
Weakness in the right hand. Weakness in the hand

Each of us has experienced such an unpleasant phenomenon as weakness and numbness of the hands. But it's one thing when it's the result of physical activity or being in an uncomfortable position for a long time, and it's a completely different thing when weakness in the hands appears periodically and for no apparent reason. Consider the main reasons for the appearance of weakness in the hands.

Why are hands numb?

The reason for the appearance of weakness in the hands is prolonged compression of the nerves and blood vessels. There is a slight tingling in the hand, movements are somewhat difficult.

Temporary numbness usually passes quickly with a change in the position of the limb and appears as a result of:

1. Violations of the normal blood supply to the limb (the arm is in an uncomfortable and squeezed position for a long time);
2. Carrying a heavy bag on the shoulder (the strap squeezes the blood vessels under the weight of the bag);
3. Wearing clothing that squeezes the arm, as well as as a result of squeezing the arm with the cuff of the tonometer;
4. Long-term presence of hands in an elevated position (above the level of the heart);
5. A sharp change in temperature (from heat to cold, which leads to a sharp narrowing of the arteries).

Weakness in the hands as a symptom of diseases

Chronic numbness and weakness of the hands is not the norm and, as a rule, turns out to be one of the symptoms of serious diseases. That's why you shouldn't ignore given state and apply as soon as possible medical assistance. Full examination, which includes neurological tests, analysis of sugar and hormone levels, X-ray examination, and myelography, will quickly determine the cause of the onset of malaise and prescribe adequate treatment.

Diseases against the background of which numbness of the hands appears:

1. Osteochondrosis cervical– deformation intervertebral disc in the region of the upper cervical spine, leading to pinched nerves, swelling and spasms of the muscular corset;

2. Spondylosis - a disease of the musculoskeletal system, in which bone outgrowths (osteophytes) are formed on the edges of the bodies of individual vertebrae;

3. Scalene muscle - squeezing the subclavian artery, leading to impaired blood supply in the arm. Manifested by loss of sensation in the affected limb, weakness and pain;

4. Injury in the shoulder area - bruise, dislocation, fracture or fracture of the bone, sprain and muscle sprain. Any injury to the brachial plexus may be accompanied by weakness and numbness of the affected limb;

5. Injury in the wrist area - swelling resulting from a bruise, dislocation or fracture of the wrist can disrupt blood supply ( venous return) and lead to hand numbness;

6. Damage to the nerves of the brachial plexus - loss of sensation and weakness in the arm can be caused inflammatory process nerve endings of the shoulder and infection in nearby tissues.

Hand weakness treatment

The start of treatment should always be complete diagnostics and establishing the cause of the manifestation of weakness and numbness in the hands. Further depending on the source pathological process a course of treatment is given.

So if weakness in the hands is associated with osteochondrosis and arthritis, treatment is directed to the underlying disease, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed as a symptomatic remedy.

In the treatment of numbness and weakness in the hands, it has proven itself perfectly manual therapy. Individually selected sparing techniques contribute to the restoration of normal blood supply, relieve swelling and muscle spasm. Manual therapy combined with therapeutic gymnastics improves the condition of blood vessels, relieves pain and allows you to stop negative processes in the structure spinal column.

However, despite this, manual therapy has a number of contraindications and should be prescribed and carried out by competent specialists based on the examination!

Why does weakness occur in the arms and legs? The reasons for this condition will be discussed in this article. We will also tell you about how to treat this pathology and which specialist to contact.

General information

Enough a large number of people periodically experience weakness in the muscles of the arms and legs. The reasons for this phenomenon should be identified only by an experienced specialist. Indeed, an unexpected and growing weakness in the limbs, when the legs are “filled with lead”, and the hands are not able to hold even a cup of coffee, may indicate the development of a serious illness.

Most often, the condition in question is transient and disappears very quickly. But can this pathological phenomenon be neglected? Doctors say that with the development of severe and even transient weakness in the limbs, it is imperative to undergo a medical examination.

Weakness in the arms and legs, dizziness: the main causes

What could be causing the condition in question? In most cases, this phenomenon is a sign of a neurological disorder, which is accompanied by a violation of neuromuscular impulses.

Why else can there be weakness in the arms and legs? The causes of this condition are often associated with electrolyte imbalance or metabolism. As a rule, this phenomenon is observed when following strict diets or violation drinking regime(for example, with a lack of fluid in the human body).

In addition, the development of weakness in the limbs can occur due to impaired functioning of the kidneys, liver and other organs of the digestive system.

Other reasons

Why does weakness develop in the arms and legs? The reasons for this condition are associated with the presence of:

  • cervical spondylosis;
  • cervical osteochondrosis;
  • inflammatory or traumatic lesions of the shoulder, scapular or carpal zone;
  • shoulder arthritis.

The most common reasons

Severe weakness in the arms and legs, the causes of which have been described above, causes great discomfort to the patient. After all, such a state can take a person by surprise (for example, on the street, driving a vehicle, at work, and so on). Therefore, it is imperative to identify the cause of this phenomenon.

Above, we told you about why weakness in the arms and legs can occur. The reasons we have listed are far from the only ones. According to experts, such a condition can also occur in the presence of such diseases and conditions as:

  • lumbar osteochondrosis;
  • lumbar hernia in the spine;
  • lumbago;
  • menses, pregnancy
  • menopause;
  • hormonal changes (for example, during puberty and before menstruation);
  • endocrine diseases (pathologies of the thyroid gland, diabetes);
  • experiences, nervous stress, chronic fatigue syndrome.

It should also be said that there can be many reasons for the development of weakness in the limbs. Therefore, it is extremely important to diagnose all possible pathologies.

muscle weakness

Muscle weakness in the arms and legs, the causes of which should only be identified by a doctor, are treated different ways. But before starting therapy, it is necessary to make sure whether this symptom is the only one, or whether it is accompanied by some painful sensations, sensory disturbances, numbness and so on. For example, arthritis, in which there is obvious weakness in the limbs, is almost always characterized by discomfort in the joints, but dermatomyositis is often accompanied by skin lesions.

True weakness in the muscles of the legs and arms usually occurs symmetrically. Moreover, it does not depend on physical activity at all. As a rule, this condition is observed first in lower limbs and then gradually passes to the hands.

Weakness in the muscles: what is the reason?

What causes muscle weakness in the arms and legs? The causes of this unpleasant phenomenon may be hidden in the development of many diseases. However, most often this condition speaks of such pathologies as:

  • diabetes;
  • protein deficiency in the body;
  • electrolyte metabolism disorder;
  • anemia or hypovitaminosis;
  • inflammatory process occurring in any organ;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • the presence of rheumatoid arthritis;
  • penetration of infection into the body;
  • neurological pathologies;
  • exposure to toxic substances or poisoning;
  • improper use of certain medications;
  • diseases of the thyroid gland with metabolic disorders;
  • emotional overload and experienced stressful situations.

Weakness in the left arm and leg: causes of development

As a rule, with the development of weakness in the left arm and leg, experts talk about a stroke, that is acute disorder cerebral circulation. Really, clear sign such a pathology is precisely the numbness of one half of the body (most often the left). Similar cases occur quite frequently. However, it should be noted that this is far from the only ailment that is expressed in impotence of the limbs. So why else can there be weakness in the arms and legs, such a condition is often hidden in:

  • cardiopathologies (i.e. in diseases coronary vessels and hearts)
  • vegetovascular dystonia, obliterating endarteritis;
  • diseases of the left kidney, including the development of a tumor process in this organ;
  • diseases of the spleen;
  • thromboangiitis;
  • diseases of the spine, including its curvature, hernia and tumor process.

It is impossible not to say that diagnosing everything listed diseases without special methods of research is impossible. Therefore, if weakness occurs in the limbs, you should contact the doctor, who is obliged to refer the patient for further examination in order to identify the exact cause of the pathology in question. As for a stroke, if you suspect it, you need to urgently visit a specialist.

Weakness in the limbs accompanied by trembling

Trembling is called frequent and legs or arms. Very often this condition is accompanied by weakness. It is quite difficult to identify the cause of this phenomenon. At the same time, experts argue that such a condition can be essential, physiological, cerebellar and parkinsonian.

Essential trembling and weakness of muscle tissue is hereditary, and is also often associated with the age of the patient. This state is exacerbated by motor activity. At the same time, it is not dangerous, but it significantly affects the quality of human life.

Physiological trembling and weakness in the limbs is the most common condition. As a rule, it is associated with anxiety, nervous overexcitation, fear, hypothermia, overwork, some diseases of the National Assembly and endocrine system, as well as withdrawal syndrome. It is impossible not to say that often such a shiver appears after a long stay in the sun or taking large doses of caffeine.

Weakness and cerebellar trembling develop with Thus, this may be a sign of congenital cerebellar ataxia, multiple sclerosis etc.

Parkinsonian tremors and weakness indicate the presence of Parkinson's disease.

Weakness in limbs accompanied by numbness

A condition in which there is weakness in the limbs, as well as their numbness, may indicate an impending cold or other infectious disease. Also, this phenomenon is often observed in bad dream, malnutrition and overwork.

If the limbs become numb gradually, and weakness appears in them (for example, for a week, a month, or even a year), then we can talk about damage to the spinal cord, brain, or In such cases, a medical examination is necessary.

It is impossible not to say that the symptoms under consideration very often indicate diseases. musculoskeletal system, including intervertebral discs, spinal column, bones and joints. Also, a similar condition can occur after a back injury.

Who to contact and how to treat?

Now you know why there is weakness in the legs and arms. The causes, treatment of this pathology are discussed in this article.

With suddenly developed weakness in the limbs, the patient needs to lie down, as well as ensure maximum peace and relaxation. You can also sit quietly for about 20 minutes.

In some cases, restore normal condition possible by taking any sedative drug(for example, "Novopassita", valerian extract, "Fitosed" and so on).

With weakness in the limbs, in no case should you drink alcohol or smoke. In this case, it is better to brew a soothing tea or make an infusion with mint, chamomile, honey or linden.

If the cause of this condition is a serious illness, then you should consult a doctor. Such narrow specialists as a neurologist, traumatologist, psychologist and endocrinologist will help to understand the situation.

Weakness in the hands is a fairly common symptom that every person has repeatedly experienced. Simultaneously with this, a person may experience trembling in the upper limbs. Sometimes the hands shake so much that the patient is simply unable to hold any objects, such as a pen or a cup of tea.

In fact, weakness in the hands manifests itself in people from various age categories, while also having no restrictions regarding gender. The causes of this condition can be both physiological (do not require specific treatment), and pathological (trembling and weakness provoked by the presence of certain diseases).

Etiological factors

All known causes of weakness in the hands are conditionally divided into two large groups- physiological and pathological.

Physiological causes manifestations of trembling and weakness in the hands:

  • hands often shake when a person long time held them slightly above the level of the heart. In this case, weakness in the muscles disappears for several minutes, as soon as the person returns the limbs to their normal position;
  • violation of blood circulation in the limb, due to its prolonged squeezing, for example, during sleep in an uncomfortable position. Often in this case, at the same time with weakness, slight pain and trembling also appear;
  • hands often shake after a sudden change in temperature environment. For example, if a person was in the cold for a long time, and then went into a warm room.

Pathological causes hand weaknesses:

  • lack of protein compounds in the human body;
  • a wide range of pathologies thyroid gland. In this case, trembling in the hands is the first sign of the progression of diseases of this gland;
  • progression often causes weakness in the muscles of the upper limbs;
  • neurological pathologies.

Particular attention should be paid if a person regularly notes that he is shaking left hand. This is enough warning sign which should never be ignored. Weakness in the left hand is often one of the first symptoms of pathologies of the heart, coronary vessels, and.

Unlike the left, trembling in the right hand does not indicate CCC pathology, but is also a harbinger of some dangerous pathologies, in particular:

  • . With such a pathology, the hand not only shakes, but also a slight pain can be felt in it. Symptoms can appear both constantly and intermittently;
  • (a companion of weakness in the limbs is also pain);
  • defeat nerve fibers brachial plexus.


It is important to understand that weakness in the muscles of the upper limbs is precisely a symptom, and not an independent nosological unit. At the same time it manifests itself clinical picture the pathology that provoked his expression. The following symptoms may occur:

  • pain in the arm or back;
  • dizziness;
  • the inability to fully make active movements with the hand;
  • swelling in the area of ​​​​articular joints;
  • in rare cases, hyperthermia may occur.


If a person's hands are shaking, there is pain and the inability to hold objects, then you should immediately consult a doctor to conduct a full diagnosis of the problem. After all, if such a symptom manifests itself systematically, then this means that a failure has occurred in the body. The diagnostic plan includes the following activities:

  • questioning the patient and his examination;
  • assessment of the medical history, during which the doctor can identify previously transferred pathologies that could cause trembling and pain in the hands;

Therapeutic measures

Treatment of weakness in the hands is prescribed by a doctor only after a comprehensive and complete diagnosis. After all, it is not this symptom that needs to be treated, but the pathology that provoked it. Specialists can appoint such events:

  • compliance with bed rest with the normalization of wakefulness and sleep;
  • diet compliance. In case of a lack of proteins in the body, a diet with increased consumption of products with these substances is prescribed;
  • prescription of anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • prescription of painkillers in case of manifestation pain syndrome;
  • physiotherapy gives an excellent effect in eliminating weakness in the hands;
  • exercise (with moderate intensity);
  • vitamin therapy;
  • appointment of chondroprotectors.

Often, adults are worried about severe weakness in the muscles of the arms and legs, especially after hard work. These discomfort most often pass quickly, but sometimes indicate serious illnesses. Loss of strength, dizziness and numbness of the extremities affect general state person, increase malaise, reduce working capacity. overcome muscle weakness hands and feet can be moderate exercise, medication, and only after consulting a doctor.

Causes of weakness in arms and legs

Human limbs have a special physiology that helps to carry out highly precise and specific manipulations. For example, in the process of writing just one letter of the alphabet, about 20 types of arm muscles, 25 joints and millions of nerve impulses are involved.

Causes of weakness in the arms and legs can be:

  1. Cervical osteochondrosis. This disease affects mainly adults working as hairdressers, surgeons, watchmakers, factory operators. Ossification of the intervertebral discs leads to infringement and constant irritation of the nerve roots. At the same time, patients complain of pain in the neck, arms, dizziness, shooting in the back of the head and headache. Often there are pressure surges.
  2. Plexitis of the brachial plexus. At the level of the clavicle, in the thickness of the muscles of the shoulder girdle is located nerve plexus. In case of shoulder injuries, fracture of the collarbone, electric shock, after operations, disturbances in the conduction of impulses on upper limb. In this case, patients complain of weakness in the right hand (or left), limited mobility, a feeling of crawling on the skin.
  3. Fracture of the bones of the hand. After damage to the bone tissue, the use of plaster cast at least a month. In this case, the muscles of the hand weaken and atrophy. After removing the plaster splint, patients may feel severe weakness in the arm, it is very difficult to perform movements, and the function of the hand is impaired.
  4. Hypothyroidism occurs when there is a deficiency of thyroid hormones. In this case, patients are adynamic, constantly complaining of drowsiness, malaise, muscle weakness, low blood pressure.
  5. Osteochondrosis and hernia lumbar spine. Irritation of the nerves of the lower back causes severe pain in the back, lower extremities, weakness and numbness of the skin of the legs. Any movement of the body is accompanied by painful backache.
  6. Rheumatoid arthritis. This is systemic disease, affects the knee and wrist joints of the hands. Patients indicate deformity of the limbs, pain during movement, weakness or spasm in the muscles.
  7. A stroke usually affects one side of the body. This often results in weakness in the left arm and leg, impaired speech, severe headache.

To determine the exact cause of muscle weakness, you should consult a doctor and undergo the necessary examinations.

Weakness in arms and legs with diabetes

Diabetes is not a disease, but a way of life. So say patients who suffer from this serious illness.

Important! A fasting blood sugar level above 6.1 mmol/L indicates diabetes

Doctors distinguish a large number of complications of diabetes. Muscle weakness in the arms and legs appears in such cases:

  1. Hypoglycemia. This condition appears when blood sugar is below 3.3 mmol/l. Then patients feel trembling and muscle weakness, sweating, dizziness, clouding of consciousness. If the process progresses, coma occurs.
  2. Ketosis or ketoacidosis. High blood sugar (above 12-15 mmol/l) exhausts the body, causing thirst, nausea, dry mouth, muscle weakness, blurred vision and headache.
  3. Diabetic foot is considered late complication diabetes, when there is a deformity of the ankle joint. Flat feet, arthrosis, ulcers on the legs also appear.

In diabetes, especially if a person does not monitor blood glucose levels, blood vessels narrow sharply. This leads to malnutrition of the heart, kidneys, and muscles in the legs and arms.

Important! Constantly high level blood sugar can contribute to blockage of blood vessels in the legs. Gangrene is likely to occur, requiring limb amputation

Diabetes mellitus requires monitoring of glucose levels, vascular patency, kidney function, and vision testing.

Causes of numbness and trembling in the hands and feet

Numbness and trembling in the limbs indicates involvement in the process nervous tissue. Violation of the conduction of impulses can be caused by the following reasons listed below.

  1. Parkinson's disease. Sometimes you can see how a shaking person suffers from difficulties in performing normal movements. This disease is associated with insufficient synthesis of dopamine in brain cells. Patients complain of trembling in the hands at rest, muscle weakness, impaired coordination of movements. However, doctors believe that the difference between this ailment is that the trembling in the limbs disappears during movements.
  2. Cerebellar ataxia. Damage to the cerebellum by a tumor, head injuries cause pronounced tissue damage. With such a lesion, the patients' hands and legs shake very strongly, stability is impaired. Unlike Parkinson's disease, when the cerebellum is damaged, the limbs begin to shake only during movement.
  3. Infringement of the spinal nerves in spinal hernias. If sensitive roots are affected, then patients feel severe pain in the limbs, numbness and burning of the skin, hypersensitivity separate parts of the arms and legs.
  4. Polyneuropathy in diabetes mellitus affects small nerve endings. Patients feel numbness in the limbs, loss of sensation in the toes. With jumps in blood sugar, the fingers begin to tremble from a lack of nutrition, there is a pronounced weakness in the muscles.

Doctor's advice. If there is trembling and weakness in the hands, you should immediately dissolve the sweet candy. This condition may be caused low level blood glucose

Also, do not lose sight of malnutrition, lack of sugar, salt in the diet, stress, experiences, which can also contribute to the appearance of trembling in the hands and feet.

Treating Weakness in Arms and Legs

At home, you can try to eliminate discomfort in the limbs. If a person is worried about dizziness, weakness in the arms and legs, which are associated with osteochondrosis, massage will be effective. At the doctor's office, the exercises described below are performed.

  1. The position of the patient on the stomach, the head lies on a special pillow, the neck is straightened. With his fingers, the doctor kneads the muscles of the back of the neck, near the vertebrae. The procedure lasts 10-15 minutes. Effectively conduct 15-20 sessions within 1 month.
  2. If the lower back is affected, the position of the patient on the stomach. The doctor massages the back muscles with increased strength using fingers, fists and elbows. The procedure lasts about 15 minutes. To alleviate the condition, 20 sessions are required within one month.

Important! You can not perform sharp turns of the neck and torso to "reset the vertebrae or discs." It can lead to paralysis

Weakness in the arms and legs should be treated by a qualified doctor. It's connected with various reasons a condition that calls for an accurate diagnosis.


A drug


Muscle weakness


Glucose 40% 10 ml

Drink 10 ml of glucose at a time, then blood sugar levels should be monitored


  1. Nimesil.
  2. Nimid

Dilute 1 sachet in 100 ml of boiled water, drink twice a day for 5 days

Numbness in hands and feet

  1. Osteochondrosis.
  2. Polyneuropathy


1 capsule (300 mg) three times a day for 1-2 months


1 tablet (20 mg) three times a day for 1 month

Trembling in the hands

Stress, nervous tension

1 tablet three times a day. Duration of application 1-2 weeks

Parkinson's disease and cerebellar ataxia treated only after consulting a doctor. Taking pills should be monitored by a neurologist.

Lungs have a good effect physical exercise that can be done at home. You can also visit the acupuncture room, where specialists will find the necessary points on the skin, acting on which will help eliminate weakness and numbness in the arms and legs.

Weakness in the arms is one of the common symptoms in neurological practice. Patients may complain of weakness in the arms when various diseases. That is why it is worth being able to detail the complaint and distinguish it. Depending on some factors, the diagnostic series may shift in one direction or another.

So, what can cause weakness in the hands and what will be its features? To answer this question, I would like to make a small table in which I will consider the most common causes weaknesses:

  • Stroke (ischemic and). At acute disorder cerebral circulation symptom appears early enough and, as a rule, is unilateral. Often there is also a restriction of movement and a decrease in strength in the corresponding leg on the same side. In addition, the patient in many cases will experience dizziness, impaired consciousness, speech, headaches, and various other symptoms of brain damage. An ideal tactic for relatives is to call an ambulance and take the patient to the neurovascular department.
  • Radiculopathy. As a rule, the symptom is also one-sided, but it is also characterized by pain in the neck, radiating to the arm. More often there is a selective decrease in strength and / or a violation of the sensitivity of the radicular type (several fingers, a strip-like zone on the forearm). Radiculopathy can develop acutely or gradually, usually acute development is provoked physical activity or injury. There are no symptoms of brain damage. Tactics of treatment - consultation of a neurologist. Appointment of NSAIDs, muscle relaxants, neuroprotective therapy, physiotherapy, exercise therapy, massage. If necessary, blockades, consultation of a neurosurgeon to resolve the issue of surgical intervention.
  • Polyneuropathy ( , ). Weakness often occurs on both sides, increases gradually or, much less often, acutely (usually against the background of alcohol abuse or heavy metal poisoning). There are also burning pains in the extremities, disturbances of sensitivity distally (for example, the entire hand or the entire forearm). Treatment tactics - elimination of the cause (refusal to drink alcohol, control of sugar levels), consultation of a neurologist (and endocrinologist for diabetic lesions), prescription of thioctic acid preparations, B vitamins (B1 for alcohol lesions), anticonvulsants or antidepressants for severe pain syndrome, physiotherapy .
  • . The symptom increases in the evening, after repeated bending of the arm, squeezing the hand, etc. Associated symptoms may not be. Treatment tactics - consultation with a neurologist, the appointment of potassium preparations, anticholinesterase therapy.
  • . There are often many accompanying symptoms. Weakness in the hands can be unilateral or bilateral, migratory, intermittent. Tactics of therapy - consultation of a neurologist, in case of exacerbations, inpatient treatment with an appointment hormone therapy, plasmapheresis, physiotherapy, massage, exercise therapy, neuroprotective therapy.
  • . Weakness in the arms is more often expressed in awkwardness and slowness of movement than in a true decrease in strength. Associated symptoms there will be trembling in the hands (the onset is often one-sided), gait disturbance, etc. Tactics: consultation with a neurologist, selection of antiparkinsonian therapy.
  • Psycho-emotional problems. The picture may be different, in most cases there are changes in mood and / or behavior. Tactics of therapy: consultation of a neurologist, a psychiatrist to clarify the diagnosis.

In addition to the above reasons, weakness in the arms can be caused by a host of other diseases (Guillain-Barré syndrome, syringomyelia, etc.).

Also, the reason may not be neurological diseases(articular syndrome with rheumatic diseases with weakness due to pain syndrome, vascular lesion arm arteries, etc.). In any case, with the appearance (especially sudden) of this complaint, it is better to consult a doctor. To begin with, you can contact a general practitioner, who will determine the further tactics of managing such a patient.