
Why is there pain after surgery? Pain after surgery

Pain after laparoscopy is common. In most cases, they are not pronounced. Any surgical intervention entails the appearance of unpleasant pain. rehabilitation period after laparoscopic operations, patients endure quite easily. This is one of the advantages of this type of intervention.

Laparoscopic surgeries are now widespread. They are performed in almost every major medical center. Laparoscopy is considered a gentle method surgical intervention. It is actively used in the treatment of gynecological diseases.

There are some indications, according to which the doctor may prescribe laparoscopy. These include the following types pathologies:

  • endometriosis
  • uterine fibroids
  • infertility
  • the presence of adhesions on the fallopian tubes
  • obstruction of the fallopian tubes
  • having a cyst on the ovary

When the doctor finds it difficult to put correct diagnosis or they need his confirmation, he may also order a laparoscopy.

During the operation, the surgeon makes an incision in a certain place and introduces a special device through it - a laparoscope. It is a very thin endoscope with a miniature video camera at the end. The diameter of the endoscope is only 5 millimeters.

Soreness of the procedure

During laparoscopic surgery, the patient does not feel any pain. The procedure takes place under general anesthesia. In this case, intravenous anesthesia can also be used, but endotracheal anesthesia is most often used. A special tube is inserted into Airways patient. This is necessary to ensure free breathing, as well as to prevent the residual contents of the stomach from entering the lungs.

The need for tracheal intubation is due to some features of this operation.

In some cases, it also applies local anesthesia. A widely used method in which the doctor injects an anesthetic by injecting it between the vertebral discs. As a result, the patient completely ceases to feel lower part body while being conscious. This method is used if the operation is not complicated, short-term, and also if the patient is contraindicated general anesthesia for health. Most often, local anesthesia is offered to people aged or with certain chronic diseases.

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In modern clinics, the most advanced methods of anesthesia are used. This helps make the procedure completely painless.

Pain after laparoscopy

Many people are afraid of pain after laparoscopy. In fact, you should not be afraid of this. Pain in this case is much less intense than after abdominal surgery.

Pain after laparoscopy can be different:

  • pain in the area of ​​the incisions

Pain in the operated area usually occurs immediately after the anesthesia wears off. Experts call it post-laparoscopic pain syndrome. Its nature is clear. Unpleasant sensations arise as a result of injury to soft tissues, peritoneum, internal organs. Especially clearly it is felt in the places of introduction of the endoscope. Doctors also note that pain is often localized in the upper regions of the abdomen, although these areas are not affected during the operation.

About 96% of patients who underwent such an operation complained of fairly severe postoperative pain. Studies were conducted and specialists were able to establish that on a 100-point scale, the intensity of pain was estimated at an average of 60 points. These figures are applicable to assessing the sensations of patients immediately after laparoscopy.

Within 2 hours after the withdrawal of anesthesia, most patients assessed their pain by 30 points out of 100. Pain in the abdomen and postoperative sutures in most cases disappears only after 24 hours. They are replaced by unpleasant sensations that may appear when pressing on the seam or injuring it.

  • shoulder and chest pain

This type of pain is often observed after laparoscopy, since during the operation carbon dioxide is injected into abdominal cavity. Carbon dioxide bursts the stomach, which leads to compression of some internal organs and the diaphragm.

Bursting pain in the shoulders and chest can be felt for several days. But it cannot be called strong. As a rule, it delivers to patients only inconvenience and discomfort.

  • sore throat

After surgery, pain in the legs appears very often. But this state should not last too long. If you try to maintain yourself properly, the rehabilitation period will be much shorter.

Surgery is a serious method of treatment, which is used in cases where conservative methods are useless or contraindicated. A successful operation does not guarantee full recovery. Whether further problems appear or not depends on how the postoperative period and how a person follows the instructions of the attending physician. Not everyone understands if the legs hurt after the operation, what to do and how to help yourself. It is important to consider the main causes of complications after surgical procedures and methods for their elimination.

What causes pain

After almost any surgical intervention, people experience pain. Depending on the type and duration of the operation, pain in the legs can accompany a person from several weeks to several months.

The occurrence of pain is normal reaction organism to third-party intervention.

It is rare that discomfort is relieved with the help of traditional painkillers. Usually, experts recommend taking narcotic painkillers for the first few days. To get them, the doctor will write a prescription.

After any operation, the body needs a recovery period. Until the wounds heal and normal processes in the tissues are restored, unpleasant postoperative consequences may be felt.

Pain after vein surgery

Legs often hurt after vein surgery. After such an intervention, it is very important to strictly follow all the instructions of the attending physician and not to miss the prescribed events. Violation of the regimen can lead to additional complications and delay the recovery process.

After surgery, you should beware of listening to the advice of friends and acquaintances who allegedly have already been in such a situation.

Although general rules recovery is the same for everyone, no one knows all the circumstances of the disease better than the surgeon who performed the operation.

So that the foot and lower leg do not hurt, it is important to follow a few simple rules:

  • wear special tights;
  • observe correct mode washing the operated leg;
  • monitor frequent changes in body position;
  • observe the dynamics of temperature;
  • monitor for decreased sensitivity of the limb.

In order not to hurt to step on the limbs after surgery, it is necessary to consider in more detail the rules of behavior for a speedy recovery and follow them steadily.

Wearing special tights

After most operations on the legs, especially if they were performed on the veins, specialists prescribe the wearing of tight compression stockings. These products do their job well and support normal blood flow well. For some types of interventions, the use of an elastic bandage may be recommended.

Compression stockings can be made in a variety of holding densities. It is determined only by a doctor, so it is worth purchasing such products only after consulting a specialist.

Even after operations on one limb, knitwear is required on both legs. First weeks of recovery wearing compression stockings necessary at all times regardless of the type of activity performed and the time of day.

In addition to wearing special underwear, it is important to monitor the position of the body during sleep. To keep blood from pooling in lower limbs, while resting, it is important to maintain them above the body by at least 15 degrees.

Wash mode

When the caviar hurts, you need to think about the correct care of the limb after the surgery. It is important to understand that the first 10 days you can not wet your leg at all. Washing is carried out only after the removal of the seams.

If the operation was performed on the veins, then even after 10 days it is forbidden to use hot water. The best option to wash warm water with baby soap. Do not rub the operated limb. You can use a soft sponge.

After washing, the leg should not be rubbed with a hard towel. The skin can be blotted with a soft cloth. It is important that it be devoid of fibers that can catch on the crust on the wound and re-injure it.

After each washing, the area near the wounds must be treated with an alcohol composition. Iodine is also suitable for these purposes. Under no circumstances should dried crusts be removed mechanically. This can cause bleeding and increase the risk of reopening the wound.

Within the next three months after surgery on the leg, you should refuse to visit saunas, baths, pools and other places of high humidity. It is not necessary to carry out epilation with the help of a depilator or wax in the area of ​​the surgical field.

Body position and mode of work

In order for the recovery after the operation to go as quickly as possible and without complications, it is necessary to monitor how long the body is in one position. You can not stand or sit for a long time. The more often light loads are replaced by complete rest, the better. The blood must not stagnate.

Both after the operation and during the subsequent long period it is vital for the patient to refrain from severe physical activity. It is strictly forbidden to lift weights or engage in very active sports.

To keep your feet healthy, it is important to be observant and careful. Especially in the period after surgery, you should be careful in public transport, protecting the limb from undue injury, clamps or impacts.

Some people worry when they have hematomas after the operation and their legs hurt. Few people know what to do in such a situation. Someone begins to smear neoplasms with some kind of gels, ointments and compounds. However, without a doctor's prescription, it is strictly forbidden to carry out any therapeutic measures! Thus, you can cause serious harm to your health.

Various seals and bruises appear after most operations. This symptom does not require any special treatment. All neoplasms resolve on their own within six months.

Patient body temperature

It is well known that fever body is an indicator of the presence of inflammatory processes in the body. After most surgical interventions, an increase in this indicator can be observed. This is considered the norm.

In most cases, increased temperature can be observed within a month from the date of surgery. A specialist should be consulted if:

  • the temperature rose higher than 37.5 degrees;
  • it stays on for over a month.

If you carefully monitor the main indicators, any deviation from the norm can be noticed in a timely manner and the necessary treatment can be started.

Sensitivity needs to be taken care of.

After operations in the ankle area, skin sensitivity is often lost. If this phenomenon is temporary, it can be considered the norm.

In those situations where normal sensitivity does not return after 2-3 months, measures must be taken. Only a qualified doctor will be able to accurately determine the cause of the pathology and select the appropriate treatment.

What to do with prolonged pain

It happens that the pain does not go away after a few months. This should be a reason to consult with your surgeon. The attending physician will prescribe a series of diagnostic measures aimed at determining the cause of the disease. Most often carried out ultrasound examination operated limb.

For almost any postoperative pain in the legs, doctors give the following recommendations:

  • wearing compression underwear;
  • professional massage;
  • charger;
  • frequent change of body position;
  • moderate physical activity;
  • no overload;
  • decrease in the amount of fluid consumed;
  • temporary refusal to take hormonal drugs;
  • refusal to lift weights.

Good therapeutic effect for the recovery of legs after surgical interventions gives acceptance contrast shower for legs. Shouldn't be used hot water. Pretty warm and cold. This process helps to improve blood circulation in the limbs and prevent congestion.

Pain after uterus removal

Sometimes, after surgery to remove the uterus, some complications develop, including pain in the lower extremities. This unpleasant procedure affects quite a few women after 45 years.

The first days after the intervention, the patient is under the close supervision of a doctor and all the complications that have arisen can be discussed directly with him. As a rule, in the hospital after such operations, patients are kept for 10 days until the stitches are removed.

The maximum pain syndrome develops during the first day after surgery. Both narcotic and non-narcotic drugs can be prescribed for pain relief. Severe pain is associated with significant soft tissue injury due to an incision in the cavity.

To maintain the condition of the legs even before the onset of unpleasant symptoms, it is worth using compression stockings. They can be replaced with an elastic bandage, however, in this case it is important to monitor the degree of tissue compression and prevent excessive pressure.

In order for the recovery after the operation to remove the uterus to be as quick and without consequences as possible, doctors recommend starting to get out of bed as soon as possible. Most often, the first walks are recommended within a day after the intervention. These simple measures will help to normalize the activity of the intestines.

A few days after the operation, it is important to follow a diet. You can not eat heavy food. It is important that intestinal motility normalizes, and stool appears.

If, after the operation to remove the uterus, pain appeared in the legs, and the skin in these areas turned slightly red, thrombophlebitis may develop. This is very serious illness requiring careful monitoring. In such situations, for prevention, in addition to compression stockings, the administration of anticoagulants is prescribed.

Dealing with other complications

To prevent various postoperative complications, the doctor may prescribe certain activities. It is very important to help the patient recover.

After abdominal operations, a course of antibiotics is prescribed. This is important, since many microbes are transmitted through the air and such therapy is needed to exclude possible infection of other internal organs.

Removal of the uterus in most cases is accompanied by a large blood loss. It is very good when the surgeon uses modern methods of blood saving and performs procedures such as hemodilution or reinfusion, and also uses an electrocoagulator instead of a conventional scalpel. Despite all the skill, after the removal of the organ, intravenous injections will be required to restore the volume of lost blood and stimulate the production of red blood cells.

In addition to the above tips, you can take into account a few more nuances.

Often, the postoperative condition is facilitated after the application of ice bubbles along the projection of diseased vessels. Each compress should not last more than 20 minutes. It is important to take care not to burn the skin with cold.

A sure way to keep the veins in good shape and speed up recovery after surgery is to walk at an average pace. Daily walks should last no more than half an hour. Such loads improve the condition of blood vessels and normalize blood microcirculation.

You should not selflessly endure pain if the usual folk ways her quenching does not help. It is worth getting acquainted with the drugs prescribed by the doctor and start taking them. It is important to read the instructions before use. There are time limits on how much you can drink certain drugs. Do not exceed the established limits.

Recovery will be much faster if the person undergoing surgery does not gain weight. To do this, it is important to monitor nutrition. Do not abuse fatty and salty foods.

After 7-9 months, you can begin to engage in active sports that do not involve lifting weights and heavy loads. Great for swimming, walking and running.

Neurologists call pain after spinal surgery the syndrome of the operated spine. This name is not accidental and is widely used in the methodological essays of Western experts. There the term is called FBSS. The abbreviation stands for Failed Back Surgery Syndrome, which means a syndrome characteristic of unsuccessful surgical interventions in the lumbar region of the spine.

There is a similar syndrome, which is characteristic, however, of the cervical spine. It is called FNSS or Failed Neck Surgery Syndrome. In our latitudes, the syndrome has another name - postlaminectomy.

Pain in one of the lumbar regions may be present after surgery on the spine in order to reduce pain present in the lower back or nerve roots. Sometimes the pain is localized in several areas at once and the operation is designed to stop them. However, after the patient comes out of anesthesia, the pain may become even more intense and prolonged.

In patients undergoing surgery for lumbar spinal column, pain can recur in 15-50% of cases. The percentage depends on various factors, such as the severity of the surgical process, as well as the way the results of the procedure are evaluated. Statistics were collected only in the US states, where more than 200 thousand operations of this kind are carried out annually. Therefore, it can be assumed that the percentage of pain recurrence after spinal surgery among patients around the world can be significantly increased.

An interesting fact is that the percentage of spinal surgeries for the purpose of cupping pain syndrome significantly more in the US than worldwide. The total share of surgical procedures in European countries per year is approximately equal to the number of surgical interventions in America. Postoperative pain in the vertebral region - serious problem, which requires close attention and is still being studied by experts around the world.

Causes of postoperative pain

Unfortunately, the recurrence of pain after spinal surgery occurs more often with each new surgical intervention. Adhesions and scars form in the vertebral section that underwent surgery, which make the pain even more intense. Allocate the following reasons localization of pain after the surgical process:

  • Neoplasms
As a result of the operation, a hernia or tumor may be localized in the area that has undergone surgery
  • Intervertebral disc problem
During the replacement operation intervertebral disc, its residues tend to fall out, forming inflammatory processes that cause pain
  • Excessive pressure
During the surgical intervention, the compression present in the nervous structures was not eliminated. Often the pressure is localized in the funnel of the nerve roots
  • Loosening of the spinal column
After the operation, the part of the spine that was affected by it may destabilize. The mentioned cause can be quite difficult to diagnose. At the same time, the ligamentous apparatus of the spinal column, as well as the nerve roots located in the region spinal cord, are subjected to compression - permanent or periodic. It also depends on the nature of the pain.

Unfortunately, even the most modern operations using nanotechnology, such as intradiscal endoscopy, do not give one hundred percent guarantee that after surgical intervention pain will not return and will not become more intense. Regrettably, in 20% of cases it is still not possible to determine for certain the cause of pain localization after spinal column surgery.

How to get rid

When diagnosing an increase in pain syndrome, which was localized in the spine after the operation, repeated surgical intervention is contraindicated. As mentioned earlier, adhesions and serious colloids can form in the injured spinal region, which will only aggravate, rather than alleviate, the patient's condition.

An effective method of treating pain syndrome that occurs in the spine after surgery is the classical method of treating pain syndromes of a chronic nature. Treatment can only work if applied in combination. To eliminate postoperative pain, it is customary to use:

  1. Medical therapy.
  2. Physiotherapy.
  3. Manual therapy.
  4. Psychotherapy.

In special cases, when the pain syndrome long time ignored and not treated, it can become chronic. In this aspect, full recovery impossible, and the pain will accompany the patient throughout his life, then fading, then resuming with renewed vigor.

Often, to eliminate pain, a specialist may prescribe SCS technology or spinal cord neurostimulation. According to statistics, such a technique may be appropriate even in cases where multiple operations were performed on one or several spinal sections at once. However, the more surgical processes the patient has undergone, the less effective the technique becomes. Also, neurostimulation of the spinal cord should be performed on early stage re-localization of pain, since ignoring the problem for a long time can significantly reduce the effectiveness of the treatment method.

In the event that the intensity of the pain syndrome after the operation continues to grow, and the SCS technique does not work, specialists may prescribe drug therapy including the use of narcotic analgesics.

In any case, timely seeking help from a doctor significantly increases the chances of recovery. Therefore, having felt the first signs of a pain syndrome localized a spinal column after surgery, it is necessary to immediately undergo an appropriate examination by a specialist.

In contact with

2015-04-10 12:57:42

Kostya asks:

Hello, I had 2 spontaneous pneumothoraxes, I had a thoracoscopy operation. There were occasional pains after the operation. For the last 4 days, after I abruptly reached for a magazine, my chest began to hurt and knock when I lie down evenly (the knocks are the same as those of the heart). What could it be???


Hello! In absentia, you can’t figure out the situation, so you need to urgently consult a doctor. The most common cause of chest pain and palpitations are diseases of the heart and large vessels, so first of all consult a cardiologist. Take care of your health!

2014-07-29 13:26:30

Alesya asks:

Hello! I have hemorrhoids, but they don’t hurt me and don’t bleed, that is, they don’t bother me at all, but they don’t go away, they don’t hide. Should I do something with it or not? I'm afraid of pain after surgery

Responsible Medical consultant of the portal "site":

Hello Alesya! Hemorrhoids is a "harmful" disease, prone to exacerbations and the development of complications at the most inopportune moments for this. Therefore, hemorrhoids should be treated as soon as possible after its detection, without waiting undesirable consequences. Now is the time to go to a face-to-face appointment with a proctologist, undergo an examination, the results of which will show the doctor which method of radical treatment is best suited for the treatment of hemorrhoids in your case. For removing hemorrhoids Surgical and minimally invasive techniques are now successfully used. In the postoperative (post-procedural) period, you may experience some discomfort (usually relieved by the use of rectal suppositories with anti-inflammatory, healing and analgesic effect, for example, the drug Proctosol), but after a while the pain and discomfort will go away, you will again become a healthy person and forget about what hemorrhoids are. You will find more detailed information in the article: .Take care of your health!

2014-04-30 08:02:02

Inna asks:

Hello, my mom had her uterus removed in October. There was a slight uterine prolapse and the doctor scared my mother that if she did not urgently do this, there would be urinary problems (uncontrolled urination). He promised that when he did the operation (not a stripe), he would also sew up the urinary one. Before the operation, my mother had no problems with the urinary tract, the only thing was sometimes minor pain. After the operation, a month later, my mother began to have specific problems with urinary, pain, urine runs, the gynecologist (who operated) says that everything is fine in gynecology. Now my mother is urgently told to operate on the bladder, urinary descent (X-ray) in the prone position by 1-1.5 cm, pain. Tell me if the operation to remove the uterus could have provoked this and what would you advise in this situation. Thanks.

Responsible Vladychenko Konstantin Anatolievich:

Hello. It's hard for me to answer this question. I cannot evaluate all the data (examinations, volume of surgery, etc.). If there is urinary incontinence due to prolapse (omission), then probably the most optimal solution would be to perform TVT-O (a mesh is installed) or an "open" surgical intervention - the Marshal-Marchetti-Kranz operation.

2014-01-20 07:20:01

Elena asks:

Hello! Help, please. Mom had an operation to remove the gallbladder. There were a lot of stones more than 50. She suffers from sharp pains in the back. Painkillers, analgesics, but it is necessary to treat the cause of the pain. After the operation, the sensitivity of the legs disappeared, she hardly walks. The legs get cold, we do massages and injections of Actovigin. ?

2013-02-06 20:01:41

Lydia asks:

The kidney cyst was removed by sclerosing. After the injection of the sclerosing agent, it got inside the peritoneum, there was very severe pain. 3 weeks have passed after the operation, but it hurts right part abdomen (the right kidney was with a cyst). It hurts to breathe, the pain radiates to the side, the ovarian area hurts (such a feeling. Could this be a consequence of getting sclerosing fluid?

Responsible Klofa Taras Grigorievich:

Lydia, I won't take the responsibility of saying yes or no. Any questions should be directed to your doctor.

2012-06-25 18:59:14

Layla asks:

Hello, please do not ignore my question ... a cyst (8 cm) was removed a month ago, but not with the help of laparoscopy, but with the usual surgical method, that is, with a knife (I don’t know how it’s medically called), in one word there was a scar like after a caesarean. Together with the cyst, the right ovary and the right fallopian tube were removed ... the pain after the operation went away, but now I am worried about another pain, namely, sometimes in the morning I wake up from pain in the pubic region, get up and walk in a small way and I have such a feeling that as if something incomprehensible is pressing on bladder and it hurts me, but after an hour this pain goes away and nothing bothers me until the evening, I go to the toilet normally, without pain, but in the morning sometimes the same thing appears again, but not always !!! Friends say that if it was cystitis, then I would constantly like to go to the toilet and every urination process would be accompanied by pain, but I don’t have this, only sometimes in the morning. What could it be? Is it possible that the skin in the scar area is stretching and causing this pain in some way, or is it something else? Thanks in advance for your reply.

Responsible Klofa Taras Grigorievich:

Most likely, the pain is associated with the formation of a scar in the area of ​​​​operation, so I advise you to consult with the doctor who operated on you, pass urine tests, ultrasound.

2012-01-26 18:30:33

Sasha asks:

Seven hours ago I had an operation on the coccyx of a cyst, and now my anus aches, as if I want to shit a lot, but lying down somehow doesn’t work, or it’s pain after the operation, now they pulled a tampon out of my anal, that pain is unpleasant, and I think what could be .... tell me please ....

Responsible Lukashevich Ilona Viktorovna:

Dear / May Sasha, the discomfort should pass completely within a day; in our clinic, a tampon is not placed in the anal canal after surgery for an epithelial coccygeal passage (coccygeal cyst), and therefore patients do not experience such discomfort, however, during the first 2-3 days, some patients report difficulty in defecation, but this quickly passes, because Interventions on the anal canal are not performed during standard surgery.

2011-09-11 19:20:06

Nicholas asks:

I had stage II hemorrhoids.
I had HAL-RAR surgery 11 days ago. The pain after the operation almost completely disappeared, but every day nodes continue to fall out (small, but painful). Is this the norm? After all, the blood supply to the nodes had to be eliminated. If this is the norm, then when will the nodes stop falling out? I am very worried that the operation did not help. Thanks in advance for your reply.

Responsible Lukashevich Ilona Viktorovna:

Good day to you! I recommend that you contact the proctologist who operated on you for a follow-up examination. External hemorrhoidal complexes may swell after this operation, but there is always a risk of thrombosis. To rule out any postoperative complications, you should consult your doctor.

2011-02-20 10:35:26

Anna asks:

Hello. On Monday, February 14, I had a tonsillectomy. In addition to painkillers, the doctor did not prescribe anything. On Friday, the doctor let me go home, but the pain remains very strong, especially at night and on the right side, the pain radiates to the ear and neck. The temperature is 37.2 every evening. Please tell me is this the norm? If not, what should I do? How long should the pain last after the operation. Please help, I'm already tired of the pain.

Responsible Krivobokova Tatyana Sergeevna:

Hello. May be long, depending on individual features: this is a wound surface, it needs to heal. A low temperature is also the norm.

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During surgery, tissues, muscles, bones are damaged, so the person feels pain. Pain medications after surgery help relieve a person of pain, which has a beneficial effect on the recovery process.

Any operation is a huge stress for a person, and especially one who has pain threshold low The postoperative period is necessarily accompanied by significant pain, this must be understood, but it is not necessary to endure them. Therefore, after the procedure, it is necessary to prescribe powerful analgesics that will help improve a person’s well-being and make the recovery period shorter and more effective. Painkillers, which are available in every home, are unlikely to help here. Directly after the operation, strong painkillers are usually used, and in the future, the doctor may prescribe drugs for pain relief in tablets.

Pain relief methods

In the postoperative period, it is possible to use several types of analgesics:

The easiest and most convenient is the oral route. When an epidural catheter is used, the person may experience pain, discomfort, sometimes inflammation of nearby tissues develops, but there are times when this method is simply necessary.

The essence of this method is that an analgesic is injected with a puncture needle into the region of the spinal cord, and then a catheter is attached. Often the use of this method is accompanied by unpleasant sensations:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • headache;
  • drop in blood pressure;
  • weakness in the legs.

The least common side effects are observed when an anesthetic gel or ointment is used.

Tablets help relieve pain in about half an hour, while painkillers after surgery have their effect within 2-3 minutes. Therefore, in order to relieve pain after surgery, doctors prescribe injections. Ointments and gels are more often used as an additional remedy.

Most modern method is autoanalgesia, but in order to use it, medical institution must have an appropriate material and technical base. With this method, an infusion pump is used to deliver analgesics to the blood. It has a button with which the patient can independently regulate the amount of medication received.

Pain relievers

Modern analgesics are divided into 2 main groups - they can be narcotic and non-narcotic. Narcotics there are:

  • based on natural substances;
  • semi-synthetic;
  • synthetic.

These funds have a number of distinctive features:

But these drugs are highly effective as strong painkillers. If you choose the right dose and use them for a short time, the risk of side effects is minimal. Narcotic drugs are dispensed in pharmacies only by special prescription from a doctor.

In non-narcotic drugs, the analgesic effect is much less pronounced, but they also have an anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effect, which is important immediately after surgery. But, in addition to the undoubted benefits, these funds can cause harm if used improperly. Their side effects are a negative effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, kidneys.

Narcotic pain relievers

One of the strongest narcotic analgesics is morphine. An injection of this drug almost completely relieves a person of any pain. Morphine relieves pain in a few minutes and works for 5 hours.

Morphine is a powerful analgesic that other drugs cannot compete with. Therefore, lighter drugs are usually prescribed immediately after the operation, and Morphine is used only if they are not effective enough. There are serious contraindications for its use:

  • severe respiratory and hepatic pathologies;
  • epilepsy;
  • severe alcohol intoxication.

Morphine is available in the form of injections and tablets, the effectiveness of which is almost the same.

Morphine, among other components, is part of a drug such as Omnopon. This remedy has the same strong analgesic effect as Morphine. Its difference is in a smaller number side effects. It is available only in the form of injections.

Promedol is a synthetic analogue of Morphine. The analgesic effect is somewhat less pronounced, the duration of exposure is shorter than that of Morphine. It has almost the same side effects, with one exception - less oppression. respiratory center. Therefore, Promedol is used in cases where the use of Morphine is not possible, for example, when the patient has a severe respiratory failure. Promedol is available in tablets and ampoules for injection.

Another synthetic opiate is Tramadol. It has a strong analgesic effect, differs in the duration of action - about 8 hours. Available in tablets and in solution for injection, they have almost the same effect. Distinctive feature Tramadol: almost no side effects develop with its use. It is contraindicated only with severe alcohol intoxication and its use is prohibited for pregnant women.

Non-narcotic analgesics

These drugs relieve pain much weaker than narcotic counterparts. Therefore, they are not used for the first time after the operation. First, opioid injections are prescribed, and then, after some time, drugs are used in tablets.

Diclofenac painkillers take effect in about 30 minutes. The drug has a good absorption capacity, due to which its analgesic effect can manifest itself in any organ. The gold standard - this is quite justifiably called this tool among analogues.

Usually, injections of the drug are first prescribed, and the transition to the tablet form of the drug is gradually made.

Diclofenac has one serious drawback - wide range side effects. If it is used for a long time, the mucous membrane is affected digestive tract, gastric or duodenal ulcers may occur.

lesser side effect has Nimesulide. It's over modern facility which is more secure. Analgesic properties are almost equal to Diclofenac, but Nimesulide has a longer duration of action. But the drug is not available in the form of injections, but only in tablets. Therefore, immediately after the operation, its use is unjustified. If you use the remedy for a long time, the risk of side effects increases.

The most modern, reliable, safe and convenient of painkillers is Rofecoxib. It is produced, in addition to tablets, also in ampoules. Therefore, it is often used in the first days after surgery. A huge plus of the drug is that it is practically safe. It does not affect digestive system so even patients with peptic ulcer can take it without fear. It differs in the duration of exposure, well reduces pain.

Drugs available in every home

Means from this group can be purchased without a prescription at a pharmacy, and for sure everyone has them at home. Of course, their effectiveness is rather controversial, since they have weak analgesic properties. But if some time has passed after the operation, the person has been discharged from the hospital, these analgesics can also be used to relieve residual mild postoperative pain.

These drugs include Ketanov. There are certain restrictions on its appointment. For example, it should not be taken by children under 16, pregnant and lactating women, people suffering from asthma, stomach ulcers and some other diseases. Otherwise, the drug is quite effective.

Analgin in modern medicine has a controversial reputation. He copes well with his main task, but at the same time, the hematopoietic system, kidneys, and liver are affected. Modern doctors believe that analgin should be used in extreme cases as much as possible.

Aspirin and Paracetamol are weak analgesics. They have been used in medicine for a long time and have a number of contraindications. For example, aspirin has a negative effect on the mucous membrane of the digestive organs, and in children - on the liver.

However, any pain medication should be prescribed by the attending physician, especially during the postoperative rehabilitation period.