
Hydrogen peroxide for intimate hygiene of women. Douching with hydrogen peroxide

Healing hydrogen peroxide Nikolai Ivanovich Danikov

Women's diseases

Women's diseases

Hydrogen peroxide as a treatment for yeast infection

An effective way to treat a yeast infection is to use hydrogen peroxide. Vaginal yeast infection is one of the most common diseases faced by women. According to statistics, about 75% of all women have encountered this infection at some point in their lives.

Microorganisms that are found on the skin and in digestive tract in humans, is the main cause of yeast infection. Yeast infection is caused by Candida Albicans- microorganisms found in nature and the environment, on the skin and in the vagina. They tend to be concentrated in small amounts, but certain factors can cause candida overgrowth. Overgrowth of candida leads to candidiasis, an infection accompanied by itching, redness, irritation, and white or yellowish discharge.

Treatment: at home or in hospital?

There are a number of economically available drugs, which are quite effective in treating yeast infections. Home remedies can also help, as long as you know what you're doing. Hydrogen peroxide is an easy, affordable solution to your yeast infection problem at home.

There are contraindications. Consult your doctor.

Same as Candida Albicans, hydrogen peroxide is present in the vagina. It helps keep yeast infection microorganisms at bay. However, under certain conditions environment conditions for candida growth suddenly become favorable. Hydrogen peroxide helps get rid of bacteria and fungal infections. This is a natural enemy of candida, which means peroxide can be safely used to treat the infection.

What can you do? Mix 1 tsp. regular 3% hydrogen peroxide with a glass of water and apply to the affected areas. Since hydrogen peroxide is naturally produced in the body, the chemical composition of the solution will not harm the vagina or affect general condition the health of your body.

Hydrogen peroxide breaks down into water and oxygen, making the solution very effective against candida. Oxygen chemically helps in the treatment to kill the fungal yeast infection. However, you need to be careful when creating your own hydrogen peroxide solution. Too much hydrogen peroxide can cause a burning sensation in the inflamed area. This burning sensation can be especially noticeable if the area affected by the infection is very inflamed or the infection is already quite serious.

1 tsp. 3% hydrogen peroxide per glass of water is a natural and safe mixture. To date, there have been no reported bad reactions or complaints from using a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and water to treat yeast infections.

However, you should understand that using a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and water should not be the only remedy when treating a yeast infection. Natural remedies have their place, but are more effective when combined with other forms of treatment, such as balanced diet with the obligatory consumption of garlic and yoghurt. Douching with a solution of hydrogen peroxide and water will also help prevent yeast infections.

But you must be aware that in cases where the health condition has already reached a critical stage, treating a yeast infection with hydrogen peroxide alone is not advisable. In this case, to cure the yeast infection, you need to see a doctor and try other treatments.

This text is an introductory fragment.

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Women's diseases

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Peroxide is known antiseptic properties, due to which it is possible to disinfect wounds, treat infectious surfaces. Medical experts confirm the positive therapeutic effect from douching with peroxide. Today in gynecology this cheap but effective drug is used in rare cases. People often practice traditional medicine, in which peroxide is the main medicinal component. Thanks to this remedy, in a short period of time, women get rid of gynecological diseases, men get rid of diseases oral cavity, viral and fungal infections. Ultimately we get universal drug, which should be in every first aid kit. We will discuss in detail how to douche with hydrogen peroxide and in what cases it is recommended to abandon this technique in this article.

Outwardly, it is an ordinary liquid, without any identifying features. It can be identified by its “metallic” taste. Chemical composition predetermines two atoms of oxygen and hydrogen. The moment the liquid gets on the skin or mucous membrane, it breaks down into water and atomic oxygen. On pharmacy counters, a 3% solution is more common, in rare cases 5%. As a rule, peroxide of such concentration does not have a distinct aroma, but sometimes you can detect its faint specific smell. The substance has an unstable formula, which is important to consider during use.

Peroxide has the following properties:

  • Antiseptic
  • Hemostatic
  • Healing
  • Disinfectant

The scope of application is almost limitless. For example, in cosmetology it is used for hair coloring, 9% or 6% concentration is taken as the basis. But, still, traditional medicine is the main niche for hydrogen peroxide. It is suitable for outdoor and internal method applications. To prevent burns, it is important to use a weak solution. Next, let's talk about the procedure of douching the vagina with peroxide for thrush. In what cases should you resort to practice? folk ways treatment, and which ones are best abandoned in favor of traditional medicine in order to avoid further complications.

How does peroxide work?

Research has proven the fact that in female body contains both peroxide and Candida microorganisms. But their ratio is unequal; the body produces only a small part of perhydrol. Under the influence external factors The growth of Candida fungi only increases, which leads to further complications. Thanks to the combination of oxygen and hydrogen, the growth of these microorganisms can be suppressed in a short period of time. Oxygen is natural antiseptic, under the influence of which many yeast infections are destroyed.

But it is worth understanding that vaginal douching in especially severe cases, when the infection is quite serious, is unacceptable. Often the symptoms of thrush are similar to those of other diseases. The appearance of leucorrhoea is not yet a sign of exacerbation of candidiasis. It is extremely important to understand the reason why the disease develops. After all, self-medication can only aggravate and worsen an already serious situation. It is advisable to contact a gynecologist at the first symptoms and undergo an examination. Combining perhydrol and other pharmaceuticals is possible only after the approval and prescription of a specialist.

In what cases can you douche?

It is important to understand that rash actions aimed at treating the disease most often lead to further complications. Douching is approved by a doctor, which is why before resorting to such a technique, you need to consult with him and undergo full diagnostics. It is important to establish what caused the development of the disease. Often women turn to a gynecologist with vaginitis - an inflammatory process of the vaginal mucosa. This disease is also widely known as colpitis. The treatment of this disease must be approached comprehensively: ointments, capsules, suppositories. In case pathological discharge The gynecologist prescribes douching.

To prepare the solution, you must do the following:

  1. Prepare a 3% peroxide solution
  2. Lightly heat one liter of water to a temperature of 38-40 degrees Celsius
  3. Add two tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide to a liter container of water.
  4. Use the prepared medicine immediately

Fighting thrush with a solution

Candida fungus is the cause of thrush in women. You can get rid of this disease once and for all by carrying out a comprehensive and effective treatment. A peroxide solution allows you, if not to completely get rid of the very cause of the disease, then at least to protect yourself from relapses. Douching is carried out in a medical office or at home. To do this, it is enough to arm yourself with a solution purchased at the pharmacy and prepare the place for the procedure.

This technique involves sanitizing the vagina, which has an antiseptic and antibacterial effect. It is advisable to carry out therapy at home every day throughout the entire treatment course.. The main advantage of this approach is that perhydrol practically does not cause side effects, his chemical formula allows you to stop the development of the fungus, and methodical exposure completely neutralizes pathogenic organisms. A concentration of 3% is weak and safe. Therefore, all women who want to overcome Candida fungus once and for all can use this remedy. We will discuss in detail below how to do douching with hydrogen peroxide correctly and with minimal disruption.

How to douche with hydrogen peroxide?

At the first stage, it is necessary to organize a place for the implementation of therapy. The most suitable option is the bathroom. The procedure is carried out in a supine position, the syringe is treated with a disinfectant solution, and then filled with a weak solution of hydrogen peroxide. When squeezing, it is necessary to control the force of the jet; its excess can cause vasospasm. This should be avoided by squeezing the syringe evenly. The procedure is carried out for ten minutes, after which it stops. In complicated cases, douching is recommended to be done twice a day, but with the onset of a positive effect, reduce it again to once a day.

The frequency of douching is gradually reduced as soon as the patient begins to feel significant relief. The last stage of treatment with hydrogen peroxide involves maintaining a positive trend by douching the vagina once every few days. It is not recommended to use this technique more often, as in the case full recovery. Excessive amounts of perhydrol have a detrimental effect on the microflora and injure the mucous membrane of the genital organ. Peroxide is not intended as a preventive measure.

Reviews of douching with perhydrol

There are some rumors on the Internet regarding douching: various reviews. But it is worth noting that some of them, and this is 90%, are positive. Women agreed that perhydrol is effective drug, serving as an impetus for positive dynamics in the treatment of thrush, vulvitis, vaginitis, and sexually transmitted diseases. We invite you to familiarize yourself with some of them. You can also leave your comments about the effectiveness of this technique, and thereby help many other women in the fight against these ailments.

Ekaterina, 32 years old, Moscow

The first time I encountered all the consequences of thrush was back in my student years. The doctor then advised to use a weak solution of peroxide and warm water. And then I also didn’t know how to douche with hydrogen peroxide. I can’t say that I managed to get rid of this annoying problem once and for all, but I simply have no right to deny significant progress. This drug allows you to completely get rid of itching and all unpleasant sensations during the period of fungal activity in a short time. Further douching helps to completely neutralize pathogens and restore microflora. It is for this reason that I recommend that all women have in their first aid kit similar drug, which can truly be called a remedy for every occasion.

Valentina, 44 years old, Samara

I managed to forget about this unpleasant disease forever, I hope that a relapse will not occur. The situation was such that I felt discomfort: burning, pain. I went to the gynecologist, who advised me to use perhydrol. I douched during the first ten days, once at a time. I felt significant relief literally after two procedures. The only thing I want to note is that the concentration of 3% seemed too high to me, due to the unpleasant burning sensation and the effect on the mucous membrane. I mixed it with more water until it reached about 2%. I think this method is the most optimal in initial stage development of fungal infections.

Natalya, 38 years old, Vladivostok

At the age of 22, I first encountered thrush. This diagnosis was made by a gynecologist at a local clinic. I felt the whole “bouquet” of troubles that accompanies the disease: itching, burning, lack of sexual activity. I used everything: ointments, gels, tablets. Nothing helped, my passion for sweets constantly affected the state of the vaginal microflora, the disease progressed and at a certain point developed into chronic form. It seemed that I was no longer destined to get rid of the problem

All recommendations regarding therapy and wearing cotton underwear did not bring the desired effect. The only chance remained in douching with peroxide. The doctor himself told me how to douche with hydrogen peroxide. After four procedures, I felt a noticeable weakening of all unpleasant pain. After another week it became clear positive dynamics in the treatment of thrush. Thus, I managed to get rid of the disease, slowly but surely.

It is worth understanding that perhydrol alone will not get rid of candidiasis.. It is necessary to adhere to all rules and recommendations established by the attending physician. It is important to follow a diet, give preference to healthy, “light” foods, include vegetables and fruits in your diet, it will not be superfluous to take vitamin complex. Only by taking a comprehensive approach to treatment will you be able to forget about thrush once and for all.

Are there possible side effects?

Douching with a herbal decoction or perhydrol is safe and useful. But in some situations it is best to abandon traditional methods of treatment. Frequent procedures can cause inflammation of the mucous membrane, irritation of the walls of the genital organ, inflammation of the appendage, etc. Increased frequency leads to the washing out of beneficial bacteria that support the vaginal microflora. To prevent side effects, you need to consult a gynecologist and decide on the frequency of the technique.

  • Pregnancy
  • Sexually transmitted diseases
  • In inflammatory processes
  • If you have an infectious disease

When the fetus is pregnant, it is better to refuse procedures. The fact is that manipulation can lead to infection of the fetus by introducing pathogenic bacteria into the uterus. But during the lactation period the situation is different, and does not prohibit such events. When manifested side effects It is important to visit a gynecologist for examination as soon as possible. The doctor will prescribe the necessary set of restorative procedures. But, as practice shows, itching and burning after douching most often occurs due to a high concentration of hydrogen peroxide.

Alternative methods

During the treatment of gynecological diseases, other drugs with antifungal components are often used. positive impact They are also seeking from agents that have antibacterial properties. The perhydrol solution is combined with chamomile decoction for enhanced therapeutic effects. We invite you to familiarize yourself with drugs that also allow you to quickly and painlessly overcome sexually transmitted diseases and those provoked by the activity of pathogenic organisms.

Before using any of the listed pharmaceuticals, an in-person consultation with your doctor is required.

Peroxide price

Peroxide is an accessible and cheap antiseptic, doomed universal recognition. The price varies between 5 rubles per 100 ml of a 3% solution, up to 40 rubles per 100 ml of liquid in a plastic bottle.

In addition, today hydrogen peroxide sprays are available in pharmacies, which are also used for therapeutic procedures. The price for them is higher and varies from 30 to 50 rubles for a 3% solution of 100 ml.


After reading the material, all questions about how to douche with hydrogen peroxide for thrush, should disappear. Despite the fact that perhydrol - effective means in the fight against candidiasis and other gynecological diseases, traditional medicine gives it less value every year. This is due to the aggressiveness of perhydrol, which sometimes leads to side effects. Douching is not taken personally, but is prescribed by a doctor. In combination with others pharmaceuticals This remedy has proven its antibacterial power.

Its use during pregnancy and postpartum is not recommended. Douching in such situations is carried out in rare cases and only as prescribed by a doctor. Its aggressive environment is destructive for pathogenic microorganisms and beneficial bacteria. If side effects are detected, it is important to contact the hospital in time to prevent further complications.

Thrush is a disease that is sometimes very difficult to get rid of. It brings regular discomfort in the form of a burning sensation, unpleasant odor and constant discharge. There are many ways to combat it. One of them was proposed by Professor I.P. Neumyvakin is douching with hydrogen peroxide.

In medicine, hydrogen peroxide is used as an antiseptic in the treatment of bleeding wounds. The antimicrobial properties of peroxide help in the fight against fungus in women. Many women choose this method due to its low cost.

The formula of hydrogen peroxide is H 2 O 2. The liquid looks like ordinary water, but with a barely noticeable metallic odor. Its double oxygen molecule, upon contact with pathogenic flora, is released and activated, suppressing candida fungi. In practice, it looks like this: with thrush in women, when it gets on the vaginal mucosa, a reaction occurs in the form of mucus foaming, which is freely washed out.

Hydrogen peroxide has the following properties: antiseptic, disinfectant, hemostatic. It is widely used in gynecology, venereology, dermatology and cosmetology.

Hydrogen peroxide treatment methods

When treating with hydrogen peroxide, concentration is important. For example, in cosmetology they use a 9% solution, in gynecology - 3%. It is important to comply correct ratio water to peroxide, otherwise a burn may occur. Treatment of thrush with hydrogen peroxide is possible by douching and washing.

The symptoms of thrush are similar to other diseases, and before starting treatment, you need to make sure of the diagnosis.


Before you use the hydrogen peroxide douching procedure at home, you need to properly prepare the solution. Only boiled water is used. For one liter of water you need to take one tablespoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide. The solution is collected in a syringe, the air is removed, the tip is inserted into the vagina, and the bulb is completely defecated. Douching with peroxide is carried out once a day, preferably at night after washing.

The duration of treatment ranges from several weeks to one month without interruptions. After the first use, you can notice a decrease in unpleasant symptoms such as itching and discharge. During the entire treatment period, fungal growth stops, but complete cure It’s too early to say, you need to get tested.

It is important to understand that the treatment of thrush requires complex measures in the form of restoration of beneficial flora and simultaneous treatment of the partner.


Washing is a daily hygiene procedure for a woman. You can wash yourself with a solution of hydrogen peroxide. During thrush to achieve therapeutic effect Washing is done every few hours. Doctors advise alternating them with douching.

To carry out the procedure, you must prepare the same solution as for douching. Pour the liquid into a bowl large enough to sit in. Place the basin in the bathroom and sit in it for 15 minutes.


The use of hydrogen peroxide for thrush has contraindications, despite the safety of the treatment method.

  • menstruation;
  • cervical erosion;
  • inflammatory processes of the cervix, ovaries and infections;
  • pregnancy;
  • allergy.

Before you start using peroxide, you need to visit a doctor and check your microflora by taking tests. As for doctors, they are skeptical about this method.

This is washing the vagina with various solutions that help cleanse the mucous membrane and improve the microflora, cure inflammatory processes. If everything is normal, this procedure is completely unnecessary, since it interferes with the natural microflora of the vagina. But when various diseases douching becomes the main method of treatment.

However, today the topic of our article is a little narrower. We will not talk about the benefits of this procedure in general, we are only interested in douching. How does one look at such a procedure? official medicine, in what case can it be appointed and what functions does it perform? About this and much more in our article.

Peroxide - a cure for all diseases

Indeed, it is a universal antiseptic that is widely used in medicine and cosmetology. Priority areas are surgery and gynecology. First of all, the solution gained such popularity because it has antimicrobial properties. It was this fact that led to the fact that douching with hydrogen peroxide began to be practiced in gynecology. creates unfavorable conditions for various viruses and pathogenic fungi.

At the same time, patients are often somewhat puzzled when they hear about douching. Everyone has seen how this liquid interacts with the blood, and few people are happy with such a reaction inside the body. In fact, this worry is in vain. Peroxide is an environmentally friendly product that does not cause painful sensations upon contact with mucous membranes. Moreover, it is hypoallergenic and non-toxic.

For consultation with a doctor

We need to pay attention special attention that douching with hydrogen peroxide can only be prescribed by a doctor. No matter what you think, even if the symptoms completely coincide with those for which the last time the doctor prescribed such a procedure, first to the appointment, and then to the pharmacy. Even washing with plain water is not recommended without medical approval, since such an intervention can lead to dysbacteriosis and worsening the condition.

Thrush is not a problem forever

Indeed, it occurs very often and usually goes away for a short time, returning again and again. However competent treatment It will help, if not completely rid you of relapses, then at least reduce their frequency. In this case, the main means for combating Candida fungus are solutions for vaginal irrigation. Douching with hydrogen peroxide for thrush can be done both at home and at home. To do this, you will need a syringe, which you can buy at the pharmacy and boil.

It is best to perform the procedure at home in the bathroom, having prepared the solution in advance. It shouldn't be hot or cold; room temperature is ideal. Be sure to use fresh solution each time.

Perhydrol to protect women's health

Douching with hydrogen peroxide for thrush allows you to quickly sanitize the vagina, since the solution is antiseptic and antimicrobial effect. At home, the solution can be used daily throughout the course of treatment.

Since not all women know about douching with a solution of hydrogen peroxide, we will tell you about it in more detail, because it has proven itself well in the treatment of thrush. It is widely used by gynecologists, venereologists and dermatologists for the treatment and prevention of various fungal diseases.

Perhydrol inhibits the active growth of fungus. That is, the immune system is at least given a chance to cope with the fungus. Unlike other recommended remedies, peroxide has no side effects. This allows douching with 3% hydrogen peroxide to be prescribed to almost every woman.

However, this is where the main danger lies. Hearing what it is effective remedy To combat a common illness, women begin to self-medicate. But if the proportions are incorrect (the ratio of water and peroxide), you can get a burn to the mucous membrane. This is not a common occurrence, but since it is possible, modern doctors they prefer to prescribe more harmless drugs.

How does peroxide work?

Here we will deviate a little towards the history of medicine. How did you first come to the conclusion that perhydrol began to be used in gynecology as part of the fight against thrush? The fact is that studies have shown that this solution is natural for our body. Every woman’s body contains both peroxide and fungal microorganisms Candida. However, the body produces very little peroxide, therefore, if a number of other factors intervene that favor the growth of fungal colonies, there will clearly not be enough of it.

Peroxide is an unstable compound that breaks down into oxygen and water. Oxygen is known for its antiseptic properties and chemically helps kill the yeast infection. However, great caution should be exercised, especially if you decide to douche with hydrogen peroxide on your own initiative. Reviews indicate that exceeding the concentration leads to burns and pain. This occurs especially often if the area affected by the fungal infection is already very inflamed or the infection is quite serious.

Preliminary diagnosis

The appearance of leucorrhoea is not always a sign of thrush, so it is extremely important to first determine the cause of its appearance. Douching with hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin involves preventive and medical procedures, however, gynecologists strongly discourage carrying out such a procedure unnecessarily.

Peroxide in its pure form is only suitable for external use. A whole solution for douching is not used, as you can get burns to the mucous membrane. Remember that uncontrolled douching can disrupt the vaginal environment and itself cause the development of thrush.

Basic rules

We will tell you what to do if your doctor has prescribed douching with hydrogen peroxide. The proportions are average; on the recommendation of a specialist, the solution can be weaker or more concentrated. So, let's move on to the rules:

Preparing the working solution

Before we go further, we will dwell a little more on how to dilute hydrogen peroxide for douching. Boiled water should cool to 40 degrees, the water should be pleasantly warm to the touch. Depending on the doctor's prescription, you need to add 1 tablespoon of peroxide to it.

It is necessary to prepare a syringe or bulb by thoroughly boiling and cooling on a sterile napkin. Douching with hydrogen peroxide (3 percent) helps normalize conditions for the life of beneficial bacteria. In turn, they control the proliferation of fungal microorganisms.

This procedure helps very well if the vaginal microflora is disturbed and beneficial bacteria no longer able to stop reproduction pathogenic microflora. At the same time, as soon as clinical symptoms disappear, you must immediately stop performing the procedure. However, we must remember that it is impossible to completely cure thrush with peroxide alone; in addition, gynecologists prescribe antifungal therapy and other medicines at your own discretion.

Technique of the procedure

It's easier when you do it in treatment room. There the doctor will supervise the entire process from start to finish. However, you can cope at home, on your own. To do this, you will need to prepare a solution and a syringe, napkins and go to the bathroom. Before the procedure, it is necessary to rinse the genitals with water, lubricate the entrance to the vagina and the spout of the douche with Vaseline. The syringe should be inserted no deeper than 7 cm. The douching itself should take no longer than 15 minutes. The solution is introduced very slowly. After it is completed, you can rinse your genitals again with plain water and blot with a clean napkin.


Quite often the question arises about whether douching with hydrogen peroxide can be used for erosion and other diseases of the female reproductive system. Only a doctor can answer these questions after an examination, so don’t take risks. Erosion is a violation of the integrity of the mucous membrane, that is, an ulcer. Her treatment must be comprehensive. The doctor may choose hydrogen peroxide as a cauterization, but this procedure will be performed under the supervision of a doctor.

Before prescribing treatment for yourself, remember that this procedure has contraindications that must be taken into account. These include:

  • Cervical erosion.
  • Inflammatory diseases not associated with thrush. Although at first glance they may have similar symptoms.
  • Postoperative period.
  • Menstruation.
  • Pregnancy and the period after childbirth. Again, there may be exceptions to this if treatment of poorly healing sutures is required.

Instead of a conclusion

It must be emphasized once again that the use of water with hydrogen peroxide should not be the only way treatment of thrush. This is a complex disease, therefore, recovery will be influenced by a balanced diet, exclusion of simple carbohydrates and mandatory consumption of yoghurt. Stress and lack of normal sleep also contribute to the activation of fungal diseases, so reconsider your schedule. It is very important to observe the rules of personal hygiene, not to wear synthetic or too tight underwear and to take a shower on time.

Thrush or candidiasis is one of the most common diseases in the world caused by a fungus. Candida albicans. This microorganism is part of normal microflora mouth, colon and vagina.

The appearance of thrush does not indicate its presence, but the proliferation of fungus in large quantities for a number of reasons. More common in women of fertile age. Every second woman is faced with this disease, which is unbearable in its symptoms.

Thrush often appears in women before menstruation, and the more allergic the woman, the more severe the manifestations.

There are 2 types of causes leading to thrush. These are exogenous and endogenous.

TO endogenous reasons include:

  • weakened immune response: untreated STIs, pregnancy, illness gastrointestinal tract;
  • chronic diseases of organs and systems of the body;
  • endocrinological disorders: diabetes mellitus, obesity;
  • long-term use of antibiotics;
  • wearing synthetic pads daily;
  • long-term use of hormonal contraceptives;
  • violation of the diet: consumption of foods high in carbohydrates, abuse of fried, canned and smoked foods;
  • psychosomatic phenomena such as severe stress.

Exogenous causes:

  • sexual contact with an infected Candida fungus, under a number of circumstances (low resistance of your body, disrupted hormonal levels);
  • in case of close contact with a patient with candidiasis, use general hygiene products;
  • in the first year of life.

Often thrush does not come alone, and along with it there may be infectious diseases, such as Trichomonas, gonorrhea, chlamydia. Therefore, complaints may not be standard, however, there are symptoms characteristic only of thrush.


Symptoms of candidiasis:

  • white, “curdy” discharge from the genital tract;
  • itching and burning in the genital area;
  • pain during urination, as urine begins to corrode the inflamed membrane;
  • pain during sexual intercourse;
  • swelling of the genital mucosa.

3 forms of candidiasis:

  1. Candida carrier.
  2. Acute course.
  3. Chronic form (or recurrent).


Each woman has her own methods of dealing with this disease. You need to know that this may be caused by insufficient dosage of the drug, timing, or an irresponsible approach to quality treatment.

Therefore, it is important to discuss each method you are considering with your doctor! Self-medication is dangerous even with alternative ways treatment. Douching with hydrogen peroxide for thrush is one such method.

is a method of treating the vaginal mucosa with medications or special herbs. Douching is used for many gynecological diseases. This procedure can be done either in a hospital or at home.

Used to treat thrush different methods and means, these could be: herbal teas, soda, medicines, boric acid, potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide has a detrimental effect on many bacteria, fungi and viruses, creating an unfavorable environment.

Hydrogen peroxide or peroxide is an environmental product, so it is non-toxic and hypoallergenic. Peroxide practically does not cause pain upon contact with mucous or wound surfaces.

What do you need to know when douching with oxygen peroxide?

  • You can douche with peroxide diluted with water; It is strictly forbidden to douche with the whole preparation (you can get burns);
  • the concentration should be: 1 tablespoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide per 1 liter of water;
  • the solution temperature should not be higher than 40 C;
  • prepare the solution fresh each time;
  • do not douche for more than 15 minutes;
  • uncontrolled use of this method can disrupt the vaginal microflora;
  • peroxide is not used as a prophylaxis;
  • Treatment of thrush with hydrogen peroxide can only be successful in combination with antifungal drugs prescribed by the doctor.

In order to understand whether the peroxide treatment method is suitable for you, you need to familiarize yourself with the indications and contraindications.


  • candidiasis;
  • putrefactive processes in the vagina (more common with STIs);
  • vulvovaginitis;
  • ulcerations of the vagina and vulva.


  • pregnancy and postpartum period;
  • postoperative period;
  • menstruation;
  • cervical erosion;
  • acute course inflammatory processes genitals.

How does this work?

The peroxide solution releases oxygen, which is an oxidizing agent and affects Candida fungus and other bacteria. The oxidative process slows down the growth of fungi, and thrush is treatable.

All this only with integrated approach with the use of antifungal drugs.

  • swelling of the genital organs;
  • copious discharge;
  • itching, burning;
  • pain (spastic)

If you have such symptoms, you should visit a gynecologist as soon as possible to adjust the treatment. Most often, such complaints can be detected when using a concentrated solution.

There are many advantages to using hydrogen peroxide for thrush as a douche, but you should not be zealous, since by killing the pathogenic flora, you can also destroy the normal biocenosis of the vagina.

Therefore, after douching, suppositories should be administered to normalize the balance of microflora.

Step 1

First you need to select an item for douching. This could be a bulb with a tip, a syringe, or an Esmarch cup. The selected item should be used only for its intended purpose (it is unacceptable to consider them as enemas; the syringe is new, disposable, without a needle.

Step 2

Wash the external genitalia with warm water.

Step 3

Douching is best done in the bath. Lie down in comfortable position and spread your legs bent at the knees. This way you will better irrigate the entire vaginal mucosa and, above all, in this way you will ensure right direction jets of water.

Step 4

You should insert the tip no more than 7 cm and gently, under slight pressure, squeeze the bulb. The solution is introduced slowly.

Before each douching, instruments must be disinfected.

Exists Several treatment regimens using peroxide douching:

  • Douching once a day for a month, in combination with taking antifungal drug inside.
  • Douching 2 times a day for a week, in combination with taking an antifungal drug orally.

Already after the first douching, you can notice the result: the discomfort caused by thrush decreases - itching, burning, and discharge decreases.

What can replace hydrogen peroxide?

Aseptolin, catapol, sanguiritrin, hexicon, vagotil, miramistin, chlorhexidine.

All these remedies must also be taken with caution and only after consultation with a specialist.

Preparations that are used in the treatment of candidiasis: suppositories, tablets, capsules, ointments, creams. There isn't much active substances that can cure the disease: Clotrimazole (canesten clotrimazole), Miconazole (klion-D), Isoconazole (gyno-travogen), Itroconazole (rumicosis), Nystatin (polygynax, terzhinan), Natamycin (pimafucin), Ketoconazole (mycosoral).

5 ways to avoid thrush

  • It is necessary to closely monitor your well-being and constantly monitor your diet, focusing on vegetables and fruits in the summer and natural products in winter (replace all juices with compotes made from frozen berries, do not exclude meat dishes from the diet).
  • Use individual means hygiene, change the towel 1-2 times a week.
  • Detergents must be special, intended for intimate hygiene. Regular soap contains alkali, which negatively affects the microflora of the genital organs.
  • Control the intake of fried and smoked foods, canned food and foods with a high content of fast carbohydrates (buns, sweets) and salt.
  • If thrush does appear, strictly follow your doctor's instructions.