
How to treat lymph nodes in the neck in children: causes of the disease and treatment methods. Cervical lymphadenitis and lymphadenopathy in childhood Enlarged lymph nodes in children

Enlarged lymph nodes are always a cause for concern. In some cases it is justified, in others it is not. To avoid unnecessary worry, parents need to know the reasons that cause their increase and learn to recognize the symptoms of serious disorders.

What are lymph nodes needed for?

All organs lymphatic system, including the lymph nodes, closely interact with the bloodstream. A clear liquid (lymph) continuously moves through the lymphatic vessels, the purpose of which is protect circulatory system from the ingress of decay products of viruses and other harmful substances into it .

The “filtration” process occurs directly in the lymph nodes, which are located throughout the body and are conventionally divided into several groups. Lymphocytes are also formed here - the main cells immune system. Thus, the lymphatic system performs a protective and barrier function.

There are about 500 lymph nodes in the human body, but in in good condition only the axillary, submandibular and inguinal nodes. Their size should not exceed a pea, in addition, when pressed, they can move slightly to the side.
When there are too many bacteria in the body, they settle on the lymph nodes, which causes their enlargement and inflammation. .

The effect of reduced immunity on the state of the lymphatic system

Considering that the immune system of a child under 10 years of age is not yet fully formed, many children often experience causeless enlargement of lymph nodes.

But in order to exclude other reasons that caused this condition, the child needs to be shown to a doctor even when they do not cause obvious concern.

If the size of the node does not exceed 1 cm and does not cause discomfort to the child, then most likely we're talking about about individual characteristics body. This is typical for some children. Besides, small children under 3 years old are actively studying environment. Therefore, their immune system works in enhanced mode , fighting foreign substances, which is why the lymph nodes always look enlarged. If after visiting the doctor no violations were identified, parents should not worry.

In this case, there is no need to make any attempts at treatment - ointments and compresses will not have a positive effect.

Situations that provoke enlarged lymph nodes

When the size of the lymph node increases to 2 cm or more, parents should be observant so as not to miss the onset of a serious illness. However, in 90% of cases, enlarged lymph nodes do not pose a threat.

The most common reasons that cause the growth of lymph nodes in childhood:

  1. Sluggish inflammatory diseases ENT organs – sore throat, laryngitis, pharyngitis, otitis media. Therefore, having noticed a child’s throat, you must first examine his throat. Any disease of the nasopharynx may be accompanied by enlarged cervical and submandibular lymph nodes. As a rule, after recovery everything returns to normal.
  2. Dental problems . If a child’s tooth integrity is compromised, this can provoke microbes to enter the body, and the lymph node located nearby will be the first to respond to them.
  3. For ARVI Several groups of lymph nodes may enlarge at once, as a result of an overly violent reaction of the immune system.
  4. Teething in upper jaw sometimes leads to an increase in nodes behind the ears.
  5. Reaction for some medications.
  6. Complication after the BCG vaccine.
  7. Due to the entry of germs from wounds and cuts . There are cases where the lymph node has become enlarged due to an inflamed hangnail.

If the child in all these cases does not feel pain when palpating the lymph node, you can observe his condition for several days.

If there is no improvement, and the child begins to feel worse, you should definitely visit a pediatrician.

Enlarged lymph nodes as a sign of a dangerous disease

When inflammation of the lymph node (lymphadenitis) is not associated with reduced immunity, most likely the body is affected by serious diseases:

  • Immune – lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus erythematosus.
  • Infectious – (glandular fever), mumps, scarlet fever.
  • Some skin diseases exudative diathesis, pyoderma.
  • To infectious diseases The cause of lymphadenitis is a rather unusual disease - felinosis. Its peculiarity is that this infection enters the body after contact with an infected cat, and especially after scratches and bites. In this case, the baby will experience an elevated temperature.
  • Also, lymph nodes may be the first to respond to various tumor cells , but their size increases slightly with a tumor, so it is quite difficult to determine them in a child on your own. The presence of a tumor can only be suspected if the lymph node above the collarbone is enlarged. In all other cases they are detected during ultrasound.

In what cases should you consult a doctor?

The first thing you should pay attention to is the size of the lymph node:

  • Does not exceed 1 cm - there is no reason to worry.
  • From 1 to 1.5 cm – a suspicious symptom that requires careful monitoring of the child.
  • From 2 to 2.5 cm dangerous condition, requiring immediate medical consultation.

It is also very important to understand the difference between an enlarged and inflamed lymph node:

  1. An enlarged lymph node does not cause pain to the child . Touching it can cause a tickling sensation and laughter in the child for the reason that the skin in this place becomes very sensitive due to stretching. In such a situation, you can not immediately run to the doctor, but take a wait-and-see approach and observe the child for several days.
  2. In addition to its increased size, an inflamed lymph node worries the child , touch causes pain, the skin in this area acquires a red tint. The condition is especially dangerous when the node rapidly increases during the day. This may indicate suppuration and requires immediate medical attention.

You also need to pay attention to the following symptoms:

  • All groups of lymph nodes throughout the body are inflamed (in the armpit, under the knee, in the groin).
  • The lymph node is enlarged for more than 5 days (not associated with sore throat).
  • The surrounding skin is red or blue.
  • The skin feels hot to the touch (due to a bacterial infection).

Each of these symptoms indicates that the child needs urgent medical assistance. Until the cause is determined, any medications and warm compresses are prohibited.

Doctors' task – determine what reason provoked their increase and prescribe adequate treatment. It will help to clarify the situation general analysis blood, ultrasound abdominal cavity(liver, spleen) and ultrasound of the lymph node, if it is large.

As you can see, there are many reasons that cause enlarged lymph nodes. After carefully examining the baby, parents in most cases can understand what led to this condition. But consulting a doctor will be useful in any case, especially if the child has other symptoms .

Dr. Komarovsky - the child’s lymph nodes are enlarged, why and what to do?

Children, due to the underdevelopment of the body, are susceptible to various diseases. They often have colds and acute respiratory viral infections. And it is in childhood that pathologies such as scarlet fever and measles are common. It is not surprising that the child periodically has enlarged lymph nodes in the neck. After all, they serve as protection that blocks the spread of bacteria and pathogens throughout the body. Any infectious disease will definitely affect the state of the lymphatic system. However, parents should be extremely careful. Sometimes a child has enlarged lymph nodes in the neck for completely different reasons. And they can be very serious.

Lymphatic system

Let's look at what these organs are. The system consists of lymph nodes. They filter the blood and promote the outflow of fluid.

Quite often, parents notice that the child has enlarged lymph nodes in the neck. According to statistics, this phenomenon occurs in every second baby. Doctors call this condition cervical lymphadenitis. This pathology is quite dangerous. After all, the lymph flow passes near the brain. Ignoring inflammation can even lead to death.

U healthy baby soft lymph nodes. They are not noticeable. In case of infection, the nodes gradually increase in size. When pressing on them, the baby may feel pain. The onset of inflammation is indicated by the appearance of pea-sized lymph nodes. If this phenomenon is not given importance, then very soon they will increase to the shape of an egg. This is a very serious stage. It causes tissue death. The lymph node degenerates into a malignant formation.

Causes of pathology

Let's look at why the child has enlarged lymph nodes in the neck. Pathology can be:

  • unilateral - the causes should be sought in a local infection;
  • bilateral - this is how the body reacts to general inflammation.

The following reasons often lead to an unpleasant condition:

  1. Cat scratches. The animal's saliva, which contains many bacteria, penetrates the baby's blood. It provokes inflammation. As a result, after a few days, an increase in lymph nodes is observed.
  2. Infectious diseases. This is the most common cause of cervical lymphadenitis. Any infections in oral cavity or in the respiratory tract lead to such unpleasant symptoms. Often the nodes enlarge as a result of disease. These are ARVI, tonsillitis, influenza, chickenpox, rubella, diphtheria, mumps, gingivitis, stomatitis, periodontitis.
  3. Allergic reaction. In case hypersensitivity If a child is exposed to certain substances, the nodes may become enlarged. If the source is an allergy, then the baby will also experience other symptoms that characterize the pathology: sneezing, runny nose, swelling, pain in the eyes, cough. Often, cervical lymphadenitis is the body’s response to food, household chemicals. In older children, allergies may accompany the abuse of fast food, chips and other foods containing flavoring additives.
  4. Vaccination. The nodes may enlarge as a result of the grafting. With such a reaction, the baby should be observed by a doctor. However, he does not need treatment.

Serious causes of lymphadenitis

The factors described above are common, but, unfortunately, not the only ones. Sometimes, as a result of serious pathologies, the lymph nodes in the child’s neck are enlarged. The reasons for this condition can be determined by the doctor who examined the baby. Special attention deserves cervical lymphadenitis, which is not accompanied by cold symptoms.

However, you should not panic ahead of time. After all, the lymph nodes in a child’s neck are not always enlarged as a result of serious illnesses. Komarovsky advises to take a close look at your baby. After all this state Quite often observed in children under five years of age.

Pay special attention to the child’s mood and behavior. They should not change in a healthy baby. At the same time, the enlarged lymph nodes do not bother him and do not cause pain. In such a situation, there is no need to worry. The immune system “learns” to fight germs. This is a common reason why the lymph nodes in a child's neck are enlarged.

Komarovsky, however, recommends that even this phenomenon be treated carefully. In order not to miss an unpleasant pathology, you should take a routine blood test. Such an examination is sufficient to identify diseases or ensure the absolute health of the baby.

Characteristic symptoms

Clinical manifestations depend on the pathology that provoked this condition.

In this case, the following is distinguished characteristic symptoms lymphadenitis:

  • increase in temperature;
  • headache;
  • loss of appetite;
  • pain when pressing on an enlarged node.

If a child has constantly enlarged lymph nodes in the neck, it is often diagnosed chronic pathology. In this case, the baby may experience fairly vague symptoms:

  • slight increase in temperature;
  • moderate enlargement of lymph nodes;
  • absence of painful discomfort upon palpation.

It is very important to see a doctor for this pathology. After all, similar symptoms can characterize a tumor.

What pathologies does lymphadenitis indicate?

It is important to pay attention to the localization of enlarged nodes. After all, pathology is provoked by lymph coming from disturbed organs. Accordingly, those nodes that are located next to damaged tissues increase.

Let's consider the characteristic features:

  1. If a child has an enlarged lymph node in the neck or in the back of the head, then this is a signal about the development of inflammation in the scalp.
  2. Parotid - characterize pathological process in the middle, outer ear. They may indicate purulent inflammation in the scalp area.
  3. Nodes located behind lower jaw, in the posterior muscles of the neck, indicate the development of the disease in the nasopharynx. This picture may persist even after the illness.
  4. If the pathology is localized in the center of the triangle of the neck, behind the lower jaw, then this phenomenon is provoked by a severe form of tonsillitis, scarlet fever, toxoplasmosis, and diphtheria. Such a clinic is also observed after cat scratches.
  5. An increase in nodes in the lateral triangle indicates the presence of an infection in the nasopharynx or a tumor. Sometimes this phenomenon is caused by tuberculosis.
  6. If the nodes in the chin area increase, it is necessary to show the baby to the dentist. Such symptoms are typical for jaw abscess, damage to the front teeth, and inflammation of the lower lip.
  7. Enlarged submandibular lymph nodes indicate gingivitis, stomatitis.

When is it necessary to see a doctor urgently?

Sometimes the baby may experience extremely unpleasant symptoms. The following condition of the baby requires immediate medical attention:

  • the child has enlarged lymph nodes in the neck, and the temperature is elevated;
  • pathology is observed in infants up to one year old;
  • the surface of the skin in the area of ​​the lymph nodes has changed;
  • there is a constant increase throughout the week;
  • the pathological process involved more than three groups of nodes.

Treatment methods

Remember: only a doctor can determine why enlarged lymph nodes are observed in a child’s neck. Treatment directly depends on the source that provoked the symptoms.

Main diagnostic examination is a blood test. Sometimes a node puncture or biopsy may be needed. Based on the results, the doctor will select the necessary treatment.

To normalize the size of the nodes, it is necessary to get rid of the underlying disease: treat ENT organs, eliminate caries, and fight helminthic infestations.

In each individual case, an individual treatment regimen is selected.

Immunomodulatory therapy

Frequent colds lead to a weakening of the body, as a result of which enlarged lymph nodes are observed in the child’s neck.

Treatment in this case includes the use of immunomodulatory drugs:

  • "Immunal".
  • "Viferon".
  • "Derinat."
  • "Arbidol".
  • "Imudon."
  • "IRS-19".
  • "Lycopid".
  • "Broncho-munal".

Home treatment

It is strictly contraindicated to fight this phenomenon on your own! After all, infection of the nodes can easily provoke inflammation of the brain. In this case, disorders can affect the functioning of the endocrine, cardiovascular, nervous systems. There are cases where self-medication ended in death.

The only manipulation that a parent can do before seeing a doctor, if the lymph nodes in the child’s neck are very enlarged, is to apply a compress. However, under no circumstances should you warm them up! Only a cold compress is used.


It is quite an unpleasant situation if a child has enlarged lymph nodes in the neck. But there is no need to panic, just be sure to consult a doctor immediately. Most often, such a clinic is based on fairly harmless reasons.

Various pathological processes in the human body can provoke an increase in lymph nodes.

In childhood, this problem is most pressing. The most common manifestation can be considered an enlargement of the lymph nodes in the child’s neck.

It is quite difficult to determine whether the lymph node is enlarged small child, as it is quite small and soft. Quite often, this phenomenon occurs when the throat hurts and the lymph node in the neck is inflamed. In such cases, you need to be able to distinguish between an inflamed and enlarged lymph node with the presence of a sore throat in a child from other conditions.

A lymph node is a formation, a so-called filter, that cleanses the lymph and prevents pathogenic microorganisms from entering the body. This is the main function of the lymph node. In addition, formation occurs in the lymph nodes immune cells, which destroy all harmful bacteria that enter the body.

In any situation, an enlarged lymph node indicates the presence of some disease. Lymphadenitis is a disease in which the lymph node becomes inflamed and poses a threat to health. The presence of an enlarged lymph node in a child indicates the fact that an infectious process has developed in his body. In such a situation, the lymph node begins to produce a large number of white blood cells to fight the infection. This is why the node becomes enlarged. If you find enlarged lymph nodes on your child’s neck, this means that there is an infection lurking in his body.

Experts believe that a quarter of the causes of inflammation of the lymph nodes are generalized. In other words, when a child’s body is exposed to an infection, inflammation occurs in several areas of the body.

What causes enlarged lymph nodes?

  1. ARVI. Pr respiratory infections Children often experience an enlargement of the cervical lymph nodes, which act as protection for the body, preventing pathogenic microorganisms from entering.
  2. 2 Scratches from cats and dogs. Injuries from domestic animals provoke infections in the animal's body to enter the bloodstream. Therefore, after such bites, enlarged lymph nodes may be observed.
  3. Pathological processes caused by infections. When an infection enters the body, it causes enlargement or inflammation of the lymph node, and also provokes the development of pathologies of the head and respiratory system.

Infectious agents enter the body through skin, mucous membranes and lymphatic capillaries. Through these capillaries, bacteria enter the lymph nodes. Lymph nodes are a “protective net” that filters lymph and fights pests.

If an infection has previously affected the body, then fighting it will not take much time, but if the infection is new, then the body will fight it more long period time. It is this process of “fighting” that provokes enlargement of the lymph nodes, since lymph stagnates in them. With a long process of “fighting”, the node can become enlarged chronically and subsequently spread the infection throughout the body.

If the virus is too active, it can cause the development purulent inflammation. In this case, hyperemia, swelling occurs, and fluctuation is felt when palpating the node. Such manifestations should prompt you to go to the doctor.

In general, any changes in the lymph nodes should prompt you to visit a specialist. This is due to the fact that a timely and accurate diagnosis, as well as effectively prescribed complex treatment enlarged lymph nodes in a child’s neck will help to quickly get rid of any ailments.

How to treat lymph nodes in the neck? The answer to the question is quite simple; this problem should be treated by an experienced specialist after a thorough diagnosis.

Even with a slight enlargement of the lymph nodes in a child (in the absence of various other symptoms) you should see a doctor. The specialist will advise you on a number of diagnostic procedures, including: ultrasound, Mantoux test, blood test, x-ray.

If the above examinations do not answer the question: “What kind of infection is this?”, and pus is found in the lymph nodes, then a puncture of the lymph node is necessary. This procedure will accurately determine the cause. inflammatory process.

Carrying out self-treatment enlarged lymph nodes in the neck, not recommended. For any changes, consultation with a specialist is important. Regardless of the choice of means and methods of treatment, all of them must be discussed with a doctor.

A little about lymphadenitis

Various causes of inflammation of the nodes will provoke the manifestation various symptoms. Basically, the development of lymphadenitis is caused by the penetration of infections into the body such as staphylococcus and streptococcus. If there are not a large number of viruses in the body, then no changes may occur in the lymph nodes. Caries, tonsillitis, periodontitis, ARVI and influenza can provoke enlargement of the cervical lymph nodes. Their increase indicates that the body is trying to cope with the infection that has entered it.

The blood flow carries bacteria throughout the body, including the lymph nodes, which subsequently become inflamed. With lymphadenitis, pus forms in the nodes, which must be subjected to surgical intervention.

  • Manifestation of poisoning of the body - fever, headache, weakness, nausea;
  • Enlargement of the node - it is visible to the naked eye and is easily felt upon palpation;
  • Redness of the skin;
  • Changes in the density of the node - it becomes denser, and when it suppurates, it becomes soft.

Cure from infection does not guarantee reduction of the node; it can be enlarged for a long period of time. Sometimes, lymphadenitis becomes chronic and does not manifest itself with any symptoms.

Lymphadenitis can be confused with malignant neoplasm(lymphoma). But there are some differences, knowing that you will never confuse these diseases. With lymphadenitis, the node is soft, painful and dense, not fused with adjacent tissues; with lymphoma, the node does not cause painful sensations, it is immobile and growing rapidly.

Any changes in the lymph nodes indicate the presence of infection and require immediate contact with a specialist.

At the most early signs lymphadenitis, you should contact a pediatrician who will conduct an examination and prescribe effective treatment. Almost all causes of inflammatory processes in the lymph nodes indicate the presence of pathology in the body.

According to experts, there are more than 100 diseases that can lead to inflammation of the nodes. The cervical lymph nodes become inflamed only in diseases that are associated with the head. In order to make an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to take into account all the symptoms that accompany lymphadenitis.

If the lymph nodes in a child’s neck are inflamed, then a mandatory consultation with an ENT specialist and pediatrician is necessary. For such diseases, it is not recommended to carry out treatment on your own. Warming up and warming compresses are contraindicated.

Pros and cons of treatment

In a situation where the size of the nodes is stable, the child does not slow down in development, the tests are within normal values, then the specialist limits himself to observing the dynamics of the child’s condition.

It is especially important in such situations to treat the underlying disease that provoked the inflammation. If a tooth or adenoid has been previously removed, the condition of the lymph nodes will recover on its own.

When the growth of a node (one or several) is quite rapid, and the therapy carried out does not bring visible results, then it is worth examining the child’s body more carefully.

What should you never do if your child has swollen lymph nodes?


  • Application of physiotherapeutic treatment;
  • Thermal procedures;
  • Search hereditary factors, provoking pathology.

Doctor Komarovsky's opinion

He said that at the moment there are many viral lymphotropic infections. These include: herpes virus, mononucleosis, adenovirus, cytomegalovirus. These viruses provoke enlargement and inflammation of the nodes.

An important question is: “If the lymph nodes in the neck hurt, is treatment necessary?” to which the doctor has an answer: “Not necessarily.” This is due to the fact that children's bodies react to the presence of microorganisms differently than adults. Therefore, periodic enlargement of lymph nodes will pass with age and there is no need to worry about it. The main indicator is a blood test, which is recommended to be taken 2 times a year.

If the lymph nodes do not bother the child, then there is no need to create unnecessary panic and disturb him unnecessarily.

Soreness of the lymph nodes

If you are concerned about the soreness of the lymph node on the right side of the neck, then this may indicate the presence of an inflammatory process in the throat, inflammation of the right tonsil, enlarged right lobe thyroid glands In some cases, there may be an infection that develops from the teeth, tongue, or mouth. Before you do anything, remember that if you have pain in the throat and lymph nodes in the neck, it is forbidden to apply compresses and warm the site of inflammation, this can lead to the development of a purulent abscess.

In any situation, the right decision would be to visit a specialist. This does not need to be debugged, since the infection can spread throughout the body quite quickly. Failure to provide timely and effective treatment will lead to inflammation of the remaining lymph nodes in the child’s neck.

The pain in the cervical lymph nodes on the left side is caused by the same reasons as on the right. The only difference may be that with pain on the virgin side, one can suspect the presence of diseases of the retroperitoneal space or abdominal cavity. If the left submandibular node is affected, we can talk about such pathologies as: toxoplasmosis, CMV, infectious mononucleosis. Children are often susceptible to such diseases, but to make an accurate diagnosis it is necessary to conduct a number of examinations:

  • General urine test;
  • Biochemical blood test;

¼ of all cases of inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck are accompanied by general inflammation of the entire lymphatic system. Therefore, when the child has pain in the cervical lymph nodes, there is an increase in temperature, weakness, and chills.


To answer the question: “How to treat lymph nodes in the neck in children?” It’s worth finding out what caused their increase and inflammation. Since their growth is a consequence of damage to the body, first of all you need to find out the cause and then decide on treatment.

Only by treating the root cause of the enlarged nodes can their condition be returned to normal.

If this is caused by bacterial infections, then antibacterial medications should be used. Colds require increased immunity. Antihistamines are used for allergic reactions. These medications will help you effectively get rid of lymphadenitis.

If swollen lymph nodes are caused by cancer, then chemotherapy and radiotherapy are used for treatment. The course of treatment is several months. If this does not give results, then the course is repeated again after 2-3 months. The most important thing is to stop the growth of metastases and further growth of nodes.

Only after consultation with a specialist can you find out exactly how to treat lymph nodes in the neck at home. Therapeutic measures are selected for each child individually, taking into account his medical history and characteristics. Factors influencing the choice of therapy:

  • General condition of the immune system;
  • The reasons for the development of this pathology;
  • Duration of pathology.

Lymphadenitis caused by infection is not treated during the first 3 days antibacterial drugs. At strong immunity, during this period the temperature should pass.

Antibiotics are prescribed when the child’s fever does not subside within 3 days.

Drugs such as deltasone and prednisolone are used in the treatment of cervical lymph nodes to eliminate the source of bacterial infection. This treatment is recommended only when other methods are not effective.

It is important to remember that increasing immunity should accompany the process of treating lymph nodes in a child’s neck. Effective means for this will be: echinacea and ginseng extract. Any methods and medications for treatment should be discussed with a specialist, because the future of your child depends on it.

Traditional treatment

How to cure a lymph node in the neck using alternative medicine?

To treat lymph nodes with home remedies, you can use the following recipes (consultation with a doctor is required before use):

In equal parts, take oregano, stinging nettle, hop cones and yarrow, as well as three parts of horsetail, mix all this, then pour in ½ liter of water and heat in a water bath for 20 minutes. After 10 minutes, filter the broth and give it to the child to drink 3 ½ cup once a day;

Pour ¼ cup of hazel leaves and hazel bark into a glass container - pour hot water. Wrap in a towel and place in a warm place for 1 hour. After straining, the decoction is ready for use. Drink 50 ml 4 times a day;

Grind the leaves walnut and cover with boiling water for 20 minutes. Use the mixture as a compress (apply for 20 minutes twice a day);

Wash and dry the celandine leaves. Squeeze the juice out of it and dilute it with water in a 1:1 ratio. Apply overnight to areas of inflammation;

Melt 200 g of fat, then add norichnik herbs and place on water bath for 4 hours. Then pour the mixture into an airtight container. Apply this ointment to the lymph nodes three times a day.

Have you noticed or felt round lumps on your child’s neck? It's probably swollen lymph nodes. This disease is called lymphadenitis. It is believed to be dangerous, but in childhood such inflammation occurs more often than in adults, and is not always a cause for concern. Let's look at why lymph nodes become enlarged in children, what you need to pay attention to, and how to properly treat this pathology.

Inflammation of the cervical lymph nodesThe role of the cervical lymph nodes in the body

Lymph node is an element of the lymphatic system, which is a pinkish-gray bean-shaped or round formation measuring from 0.5 mm to 2 cm. It transports lymph - a colorless liquid involved in metabolism, serving as a filter for cleaning tissues and cells and moving lymphocytes and phagocytes during infectious diseases. Lymph nodes permeate the entire body - from the popliteal areas to the head. The following groups are located in the neck area:

  • submandibular, located on the right and left under the jaw;
  • chin;
  • anterior and posterior cervical;
  • anterior and posterior ear;
  • occipital;
  • retropharyngeal;
  • subclavian and supraclavicular.

The cervical lymph nodes are responsible for fighting diseases of the ENT organs (otitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, ARVI, influenza) and infections of the teeth and oral cavity (stomatitis, gingivitis, caries, pulpitis).

Causes of enlarged lymph nodes in a child’s neck

Lymph nodes are closely related to the human immune system. If they increase, this indicates the development of pathology in the body. When a signal is received that an infection has occurred, a large number of lymphocytes and phagocytes begin to be produced. They move to the lymph node, which causes it to enlarge. Causes of cervical lymphadenitis:

  • Teething in children infancy. It’s not easy for the child’s body during this period; the nodules, together with the immune system, work hard. There is no reason to panic; over time they will return to normal.
  • Previous occurrence of infected wounds, abscesses or boils. If located in the neck area, they can seriously affect the functioning of the lymphatic system. If the immune system is strong, the body will cope on its own, otherwise, without therapy, pus begins to accumulate in the nodes, spreading along with the lymph throughout the body. This complication requires urgent medical attention.
  • Pathogenic microbes that live in the throat. In this case, the retropharyngeal nodes become inflamed. They are located in the area where the edge meets auricle and lower jaw.
  • Infections of the face and mouth, atypical mycobacteria. Most often they cause inflammation of the nodes under the jaw on one side - left or right.
  • Inflammation of the larynx, respiratory tract, skin infectious diseases. Their sign is enlarged nodules on the sides or back of the neck.
  • Colds ( adenovirus infection, influenza, ARVI) provoke an increase in the occipital nodes. This type of lymphadenitis is a sign of good immune function. As a rule, it goes away within 3 weeks, so it does not require treatment.

There are many reasons for inflammation of the lymph nodes, so their increase during a cold is a sign of the “working” of the immune system

  • Mononucleosis, secondary syphilis, toxoplasmosis, and other acute viral infectious diseases cause bilateral inflammation of the supraclavicular lymph nodes. If you find this in your child, this is alarm signal, requiring prompt medical attention.
  • Felinosis, or cat scratch disease. Often found among owners of cats and dogs. The causative agent is the bacterium Bartonella. It enters the bloodstream through scratches left by the animal's claws. The wound does not heal for a long time, and redness forms around it. The disease is not dangerous and often goes away on its own without treatment.

If the lymph node is enlarged from birth, and there are no complaints, there is no need to worry. This symptom disappears within 1-2 years.

Associated symptoms of inflammation of the lymph nodes

Lymphadenitis in children can develop in acute or chronic form. In addition to enlarged lymph nodes, which can be easily felt when touched, the child may experience the following symptoms:

  1. Acute form - typical serious condition patient. The inflamed lymph node is clearly visible. There is intense heat, sometimes fever, it becomes difficult to move the head, the enlarged node hurts when touched. Nausea and vomiting are possible. If suppuration occurs, the lesion turns red, loses mobility and softens in the center. After some time, the pus breaks through and flows out.
  2. Chronic form - associated symptoms are less pronounced. When touching a swollen lymph node, no pain is felt. The child experiences apathy, lethargy, lack of appetite, restless sleep. The temperature rises, and sometimes a headache occurs. If the nodes are inflamed in the submandibular group, pain in the ears and redness of the oral mucosa may occur.

Purulent submandibular lymphadenitis in a child Diagnostic methods

If you find that your child's lymph nodes are inflamed, contact your doctor for advice as soon as possible. To identify the cause of a symptom, the therapist uses the following diagnostic methods:

  • interviews parents about past illnesses - how they progressed, how they were treated;
  • examines the child, palpates his lymph nodes, records their size and hardness, which helps develop a plan for further action;
  • prescribes the necessary tests;
  • gives direction to computed tomography, ultrasound or x-ray;
  • If it is not possible to establish an accurate diagnosis using the above methods, a biopsy is prescribed, during which samples of lymph node tissue are taken for analysis.

Based on the diagnostic results, a referral is given to one of the specialized specialists: hematologist, phthisiatrician, oncologist, surgeon, ENT doctor or dentist. Based on the data obtained, appropriate treatment will be prescribed.

Features of treatment

Most often, inflammation of the lymph nodes in children is a symptom accompanying the underlying disease, so the infection that caused its appearance needs to be treated. When the underlying disease is cured, lymphadenitis in most cases goes away on its own.

The doctor prescribes therapy for the nodes if recovery does not occur. The main methods are UHF therapy, taking medications (including antibiotics), and surgery.

Antibiotics and other medications

Drug therapy is carried out for at least 14 days:

  • The doctor prescribes antibiotics of the tetracycline group, such as Ceftriaxone, Amoxiclav, Oracillin, Ampicillin, Flemoxin and Amoxicillin. These drugs are sold with a prescription. They have proven themselves to be effective means with lymphadenitis.
  • Auxiliary medications are prescribed depending on the patient’s condition; they are designed to enhance the effect of taking the main drug. These may be means to improve immunity, for example, Interferon, Eleutherococcus, Arbidol, tincture of ginseng or echinacea, Immunal, Amiksin and Viferon. They complement them perfectly vitamin complexes with a high content of vitamin C.
  • To reduce the risk of allergies, Tavegil, Cetrin, Diazolin, Suprastin or Cetirizine are used.
  • Sometimes the patient is prescribed antifungal drugs– Ketoconazole, Clotrimazole or Diflucan.

For the treatment of children under 12 years of age, medications in the form of a suspension are most often used. UHF therapy

Ultrahigh frequency therapy is a physiotherapeutic treatment method. Principle of action: the patient’s body is affected magnetic field high frequency with a wavelength from 1 to 10 meters. The procedure produces a thermal effect, the vessels dilate and leukocytes begin to actively migrate to the enlarged lymph nodes. The local anti-infective immunity of tissues is strengthened, and inflammation goes away much faster.

UHF therapy is prescribed for acute form illness during the weakening period accompanying symptoms. Contraindications – specific tuberculous lymphadenitis, feverish conditions, muscle pain, rapid heartbeat, suspicion of cancer. It is not recommended to use the method if there is benign tumors, hyperthyroidism.

Surgical intervention

This type of treatment is resorted to in cases where medications and physiotherapy have not helped, and purulent complications have begun - an abscess or adenophlegmon.

The operation is performed under anesthesia - the purulent focus is opened, the degree of damage to the tissues surrounding the lymph node is determined, their destroyed parts and accumulated pus are removed. Then the affected area is washed with an antiseptic and sutured.

A special tube (drainage) is inserted into the resulting cavity. Through it there is an outflow of residual pus. If necessary, an antiseptic solution is subsequently injected into it.

Folk remedies

In cases where the lymph nodes are swollen due to a bacterial infection, such as a cold or flu, then the use of traditional medicine(compresses and decoctions) are quite effective as a treatment. Remember that self-medication at home can be harmful, so be sure to consult your doctor first. Some recipes:

  1. Buy dried echinacea at the pharmacy and peppermint. Boil 1.5 cups of water, add 4 tbsp. spoons of echinacea and continue to boil for 20 minutes. Remove from heat, add a quarter cup of mint to the broth and let steep for 5 minutes. Strain and add honey to taste. For children under 3 years old, give ¼ tsp. 3 times a day, older children – 1 tsp.
  2. For cooking herbal compress take 1 tsp. chopped nuts, mistletoe, St. John's wort and yarrow, pour them into a glass cold water and place on the stove. When the broth boils, reduce the heat and simmer for 5 minutes, then let cool. The compress should be done before bedtime. The duration of therapy is up to 3 weeks.
  3. For gargling, take 1 tbsp. l. dried chamomile flowers, add to a small saucepan with 200 ml hot water, place on low heat and bring to a boil. Let the resulting broth cool and brew. On the first day, rinsing should be done every hour, from the second day - every 3 hours.

A decoction of dried chamomile flowers is used if swollen lymph nodes are caused by a cold. Possible complications of cervical lymphadenitis

Lymphadenitis can cause the following complications:

  • further weakening of the body and the development of fever, septicemia (if the pathology is not treated for a long time);
  • purulent inflammation (adenophlegmon), spreading to the surrounding skin and muscles;
  • spread of the tumor around the lymph nodes to the back of the face and neck;
  • a sharp increase in lymph nodes, the appearance of intense fever;
  • an increase in the content of neutrophil granulocytes in the blood, causing neutrophilia.

Disease prevention

Constantly monitor your child’s health, visit a therapist, dentist, and otolaryngologist for preventive care. If the doctor recommends conducting a detailed diagnosis, you should not shy away from it. good preventive measure is the sanitation of the oral cavity. Avoid drafts and hypothermia - the main causes of colds.

Strengthen your baby's immunity. Provide him good nutrition, including many vegetables and fruits. Walk with him every day for at least 2 hours, do hardening and exercise. Maintain personal hygiene and ensure that wounds do not get infected. These measures will reduce the risk of diseases that provoke lymphadenitis.

Round lumps have appeared on the child’s neck, which are easily identified by touch and sometimes visually noticeable. Parents, as usual, immediately panic, because everyone knows from biology lessons in school that lymph nodes are no joke. However, enlarged cervical nodules in childhood are more common than in adults, and are not always a reason for parental worry and worry. Famous pediatrician and author of books for adults children's health Evgeny Komarovsky tells what enlarged nodes on the neck can mean, and how caring and loving parents should treat this.

About the problem

In medicine, this unpleasant phenomenon has a very specific name - cervical lymphadenitis. It is generally accepted that lymph nodes enlarge in response to penetration of the lymphatic system pathogens(viruses or bacteria).

  • Sometimes the disease is independent, but it is usually preceded by infected wounds, abscesses, boils. This disease is called specific.
  • Quite often, cervical lymphadenitis is not an independent disease, but one of the accompanying symptoms of some infectious and other diseases. Their list is incredibly large - from tonsillitis and influenza to tuberculosis and oncological problems. This disease is called nonspecific.

Lymph nodes are an integral part of the body's defense system - the immune system. It is not surprising that small nodules are among the first to react to any pathological process in the body as part of the vanguard of the immune system. This especially applies to children, whose immune system as a whole is not mature, perfect and strong. It is for this completely physiologically explainable reason that lymphadenitis in children is much more severe than in adults.

The symptoms are quite easy to recognize at home, without any prior medical preparation. The child's submandibular and cervical nodes, as well as nodes located between the lower jaw and ear, and occipital nodes enlarge. The increase can be either significant or small, barely noticeable to the touch.

In some cases, the child’s body temperature rises, appetite disappears, and severe lethargy is observed. Upon palpation, he feels noticeable discomfort (and even pain).

Acute lymphadenitis with severely reduced immunity and improper treatment in children it can become purulent. Chronic lymphadenitis is almost never purulent. We can talk about a chronic form of the disease if the child has colds The cervical lymph nodes are enlarged.

Often, a child's lymph nodes may become inflamed in response to a special infection - Bartonella - entering the body. Its carriers are dogs and cats. It is clear that Bartonella enters the bloodstream through cat scratches on the skin, which is why it is called cat scratch disease.

You can often notice enlarged lymph nodes in a baby during teething. This is due to the increased work of nodules as part of the entire immune system during this difficult time for the child.

About cervical lymphadenitis

Parents often turn to a well-known pediatrician with complaints about enlarged lymph nodes in their child’s neck. Before answering the question of how to treat this unpleasant illness, Evgeniy Olegovich advises to carefully understand the possible true reasons enlargement of nodules. Determining this is not as difficult as it seems. It all depends on the location of the enlarged node:

  1. According to the pediatrician, the increase in so-called retropharyngeal nodes(located at the junction of the lower jaw and the edge of the auricle) is most often caused by pathogenic microbes living in the pharynx.
  2. If the lymph nodes are swollen under the lower jaw, This is most likely due to infections of the mouth and face. If there is no inflammation in the indicated areas, then Komarovsky advises considering the option of infection with atypical mycobacteria.
  3. Nodules on the neck (side or back) may indicate the presence of a source of infection in the immediate vicinity (inflammation of the respiratory tract, larynx, skin infections).

Enlarged occipital nodes Komarovsky considers it a sign of successful functioning of the immune system in the process of the body’s fight against various viral pathogens. If a child has suffered from ARVI, influenza, or adenovirus, then such an increase cannot be considered an independent illness. This increase does not require treatment and usually goes away on its own within 2-3 weeks.

Bilateral inflammation - alarming symptom, which can accompany infectious mononucleosis, toxoplasmosis, secondary syphilis and others serious illnesses. If the nodule is inflamed on one side, there is no need to worry. According to Komarovsky, this may indicate that this particular node works as part of the immune system a little more actively than its other counterparts, taking on an additional “load.” Its increase cannot be considered a sign of disease.

The most common causes of cervical lymphadenitis, according to Evgeniy Komarovsky, lie in numerous lymphotropic viral infections, which even include the familiar herpes, adenoviral infection and others.

In any case, the doctor says, parents should not panic and immediately drag their poor child to a variety of medical specialists. Urgent and emergency treatment in most cases it is not required, and often the inflamed lymph node returns to normal on its own, without any effort on the part of doctors, mothers, fathers and grandmothers. You should not immediately go to the pharmacy for antibiotics. But you definitely need to visit a pediatrician and get a referral for tests.

Treatment according to Komarovsky

Before prescribing treatment, Evgeniy Olegovich recommends that parents find the opportunity to get tested in a good virology laboratory. It is its specialists and modern high-precision laboratory equipment that will help to most accurately determine which virus is causing the enlarged lymph nodes.

In most cases, the usual is sufficient clinical analysis blood, in which the leukocyte formula is determined.

If lymphadenitis is recurrent and comes back again and again, then Komarovsky considers it sufficient to do such a blood test 2-3 times a year. This, he said, is quite enough to control the situation.

If the viral etiology of cervical lymphadenitis is confirmed, treatment makes no sense at all, emphasizes Evgeny Komarovsky. The illness will pass independently - as the immune system completely copes with the foreign agent. If the culture gives positive result for staphylococcus or streptococcus, the doctor will definitely prescribe antibiotic therapy.


In 90% of cases, enlarged cervical lymph nodes do not bother the child himself, but his overly caring and worried parents. In most cases, says Evgeny Komarovsky, it is better to leave the child alone (especially if the pediatricians are not alarmed by anything and the child’s blood tests are within the normal range).

If the inflamed lymph node turns red, this may indicate suppuration. In this case, the temperature rises and the baby’s condition worsens significantly. This disease is fraught with a breakthrough of purulent contents in inner fabrics. At the first sign of redness, Komarovsky advises immediately contacting pediatric surgeon, because purulent lymphadenitis often has to be treated surgically.

Why lymph nodes enlarge, what inflamed lymph nodes are, is it serious and what to do about it - Dr. Komarovsky will tell you in the video below.

Lymphadenopathy is an enlargement of the lymph nodes itself various localizations. Why do the lymph nodes in a child’s neck become enlarged? What to do if enlarged and inflamed lymph nodes are palpated on the baby’s neck?

Why do the lymph nodes in a child’s neck become inflamed?

Lymph nodes are unique biological filters scattered throughout the body. Round or oval formations are located in clusters near large vessels and near the main internal organs. Most often, clusters of lymph nodes can be found along the largest veins human body. In healthy children, these formations reach sizes from 0.5 to 5 cm. Without a reason, the lymph nodes do not enlarge, remaining unchanged throughout life.

All lymph flowing through the lymphatic vessels passes through biological filters. Here it is cleansed of harmful toxins and various infectious agents. Acting as a collector, the lymph nodes constantly collect all the dangerous substances that enter the body. For the time being, this well-functioning system protects a person, but sooner or later the mechanism fails. The lymph nodes become inflamed, and this serves as a signal for the development of one or another pathology in the child’s body.

In the neck area of ​​children, there are several groups of lymph nodes in the back and front:

  • submandibular;
  • chin;
  • sublingual;
  • supraclavicular;
  • anterior cervical.

Causes of enlarged lymph nodes in a child’s neck

Enlarged and inflamed lymph nodes in the neck area in children are a sign of certain problems in the body. The causes of this condition may be associated with both the development of local infection and general intoxication. What leads to the development of cervical lymphadenopathy?

There are localized, regional and generalized lymphadenopathy. In the localized form, the inflammation affects no more than one group of lymph nodes in the neck. Regional lymphadenopathy involves 2 groups of lymph nodes located nearby. In the case of a generalized form, biological filters throughout the body are affected.

Possible causes of localized and regional lymphadenopathy in the neck:

  • ARVI, influenza;
  • childhood infections (measles, rubella, scarlet fever, mumps);
  • ENT infections;
  • inflammatory processes in the oral cavity (gingivitis, stomatitis, caries, pulpitis);
  • purulent skin infections in the neck area;
  • malignant tumors.

Enlarged and inflamed lymph nodes in the neck may be a manifestation general disease. In this case, generalized lymphadenopathy develops. In this condition, round, inflamed formations will be detected throughout the body, and not just in the neck area.

Causes of generalized lymphadenopathy in children:

  • some infectious diseases (infectious mononucleosis, viral hepatitis, tuberculosis, yersiniosis, toxoplasmosis);
  • blood diseases;
  • metastases malignant tumors;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • metabolic diseases;
  • immunodeficiencies;
  • taking certain medications.

All of these causes can occur in children at almost any age and require careful diagnosis by a specialist. Treatment of lymphadenopathy will depend on the identified disease, the condition of the child and the presence of various concomitant pathologies.

Main manifestations

It is quite easy to detect enlarged and inflamed lymph nodes in the neck area. Round elastic formations can be noticed by the child himself, his parents or a doctor during examination. Changed lymph nodes can be located both behind and in front of the neck - depending on the lesion. In some cases they hurt when pressing or turning the head, in others they do not cause the child the slightest discomfort. Often at the same time, body temperature rises, chills, weakness and other signs of intoxication appear.

Normally, in healthy children, lymph nodes in the neck area can be palpated. Such formations do not exceed 1 cm in size and always remain painless. You should be concerned if the lymph nodes enlarge and become more than 1.5 cm in diameter. If such formations hurt and do not move well relative to the skin, you should definitely consult a doctor and try to find the causes of this condition.

Consult a doctor if enlarged lymph nodes are accompanied by worsening general condition child.

Not only the size, but also the consistency of the changed lymph nodes is of great importance. Inflammatory processes are characterized by the appearance of enlarged soft-elastic formations. Dense lymph nodes in children occur due to metastases of tumor cells. Adhesion to each other and to surrounding tissues is characteristic of malignant tumors and tuberculosis.

Residual lymphadenopathy deserves special attention. This phenomenon occurs after a child has had the flu, acute respiratory viral infection or other infectious disease. Enlarged and inflamed lymph nodes in a child’s neck may persist for a month after recovery. Special treatment in this case it is not carried out.

Diagnostic methods

What to do if enlarged lymph nodes are palpated in the child’s neck? First of all, you need to figure out what could provoke such a condition. If your child has had the flu or another illness in the near future, there is no need to worry. It is likely that the enlarged lymph nodes in the neck were caused by a common infection of the mouth and nasopharynx. In this case, there is no need to treat inflamed lymph nodes. Within 2-4 weeks after recovery, the formations on the neck will disappear on their own without any additional therapy.

There are situations in which you should not hesitate to visit a doctor. In what cases is it necessary to consult a specialist?

  • Lymph nodes are constantly enlarged (more than 1 month).
  • Lymph nodes enlarge in several groups at once.
  • The child's body temperature rises due to lymphadenopathy.
  • The skin over the formation is red, hot to the touch, and touching the node causes severe pain.
  • Lymph nodes are fused to each other and to surrounding tissues.

To find the cause of enlarged lymph nodes, the doctor may suggest performing a biopsy of the formation. The procedure must be carried out if the child’s condition does not improve despite all the treatment. A biopsy is also indicated for lesions larger than 2.5 cm and if a malignant tumor is suspected.

Biopsy in children is usually performed under local anesthesia. The doctor disinfects the skin, makes an incision and removes the affected lymph node. The formation is sent to the laboratory for research. Based on the results of the analysis, the doctor will be able to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment for the little patient.

How to treat lymph nodes in a child’s neck?

Treatment of the lymph nodes themselves in children does not make sense. Before treating one or another swollen lymph node, you should find out the reason for its appearance. Inflammation of the formation is only a consequence of some process: infectious, autoimmune or tumor. The disease itself needs to be treated, which has led to the proliferation of lymphoid tissue in the neck.

What to do if changes in lymph nodes are accompanied by signs infectious disease? If there is an infection behind the enlarged lymph nodes, the doctor may prescribe antibacterial or antiviral drugs. Treatment lasts from 5 to 14 days, after which the doctor evaluates the results of the therapy. During this time, all the main symptoms of the disease should go away, and along with them, the inflamed lymph nodes should decrease. If treatment does not bring results, you should think about a biopsy of the formation and other additional methods examinations.

When found cancerous tumor The child should be treated by an oncologist. The treatment regimen will depend on the type of tumor, its prevalence and the general condition of the patient. Autoimmune and endocrine diseases should also be handled by appropriate specialists.

Surgical treatment is performed quite rarely and only if the inflammatory process is localized strictly in the affected lymph node. The formation is removed under local or general anesthesia. After the operation conservative treatment using antibiotics wide range actions.

Any experienced mother knows how to begin examining a sick child by a pediatrician. The doctor will definitely check the throat, tongue, eye sclera, and with the usual movement he will place his fingers behind the ears, under the chin, on the neck to palpate the lymph nodes.

Why does a pediatrician need to palpate the lymph nodes every time he visits him? What can the lymph nodes in a child’s neck tell him and what should they be like normally? To answer these questions, it’s worth taking a closer look at the lymphatic system itself.

Where are the lymph nodes in a child's neck?

  1. The inflammatory process began in the nearest organ - for example, a carious tooth or tonsil.
  2. Bacteria, along with the products of their vital activity, penetrate into the lymph.
  3. Infected lymph is retained by the nearest “filter station” ( cervical lymph nodes child).
  4. Immune cells begin to attack carriers of infection, which is accompanied by an increase in the number of lymphocytes, and therefore the temperature inside the node or in the whole body, and the volume of the “checkpoint” itself, which is why the lymph nodes in the child’s neck are swollen.

That is, if the lymph node in the neck is inflamed with right side in a child, there is reason to suspect an inflammatory process (for example, the formation of a cyst) in a tooth located on the right side of the jaw, or otitis media in the right ear.

Both left and right

When the cervical lymph nodes become inflamed on both the left and right, this can be either a regional reaction to an infection (respiratory viral, bacterial) or a reaction to various external influences:

  • insect bite, cat scratch;
  • recent vaccination;
  • the use of any dermatological ointments.

Often the lymph node becomes inflamed during tooth eruption. The lymph nodes can become inflamed not only on the side where the tooth is cut, but also on the left and right.


The situation when the lymph node in the back of a child’s neck is inflamed is characterized by the same reasons as described in the previous paragraph - this is, as a rule, a reaction of the lymphatic system to an infection, allergens or other external influences. Lymph nodes in the back of a child’s neck often become inflamed during otitis media, or during chronic inflammatory processes in the tonsils (chronic). Of great importance are:

  • the size of the lymph node (pediatricians consider visually detectable lymph nodes up to 1 cm in diameter to be absolutely normal);
  • its consistency - the knot should be dense, resemble a ball “rolling” under your fingers, worse if it has a loose structure;
  • mobility is bad when the lymph node does not roll under the fingers, but remains motionless, as if grown into the skin, fused with other nodes.

If any warning signs You should consult your pediatrician. Only a doctor can help you determine exactly why your child’s lymphatic “filters” become inflamed.

If many cervical lymph nodes are enlarged

The number of enlarged lymph nodes can tell about the extent of the inflammatory process that has engulfed internal organs. If a large number of cervical lymph nodes are inflamed, one can suspect:

  • generalized (with multiple damage to organs and tissues) viral or bacterial infection;
  • tumor blood disease (rare).

Other causes of numerous inflammations of the cervical lymph nodes in children are extremely rare.

Is it dangerous?

When discussing the danger of cervical lymphadenitis in children, it is worth noting that truly dangerous situations in young patients arise quite rarely.

Most often, the lymph nodes become enlarged () or inflamed (lymphadenitis) as a short-term response of the immune system to infection.

There are some signs that openly demonstrate danger:

  • inflammation large quantity lymph nodes, indicating a serious widespread infection (for example, mumps);
  • hyperemia (redness) of the skin area above the lymph node, accompanied by pain, local or general increase in temperature to febrile (high) values, indicates purulent melting of the node with the prospect of developing into adenophlegmon.
  • a single, completely painless, but clearly visible node can be a harbinger of tumor formation.

In order not to panic, find out the reliable cause of lymphadenitis according to the recommendations of your doctor. And don’t consider any increase under the child’s skin a death sentence.

Most lymph nodes in a child's neck are easily palpable until the age of 3, and this is the norm. It is also normal if a child has palpable lymph nodes in the neck and at an older age if they are in the submandibular area.

It is impossible to ignore such an option as incorrect node definition. The “lump” felt by the mother may turn out to be another anatomical formation, for example, a cyst, salivary gland or a small muscle.

How to treat?

When asking the question, if the lymph nodes in a child’s neck are inflamed, how to treat them, most mothers are already making a mistake. Inflamed lymph nodes should be treated as a symptom; lymphadenitis occurs as an independent disease in rare cases. Therefore main principle Treatment of lymph nodes in children in the neck is to find the cause that triggered the development of the inflammatory process.

Only eliminating the underlying disease will stop the inflammatory process in the lymph nodes. This means that the first step on the path to treatment should be a visit to the pediatrician and getting tested.

How to treat?

Regarding the medications needed to treat lymphadenitis, doctors often differ in their opinions. Some believe that no measures should be taken until an accurate picture of the disease is obtained.

Others suggest prescribing immediately, without waiting for test results, citing the fact that the most common cause lymphadenitis is bacterial infection. After clarifying the cause and if the viral nature of the inflammation is confirmed, the introduction of immunostimulating drugs into therapy is proposed.

It must be said that there are many more reasons that can serve as a provoking factor for the development of lymphadenitis than one can imagine:

  • colds and respiratory viral infections (antibiotic treatment will be justified if a focus of inflammation is detected in the respiratory or auditory system);
  • diseases of the oral cavity, infections caused by or (and this is where antibiotics can come in handy);
  • helminthiasis, fungal infections usually treated with a complex of therapeutic measures;
  • frequent diseases among children caused by a cat scratch or the bite of another animal or insect, accompanied by severe inflammation and febrile temperature, also require antibacterial therapy;
  • quite a frequent unwanted guest child's body- pathogen infectious mononucleosis, Epstein-Barr virus- treated with antiviral and immunostimulating drugs.
  • the same applies to cytomegalovirus; here you cannot do without immunomodulators.

As we see, the range of pathologies-causes, and therefore medicines for the treatment of lymphadenitis is too wide to hope for own strength. What definitely cannot be treated for inflamed cervical lymph nodes in children is folk remedies. You don’t need to give your child herbs that other mothers or grandmothers will recommend to you, and you shouldn’t try to “clean” the abscess above the lymph node.

Under no circumstances should you warm up an enlarged or inflamed lymph node. You cannot lubricate it with warming ointments, apply an iodine net, apply compresses, or “soar.” The best thing you can do is not to touch the node at all, and show the child to the pediatrician as soon as possible.

Useful video

From next video you can find out additional information about enlarged lymph nodes in a child:


  1. Inflammation of the cervical lymph nodes in children is most often the body’s immune response to infectious invasion in regionally located organs (regional lymphadenitis).
  2. Multiple inflamed lymph nodes usually indicate the presence of a generalized (widespread) infection.
  3. Treatment of lymphadenitis requires preliminary identification of the root cause of the inflammatory process in the body, which can only be done in a medical institution.