
Basic rules for working out in the gym. First time in the gym: how to use basic exercise equipment

The decision to go in for sports has been made seriously and for a long time, a subscription to the fitness club has been prepared, a new uniform has been ironed... It seems that you have everything to make your life truly healthy, filled with the triumph of victories and joy sporting achievements! But before you start active training, learn all about the mistakes that beginners make! And then all efforts on the sports field will give not just an excellent result, but an example worthy of imitation!

Independent trips to a fitness club or gym are not best idea for beginners. Effective training requires clear goals and instructions. Therefore, at first it is better to study in the company of like-minded people or a personal trainer. This way you will know exactly how to structure your workout correctly, which muscle groups to work, what to give priority to, and which exercises to leave for later.

Under the guidance of an experienced trainer, even a short-term workout will give better results than a 3-hour attempt by a beginner to “quickly get in shape.” Know: going to the gym without a clear program is the prerogative of “advanced” athletes, but beginners need motivation and a plan - what to do and in what order.

Mistake 2: Time-tested program

If each workout exactly repeats the previous lesson and it continues long time, every day you are less and less likely to get good results from fitness. Firstly, because strictly defined muscle groups work. If the training is done incorrectly, some muscles are constantly left without work. Secondly, sooner or later the muscles get used to the load, and then there is no progress in training.

To achieve greater results in the gym, you need to experiment - increase the intensity or pace, switch to other exercises, set new peaks and conquer them.

Mistake 3: Unhealthy Ambition

Many beginners, wanting to quickly get an ideal body, strive to do as much as possible in one workout. They overload themselves full program, they leave the fitness club in a state of exhaustion. Meanwhile, all this is fraught with muscle strain and injury. Severe pain after training is not an indicator of effectiveness, but evidence that something went wrong!

Intense training should always be combined with moderate activity, alternating complex and simple complexes. During training, the body also needs rest, so slowing down the pace is justified.

Long breaks between training complexes, exercises and sets significantly reduce the effectiveness of classes in general. The optimal amount of time to allow the body to rest is 1-1.5 minutes. If necessary, the coach can extend it, while reducing the number of such breaks. When going to training, you must understand that you are going to work. And you will rest afterwards, but with a feeling of accomplishment.

Mistake 5: Inability to work with exercise equipment

Modern exercise machines, available in most gyms, are usually equipped with a small instruction manual on how to exercise on them. But this simple scheme is often not enough. To exercise on the machine correctly, you need to know how much weight you are allowed to lift, how many times you can do it, what the angle of inclination should be and how many approaches you can perform. A fitness instructor can provide all the necessary information; it is important to contact him for advice in a timely manner. Otherwise, you may unknowingly get seriously injured. And remember: the problem is not always visible immediately; sometimes it makes itself felt after some time, when greater harm to health has already been caused.

Mistake 6: Without sports nutrition - nowhere!

Many athletes who train daily unreasonably believe that without sports nutrition they would not be able to achieve good results, which means that it must be consumed daily. Newcomers also share the same opinion. As soon as they touch the dumbbells with their hands or lift the minimum weight on the machine, they ask the “enlightened ones” what supplements they should include in their diet.

In fact, there is no need to get a heavy dose of vitamins, protein, creatine and other supplements in a beginner's diet. Moreover, even professional athletes sports nutrition not always necessary. It was created mainly to help a professional cope with a serious load, so it is relevant when preparing for marathons, competitions and other similar events.

Mistake 7: Fitness beyond your age

Fitness is useful at any age, but in each specific case it must be selected individually. So, mature women are better off avoiding exhausting jumping exercises, since there is a very high risk of injury. A young girls Before the completion of puberty, some elements of Belly Dance are contraindicated, due to the fact that they can cause disturbances in the functioning of the pelvic organs. There are programs that are suitable for everyone and those that can only be practiced if you are in excellent health. But in any case, you can find “your niche,” and it is best to look for it in the company of a professional.

The effectiveness of training in the gym largely depends on how knowledgeable a person is in the area in which he is engaged. Very often, beginners neglect theory, while this is where they need to start. To tighten your body, lose weight, gain flexibility and grace, as well as increase endurance and strength, you need basic knowledge of anatomy (location and names of muscles), the basics of proper nutrition, and the ability to perform basic exercises technically accurately. Specialized literature and instructions from a trainer will help you obtain the necessary minimum information.

Error 9: Lack of progress

The main goal of any workout is to improve the body's health. You need to practice constantly, maintaining the achieved results. If you do not complicate your training program, do not include additional points and new complexes in it, soon the effectiveness of your training will decrease and a plateau effect will occur.

To prevent this from happening, you need to increase the number of approaches, the number of repetitions of exercises, or take on more weight. The training program should be reviewed at least once a month.

Mistake 10: No fun in activities

An important condition for leading a healthy lifestyle is to practice it with pleasure, otherwise it will not become a part of your life. If the atmosphere of the gym seems heavy and stuffy to you, the pool is cold, and the monotonous movements at dance irritate you, that’s okay! Experiment and find a sport you like.

Find an activity that you will enjoy doing not only now, but also in a year and throughout your life. But keep in mind that the approach to the same sport practiced by different coaches can vary greatly. Don't judge superficially! And try to find “your” instructor! And then a little later you will share with him the joy of your victories.

"IN healthy body - healthy mind", people say. And this is perhaps the most correct setting for every day! Taking confident steps on the path to youth, health and longevity, pay full attention to the word of the professionals! So that you don’t feel constrained in the gym and are not overcome by boredom, we reveal the nuances of interesting and effective workouts!

Elena Appba, expert functional diagnostics, obstetrician-gynecologist

The promotion of a healthy lifestyle and the pro-Western orientation of society led to the development of the fitness industry throughout the world, including in the territory Russian Federation. The health benefits of visiting fitness clubs are beyond doubt in the minds of people, but the vast majority do not have an accurate understanding of where to start, how to competently structure the training process and minimize health risks. Often, novice athletes do not think about which exercises can be performed and which can cause irreparable harm to health and even lead to disability.

It is necessary to take into account a number of factors - age, level of preparedness, availability bad habits, somatic status, duration of the period of physical inactivity (that is, lack of physical activity), body composition (ratio of fat and lean mass in the body). I'll tell you how to build effective training! Don't repeat other people's mistakes:

Mistake 11: Lack of a clear understanding of training goals

Among the goals are the following: recovery, maintaining muscle tone, losing weight, gaining muscle mass, increasing endurance, correcting posture, developing flexibility, outburst of emotions and good mood, mastering various directions (dancing, martial arts, swimming), preparation for participation in competitions.

Depending on the chosen goals, a training plan is drawn up. It is important to understand what will be the priority task. The desire to achieve everything at once leads to scattering of attention and delaying the achievement of results.

A consultation with a fitness club doctor will allow you to determine your somatic status (including the presence of cardiovascular diseases, metabolic disorders, nuances of the musculoskeletal system, history of injuries and surgeries), guide the training process, give a basic idea of ​​the training itself, minimize risks, give useful medical recommendations trainers about the state of human health.

Error 13: Ignoring annual medical examinations

Consultation with a functional diagnostics specialist is certainly important, but without special equipment and skills, as well as laboratory diagnostics, it is not possible to form a complete understanding of the state of health.

The benefits of screening methods have proven effectiveness. Thanks to screenings, it is possible to detect diseases at the earliest stages, when they can still be corrected without developing complications. Knowing your body and yourself is the key to minimizing risks possible complications. This should be remembered!

Mistake 14: Not measuring body composition

Bioimpedance body analysis, developed in the mid-twentieth century and used in professional sports, allows you to determine body composition (the amount of muscle, fat, water in the body, the presence of edema, metabolism, basal metabolic rate), and also understand whether a person is eating properly.

The method is based on conducting a safe electric current weak tension throughout the body, and, due to the fact that different tissues offer different resistance, it is possible to determine the composition of the body. This information necessary for a trainer to draw up a training program and increase its effectiveness in the future. It is recommended to repeat the study every 2-3 months of regular exercise.

Mistake 15: Overestimating your level of preparedness

"I can! Me myself! What’s so complicated about it!?” - this is exactly what the words of people sound like, overestimating their capabilities and not having a correct understanding sports culture. Construction initial stage is the basis for further training. Mistakes already at the first stages can have irreversible consequences for health. The maximum heart rate during cardio training should not exceed the maximum value, which is calculated based on the results of a stress test in the gym.

Nature has designed humans in such a way that the body must receive the required amount of nutrients. If this is not the case, the functioning of organs and systems is disrupted.

Nutrition should be balanced. Protein is structural component cells, and if it is insufficiently supplied to the body, new cells are not built, which leads to the fact that the body, during training, begins to “eat itself” and build up muscle tissue not happening. Long and short carbohydrates are a valuable source of energy for both physical and mental activity. Insufficient intake of fat leads to disruption of hormonal status and absorption of vitamins from the intestinal tract.

The gold standard for weight loss is a balance between poor nutrition and intense exercise. If metabolic disorders (diseases) are detected endocrine system), you need to get tested and consult with an endocrinologist.

Mistake 17: Jet lag

Biological rhythms influence all processes occurring in the body. Proper alternation of sleep and wakefulness allows you to restore strength for further functioning and expenditure of resources. Most healthy sleep from 10 pm to 02:00 am, this is due to the production of the hormone melatonin, which is responsible for adequate sleep and adaptation of the body. In this case, the duration of sleep should be 8 hours.

The modern pace of life, large cities dictate their conditions. Irregular working hours, constant stress lead to lack of sleep in the most useful time, insomnia. Disruption of hormone production occurs primarily in women, which is where many problems with conception arise.

It also happens that a person has the opportunity to train only at night. When choosing between such training and no training at all, you should opt for physical activity. According to WHO standards, the minimum number of steps per day is 8000. Movement is life!

Error 18: Dosing physical activity

Competent construction of the training process is fundamental in achieving your goals. There are a number of nuances, ranging from the choice of exercise equipment, the technique of performing exercises and the weight used, ending with the distance at which to place your arms and legs, how many approaches and repetitions to perform. In this case, the key point will be abilities, knowledge of physiology and physical culture, building the training process, coach experience, continuous improvement, as well as your individual compatibility.

Error 19: Improper breathing

Breathing is a process as natural and inseparable from life as the beating of the heart, which is why not every person thinks about how to correctly alternate inhalation and exhalation.

Proper breathing when performing physical activity not only makes it easier to perform exercises, but also reduces the load on the respiratory and cardiovascular systems and increases the effectiveness of training. Involuntary holding of breath leads to oxygen starvation tissues, the launch of anaerobic oxidation processes, dizziness and even loss of consciousness due to brain hypoxia, increased blood pressure.

Currently, running has become especially popular; running has become fashionable. Charity races and sports marathons are regularly held. Now no one can be surprised by runners in parks, on the streets, and embankments of the city. The benefits of running do not always outweigh the harm it causes.

Before introducing running into your exercise program and making it part of your lifestyle, consult with a specialist. If there are no contraindications to running, you need to start by establishing your running technique. The contact of the foot with the surface should be smooth to reduce the load on the musculoskeletal system. Under no circumstances should you land on your heel.

Running is contraindicated for people with excess body weight - all this puts a “shock” load on the body. spinal column and joints, which leads to tissue wear. For weight loss, the most effective way is to walk in the zone of maximum effective heart rate with regular changes in the inclination of the surface to reduce the load on the ligaments and joints.

Error 21: Wrong selection of clothes and shoes for sports

Clothing should be comfortable and not make it difficult to perform certain exercises. Modern breathable fabrics allow you to regulate heat exchange, as a result of which the body does not overheat.

The most important and therefore difficult thing is to choose the right shoes with foot support and shock absorption. Sneakers should only be selected by an experienced specialist, and this is something you cannot skimp on. When choosing, you should be guided by how the training process will be structured - whether it will be strength training, cardio exercise or group programs. There is a shoe for every purpose.

Mistake 22: Chaotic attendance at classes

In any field of activity, consistency is necessary. Chaotic attendance at classes and long breaks lead to the fact that each workout is perceived by the body as stress, which leads to psychological discomfort, fatigue, and bad mood. Physical activity speeds up metabolism for 48 hours, which is why training 3-4 times a week is considered optimal.

Mistake 23: Exercises “by force”

The stereotypical opinion that without pain there will be no result is firmly rooted in the mind. This idea is rooted in professional sports, where achieving results is really associated with continuous overcoming oneself, exhausting training, and achieving beyond results. For a person just starting to play sports or doing it for himself (“keepfit”), the load should be carefully dosed. The occurrence of physical discomfort during exercise can lead to damage to muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints - their tear, rupture, separation, which will require the implementation of the complex medical interventions, up to surgical treatment.

Society is split into two camps - opponents and supporters of sports nutrition.

What is sports nutrition? These are food products designed specifically for people involved in sports, which increases the body's resource intensity, makes it more resilient and allows you to build up in a short time. muscle mass.

It should be remembered that before you start using it, it is necessary to exclude the presence of contraindications, including individual allergic reactions components, carefully calculate the dosage based on your diet and the nature of your training, and consult with your trainer.

To summarize, it should be said that the approach to training should be reasonable and comprehensive, without overestimating one’s strengths and capabilities. I wish you successful training!

Expert commentary

By training once a week or from time to time, a person not only prevents the body from progressing, but also increases the likelihood of injury. Particularly vulnerable in this regard are the ligaments and joints, which adapt to the load more slowly than muscles.

I will tell you how to properly exercise and recover after training, and plan new activities:

Mistake 25: Lifting heavy weights without warming up

Newbies seeing a large number of various equipment, begin to randomly engage in strength exercises. Our ligaments are constructed in approximately the same way as very dense rubber bands, only the rubber has constant elasticity, and the ligaments are calm state compressed and susceptible to sudden loads.

In order to warm up the ligaments, you need to do at least one approach with minimal weight. Also, before performing exercises on a specific muscle group (for example, arms), you can do warm-up exercises with small dumbbells. If a person exercises without warming up for the first time, this may not lead to any consequences, but with regular heavy training, this can lead to premature wear of the ligaments, injuries and even tissue ruptures.

Mistake 26: Not stretching after a hard workout

Stretching is less important than warming up before a workout, but neglecting it will hinder muscle development for beginners. The fact is that after intense exercise, a number of specific substances accumulate in the muscle. chemical elements, one of which is lactate, or in common parlance “lactic acid”. It is because of this that the next day after training, the muscles begin to ache. Stretching helps distribute lactate throughout the body and, in addition to partially eliminating pain, helps evenly distribute the healing elements secreted by the body throughout the muscle tissue. Stretching also helps strengthen ligaments and restore their elasticity after heavy training.

Mistake 27: Fasting before training

Many beginners, regardless of the goals set for the training process, do not pay enough attention to proper nutrition. Very often people who set a goal to lose excess weight, fast and train intensely. Firstly, this approach will not be effective, since the body will quickly exhaust its resource, and the person will not be able to train further, and, accordingly, will not achieve the goal of losing weight. Secondly, it will simply harm the cardiovascular and other systems of the body.

Getting adequate sleep is just as important as proper nutrition. During sleep, intensive renewal of the body occurs, not only of muscles, but also nervous system, cardiovascular, a number of substances and hormones are produced that have an adaptive function and promote the growth of muscle tissue (for example, melatonin and somatotropin). When training, striving to expand the capabilities of your body, do not forget that adherence to circadian rhythms corresponding to the change of day and night is the most important tool for recovery.

Mistake 29: Neglecting technique in favor of trying to lift more weight

The most common mistake in strength training. Dreaming of a quick “buildup,” young people do not care about performing strength exercises correctly. This not only significantly reduces the effectiveness of exercises, since non-target muscle groups are worked, but also leads to injuries and premature wear of joints and ligaments. The most common technical mistake is incorrect squatting with a barbell. It is very important to first learn how to perform regular squats technically correctly, and only then lift weights.

Mistake 30: Not watching your breathing when doing strength exercises

The first rule of any power snatch, be it a machine or free weight, is to exhale during the snatch, inhale while lowering. Many girls who previously engaged in aerobic exercise (running, group exercises) sooner or later decide to go to the gym to strengthen their muscles. It is they who are at risk when performing strength exercises, since they train in the absence of an instructor and do not have a complete understanding of breathing techniques during exercise.

Mistake 31: In pursuit of results, do not allow the body to recover properly

At its core, strength training is nothing more than deliberate traumatization of muscles with the aim of their further strengthening and growth during the recovery process. Beginners, setting themselves the goal of quickly gaining physical shape, begin to exercise regularly. But regular training does not mean going to the gym every day! Normal period recovery of leg muscles - 5-7 days, arms recover faster, from 3 days, depending on the load.

The fat layer is unevenly distributed throughout our body, since there are areas where deposits will be more pronounced: the stomach, thighs, buttocks, so there is a common misconception that you need to do exercises on the problem area and “the fat will go away.” But by working a separate area, a person is engaged in strengthening and developing muscles, and body fat remain in place. Why?

Fat accumulation is an ancient adaptive mechanism. The body is preparing for the fact that at one point “difficult times” will come, it will not be possible to receive nutrients from the outside, which means it needs its own “reserves”. And the biochemical cascade of reactions aimed at using these “reserves” occurs only under certain conditions of energy shortage and the absence of other sources. Favorable conditions to include fats in the active process of energy supply to the body creates moderate aerobic exercise and balanced diet.

Mistake 33: Not drinking water during exercise

People usually drink water when they are already thirsty. But thirst is already a sign that the body does not have enough water. And under conditions of increased energy consumption, the likelihood of dehydration increases significantly. It is also worth taking into account the fact that regular moderate drinking is more likely to help avoid dehydration than a large volume of liquid before or after training. Experienced athletes recommend making regular drinking breaks part of the training program, and taking 200-300 ml of water every 20 minutes, even if it seems unusual at first.

Mistake 34: Doing strength training on an empty stomach

If you are just discovering the world of sports and strength training, then under no circumstances train on an empty stomach. Many people feel the desire to lose weight quickly, so they believe that by not eating before training, they will be able to achieve their goal faster. On an empty stomach in the morning, you can do a little cardio training, which also encourages hormonal background a person who has just woken up, but for the full construction of muscles and their proper functioning, “building materials” and energy are needed, which we receive from food. By not providing the body with energy before the upcoming strength training, a beginner increases the likelihood of injury to muscle tissue and contributes to unhealthy fatigue.

Mistake 35: Drinking coffee and energy drinks before and during exercise

It is generally accepted that coffee gives a person energy, but people often do not understand that this drink does not provide energy, but only allows for more intensive use of the body’s own reserves. The same goes for energy drinks. The feeling of a surge of strength after consuming such a product is just the body’s own resources, artificially neglected. After a period of activation triggered in this way, the opposite state of exhaustion may occur, with undesirable effect overwork, lethargy, inability to recover. At the beginning of your journey, you should not “squeeze” the maximum out of your body’s capabilities by resorting to special means, a person must enter the training process gradually and consistently.

Many girls believe that training with weights will immediately turn them into bodybuilders; non-feminine muscles will grow, and their figure will become masculine. This is not true, because the mechanisms of muscle tissue growth are hormonal processes, among other things. The entire biochemistry of the body is controlled by the ratio of hormones circulating in our blood.

Intensive muscle growth in men is explained by the fact that the androgenic hormone testosterone is present in much higher concentrations in the male body than in the female body. A woman is an “estrogen-rich” creature, estrogen “protects” a woman from male muscle volumes and unfeminine proportions, and the competitive form of professional female bodybuilders is achieved artificially with the help of pharmacological drugs.

Mistake 37: Not understanding the difference between sports nutrition and real doping

Unknowing people often call sports nutrition “chemicals,” and they sincerely believe that only professional athletes use it in pursuit of unhealthy achievements. While sports nutrition hardly lives up to this reputation. In the field of professional sports, there are artificially created hormones, stimulants, and adaptogens, but sports nutrition is simply nutrients in an unusual form for us, something that complements the main diet, makes it more balanced, and helps to recover more effectively after intense exercise .

Error 38: Not taking into account the individual characteristics of the body

No matter how much you want quick results, and to be like your athlete-idol, you always need to understand the characteristics of your body and listen to your condition. The training process should be different even among people different types physique: some people need to do cardio as often as possible, while others, on the contrary, should use it only as a warm-up before the upcoming strength training. And it is even more important to take into account the state of the nervous system, the cardiovascular system, and the characteristics of the musculoskeletal system, otherwise sports will not only not bring the desired results, but will also cause harm to health.

Stop putting off your New Year's resolution to finally lose weight! I will help you open the doors to the gym and start your first workout. Today you will find out where a girl should start in gym. Go!

Today the famous fitness model Jamie Eason will share with you. She knows very well how a girl can start training in the gym.

After I had my baby, I knew it wouldn't be long before I got back to the gym. After 9 months of pregnancy and several months of staying at home with the baby, I was ready to devote some time to myself. But returning to the gym after a long break was a little scary.

I was out of shape and was already starting to get used to it. That is why, when I entered the hall again, I felt unsure of myself and my abilities. It made me think about the first time I went to the gym and how scared I was at that moment.

I believe that this article is also being read by those who are just about to embark on their first “journey” to the gym. If this sounds like you, then I want to offer you some tips to help you overcome your fears and achieve success this year.

If you haven't purchased a gym membership yet, now is the time! In this article I will answer some general issues, and give you some workout and nutrition tips so you can hit the gym with confidence.

I'm too afraid to go to the gym. What should I do?

If this is your first time going to the gym, then my advice to you is to go there with a friend or acquaintance. Find a friend or someone in your family who also wants to start exercising. Better together!

It's even better if you have a friend who is crazy about gyms and sports in general, and who can show you what and how. Advice from a good friend is usually better than any advertisement.

If you haven't found a company, don't despair. At the end of the day, you're only doing this for yourself. Find some courage, take a deep breath and go into the hall.

I came to the gym. What's next?

Most gyms offer free trial workouts or even a week-long introductory course. If the gym staff insists and offers certain discounts or activities, take advantage of this and ask questions that concern you. Find out when there are a lot of people in the room and when there are not enough people. Ask about cardio equipment time limits, personal trainers, prices, schedules and more.

Maybe you'll get lucky! And while they won't necessarily give you everything you ask for - a discount, a personal trainer - being interested in what the gym has to offer can put you in better light and maybe they'll offer you a detailed tour of the gym and free workout tips from a professional trainer.

Okay, I bought a subscription. Where to start?

After you have completed all the formalities, go straight to the locker room. On your way to the locker room, explore the gym and the available equipment. As a rule, it will take some time to understand which machines are the most popular in the gym and start training on them.

After you've been at the gym for a few weeks, you'll notice which machines are used more and which days of the week are used less. For example, many people avoid leg workouts on Mondays—going to work on Monday is hard enough—so you might want to start doing leg workouts.

Once you've changed and left your things in the locker room, grab a bottle of water, a towel and a player with music, and head straight to the cardio equipment for a little warm-up.

Warm-up? Why do I need this?

Before you start a full workout, you need to prepare your muscles. It is necessary for blood to circulate in the body, and for your thoughts to be focused on your studies. It is not necessary to spend 20 minutes on the treadmill; 5 minutes will be enough.

During your warm-up, look around and plan your workout. If this is your first time in the gym, it's a good idea to do exercises that will get the blood flowing to your muscles and help you maintain strength and stamina when performing more difficult and difficult exercises.

“You need blood to circulate in the body, and your thoughts to be focused on your studies”.

My “plan of attack” consists of nothing but the treadmill!

I know you feel great on the treadmill, but it's time to do something more serious, right? Circuit training scheme is the most safe option, as your heart rate will always remain slightly elevated as you exercise. You'll feel like you've had a great workout, but not at all tired. Believe me, lifting too much weight on the first day is the right way disrupt your daily workouts. You may feel a certain strength in yourself, but after a few days you will regret it.

For circuit training, you perform five or six different exercises in sequence for a certain number of repetitions. “Repetition” refers to the number of times you perform an exercise. Once you've completed the reps for all six exercises, you can rest for a while. Then do the same five or six exercises again. If you feel that you can do the third round of exercises, do it!

I usually recommend circuit training to both beginners and more advanced athletes who, for one reason or another, have taken a break from training. These exercises help warm up and prepare your muscles for hard work in the coming weeks.

What else should I know before starting training?

If you have never exercised, or have taken a long break from training, any amount physical exercise, especially strength ones, puts extra stress on the muscles. Don't overexert yourself the first two weeks. Lift a weight that is heavy enough for you, but with which you can perform about 15 repetitions.

If you have never lifted weights before, then I suggest you use lighter weight machines. Once you feel confident, you can move on to heavier weights. Safety in the gym is very important as it is very easy to get injured. Especially for unprepared athletes.

Once you feel strong enough, free weights will give you more movement options and open up new training options. You can also find out more about certain exercises by checking the exercise database.

Obviously, circuit training. Are there any examples?

Here are some sample workout plans you can take with you to the gym. Don't try to do all three circuits in one day. I advise you to do one a day and rest at least three days a week.

Training program for beginner girls in the gym

Program No. 1

  • Elliptical Trainers: 5 Minute Warm Up

Program No. 2

  • "Bicycle" lying down: 5 minute warm-up

Repeat 3 times, taking a break for 1 minute

  • Leg stretch: 15 times
  • Leg press: 15 times
  • Walking lunges: 15 times
  • Seated leg curls: 15 times
  • Leg press shoulder width: 15 times
  • Standing calf raises: 15 times

Program No. 3

  • Treadmill: 5 minute warm-up

Repeat 3 times, taking a break for 1 minute

  • Dumbbell Raises: 15 reps
  • Reverse grip curls: 15 times
  • Push-ups: 15 times
  • Standard crunches: 15 times
  • Reverse grip crunches: 15 times

I want to lose weight, so I probably shouldn't eat before or after my workout, right?

Wrong. Everything you eat before or after your workout is very important. Your body needs energy to exercise. Therefore, you need to eat foods high in protein to ensure your muscles get enough energy and recover.

Before training

Before your workout, eat some of the following:

  • Oatmeal with almond milk and a spoonful of honey
  • Spinach omelette with toast
  • Greek yogurt with half a banana
  • Cottage cheese with blueberries and almonds
  • Scrambled eggs, lavash, small apple

After training

After your workout, eat the following:

  • Chicken with brown rice
  • Protein shake with half a banana
  • London Roast, Sweet Potatoes and Vegetables
  • Legumes and quinoa salad

I can not wait anymore! Give me luck!

The first step into unknown territory is always difficult. This year, be brave, cast aside all doubts and take a step! Not all gyms are created equal. So if you suddenly didn’t like one and you have the opportunity to move to another, go boldly.

The main thing is that you like and enjoy what you are going to do every day. If you don't like the gym, consider other options, such as fitness classes or outdoor workouts. Never give up if you don't like gyms. Find what you like and life will change for the better!

The gym is the only way get rid of excess weight. You can go on strict diets or starve, but this will not give you the desired results, since the body has a certain functioning system, and you will not be able to simply take away extra pounds from it. You will learn how to exercise in the gym from our simple and accessible instructions. So, you are determined to lead healthy image life, and no matter what, get rid of fat on the sides and legs. This is a completely feasible task, but the result must come to you gradually, otherwise all the lost kilograms will return to you after a while. Fast weight loss- this is a real trap.

How to start working out in the gym on your own

The gym and proper balanced nutrition are a completely different story, and a story with a happy ending. Today there are a lot of methods that will allow you to get the desired shape, but here it’s worth taking a good look and deciding for yourself what you really want and which training system is right for you. You can learn how to exercise in the gym from a trainer who is available in any fitness club. You can read several articles and form your own opinion, but you will not get a guarantee that it is correct. It is worth understanding that you do not have a special education, which means that a specialist must draw up a training program, only then can one say with confidence that it will bring positive results.

You can conclude that the main thing in the gym is a qualified trainer. There are several rules that you must follow. First of all, it is worth noting that not every person can perform professional program champion. It is very difficult and you may simply not have enough strength. We strongly recommend that you pay attention to simpler ligaments and a set of exercises that is right for you. You will learn how to exercise in the gym right now. We remind you that your gym workout should include both strength and cardio exercises. This is a very important point. The easiest thing you can do is start with a treadmill or exercise bike. These machines are great for burning fat and training your body. cardiovascular system.

Today there are some exercises that almost everyone does in the gym. These are abdominal exercises that will help you remove extra centimeters from your waist. This is a scam. This exercise is effective on pectoral muscles. It is very important to create a training program. You must create a set of exercises that is suitable for you, taking into account your physiological needs. This can be cardio and strength training. Some girls prefer group fitness classes, neglecting gym. This is not entirely correct. You should always remember that sleep and rest are of great importance.

You can't go to the gym every day. This can have a negative impact on your body and put it into a state of overexertion. We strongly recommend paying attention to how many hours a day you sleep. This means that in order for your body to recover. You need to sleep about 8-9 hours a day. The gym, how to exercise correctly, is the headline of many sports magazines. It is also worth saying that nutrition is of great importance. You've probably heard that champions and professional athletes buy steroids or sports nutrition.

Don’t rush to buy these products for yourself, they are of no use to you. We recommend giving preference to proper nutrition. This is the easiest way to make your body healthy and give it the desired shape. You must remember once and for all that in order to effectively lose weight you need to eat many times a day, but the portions should be small. in your diet mandatory Fresh vegetables and fruits must be present. Eliminate food instant cooking. You also need to remember that high amounts of protein will help you build muscle faster. The gym, how to exercise correctly, is a topic that worries many women. We always insist that girls do not overexert themselves in the gym. You need to choose a load that is within your strength, then you can improve your health.

Your appearance will completely change when you start working out in the gym. Great shape is something you should constantly strive for. Don't forget about this. We have always known that people do reckless things, which is why we created this article. Don't buy steroids and fat burners. Anyone can get rid of excess weight on their own. Always listen to your body. The first thing you need to do is overcome your laziness. It is necessary to understand that a person is a being with will and consciousness. Make decisions for yourself and go towards your goal.

Some rules for girls who want to work out in the gym

Girls working out in the gym always look attractive. Such representatives of the fair sex are always very popular. If you want to have an athletic figure, then go to the gym. This is the only thing right choice. You need to decide for yourself whether you want to lie on the couch more or wear new skinny jeans. everything is very simple, you just need to make the right choice.

It is important to know how much to exercise in the gym. We always recommend starting with 1 hour. If you are new to this business, then the most important thing is not to overexert yourself. Remember this. Monitor your condition. Drink water in small quantities. In a word, chance your inner voice. I just recently started working out at the gym and haven’t seen any results yet. This happens, but don’t despair, don’t force things, soon you will see a result that you can brag about. A beautiful figure and toned body is the adornment of any person. Beach season is just around the corner. Prepare for it properly. It is important to remember that the first results may appear only after 14 days of classes. Don't be upset, be patient. We told you how to properly exercise in the gym. Everyone decides for himself what body to live in. Good luck!

“If you hurry, you will make people laugh” - folk wisdom, relevant at all times. This proverb often comes to mind when observing beginners in the gym. As a rule, the mistakes they make are typical and easily predictable. Of course, it is unlikely that it will be possible to completely avoid all mistakes - but it is still possible. To do this, you need to choose a trainer, first study the basic principles, terms, concepts with him, and only then go to the simulators.

An important task of a trainer is to show you the technique of performing various exercises on machines, help you calculate the load and select effective exercises. Exercises “under supervision” will help you avoid injuries and achieve the desired result faster.

What is important to know before starting training

It is very important to organize yours. So, between the last meal and classes there should be a break of 1-1.5 hours. After training, it is better to eat 0.5-1 hour later. In order not to disturb the water balance in the body, you need to drink water before, during and after training. In addition to internal comfort, external comfort is no less important: it should be comfortable, it should not tighten or dig into your body, it should give you room for action. It’s also worth thinking about this in advance.

The most common mistake newbies make is being overly enthusiastic. In the gym, a beginner does a lot of exercises on various machines, trying not to miss anything. This leads to overwork and refusal to continue training. It's better not to rush in this matter.

If the exercises were performed correctly, the muscles should ache a little and become stiff. This feeling goes away after 2-4 days. When pain in the joints and spine, you must stop training immediately. If these symptoms are observed, most likely the exercise technique is incorrect or the weight is selected incorrectly.

The workout must consist of 3 parts - warm-up, main part, relaxation exercises.

The purpose of the warm-up is to activate the respiratory and circulatory systems, and warm up the muscles that will be loaded during the main part of the workout. Usually, the main problems for beginners occur due to ignoring the warm-up (injuries, discomfort after training, etc.). Warm-up should last at least 10-15 minutes. It should include at least 5 minutes of cardio on any cardio machine to prepare the heart, a light set of joint exercises, dynamic stretching and bodyweight exercises to prepare the joints.

The task of the main part is to perform exercises on the planned muscle groups. The number of exercises, sets and repetitions depends strictly on individual goals and may vary. The main part of the training should contain 6-8 exercises. There should be 1-3 exercises for each muscle group. For beginners, it is important to work out all the muscles in one workout in order to teach your body to move correctly and remember the technique. The exercises are arranged in the training according to the principle from complex (multi-joint for large muscle groups) to simple (single-joint for small muscles). At the end of the workout, pay attention to working out your abs.

The number of approaches for beginners should not be large - 2-3 approaches in each exercise are enough. The number of repetitions in each approach is 10-12. Rest between approaches until breathing and heart rate are restored. When you feel ready, continue training. On average, rest after each approach is 1.5 minutes.

Let's decipher concepts such as the number of approaches, the number of repetitions. For example, you train your leg muscles by doing a squat with a barbell on your shoulders. We walked up to the racks, took the barbell on our shoulders, did 8 squats with it, then put the barbell back. In this case, you did 1 set of 8 reps. You can rest and repeat the exercise 1-2 more times, and then rest again and move on to the next exercise.

The purpose of the third part of the workout is to normalize breathing and blood circulation. It is recommended to take 5-10 deep breaths, perform a simple stretching routine and hang on the bar.

There are 3 types of equipment in fitness centers: strength training equipment, cardio training equipment and free weights (dumbbells and barbells).

Strength machines are needed to work muscles anaerobically using weights. You put a strain on them skeletal muscles. Most of the exercises in the beginner's core should be done on machines. The fact is that a novice athlete still does not feel his body well and does not have the knowledge of the technique of performing exercises that would allow him not to make mistakes. The trajectory of movement in strength training equipment is thought out in advance, which will allow you to feel your muscles.

They mainly provide a general load on the body in an aerobic mode. With them you train your cardiovascular endurance. They are suitable for those who want to lose weight or warm up before a more serious workout.

These are dumbbells and a barbell. There are basic (core) exercises for each muscle group, with the bulk of the basic exercises performed using dumbbells and barbells. To ensure that your muscles receive the proper load, regardless of your goals, do not forget about this type equipment. However, you need to add free weight exercises gradually. This is especially true for technically complex basic exercises.

Newbie program example

Warm-up: 5 minutes on the elliptical trainer and joint exercises.

Main part: 8 exercises, each performed in 2-3 sets of 10-12 repetitions.

  1. Leg press in the simulator;
  2. Extension of the lower leg in the simulator;
  3. Flexion of the lower leg in the simulator;
  4. Pulldown of a vertical block to the chest;
  5. Horizontal block thrust;
  6. Hammer chest press or push-ups (can be done from your knees);
  7. Swings with dumbbells through the sides;
  8. Lying crunches.

Cool down: 15 minutes of cardio and simple stretching.

Depending on your level of fitness, you can replace leg extensions with a more complex basic exercise - lunges in place in a Smith machine, or learn the technique of squats in the same machine. Then gradually expand your vocabulary of exercises, mastering the technique of new movements with barbells and dumbbells.

Many beginners think that muscles become stronger and more resilient during training, but this is not at all true. During training, the whole body receives an impulse in which direction it should move, and this happens during rest. For example, you did a workout to lose excess weight; in this case, fat tissue will be broken down mainly after the workout.

From here we can conclude: proper nutrition combined with quality rest is the key to successful training that brings results.

Good luck to you in this difficult task - building a figure!

When you decide that it would be nice to start visiting a gym or a “rocking chair”, it means that you have decided to take up fitness to take care of your health. make your body strong. strong and beautiful. For example, older people remember the gym when they already had problems with overweight, someone stopped liking themselves or encountered the first signs or other problems with.

To understand. how to exercise correctly in the gym and achieve the results you need, you need to understand what fitness is in general?

What is fitness?

Do you know what fitness is? Fitness (English fitness, from the verb “to fit” - to fit, to be in good shape) - more in a broad sense- This is the general physical fitness of the human body.

In a narrow sense, fitness is healing technique, allowing you to change the shape of your body and its weight and permanently consolidate the achieved result. It includes physical training in combination with a properly selected diet.

Exercises and diet in fitness are selected individually - depending on contraindications, age, health status, structure and characteristics of the figure.

That's why. When you go to the gym, gym or rocking chair, this is just the right place to improve your health. muscle pumping and figure correction.

There is evidence that you can bring your blood sugar levels back to normal in just 7 minutes of daily fitness. Proper exercise and proper nutrition are the main factors for success.

In general, reasons. forcing people to go to the gym or gym are the same. Women or girls start visiting the gym. to lose weight or pump up your butt and abs. legs, make the body beautiful. Men become stronger and more resilient. IN general outline Everyone has approximately the same goals and objectives.

Wellness techniques

There are a lot of health-improving techniques, but they are all aimed at a person’s physical fitness. Physical fitness consists of the following elements:

As you can see, develop everything for you that lags behind. Need to say. What strength exercises play a significant role in maintaining health common man, as well as in the preparation of an athlete, since with weak muscles, a runner will not be able to run fast, a weightlifter will not be able to lift the barbell, or a swimmer will not be able to swim. Even playing chess requires good physical training.

Here's what grandmaster Sergei Karjakin, Magnus Carlsen's main rival in the fight for the chess crown, said:

Chess games last seven hours or more. In order to psychologically and physically withstand the load without losing concentration, I need good physical preparation.

Sergey Aleksandrovich Karyakin
Russian chess player, grandmaster. At the age of 12 years and 211 days, he became the youngest grandmaster in history and was included in the Guinness Book of Records.

Clothes for fitness or what to wear to the gym for girls and men

A few words about clothes for training in the gym or gym. Fitness clothing is usually sportswear specifically designed for indoor training.

Comfortable men's fitness clothing is one of the factors that helps to achieve success in the training process.

With a selection of sportswear now special problems no, so you need to buy it in specialized sports stores and enjoy the beautiful and comfortable shape. Branded items, as a rule, retain their shape, do not stretch, and will last you for many years.

Men's sportswear for fitness should not be fraught with danger. This means that things cannot have various metal fasteners, zippers, or hooks;
During the selection process, pay attention to the seams of the products. They should not be rude or very noticeable. Otherwise, clothing may rub the skin and cause an allergic reaction.

For example, leggings do not stretch and also have a compression effect, that is, they constantly squeeze our limbs with to varying degrees compression. Such clothing helps to cope with stress without harming your health. There is an opinion that “compression” reduces the heart rate during training by two to three beats per minute.

When choosing products, first of all you need to take into account the size and type of fitness exercises. Synthetic leggings with transparent inserts on the hips are suitable for Pilates. Power loads are more easily tolerated in combined products based on cotton and polyamide with imitation pockets and a wide belt.

Women's fitness clothing

What should a girl wear to fitness? Women's clothing for fitness. However, like men's, it is made of materials that can absorb excess moisture. This will allow you to feel cool throughout your workout. In addition, there is no chance that your body will overheat.

Today, tops are in great demand. Open, in the form of wrestling boots, with a closed armhole, similar to T-shirts, etc. They all leave open belly. Special elastic bands inserted into the armhole and neckline allow you to wear the top without a bra. It is worn tight and is selected strictly according to size.

The material for such clothing is usually polyester, lycra or spandex. In some branded items, manufacturers add special fibers, COOLMAX or SUPPLEX. These fibers are able to regulate body temperature.

But the hit of the season is sweatpants. They are made from a mixture of cotton and synthetics. Tightly fitting the legs to the knees, they diverge downward. The styles can be very different: with inserts, with a belt at the waist, held on the hips, with stripes... In addition to gyms for fitness and aerobics, they are perfect for walks and trips.

Cotton clothing is good in cases where the load will not be heavy, that is, where you will not sweat much. For example, during warm-up and stretching. From profuse sweating Such clothes will get wet and stick to the body, and even stretch out. Agree that it is not very comfortable.

Shorts, a loose-fitting T-shirt or a tight-fitting top, which is preferred by athletes who have been involved in bodybuilding for several years and who have something to show. Designers offer a simple non-professional model that is no less effective when practicing light sport. These fitness shorts have a loose fit, elastic wide elastic band and are made of natural soft fabric– knitwear, cotton.

What to wear to fitness for overweight women

Give preference to elastic models that do not restrict movement. These are the same branded items. They must be made of breathable fabric. Clothes should not be too tight. The most important thing is not to be ashamed of your body. Everyone came to the gym to train, so train, achieve your goal.

Today, for overweight women, sports blouses with a closed belly and short sleeves are recommended. The lower part of sportswear for obese women is leggings (leggings) and thais (knee-length leggings) in large sizes. The bottom can also be sports pants - they never go out of fashion, come in different styles and are made of cotton and synthetic fiber. Fitness classes for obese women can be done in a regular tracksuit, as well as in a special sports jumpsuit. Modern models of overalls and onesies tracksuits They help to slim the figure well, make it slim and visually hide excess weight.

Fitness - clothes for pregnant women

Keeping yourself in good condition is also important for pregnant women. Fitness classes are not contraindicated, but recommended. It is clear that this all takes place in mild form with a little person inside.

Sportswear for pregnant women is presented in many models, but preference is still given to wide pants with drawstrings in combination with a T-shirt or loose shirt. Comfortable sneakers of course. Simplicity, the absence of compressive elastic bands and tight-fitting elements make sportswear for pregnant women very comfortable and convenient. Sportswear for pregnant women should be made from natural fabrics - cotton or linen and not contain synthetic additives. In such clothes future mom can safely go outdoors or to training sessions. Fresh air good for health, and small physical exercise are simply necessary, as you should prepare your body for the upcoming important event - childbirth.

For expectant mothers, clothing should be:

  • comfortable, not to interfere with the performance of certain exercises;
  • there should not be a lot of it, frills, ruffles, etc. are inappropriate;
  • the body must breathe, and therefore choose T-shirts, T-shirts or tunics of a loose fit, leggings with a wide elastic band that does not compress the body;
  • Fitness clothing for pregnant women should be made of hygroscopic and natural fabric (cotton, linen); in summer it should not overheat the body, and in winter it should protect from the cold.

Workout in the gym

Gym training includes. as a rule, a set of some kind of exercises, let them be exercises with weights or own body, crossfit or tai bo. The important thing is that any workout should begin with a warm-up. The following are good for warming up in the gym: treadmill, orbitrack, bicycle, elliptical, stepper. If possible, then in the park.

Both machines are approximately equally effective for weight loss. An hour of training at an average load consumes about 600 calories.