
Microbial eczema treatment of the cause of the disease. About microbial eczema and its treatment

Among the most common inflammatory skin diseases is eczema. The pathology is characterized by the occurrence of rashes, which can manifest themselves in the form of redness, eczematous blisters or nodular formations. The disease can occur in both acute and chronic forms.

What is microbial eczema?

Microbial eczema is a skin lesion with active inflammation. Manifestations occur as a result of microbial or fungal infection. The rash characteristic of the disease may appear around trophic ulcers, abrasions, near unhealed sutures after operations, cuts and fistulas.

The photo shows manifestations of microbial eczema on the hands:

As a result of infection, a change in the epidermis of the skin occurs, after which signs of microbial eczema join the manifestations. Most often, the skin on the arms and legs is affected by such lesions.

Treatment of the disease should be aimed at eliminating the main symptoms and neutralizing inflammation.

Important! In addition to the noticeable discomfort that the patient may experience during illness, the external manifestations. The disease affects psychological state the patient and reduces his self-esteem.

Causes of the disease

The main reason for the appearance of microbial eczema is the presence of a favorable environment for the development of infection. Non-healing wounds, burns, ulcers and varicose veins can contribute to the development of the disease. As a result of infection, damaged areas of the skin become inflamed and microbes multiply. The presence of microbial eczema can be judged by the following signs:

  • rash;
  • redness;
  • pustules.

Manifestations in almost every case are accompanied by severe itching and burning.

Important! Allergy sufferers and people with reduced immunity are susceptible to the disease if functional features digestive, endocrine systems. Stress and poor personal hygiene can contribute to the spread of infection. As a result of this, it develops increased sensitivity to allergens.

The occurrence of such symptoms is due to the influence of both external and internal factors.


  • renal failure;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • mental and nervous disorders.


  • wounds, cuts, abrasions;
  • trophic ulcers with purulent inflammation.

It is possible that microbial eczema may develop against the background of pathologies such as lymphostasis and mycosis.

Factors such as a tendency to allergic reactions and genetic predisposition. The transition of the disease to a chronic form occurs as a result of constant exposure of the skin to allergens and infections, as well as chemicals and other harmful elements.

How the disease develops

  • On initial stage redness appears on the skin, itching gradually increases in intensity;
  • At the next stage, rashes appear in the form of vesicles (bubbles with gray liquid);
  • In the third stage, the vesicles burst. Weeping begins on the surface of the skin.
  • At the site of weeping, crusts with a gray-yellow tint appear. No fluid (exudate) is released. And the disease goes into remission (complete disappearance of symptoms).

Symptoms of microbial eczema

The areas most often affected by microbial eczema are the lower limbs. Changes occur on the skin, purulent papules form, which gradually turn into blisters and erosive ulcers. These areas do not have clear boundaries and merge with healthy skin.

Manifestations are accompanied by severe itching. Inflamed areas of the epidermis with eczema are covered with purulent crusts, detached from the stratum corneum. The affected areas are surrounded by dead skin.

There are several types of microbial eczema, each of which is characterized by certain symptoms and distinctive features.

Thus, with coin-shaped plaque eczema, the appearance of focal lesions with a round shape measuring 1-3.2 cm is observed. Manifestations are most often localized on the skin of the legs.

The photo shows microbial eczema of the feet

If we consider varicose eczema, then its development occurs against the background of varicose veins. Signs of the disease are accompanied by itching and are characterized by clear boundaries of focal inflammation.

Post-traumatic microbial eczema also has its own characteristics: manifestations surround injured skin areas: wounds, scratches, slowing down the healing process.

In this video you can get additional information about microbial eczema:

Types of disease

We will consider the types of microbial eczema in detail.

Numular (plaque) microbial eczema

Plaque (coin-shaped) microbial eczema is an itchy dermatitis characterized by the formation of coin-shaped plaques with clear boundaries. Their size varies from 1 to 3 cm.

The top of the affected areas is covered with a serous crust. Individual inflammations combine to create a generalized focus. This can lead to the development of purulent inflammatory process. Usually this process is accompanied by the appearance of blisters with pus inside on the skin of the hands or other parts of the body.

Extensive skin inflammation is a complication of plaque eczema, which can only be eliminated in a hospital setting.

Paratraumatic microbial eczema

Paratraumatic microbial eczema develops in places of scratches, wounds, ulcers, abrasions, postoperative sutures, fistulas.

Pay attention! Distinctive feature fistulas are characterized by a long course and delayed healing.

Sycozyform eczema

This is a type of seborrheic eczema that develops in patients with sycosis. Lesions are most often localized in areas with hairline. The rashes are pustules small sizes. The main signs of sycosiform eczema are reddened, tight skin and severe itching. Typical areas of localization for this type of eczema are the head, beard, pubic and axillary areas.

Attention! Inflammatory processes accompanying the disease almost always extend beyond the hairline.

Nipple eczema

Nipple eczema is another type of itchy microbial eczema. The most common cause of its occurrence is injuries to a woman’s breast nipples during lactation. Scratching these areas during scabies leads to a similar result. Similar manifestations can occur when:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • tendency to allergic reactions;
  • due to nervous disorders;
  • as a result of stress, depression;
  • against the background of weakened immunity.

With nipple eczema, focal inflammation appears, which has visible boundaries. The skin becomes red in color, its surface becomes crusty and cracks.

Varicose microbial eczema

The main factor in the appearance of microbial varicose veins is varicose veins. It is usually accompanied venous insufficiency. When ulcers form, an edematous eczematous area forms. The course of the disease is accompanied by an active inflammatory process and noticeable itching.

Diagnosis of microbial eczema

Diagnosis is carried out by a dermatologist. In order to identify the pathogen and determine the degree of its sensitivity to antibiotics, he prescribes a culture from the affected skin. Comparative diagnostic methods are also used. They make it possible to distinguish microbial eczema from other diseases, such as psoriasis, reticulosis, dermatitis and allergic manifestations.

If the previous methods did not help, then complex diagnostics are used. It requires histological and bacteriological research in order to assess the condition of skin manifestations and determine the degree of complexity of the disease.

Important! Only a specialist can make an accurate diagnosis. When developing a treatment regimen, the presence and condition of injuries and cuts, as well as the degree of varicose veins, are important.

Treatment of microbial eczema

When treating microbial eczema, it is necessary integrated approach. After clarifying the diagnosis and identifying causative factors, they should be eliminated. Further treatment involves:

  • taking sedatives and antihistamines (“Suprastin”, “Loratardine”);
  • taking vitamins C and B;
  • cleansing the body through hemodialysis;
  • application local drugs in the form of hydrocortisone, retinol ointments and therapeutic mud;
  • use of antiseptic lotions with solution boric acid to relieve inflammation;

Treatment of more complex forms of microbial eczema involves the administration of glucocorticosteroids and the use of hydrocortisone ointment. This therapy is carried out to prevent recurrent processes and eliminate pronounced signs diseases. It will not be superfluous intramuscular injections vitamins B and C.

The photo shows manifestations of microbial eczema on the elbows

After exiting the exacerbation stage, it is carried out ultraviolet irradiation. At the same time, an antibiotic ointment may be prescribed.

Important! It is worth keeping in mind that this remedy It is not prescribed for microbial eczema resulting from a fungal infection of the skin.

Read more about the treatment of eczema in this video:

Traditional methods

There are many effective recipes for treating microbial eczema. traditional medicine, among which ordinary is popular fish oil, recommended as lotions. The course of its use is 3 days.

The role of therapeutic nutrition in eczema

Along with complex therapy in the treatment of microbial eczema important role the right organization plays therapeutic nutrition. The following should be excluded from the diet:

  • fatty, fried, spicy foods;
  • white bread;
  • baking;
  • potatoes;
  • tomatoes;
  • citrus fruits;
  • red fruits and berries.

Gradually, it will be possible to include boiled or steamed lean meat and low-fat varieties of river fish in the diet. Plant foods include cabbage, carrots, beets, and legumes. You can eat greens: parsley, cross lettuce, celery and horseradish.

Question and answer

Do they influence venereal diseases on the appearance of microbial eczema?

It should be borne in mind that sexually transmitted diseases significantly reduce immunity, weakening protective functions body. This is precisely one of the reasons contributing to the development of microbial eczema.

Is microbial eczema contagious? If so, how is it transmitted?

Among several types of eczema, microbial and seborrheic are contagious. These types of diseases have a direct relationship with viral and microbial infections, which, when exposed to a favorable environment, begin to multiply. The infection can be transmitted through contact through household contact when receiving injuries.

What is the most common type of microbial eczema?

According to medical statistics, the most common type of microbial eczema is coin-shaped (plaque) eczema.

How inexpensive effective remedy do you recommend for microbial eczema?

One of effective means for microbial eczema is the cream “Losterin”, which is non-hormonal drug and is suitable not only for treating the disease during an exacerbation, but also for prevention.

Microbial eczema is serious skin disease of a chronic nature. In case of exacerbation of manifestations, treatment is required, which involves an integrated approach. Special significance has an organization of therapeutic nutrition. When the first signs of eczema occur, it is strongly recommended to contact specialists for qualified assistance. medical care. It is impossible to self-medicate such manifestations, as there is a risk of driving the disease deeper by getting rid of only superficial signs.

Accounts for more than a quarter of all cases.

Most often it is localized on the upper and lower extremities, causing extremely discomfort. If treatment is not started in time, the disease can become chronic, which is extremely difficult to treat.

Causes of the disease

General factors contributing to its appearance are psychovegetative disorders, neuroendocrine diseases, and decreased immunity.

The development of the disease occurs, as a rule, in injured areas of the epidermis: the infection penetrates into abrasions, wounds, cracks, and the process of its spread begins.

The causative agents of microbial eczema are either bacteria (streptococci or staphylococci) or fungi of the genus . They penetrate the injured epidermis of the hands, and the inflammatory process begins very quickly.

The causative agent of the disease is a fungus of the genus Candida

Symptoms and manifestations of the disease on the hands

In the photo of hands affected by microbial eczema, redness and rash covering the hands are clearly visible. All this is accompanied by severe itching and a burning sensation, and scratching the skin only contributes to the further spread of the infection.

Against the background of the rash, papules appear, after scratching which the thin upper layer of the epidermis peels off, and pus oozes from the resulting ulcers. With a dry rash, dead epidermis peels off, which has a white-yellow color.

This is what microbial eczema looks like on the hands of adults and children

If treatment is not started immediately at the first signs, individual eczema, the boundaries of which are clearly defined, merge, and microbial eczema of the hands appears on the fingers.

The presence of weeping segments and purulent crusts not only makes an extremely unaesthetic impression, but also causes difficulties in communication, since others immediately suspect that this is a contagious disease, although in fact this is not the case.

Treatment at home

Diet and proper nutrition

– an integral component of the treatment complex. In fact, it fully complies with the principles of rational nutrition, except that you will have to give up citrus fruits, as well as spicy and irritating foods (pepper, garlic, onions).

Smoked, canned and pickled foods and alcohol are excluded from the diet. Fluid intake will have to be limited to avoid swelling.

The basis of the diet is dairy products, cereals, meat (boiled only), vegetables and fruits containing a lot of fiber, and greens.

It turns out that every third person on earth has encountered eczema at least once. This is a disease that affects the skin and is expressed by severe itching and redness. One of the varieties of this disease is a Photo of this disease can be seen in the pictures below. Appearance the affected areas are not very pleasant: they become covered with crusts, get wet, and look unsightly. Microbial eczema differs from other infectious skin diseases in that it is caused not only by the microorganism itself, but by malfunctions immune system person. And this greatly complicates the healing process.


Microbial eczema can be:

Acute - lasts from several weeks to 3 months. A bright red spot appears on the skin, it itches and becomes wet.

Subacute - lasts from 3 months to six months. Here, not only redness of the skin is observed, but also its thickening and peeling.

Chronic - lasts more than 6 months. The affected skin is very dense, the color is very different from the surrounding tissue.

Where can it appear?

Microbial eczema, a photo of which can be seen in the article, occurs:

In places of chronic pyoderma.

Around trophic ulcers.

In the area of ​​poorly healing wounds.

Near abrasions, fistulas.

On sore legs (varicose veins).

Reasons for appearance

Before starting treatment for microbial eczema, it is necessary to find out what caused the development of this disease. The causes of the disease may be:


Weakening of the immune system.

Consequences of allergies.

Diseases of internal organs.

Hormonal imbalance.

Frequent stress nervous disorders, depression.

Impact of unfavorable natural factors on the body.

Who is at risk? People with high susceptibility to microbial eczema pathogens - streptococci. They often:

  1. They neglect personal hygiene.
  2. They have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, as well as the endocrine system.
  3. Experiencing stress.
  4. They are constantly sick, the protective forces of such people are depleted.

Microbial eczema - hands

Appears as a result of complications and forms around wounds, ulcers, fistulas, burns. Treatment of microbial eczema on the hands is a long-term task, since a person usually comes into contact with various objects, household chemicals without wearing gloves. Therapy for this disease is different for each patient, because people have different type, degree of severity of the disease. Also, when choosing a treatment method, the doctor takes into account the patient’s age, his general condition health.

In general, microbial treatment should be comprehensive. The specialist prescribes the following groups of drugs:

  1. Enteric agents to reduce intoxication. These can be drugs in the form of tablets such as Atoxil, Polysorb.
  2. Antibiotics. These can be aminoglycosides, macrolides, fluoroquinolones.
  3. Hormonal treatment. Drugs "Prednisolone", "Dexamethasone".
  4. Vitamin therapy. Ascorbic acid, folic acid, vitamins E and B.
  5. Antihistamines. These may be drugs such as Zyrtec, Loratadine, Erius, Lomilan, etc.
  6. Immunostimulants - “Timogen”, “Plasmol”, etc.

We must not forget that microbial eczema on the hands is treated more slowly than on the feet. After all, the lower limbs may not be in contact with chemicals, detergents etc. But a person washes dishes, washes clothes, etc. every day with his hands. Therefore, doctors give the following recommendations to patients for a speedy recovery:

If possible, limit, or better yet stop, using floor and dishwashing detergents.

The water should not be hot, the optimal temperature is 37 degrees.

Microbial eczema on the lower extremities

The disease can also begin on the legs if germs get into wounds and abrasions. Symptoms of the disease on the lower extremities are the appearance of purulent blisters, redness, and itching. Microbial infections are treated in the same way as on the hands. Antibacterial, antiseptic and antifungal drugs. Medicines are used externally and internally. If the disease is accompanied varicose veins veins, then the treatment of microbial eczema on the legs is complemented by wearing special compression garments - stockings, socks, tights, which tone the blood flow. The doctor also gives recommendations to the patient:

Do not put any weight on your legs.

Avoid walking long distances.

Wear well-ventilated shoes to get rid of foot rashes.

Wear natural socks.

At night, place a small bolster or pillow under your feet.

Popular local antibiotic against microbial eczema

Drug for local therapy diseases resulting from bacterial infections skin and soft tissues, which is successfully used in medicine, is called “Bactroban”. Instructions for use of this medication are as follows:

Apply ointment 2 to 3 times a day. Apply a small amount of product to the problem area and place a bandage on top.

After applying the drug, wash your hands thoroughly with soap.

The duration of therapy with this ointment is up to 10 days, depending on the severity of microbial eczema. If there is no improvement within 5 days, then the patient needs to see a doctor to change the treatment regimen.

Bactroban cream, instructions for use of which must be included in the package with the medication, can be used both as monotherapy and in combination with other medications.

Corticosteroid drug

An effective ointment with anti-inflammatory, antipruritic and decongestant effects, successfully used for dermatitis, psoriasis and eczema, is called “Lokoid”. As active substance hydrocortisone 17-butyrate is used. Lokoid cream, the price of which is quite high, considering that the ointment is sold in tubes of only 30 g, is used as follows:

Apply the product to problem areas 1 to 3 times a day. If the skin condition improves, reduce the use of the drug to 3 times a week.

Apply the ointment with massaging movements. The therapeutic course is set individually and depends on the patient’s condition and the course of the disease.

Attention! Dermatologists prescribe that patients apply ointment from 30 to 60 g for 1 week, and it costs about 350 rubles. per tube. Considering that the drug "Lokoid", the price of which may initially seem low, is consumed rapidly - a package takes 7 days - it is easy to calculate how much money a person will have to spend if the course of his therapy is 3 weeks. It turns out that from 1050 to 1800 rubles. And that's just for this ointment. But it is necessarily used together with other drugs for complex therapy.

Soderm solution

This is another remedy that is used to treat microbial eczema. The drug belongs to the corticosteroid medications. Soderm solution relieves itching and pain. You can use the product up to 4 times a week. Treatment of microbial eczema with this solution can bring a person side effects, for example, allergic reactions will appear in the form of itching, spots, excessive hair growth in unwanted places.

The drug "Soderm" is prohibited from use in the following cases:

People who have skin tuberculosis, smallpox, acne, skin manifestations of syphilis.

Children under 1 year.

At skin reactions after vaccinations.

In case of individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

A solution is used to treat microbial eczema on the scalp. The patient independently applies a small amount of the drug using a special nozzle on the scalp heads affected by the disease.

The withdrawal of Soderm should be gradual.

Triderm ointment

Treatment of microbial eczema with this drug gives good results if a person uses the cream 2 times a day without a break for 2 weeks. Triderm has the following effects:






This drug is quite effective, it quickly relieves inflammation on the skin, but in some cases it is prohibited to use it:

With diagnoses such as chicken pox, herpes, tuberculosis manifestations of syphilis.

For open wounds.

Children under 2 years old.

Pregnant women should use the cream with caution, especially in the 1st trimester, and children over 2 years old.

Physiotherapeutic methods

In addition to the use of microbial eczema, dermatologists also prescribe oral medications and diet. The patient may also be offered one of the following physical therapy options:

Laser treatment.

Electrophoresis with drugs.

Ultraviolet irradiation.

Exposure to ozone.

People who have successfully gotten rid of microbial eczema should follow preventive measures so that the problem does not return again. Be sure to boost your immunity, exclude from your diet those foods that may be allergens, and maintain personal hygiene.

Ignoring the problem

If a person does not go to the doctor, does not respond to a disease such as microbial eczema, treatment (ointment, tablets, physiotherapy, folk remedies), prescribed by a specialist, is ignored, this can lead to serious consequences and cause:

Spread of red itchy spots to other areas of the skin.

The appearance of Kaposi's eczema, a herpetic infection.

Development chronic form microbial eczema, which is impossible to get rid of.

Also, such sad consequences can be observed in those patients who independently try to eliminate the disease. Only a specialist, after a series of tests and assessment of the patient’s general health, can prescribe the correct treatment regimen. Therefore, if you suspect this skin disease, you should not try to select medications on your own; you should urgently consult a dermatologist.


In this article, the reader became acquainted with such an unpleasant problem as microbial eczema. Not a single person is immune from this disease, because the causes of its occurrence can be various factors: from frequent stress to unfavorable conditions accommodation. It is necessary to treat microbial eczema in a comprehensive manner: take medications, lubricate problem areas with ointments, such as Triderm, Lokoid, Bactroban. Also, we must not forget about diet and personal hygiene. And a timely visit to a dermatologist will help not to start the problem and not transfer it into the category of chronic ailments.

Diseases epithelial tissue(skin) are distributed throughout the world.

Microbial eczema is one of their varieties.

It can manifest itself in different ways, as well as be treated, therefore it is divided into several types, differing in certain features.

Weakened by not enough strong immunity, psychological experiences or allergies, epithelial tissue is always ready to catch a disease; it is easily susceptible to skin ailments. Basically, bacterial eczema is triggered due to the appearance and further development of harmful bacteria and microorganisms.

What is

Many of its properties are similar to those of other types of eczema, but there are also distinct features and symptoms.

Like other forms of eczema, it is a disease skin accompanied by various inflammatory processes. Its appearance is closely related to the presence in general allergic reactions in the patient’s body, disturbances in the functioning of the name system and problems with nervous activity.

The specific areas affected by the disease are not contagious. Therefore, eczema is considered a non-transmissible disease. However, unlike other types, bacterial eczema is more complicated. There is a risk of infection, but the infection is carried by the bacteria that caused the disease (for example, staphylococcus fungus).

Microbial eczema has a high recurrence rate. Patients who are predisposed to it or who have managed to get rid of it may get it again. In addition, the likelihood of relapse is very high.

It can turn into a true one if it is not treated in time.

The disease is characterized by a rash of dry or wet types, severe itching, burning, the appearance of red spots and other inflammatory reactions.

Most often, the microbial type of eczema is noticed as a recurrent disease (secondary infection), appearing on already damaged areas of the skin. The causes of occurrence are mainly due to factors of a bacterial nature. The disease appears due to damaged epithelium or becomes a consequence of its primary disease.

Since microbial eczema is caused and accompanied by weakness of the immune system, anxiety mental level, the general state of skin protection becomes worse. As a result of these phenomena, the healing process is significantly delayed. In fact, if the problem was only in the epithelium, everything would be easier. Because wounds, abrasions and ulcers on the skin infected with bacteria, and the areas next to them, are completely harmless.

And when the influence of several factors accumulates at once, microbial eczema is provoked. It appears near areas of the skin affected by allergies, chapped and chafed surfaces, diaper rash and varicose veins.

What causes it to appear

There are several factors that play a role in its formation. They are usually divided into general, which can cause other forms of eczema, and characteristic, which belong only to bacterial. Typically, the disease occurs not due to the influence of one factor, but a combination of several.

Common reasons:

  • disturbances in the functioning of the most important processes of the body;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • violations of the name system.

The same reasons are characteristic of almost all forms of eczema, including microbial:

  • too sensitive skin To infectious diseases and harmful microorganisms;
  • formation of varicose veins;
  • epithelial tissue injuries: ulcerative formations, burns, wounds, cracks, frostbite and others;
  • infection with fungal infections: mycoses, lymphostasis;
  • streptococcal or staphylococcal infectious microorganisms and fungi of the genus Candida.

What are the symptoms of the disease

These symptoms develop at a particularly rapid rate and may appear in the first days:

  • formation of red spots on the skin;
  • the appearance of rash-like surfaces;
  • bubble formation;
  • death of the epidermis.

Symptoms characteristic throughout the course of bacterial eczema:

  • skin lesions of various types begin;
  • Mainly purulent areas, ulcers, and scratches are affected;
  • the affected areas are sharply delineated;
  • the top layer of skin cells dies;
  • the center of the inflammatory process is covered with elevations, papules or vesicles filled with liquid;
  • wet, purulent surfaces form;
  • the outer layer of the epidermis is easily removed by touch;
  • lesions are formed by small surfaces separated by small distances, which will decrease over time;
  • Basically, the inflammation has a coin-shaped shape, but it also happens differently, the edges are uneven;
  • the itching and burning are quite severe.

Forms and types

Bacterial eczema is divided into several types:

How does the treatment work?

To get rid of the disease, you need to use complex therapy, consisting of several parts: medications for external and internal use, maintaining diets and maintaining hygiene measures.

What is classified as objects of external use?

External treatment is considered to be the use of:

  • lotions;
  • ointments;
  • lotions;
  • creams;
  • antiseptics.

Much attention is paid to products that have antibacterial properties.

After identifying the cause of the disease, and most often the appearance of a bacterium, the attending physician prescribes drugs that destroy this particular bacterium. So, basically, the approach to each patient is individual. In treatment, both highly targeted drugs and drugs that have a general anti-inflammatory effect are used.

Among the drugs for external use, the following are especially common:

  • lotions with lead water;
  • treatment with Castellani liquid;
  • ichthyol ointment, products made from tar (used mainly for weeping);
  • antibiotics: bactroban, dettol;
  • ointments against fungi: exodril, bifonazole;
  • if the patient’s condition is too advanced, then corticosteroid drugs (Elocom, Advantan);
  • agents that reduce itching and inflammation;
  • sprays like ingalipt and kameton.

If the patient's condition is too severe and it is necessary to systemic treatment, then apply:

  • antibiotics: cefazolin and doxycycline;
  • antimiotics;
  • corticosteroids;
  • desensitization drugs;
  • intravenous injections: calcium chloride and sodium thiosulfate.

If you start treating microbial eczema on time, then the intervention of these drugs will not be required. Self-medication is inappropriate and even dangerous here. It is better to immediately consult a qualified doctor to receive the correct course of antibiotic treatment.