk of the drug entering the bloodstream (resorptive effect).

The time of use of the drug is calculated based on the effect of therapy. In children, treatment with cream depends on:

  • From the tolerance of the components by the body;
  • The presence and degree of manifestation of negative effects;

Average frequency of use of ointment for treatment specific disease, ranges from a week to a month. If after 14 days from the start of treatment there is no positive effect, make an appointment with a dermatologist to find out the reason.

If Gistan cream is used to treat infants and adolescence, the maximum allowed course is three weeks.

Modern unfavorable ecology and low quality products nutrition lead to the fact that everything more people suffer from allergies. This is especially true for children, whose bodies are more sensitive and react more sharply to exposure. external factors. Allergies can be very annoying for the baby, as they often manifest themselves in the form of severe itching.

Treatment of this disease in children includes therapeutic diet, as well as the use special drugs that can relieve itching, dryness and irritation. Usually similar drugs are available in the form of an ointment.

Benefits of ointments

  • Quickly and effectively relieve itching and redness, heal inflammation, accelerate the process of skin restoration;
  • Easy to use;
  • Most of these drugs are completely safe and can be used to treat allergies in infants.

Disadvantages of ointments

  • Drugs for hormonal basis can be addictive, so they cannot be used for a long time;
  • Non-hormonal ointments act rather slowly and are intended mainly only to soften the skin and prevent the formation of crusts;
  • Have side effects.

Composition and effect of allergy ointment for children

Allergy ointments for children are divided into hormonal and non-hormonal. Hormonal ointments, which contain corticosteroid hormones, are used only for treatment acute forms allergies, in cases where treatment with other means has not brought results. They effectively and quickly combat external allergy symptoms. However, due to high risk development of complications, select a drug, calculate the dosage and course of treatment only a doctor should.

Allergies can be treated with non-hormonal ointments even in infants and newborns. Typically, such preparations include natural plant components that have anti-inflammatory, healing and bactericidal effects. Also not hormonal ointment for allergies for children may contain depanthenol, which perfectly heals microdamages of the skin.

Allergy ointment for children: method of application and cost

As a rule, the following drugs are prescribed to treat allergies in young patients:

  • Advantan. This is a hormonal ointment against allergies in children. Among the rest hormonal drugs It is considered one of the safest, since the hormone content in it is minimal. Quickly relieves skin allergic reactions in the form of itching, rashes and inflammation. The product is recommended to be applied to the affected areas once a day. The course of treatment should not exceed 4 weeks. Approximate price - 350 rubles.
  • Bepanten. Can be used as an ointment for allergies in newborns. The composition includes despanthenol, which has a healing effect and relieves dry skin. Recommended to apply thin layer on areas of skin damaged by allergies several times a day. average price drug - 110 rubles.
  • Desitin. The product contains lanolin and petroleum jelly, which protect skin covering from exposure external stimuli and prevent the rash from spreading. Main active ingredients ointments are cod liver oil and zinc oxide. The product must be applied in a thin layer to areas of the skin affected by allergies. The procedure can be repeated 3-4 times a day. The cost of the drug is 220 rubles.
  • La Cree. This drug contains such natural ingredients as string extracts, licorice, walnut, avocado oil. Bisabolol and panthenol, also contained in the product, enhance its antipruritic and anti-inflammatory properties. It is recommended to apply to cleansed and dry skin twice a day. The product costs approximately 100 rubles.

Unfortunately, ointment will not help to completely cure allergies in children, since it is intended only to eliminate external symptoms. Allergy treatment should be comprehensive. First of all, it is necessary to exclude the child from contact with the allergy trigger. And in order to determine exactly what the allergen is, you should consult a doctor.

Allergies in newborns are the most common disease from the first days of a baby’s life. Allergic reactions in newborns are more severe than in adults. It is a mistake to think that a baby from a breastfeeding mother is insured against allergies. Breast milk contains these unfortunate allergens.

Causes of allergies in newborns

What causes allergies in newborns? Of course, products containing allergens and eaten by the mother, or products consumed directly by the baby. Hereditary factors increase the likelihood of allergies in newborns, as well as difficult childbirth, fetal hypoxia and severe acute respiratory viral infections or intestinal infections. Low functionality cannot be ruled out. digestive tract baby. Antibodies are not yet ready to cope and provide protection to the intestinal mucous membranes.

Smoking during pregnancy also aggravates the situation towards the appearance of an allergic reaction in the baby. Next reason allergies in newborns is the mother's passion for high-calorie allergenic foods during pregnancy. In the future, the baby will react sharply to the following products: fish caviar, cow's milk, seafood, chicken eggs, red, orange fruits and vegetables, coffee, chocolate, cocoa products, nuts, mushrooms, honey. Substances that trigger allergic reactions are called allergens. What else causes allergies in newborns? Food allergies are caused by proteins found in food products. Some food allergens have the ability to change their allergic properties to a lesser extent under cooking, while others can increase their allergenicity even higher than the original one.

Often, an allergy on the face of a newborn appears some time after taking an allergic product with food, but a delayed reaction also occurs, which appears on the second day. Everything is very individual in each case and depends on the allergen taken.

Allergy symptoms in newborns

How do allergies manifest in newborns? Its manifestations are different. These may be allergic skin lesions:

Redness, hives, rash on the body

Peeling and itching on the body, skin of the cheeks

Constant diaper rash, profuse prickly heat

Formation of scales (gneiss) in the area of ​​the head and eyebrows, Quincke's edema

Or defeat gastrointestinal tract with swelling of the mucous membrane:

Quite rarely, the manifestation of allergies in newborns occurs as a respiratory disorder, accompanied by swelling of the mucous membrane: allergic runny nose, bronchospasm

Bronchospasm and Quincke's edema pose a danger to newborns due to their adverse outcomes.

There are combinations of lesions of the skin, intestines and bronchi. In such cases, the following develop:

Allergies in newborns treatment

If allergy symptoms occur in newborns, you should notify your pediatrician and get necessary recommendations on treatment. In severe cases, a fence will be taken venous blood and determine the presence of immunoglobulins E. A diary in which the mother writes down the foods she eats is effective for identifying the allergen. The first thing treatment begins with is diet and exclusion of all kinds of allergic foods. The treatment tactics with diet are chosen by an allergist.

But before the doctor arrives, you must be able to provide first aid to your baby. For example, for bronchospasm, give a child under one year of age an antihistamine in the form of a syrup containing Claritin or Suprastin.

If the newborn is on breastfeeding, then mom needs to sit on strict diet excluding potential allergens. A nursing mother urgently excludes from her menu: fish, caviar, chicken eggs, nuts, honey, coffee, chocolate, cocoa, seafood, red and orange vegetables, fruits; broths, pickles, spicy dishes, spices, garlic, onions, radishes, pineapples, kiwi, grapes, mayonnaise, chips, sausages, ham, sauces, ketchups, adjika, carbonated drinks, beer, kvass.

Use whole milk, sour cream, sugar, salt, and premium bakery products carefully in small quantities.

Fermented milk products are allowed without restrictions: kefir, cottage cheese, bifidok, biokefir, yoghurts without additives, hard cheeses, acidophilus; cereals: rice, oatmeal, buckwheat, corn; soups: vegetarian and cereal; meat: young beef, pork, turkey fillet, boiled chicken; lean fish: cod, pike perch, hake; vegetable oil and bakery products of the 2nd grade; beverages: mineral water still, weak tea, compote, fruit drink.

With artificial, as well as mixed feeding baby's food allergen is cow protein from baby formula. In this case, it is necessary to replace it with a hypoallergenic soy or hydrolyzed mixture prescribed by a doctor. But even with such a diet, there are problems: possible intolerance to the soy diet and repulsive bad taste hydrolyzed formula for baby.

During treatment, the doctor prescribes antihistamines, various creams, adsorbents, ointments for topical application to the baby’s skin.

Elidel cream is used when skin itching and relieving inflammation from the age of three months.

Cream Bubchen (Bubchen) – special and protective with panthenol. This cream is indispensable in the area of ​​diapers and is especially recommended by Bübchen diaper cream for babies from birth.

Received Bübchen cream for allergies in newborns good feedback from mothers concerned about their baby's inflamed skin. After starting treatment, allergies in newborns go away in a short time. Bubchen cream relieves diaper rash, redness, minor abrasions and bruises, enriching the skin with nourishing components. Bübchen cream for babies is recommended by dermatologists. The composition of this cream: vitamin E, chamomile, panthenol, fish fat, allantoin. It is very simple to use: it must be applied to clean baby skin up to four times a day. Treatment lasts up to ten days.

Fenistil drops are prescribed from the first month from 3 drops. bringing up to 10 drops as needed. Repeat the dose 3 times a day. These allergy drops are considered very effective for newborns.

Before starting treatment with antihistamines, use a good proven the folk way wipe the baby's cheeks in succession and use baby cream based on chamomile and only after that move on to strong remedies

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Symptoms of food allergies. Causes of food allergies in children. Diagnosis and treatment of allergies. Recommendations for nursing mothers

The spread of allergic reactions, primarily to food, has not spared newborn children, whose allergies, unfortunately, often occur in a more severe form than in adults. Often mothers who breastfeed their baby mistakenly believe that in this case the child is insured against allergies. This is not true, because allergens can also be contained in breast milk. How to recognize allergy symptoms in a child, and what measures should parents take in this case?

Substances that trigger allergic reactions are called allergens. Food allergies are caused by proteins found in foods. Food allergens can change their properties during cooking, with some losing their allergenicity, while others, on the contrary, becoming more allergenic.

What is the mechanism of the allergic reaction? In response to an allergen, immunoglobulins E are synthesized in the body, which activate a cascade of reactions leading to the development allergic symptoms. Typically, allergic reactions occur soon after eating a product to which you are hypersensitive, but sometimes the allergy is delayed, appearing only a few hours after eating the product.

Symptoms of food allergies

So, food allergy is a state hypersensitivity to food products. It can manifest itself in different ways:

In the form of allergic skin lesions :

  • various rashes on the body,
  • redness,
  • itching and peeling of the skin of the cheeks (sometimes such phenomena are called “diathesis”),
  • persistent diaper rash. despite careful hygiene measures,
  • profuse prickly heat with mild overheating,
  • gneiss (formation of scales, peeling) on ​​the scalp and eyebrows, urticaria,
  • Quincke's edema (a type of allergic reaction characterized by the sudden appearance of swelling of the skin, subcutaneous tissue and mucous membranes).

In the form of lesions of the gastrointestinal tract(with swelling of the mucous membrane):

Less often - in the form of respiratory disorders(with swelling of the respiratory mucosa):

  • allergic rhinitis,
  • bronchospasm (during bronchospasm, air does not enter the Airways or comes with great difficulty - this is the most dangerous outcome of allergic edema).

Quincke's edema is especially dangerous for a newborn. With Quincke's edema in the larynx, suffocation occurs, similar to an attack bronchial asthma. With swelling of the larynx, hoarseness and a barking cough first appear. then shortness of breath with noisy breathing. The complexion acquires a bluish tint, then suddenly turns pale.

There are also combined lesions of the skin and intestines, skin and bronchi. Food allergies can be a precursor to other allergic diseases: atopic dermatitis, bronchial asthma, etc.

Causes of food allergies

The question quite naturally arises: where did infants allergy? The fact is that in breastfed children, food allergies can be caused by foods consumed by the nursing mother; if the baby is artificial feeding- foods consumed by the baby.

What is the likelihood of a child developing a food allergy? Heredity primarily predisposes people to the development of allergic reactions. An increased risk of food allergies exists in children whose families have a history of allergies. If one of the parents suffers from allergies, the risk of developing a similar disease in the child is 37%, and if allergic diseases both parents are affected, the risk level reaches 62%.

Except hereditary factors, allergic reactions in a newborn can be caused by fetal hypoxia (oxygen deficiency) during pregnancy and childbirth, acute respiratory viral and intestinal infections suffered by the baby, with subsequent disruption of the composition of the intestinal microflora. The occurrence of food allergies in infants is associated with functional features their digestive tract: enzyme activity is still low, low level production of IgA - protective antibodies located on the surface of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. They provide local protection of the intestinal mucosa from foreign agents. And since a newborn is characterized by increased permeability of mucous membranes, allergens easily penetrate into the blood. And of course, allergic reactions are associated with nutritional disorders of the nursing mother. with excessive use of it high allergenic products.

A negative role is played by maternal smoking during pregnancy, the presence of chronic cardiovascular and bronchopulmonary diseases, as well as infectious diseases suffered by the mother during pregnancy, and antibiotic therapy carried out in connection with this. It is believed that children whose mothers consumed highly allergenic foods during pregnancy, which include cow's milk, chicken eggs, caviar, seafood, orange and red fruits and vegetables and juices from them, as well as kiwi, coffee, cocoa, chocolate, mushrooms, nuts, honey, have a risk of becoming allergic.

Diagnosis of allergies

If a child develops symptoms similar to those described above, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician, pediatric allergist or nutritionist. With severe symptoms of food allergy, especially with combined lesions, when there is, for example skin rash and manifestations from the gastrointestinal tract, hospitalization in a specialized hospital may be required.

The diagnosis is established using:

  • parent survey data,
  • establishing a connection between the occurrence of allergies and the intake of certain foods,
  • examination of the child,
  • blood tests: evidence of allergies high levels total immunoglobulin E, increased number of eosinophils in the blood test,
  • ultrasound examination of organs abdominal cavity, which allows you to exclude the non-allergic nature of symptoms from the stomach and intestines.

Indirect evidence that painful symptoms are a consequence of food allergies, the facts of the disappearance of allergies after the mother stops taking allergenic foods and the positive effect of the use of anti-allergy drugs can serve as a reason.

Another fundamental question: what exactly is the child allergic to? To identify causally significant allergens in children of the first year of life, blood is taken from a vein and the presence of specific immunoglobulins E is determined. For older children and adults, the method is used skin tests: reference allergens (a certain standard set of allergens, which includes eggs, citrus fruits, chocolate, fish, etc.) are applied to the surface of the skin, and after a certain time the results are evaluated. Such studies should be carried out before or after antiallergic treatment.

The so-called food diary helps to identify the causative allergen, in which the mother regularly (at least 3-7 days) notes all types of food and drink received by her or the baby during the day, indicates the composition of the dishes, the features of their culinary processing, the time of feeding and the appearance of unwanted reactions ( loose stool, regurgitation, skin rashes etc.).

Allergy treatment

Treatment of food allergies begins with diet, exclusion from the diet of cause-significant food allergen. But you shouldn’t “fight” allergies on your own; otherwise it can be aggravated, in each specific case therapeutic tactics should be determined by a pediatrician, allergist or nutritionist.

First aid for bronchospasm caused by allergic edema:

  • Call immediately ambulance, by calling 03. Consult how much of the antihistamine you have at home should be given to your child.
  • Give the child an antihistamine - Diphenhydramine, Diprazine, Diazolin, Suprastin, Claritin (this medicine is sold in tablets and syrup; it is more convenient to use for infants).

If the baby is breastfed, then first all potential allergens are excluded from the mother’s diet for 1-2 weeks, including industrial products containing crystalline sugar, preservatives, fat emulsifiers and artificial colors (these substances are listed on the label as and are designated - emulsifiers, dyes). Salt, sugar, strong broths, fried foods are completely excluded. The amount of dairy products is also limited. Note that for a child with food allergies it is important to maintain natural feeding.

  • Highly allergenic products: fish, seafood, caviar, chicken eggs, mushrooms, nuts, honey, chocolate, coffee, cocoa, fruits and berries of bright red and orange color, radishes, radishes, kiwi, pineapples, avocados, grapes, broths, marinades, sauerkraut, salty and spicy dishes, canned food, spices, onions, garlic.
  • Products containing dyes, preservatives (canned food, semi-finished products): mayonnaise, sauces, adjika, tkemali, ketchup, chips, soft cheeses, smoked meats, ham, sausages, sausages, glazed drinks, kvass, beer.

Limited to:

  • Dairy products: cottage cheese, kefir, biokefir, bifidoc, acidophilus, yoghurts without fruit additives, hard cheeses, etc.
  • Cereals: buckwheat, corn, rice, oatmeal, etc.
  • Vegetables and fruits: green and white color.
  • Soups: vegetarian and cereal.
  • Meat: lean varieties of beef, pork, turkey fillet, boiled, dried chicken, and also in the form of steamed cutlets.
  • Low-fat fish varieties: cod, hake, pike perch, etc.
  • Vegetable oil .
  • Bakery products: 2nd grade wheat bread, rye bread, unleavened cookies, baked goods without custard.
  • Beverages: tea, compotes, fruit drinks, still mineral water

If the baby is bottle-fed or mixed-fed, the cause of the food allergy is most likely cow's milk proteins ( special examination will allow us to establish this for sure) present in infant formula; therefore, partial or complete replacement of infant formula with specialized hypoallergenic mixtures(prescribed by a doctor) based on soy protein or special mixtures in which the protein is broken down to the level of individual amino acids (hydrolyzed mixtures) - in this case, the development of allergies is impossible. But this diet also has disadvantages: a child may become intolerant to soy protein, and hydrolyzed mixtures have an unpleasant taste and are expensive.

Further, if it is possible to identify the main source of the allergy, clarifications can be made to the previously carried out hypoallergenic diet - the product that caused the allergy is excluded. allergic reaction. This diet should be followed for 1-3 months.

As a result of eliminating the allergen, the signs of food allergy should disappear or decrease, then the mother’s diet can be gradually expanded (however, highly allergenic foods are excluded).

When treating food allergies, a doctor may prescribe antihistamines, adsorbents, various creams and ointments for local skin treatment, including hormonal ones; in severe cases, hormones are administered intravenously. Correction of intestinal microflora is also carried out with preparations containing bifidobacteria and lactobacilli.

If the baby is allergic, then:

Complementary feeding should be avoided until the baby is 6 months old; in addition, you should start with those types baby food, which most likely will not cause an allergic reaction and consist of one component; Cow's milk, chicken eggs, citrus fruits, wheat products, fish, seafood, nuts are best introduced into the child's diet after 1-2 years;

  • remember that any product used in a child’s diet, especially early age, may cause allergic reactions;
  • it is necessary to monitor regular bowel movements, if the child has constipation, which increases the manifestations of the disease or is its main cause (allergens do not have time to leave the intestines in a timely manner, are absorbed into the blood and cause allergies), solve the problem with the help of a doctor;
  • better not to use pharmacological agents in the form of syrups containing various additives (dyes, flavors) that can cause or intensify allergies;
  • water temperature at water treatments should be moderately warm, and the procedure should last no more than 20 minutes;
  • You can use only specialized children's hypoallergenic cosmetics (pH-neutral);
  • It is better to filter bathing water or let it sit for 1-2 hours for the purpose of dechlorination, followed by adding boiling water; You should avoid swimming in pools with chlorinated water or take a moderately warm shower after the session using mild cleansers;
  • Do not rub your child’s skin with washcloths; after bathing, the skin should be carefully blotted with a soft towel and a moisturizing, skin-softening agent should be applied;
  • The child’s clothing should be made from natural materials, in case of severe allergies skin reactions it can be ironed; pillows and blankets must have synthetic fillers; the baby should be dressed rationally, avoiding overheating, which provokes allergic dermatitis;
  • the materials from which toys are made must meet all safety requirements;
  • use of synthetic detergents(toilet soaps with additives, bath foams, shower gels, etc.) it is better to limit them or they should be marked “hypoallergenic”;
  • It is not recommended to keep pets and even aquarium fish, dry food for which can aggravate allergies;
  • the air in the home should be clean, cool, moderately humid; It is advisable to take more walks with your child.

Many parents wonder whether their child’s food allergies will stop as they get older. As you grow, the functions of the liver and intestines improve, the immune system, which allows us to hope for the cessation of allergies to milk, eggs, vegetables, etc., especially if parents take anti-allergic measures. Only 1-2% of children continue to have food allergies into adulthood.

Irina Kiryanova

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