
Types of sores on the head: their signs and treatment. Injuries to the scalp What to do if there is an open wound on the head

: let's start processing

How to treat an incised wound

First aid

First aid for head injury

Human life is in the brain, and the brain is in the head. Therefore, head injuries are especially life-threatening. And therefore, any suspicion of a serious head injury is a reason to call an ambulance.

As you know, the brain is firmly protected by the bones of the skull. But it is the skull that most often causes brain damage during trauma. When hitting the head (or the head), the brain continues to move by inertia, sharply colliding with the bones of the skull. A concussion occurs.

At the same time, the head hurts, dizziness begins, vomiting, the skin turns pale, protrudes. cold sweat, a short-term loss of consciousness may occur. In especially severe cases, respiratory and cardiac problems occur. Therefore, artificial respiration and cardiac massage may be necessary.

If a skull fracture occurs, bone fragments can damage the brain (traumatic brain injury). A sign of a traumatic brain injury is the leakage of blood or light fluid (CSF) from the nose or ear, and bruising around the eyes. It is very important to know that with skull fractures, symptoms may not appear immediately, but several hours after the injury! Therefore, calling an ambulance if you are hit on the head is mandatory.

First aid for head injuries must be especially careful: avoid unnecessary movements and pressure, use a sterile bandage and antiseptics so as not to introduce infection into the tissues surrounding the brain.

An infection that gets into the wound can penetrate inside the skull and infect the brain and its membranes. As a result, such serious illnesses such as encephalitis or meningitis.

First aid procedure for head injury

If the victim is unconscious, then it is necessary to check the breathing/pulse and, if they are absent, perform artificial respiration and cardiac massage.

If there is breathing/pulse, then it is necessary to lay the person on his side (to avoid blockage respiratory tract tongue and vomit) and call an ambulance.

If there is consciousness, then simply lay the victim down so that he does not move until the ambulance arrives. A person with a head injury should not be sat down, much less tried to be lifted to his feet - this can dramatically worsen his condition.

If there is no obvious damage to the bones of the skull, cold (moistened cold water cloth or ice in a rag). This will reduce pain and stop tissue swelling, which leads to increased intracranial pressure.

If there is a bleeding wound on the head, it is necessary to lubricate the skin around the wound with iodine or brilliant green (to prevent infection). Then put a gauze pad on the wound and bandage the head.

My face was cut: what to do?

But this should be done very carefully, especially if there is a suspicion of a skull fracture.

If pieces of bone, metal or other foreign bodies stick out in the wound, touching or removing them is strictly prohibited. This is fraught with serious consequences, as heavy bleeding and tissue damage may begin. In such cases, a bandage using a roller rolled up like a donut is recommended. To do this, roll out the cotton wool into a “sausage”, wrap it with gauze or a bandage and place it around the protruding object. The wound is covered with a sterile napkin (in two or three layers) and bandaged.

The victim can also only be transported in a supine position.

Wounds on the head can be punctures, lacerations and cuts; head trauma can occur from a fall, bruise and blow. It is not recommended to begin to provide assistance to the victim yourself; the best thing to do is to immediately call an ambulance medical care or send the patient to the traumatology department.

How to treat a head wound: let's start processing

Before providing first aid, you must wash your hands thoroughly and then apply medical alcohol or any alcohol-containing product to them, this will prevent infection from entering the wound. Clean the damaged area on the head with a sterile gauze swab; do not use cotton wool, as its loose texture may remain in the wound, which will cause additional complications. If the scalp is damaged, cut the hair as close to the root as possible at a distance of two centimeters around the wound, clean the wound with 3% hydrogen peroxide, you can also use chlorhexidine or a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Treat the area around the wound with iodine, alcohol and brilliant green; a saturated solution of manganese will also help prevent infection.

Stopping bleeding from a small head wound

Under no circumstances should auxiliary products get into the wound, as their alcohol composition can cause soft tissue burns, which will significantly complicate the further healing process. After which you may need plastic surgery, to eliminate the consequences of the wound.

If the bleeding of the wound is profuse and does not stop on its own, apply a sterile gauze swab to the wound and apply a pressure bandage. To stop bleeding and reduce swelling, place an ice pack on the bandage or simply apply a heating pad filled with ice water. From time to time, when the water warms up, change the heating pad, filling it again with ice water. This procedure It is recommended to carry out especially in the hot season, if the journey to the traumatology department is long.

If there is a foreign object in the wound on the head, you cannot remove it yourself, without having the proper knowledge; if the object is removed incorrectly, the bleeding in the wound can only increase. Only a qualified surgeon can perform manipulations to remove a foreign object from the wound.

Regardless of the degree of head injury, in any case, even if it is mild or minor, call emergency medical care or take the victim yourself to the nearest traumatology department. With a deep brain injury, the consequences can be the main causes of death, so even a slight delay in providing medical care can cost the patient his life.

How to treat an incised wound

A cut wound can occur due to damage from various cutting objects, for example, a knife, blade or glass shard. Cuts with a sharp object cause prolonged and, in some cases, heavy bleeding. If the wound has smooth edges and is not deep, the victim will soon recover. You must first clean the wound with soap, water and alcohol-containing liquid. Before you start treating the wound, wash your hands thoroughly with antibacterial soap and treat them with rubbing alcohol.

An injury such as a head contusion can be dangerous not only to the health, but also to the life of the victim.

This is especially true for a contusion to the head of a child, whose skull is still so fragile and undeveloped that even an ordinary fall from his own height can cause him a brain contusion with the most serious consequences.

Therefore, it is important to know what to do if such an injury occurs to you, your loved ones, or you simply witness a complete stranger getting a head injury and he needs immediate help.

What kind of injury is this?

The head is one of the most important centers human body, because it houses the brain, which is responsible for the normal functioning of all organs and systems of the body. Therefore, even minor damage caused to the brain entails disruption of normal human functioning.

Of course, nature tried to protect this most important organ. The human brain is protected by a strong cranium and six meninges. However, even today it is not uncommon for a person to receive serious head injuries that have a serious impact on the functioning of his brain.

A head injury can be caused at home and at work, as a result of an accident or a deliberate criminal attack, a blow to the head area or hitting the head on a hard surface. And babies can get a concussion or bruise even if rocked or shaken too intensely.

A concussion caused by a head injury does not involve damage to the brain matter; changes occur only at the cellular level, as a result of which the connections between the neurons of the brain are disrupted. With the help of modern instrumental methods with a concussion, it is impossible to determine what material changes have occurred in the brain, so the diagnosis is made solely on the basis of existing symptoms.

And with a brain contusion, which can follow a severe head injury, the brain matter and its structure are disrupted, as well as the blood vessels inside the skull.

How to treat a child's wound after a fall?

All this can be seen using computed tomography(CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), etc.

Unfortunately, head contusions most often occur in infants and children. younger age. They have increased physical activity, curiosity, interest in the world around them, and often get into trouble. But their brain is not yet protected enough, and even a bump can cause serious harm to it.


A head contusion is a blunt injury that causes damage to the soft tissues of the head. If the impact force is great, it also affects the skull and the brain inside it. In medicine, a distinction is made between impact and counter-impact. The latter is an impact of the brain on the skull. Those. As a result of a head injury, two lesions may appear in the victim’s brain.

Depending on the force of the blow, as a result of a bruise, an ordinary bump may appear on the head, which does not cause harm to a person’s health, but the following may happen:

When a concussion occurs, the victim usually loses consciousness, and when he comes to, in most cases he has amnesia, as well as:

  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • impaired coordination of movements, etc.

With a brain injury, the symptoms are much more serious. Moreover, it depends on the severity of the injury, and can be accompanied by fractures of the skull bones and massive hemorrhages in the brain.

In this case, pronounced neurological and sometimes mental symptoms appear, up to epileptic seizures. In the victim’s brain, existing connections between various centers are disrupted.

So, if the victim hits the back of his head hard, his vision may be impaired, because The visual center is located in the occipital region. The frontal lobes contain the speech center; damage to it can lead to loss of speech. And in temporal lobes the center of speech understanding is located, damage to them will lead to the loss of this function, etc.

First aid

For a head injury in mild cases, when the victim does not lose consciousness and does not exhibit other symptoms characteristic of a concussion or brain contusion, you can limit yourself to applying wet wipes with pieces of ice wrapped inside it.

As a result of exposure to moisture and cold, the swelling of the injury will decrease and the pain will decrease. You need to be completely at rest for 2-3 hours and observe the appearance of other symptoms. You should not take painkillers until the diagnosis is clear.

If a child has suffered a head injury, doctors strongly recommend calling an ambulance in all cases. This is due to the fact that when a concussion occurs, children do not lose consciousness, and all other symptoms of this injury are not clearly expressed.

remember, that children's body able to compensate within 2-3 days Negative consequences injury, so symptoms of a concussion or brain contusion in young children may appear a couple of days after a head injury.

If an adult has suffered a head injury and is unconscious, then you need to carefully lay him on his side and turn his head down. This is necessary so that in case of vomiting he does not choke on the vomit. After this, immediately call an ambulance.

It is important to remember that it is forbidden to lift a person who has suffered a head injury on their own, because due to a fall and bruise, the bones of the skull or spine may also be broken.

You cannot place a soft pillow or cushion under the victim’s head, and he is transported to the ambulance and to the hospital emergency department exclusively on a hard stretcher.

If an adult hits his head and then feels nausea, severe pain in the head, dizziness or weakness, he should immediately contact a neurologist or traumatologist or call an ambulance.

Remember that concussion and brain contusion are treated exclusively in inpatient conditions. Only mild head injuries that do not affect brain activity can be treated at home.

Ask a question to a specialist

Cuts are linear through injuries to all layers of the skin, which in some cases reach the subcutaneous layers - muscles, ligaments, tendons and blood vessels. Typically, cuts occur as a result of falls, breaking glass items, careless handling of sharp and cutting objects, accidents and other situations.

The danger of cuts may include injury to muscles, ligaments, blood vessels and nerves, especially in the arms or thin skin, where the consequences of cuts can be irreversible without the provision of competent medical assistance.

Cuts can cause severe bleeding with large amounts of blood loss and damage to large veins and arteries, requiring sutures to stop the bleeding. In addition, infection of wounds can lead to purulent complications or the development of tetanus.

Particularly dangerous and requiring immediate medical attention are:

  • cuts on the face, head and neck;
  • in the oral cavity;
  • any cuts more than 2 cm in length, with bleeding or edges that spread when moved;
  • deep wounds.

When providing first aid for cuts, you should act in stages so as not to miss any important points and notice complications in time.

  • First of all, you need to calm the child and make sure that he does not touch the wound with his hands. It is necessary not to contaminate or infect, and also not to further injure the cut.
  • Next, you need to wash the wound to clean it of microbes, foreign particles and further inflammation and suppuration that get into it. Small cuts are washed under running water with baby soap, carefully rinsing the soap from the wound with a cotton pad or piece of gauze.
  • If there is bleeding, it must be stopped, but only if the cut is relatively deep and large.

    Should I treat the cut wound with something (urgently)?

    With small cuts, slight bleeding helps clean the wound and prevent infection; less severe bleeding requires stopping, since blood loss is more dangerous for a child than for adults.

When there are cuts on an arm or leg, you need to lift the limb up - this way the blood flows away from it and the bleeding stops or decreases.

Bleeding from small cuts stops when a pressure bandage is applied. You need to keep this pressure bandage for at least 20 minutes; if the bleeding has decreased, you need to tightly bandage the wound area to finally form a blood clot.

For severe cuts that damage veins and arteries, you need to apply the rules to stop bleeding.

In case of venous bleeding with dark blood flowing out slowly, apply a tourniquet below the damaged area, with arterial bleeding with bright scarlet blood, tighten the limb above the wound with a tourniquet until the bleeding stops completely. The tourniquet is applied for 30 minutes in the summer, and for a maximum of 40-60 minutes in the winter, until the child is taken to the hospital

After stopping the bleeding you should use antiseptics. They are used to prevent inflammation and infection of cuts, and these drugs also stimulate wound healing (miramistin, furacillin solution, potassium permanganate solution, rivanol).

The drugs can be used in the form alcohol solutions, ointments or aqueous solutions. Aqueous solutions(miramistin, furacillin solution, potassium permanganate solution, rivanol) you can wash the wound, soak bandages or tampons, they do not sting.

Important! Alcohol tinctures You cannot fill cuts, they cause necrosis of the wound with cell death and are very painful. With this use, wound healing is inhibited. They are used to treat the edges of wounds to prevent infection.

Ointments (levomekol, solcoseryl, eplan, baneocin, actovegin) are applied directly to wounds or on bandages; ointments should not be kept on wounds for a long time so that they do not become wet.

After treating the cut, apply a sterile bandage to protect the wound from contamination so that the child does not touch the wound with his hands and introduce infection there. Before applying a bandage, the wound is inspected so that the edges of the wound are dry and clean, the edges of the cut are brought closer to each other and a bandage is applied, securing it with a plaster so that it does not move.

You should immediately consult a doctor if:

  • profuse and non-stop bleeding, pulsating bleeding, discharge of bright scarlet blood;
  • cuts in the wrists or hands, there is a risk of damage to tendons and nerves;
  • the presence of redness that spreads around the wound;
  • swelling around the wound, increased temperature and discharge of pus;
  • if the cut is more than 2 cm deep, sutures are required;
  • the presence of a foreign body in the cut in the form of fragments, shavings, and other objects;
  • long-term non-healing and oozing cuts;
  • the presence of nausea or vomiting against the background of a cut;
  • divergence of the edges of the cut when moving;
  • cuts in the mouth, tongue, lips.

We express special gratitude to pediatrician Alena Paretskaya for preparing this material.

How to treat abrasions and scratches on a child;

How to remove a splinter from a child.

Ointment for the treatment of skin cuts

Stellanin ointment is an innovative drug for the treatment of cuts

No one is safe from cuts in hand-to-hand combat or when practicing martial arts (boxing, kickboxing, karate). And it is important that the cut heals as quickly as possible. Effective treatment, Firstly, will prevent infection(or even suppuration) of the skin. And secondly, it will not allow you to appear scar or scar.

For the treatment of cuts, one of the best remedies is Stellanin ointment. She's fast tightens the skin, eliminates in the wound pathogens, and most importantly, blocks the mechanism of formation of coarse collagen fibers - the reason for the appearance scars and scars.

An example of restoration of cut skin using Stellanin ointment

This rapid healing effect is due to the fact that Stellanin ointment was originally developed jointly with scientists from the Vishnevsky Institute of Surgery (Moscow) for the treatment of skin and soft tissue wounds in particular difficult cases.

Stellanin is a complex compound - organic part of the molecule affects the activity of the cell’s gene apparatus, powerfully activating regeneration processes in it. Simultaneously inorganic part of the molecule has a pronounced effect on all types of pathogenic microorganisms.

What is especially important is that all pathogens of wound infections do not have to Stellanine neither natural nor acquired resistance.

The high effectiveness of the drug has been confirmed leading scientists of Russia:

"Already on the first day treatment... Stellanin ointment reduces inflammation, appear young cells With high level metabolic processes". (From the Report approved by the Director of the Institute of Surgery named after. A.V. Vishnevsky Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical SciencesV.D. Fedorov).

Stellanin repeatedly increases the intensity of cell division involved in the healing of the skin. He is in 7.5 times increase the number of fibroblasts in the wound - the main cells involved in the restoration of damaged tissue.

Any head injury is considered dangerous, as there is a high probability of injury. In this case, swelling of the brain tissue rapidly develops, which leads to wedging of part of the brain into the foramen magnum. The result of this is a disruption of the activity of vital centers that are responsible for breathing and blood circulation - a person quickly loses consciousness, and the likelihood of death is high.

Another reason for the high risk of head injuries is the excellent blood supply to this part of the body, which leads to large blood losses in case of injury. And in this case, it will be necessary to stop the bleeding as quickly as possible.

It is important for everyone to know how to properly provide first aid for head injuries - correctly carried out measures can really save the life of the victim.

Head contusions and soft tissue damage

TO soft tissues The head includes skin, muscles and subcutaneous tissue. If they are bruised, pain occurs, a little later swelling may appear (the well-known “bumps”), the skin at the site of the bruise becomes red, and a bruise subsequently forms.

In case of a bruise, it is necessary to apply cold to the injured area - this could be a bottle of cold water, a heating pad with ice, or a bag of meat from the freezer. Next, you need to apply a pressure bandage and be sure to take the victim to medical institution, even if he feels great. The fact is that only a specialist can give an objective assessment of the state of health, exclude damage to the cranial bones and/or.

Damage to soft tissue can also be accompanied by intense bleeding, and possible detachment of skin flaps - doctors call this a scalp wound. If the blood flows slowly and has dark color, then you need to apply a tight bandage with sterile material to the wound - for example, a regular bandage or a piece of fabric ironed on both sides with a hot iron will work as a means at hand. If blood spurts out, this indicates damage to the artery and the pressure bandage in this case becomes absolutely useless. It will be necessary to apply a tourniquet horizontally above the forehead and above the ears, but only if the hairy part heads. If the victim has minor blood loss (help was provided quickly), then he is taken to the hospital in a sitting or lying position - he is strictly forbidden to stand. If the blood loss is extensive, then the victim’s skin quickly becomes pale, cold sweat appears on his face, excitement may set in, which turns into lethargy - urgent hospitalization is necessary and strictly accompanied by an ambulance team.

First aid procedure:

  1. The victim is placed on a flat surface, which is covered with something - a jacket, a blanket, any clothing. A cushion is placed under the shins.
  2. If the patient is in a position, then you need to place your palms on both sides under his lower jaw and slightly tilt his head back, while simultaneously pushing his chin forward.
  3. The victim's mouth should be cleared of saliva with a clean handkerchief, and then the head should be turned to the side - this will prevent vomit from entering the respiratory tract.
  4. If the wound contains foreign body, then under no circumstances should you move it or try to remove it - this can increase the volume of brain damage and significantly increase bleeding.
  5. The skin around the lesion is cleaned with a towel or any cloth, then a pressure bandage is applied to the wound: several layers of cloth/gauze, then any hard object (TV remote control, bar of soap) is placed on top of the wound and bandaged well so that the object compresses the vessel.
  6. If the bleeding is too severe and it is not possible to apply a bandage, then you need to press the skin around the wound with your fingers so that the blood stops flowing. Such finger pressure must be carried out before the ambulance team arrives.

After the bleeding has stopped, you can apply ice or a bottle of cold water to the wound, carefully cover the victim and urgently deliver him to any medical institution.

Note:if there is a torn skin flap, then it must be wrapped in sterile cloth (or any other rag), placed in a cold place (application to ice is prohibited!) and sent along with the victim to a medical facility - most likely, surgeons will be able to use this skin flap for performing operations to restore soft tissues.

Closed head injuries

If the upper part of the skull occurs, then it is almost impossible to determine whether there is a fracture without. Therefore, when you hit the scalp, it would be a mistake to think that it was just a bruise. The victim must be placed on a stretcher without a pillow, ice applied to the head and taken to a medical facility. If such an injury is accompanied by disturbances in consciousness and breathing, then assistance should be provided in accordance with the existing symptoms, up to indirect massage heart and artificial respiration.

The most severe and dangerous head injury is a fracture of the base of the skull. This injury often occurs when falling from a height, and is characterized by brain damage. Distinctive feature Fracture of the base of the skull - discharge of colorless fluid (CSF) or blood from the ears and nose. If an injury also occurs facial nerve, then the victim has facial asymmetry. The patient has a rare pulse, and a day later hemorrhage develops in the orbital area.

Note:Transportation of a victim with a fracture of the base of the skull should be extremely careful, without shaking the stretcher. The patient is placed on a stretcher on his stomach (in this case, it is necessary to constantly monitor the absence of vomiting) or on his back, but in this position his head should be carefully turned to the side if he begins to vomit. To avoid tongue retraction when transporting on the back, the patient’s mouth is opened slightly and a bandage is placed under the tongue (it is pulled slightly forward).

Maxillofacial trauma

If there is a bruise, it will be noted strong pain and swelling, lips quickly become inactive. First aid in this case consists of applying a pressure bandage and applying cold to the site of injury.

At a fracture lower jaw the victim cannot speak, profuse salivation begins from his half-open mouth. Fracture upper jaw observed extremely rarely, accompanied acute pain and rapid accumulation of blood in the subcutaneous tissue, which radically changes the shape of the face.

What to do in case of jaw fractures:

Note:Transportation of such a patient to a medical facility is carried out lying on his stomach. If the victim suddenly turns pale, then you need to lift the lower end of the stretcher (or just the legs when transporting yourself) so that a rush of blood flows to the head, but you need to be careful not to increase the bleeding.

Dislocation of the lower jaw

This injury is very common because it can happen when laughing, yawning too widely, when hitting, and in older people the usual dislocation of the jaw occurs.

Signs of the condition in question:

  • open mouth;
  • severe drooling;
  • there is no speech (the victim makes mooing sounds);
  • jaw movements are difficult.

Help is to reduce the dislocation. To do this, the person providing assistance needs to stand in front of the victim sitting on a chair. The thumbs are inserted into the mouth along the lower molars. Then the jaw is forced back and down. If the manipulation was carried out correctly, the victim’s jaw movements and speech are immediately restored.

Note:when realigned, the victim’s jaw spontaneously closes with great amplitude and force. Therefore, before carrying out the procedure, you need to wrap your fingers with any cloth and try to immediately pull your hands out of the victim’s mouth immediately after the characteristic click appears (this is the joint snapping into place). Otherwise, injury may be caused to the person providing assistance.

Headband - cap ">

Headband - “cap”.

Sling bandage on the forehead.

Injuries to the soft tissues of the scalp are always dangerous. They may be accompanied heavy bleeding, bone damage, brain contusion (concussion) or bleeding in the brain (hematoma), the occurrence of cerebral edema and inflammation of the lining of the brain (meningitis, encephalitis). Signs of damage to the brain and bones of the skull, the development of inflammatory complications are headache, nausea, blurred vision and sensitivity of the skin of the extremities or weakness in them, a rise in body temperature, confusion or loss of consciousness.

Assistance: 1. Clean and rinse the wound. A wound contaminated with soil or any other foreign objects, you need to clean it using tweezers or do it with your hands. Then the wound is thoroughly washed with hydrogen peroxide or a weak solution of potassium permanganate (2-3 grains per glass, preferably boiled, water). You can wash the wound with tap water. If there is severe bleeding, the first step is to stop the bleeding.

2. Treat the skin around the wound. Before treating the skin, it is necessary to cut the hair at a distance of two centimeters around the wound. Then carefully lubricate the edges of the wound with a solution of iodine, brilliant green (diamond green), a saturated solution of potassium permanganate or alcohol. In this case, it is strictly forbidden for alcohol to get into the wound.

3. Stop bleeding. When bleeding from a wound of the scalp, the most effective way is to pack it with a sterile napkin or a sterile bandage. You can use gauze, cotton wool or any clean cloth. The tampon is pressed tightly against the edges and bottom of the wound for 10-15 minutes. If the bleeding does not stop, then apply a pressure bandage to the tampon inserted into the wound.

4. Apply a bandage (preferably sterile). Applying a bandage to a wound of the scalp is carried out as follows: tear off a piece (tie) about 1 m in size from the bandage, place it on the crown area, the ends are lowered vertically down in front of the ears; the patient himself or one of the assistants holds them in a taut state. The bandage tour begins on the left side at forehead level, moving to right side back to the back of the head, thus making two rounds with the obligatory fixation of the first round. The third round of the bandage is wrapped around the tie, first on the left, then on the right, so that it overlaps the previous round of the bandage by 1/2 or 2/3. Each subsequent round is carried higher and higher until the entire scalp is bandaged. The last round of the bandage is tied to the remaining vertical part of the tie on either side. The vertical ends of the tie are secured under the chin.

5. Apply cold. Cold is applied to the bandage in the wound area. Cooling the wounded area reduces bleeding, pain, and swelling. You can apply an ice pack, ice wrapped in a plastic bag, a heating pad filled with cold water, or a cloth soaked in cold water. The ice is changed as it warms up. As a rule, it is enough to keep the cold at the site of the injury for 2 hours, proceeding as follows: the cold is kept at the site of injury for 15-20 minutes, then it is removed for 5 minutes, and a new portion of ice is applied again for 15-20 minutes, etc.

6. Consult a doctor. External signs head injuries do not always reflect the condition of the victim. Invisible internal damage are fraught with danger to the life of the victim. You should not hesitate to see a doctor. In all cases of head injury, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Most common cause appeals to pediatric surgeon are acute surgical diseases and injuries in children. Any emergency situation, especially if it requires the intervention of a surgeon, causes reasonable concern for parents. In case of a number of diseases or injuries, it is very important to contact a pediatric surgeon in a timely manner so that qualified surgical care can be provided as quickly as possible.

Some of the most common such injuries are bruised and cut wounds in children. What is it and what should parents do? similar cases– says Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department of Pediatric Surgery of the EMS Viktor Rachkov.

Bruised wounds

Children aged 2 to 5 years are actively learning the world and the limits of your body. Unfortunately, the child’s coordination of movements does not always correspond to this activity. Therefore, very often children fall and get hurt. Bruising against hard objects can lead to damage (cut) skin and underlying tissues and the appearance of bruised wounds. The reasons for a child to fall can be different: stairs, ice slide, bicycle, scooter, roller skates, household items, etc. The most common area for bruised wounds is the head: scalp, forehead and chin. Bruised wounds may be accompanied by severe bleeding. Depending on the location where the wound was received and the method of its receipt, such wounds may be varying degrees pollution: more “clean” at home and “polluted” on the street. Of course, wounds vary in size and depth of damage, from superficial to deep, which is determined by the force of the blow. It is important to understand that the impact force may be such that it will damage the underlying bone structures, and with a head impact - to a traumatic brain injury (for example, concussion, brain contusion, etc.). Therefore, to make a diagnosis, it is very important for the doctor to assess the child’s condition immediately after the injury: did the child lose consciousness, did he cry immediately or with a delay, does he remember the circumstances of the injury, was there dizziness, nausea or vomiting? Parents should pay attention to such details. If you hit your head with at least one of the listed symptoms, you should immediately seek medical help.

Incised wounds

Incised wounds are less common in children. However, given the different mechanism of damage, they may be deeper. At cut wounds Damage to the underlying tissues is more common. For example, with incised wounds of the hand or foot, tendon damage may occur, leading to impaired finger function. Very rarely, children experience penetrating wounds of the chest and abdominal cavity, which can lead to damage to vital organs and serious internal bleeding. This must be remembered in case of an incised wound on the chest or abdominal wall caused by a sharp object. In addition, with incised wounds, damage to large blood vessels, arteries and veins may occur, accompanied by serious bleeding.

Treatment of bruised and cut wounds in children

What should parents do if their child receives such an injury? Of course, immediately contact the emergency room or a pediatric surgeon. If the bleeding is severe or the child is unconscious, call ambulance. If possible, cover the wound with a clean bandage, but never use cotton wool. Bleeding can be stopped with a pressure bandage. Heavy bleeding from the great vessels (extremely rare in children) requires the application of a tourniquet. But it is better not to apply a tourniquet if parents do not know how to do it.

The surgeon’s task is to assess the child’s condition and exclude concomitant injuries (for example, to the bones of the skull and brain with a bruised head wound, internal organs if penetrating injuries are suspected). This may require additional research: X-ray, ultrasound, CT.

The amount of surgical care required depends on the severity of the injury. Any wounds are washed with antiseptic solutions to clean them from possible contamination. Small linear wounds can be closed using adhesive sutures or special medical glue. More serious wounds and wounds with significant bleeding or contamination require surgical intervention or the so-called primary surgical treatment of the wound (PCT of the wound). Typically, PST of a wound includes washing with antiseptic solutions, stopping bleeding, excision of damaged tissue and suturing the wound. To complete the final stage - closing the wound, the surgeon has about a day from the moment of injury. If more time has passed since the wound was inflicted, then the wound is considered conditionally infected, and the application of primary sutures is impossible in most cases. Therefore, it is better for parents not to delay the consultation of a child with similar wounds with a surgeon.

PSO of a wound can be performed both under general (anesthesia) and local anesthesia. In many ways, the choice of anesthesia is determined by the extent of the surgical procedure, the location of the wound, and the age and character of the child. Small wounds in adult children or calm children preschool age can be closed under local anesthesia. To do this, inject into the edges of the wound local anesthetics, similar to those used in dental treatment. The child feels practically nothing. But, of course, the environment itself, the sight of the surgeon and the operating room, can cause anxiety in the child. Therefore, for young children, as well as in cases of more serious injuries, PSO of the wound must be performed under anesthesia in a full-fledged operating room. This usually requires hospitalization. At the EMC Children's Clinic, such hospitalization for PSO of an uncomplicated wound is carried out for only a few hours. Typically, an uncomplicated, uncontaminated bruised wound does not require antibiotics. postoperative period.

It is important to be aware of the risk of developing tetanus, especially with contaminated wounds. Therefore, doctors always discuss with parents what vaccinations were previously performed and carry out anti-tetanus vaccination (AS-toxoid) if it was not completed on time. In case of head injury, in many cases it is advisable to consult a neurologist to rule out a concussion. In the postoperative period, inflammation in the suture area may develop; in this case, antibiotics are additionally prescribed. Healing of a bruised wound may be worse than with an incised wound. This means the cosmetic effect may be worse. This is due to the mechanism of injury - bruising of soft tissues leads to damage to the edges of the wound. Therefore, you should not expect that after healing the cosmetic result will always be perfect (as before the damage).

The Children's Clinic of the European Medical Center provides surgical care children around the clock.

Exists a large number of diseases associated with skin and hair problems. “Sores” on the head are not just an aesthetic nuisance.

Most of the time they talk about serious problems in organism. In the absence of proper treatment, the matter is not limited to ordinary itching. A rash, dandruff, and dry crusts appear on the scalp; the process may result in hair loss.

The presence of constant nervous stress, stress, lack of sleep is also the cause of poor immune function.

Immune defense weakens with an unbalanced diet. The occurrence of dandruff, for example, can be triggered not only by fungal microorganisms, but also by a common lack of essential microelements.

One of the reasons why sores appear on the head is a metabolic disorder. Bad job sebaceous glands gives impetus to the development of dermatitis. Diseases of internal organs and hormonal imbalances often lead to the appearance of cystic formations.

The appearance of painful areas on the head in the hair can be caused by the development of oncology, infection with ringworm, taking medications that are inappropriate for the patient, or allergies.

It is necessary to carefully follow all sanitary and hygienic rules: keep your hair clean, use only an individual comb, use proven cosmetic and hygiene products. Although following the rules of hygiene does not provide a 100% guarantee of protection against scalp diseases. Lice can live in completely clean hair.

Head wounds, in addition to injuries, can appear when an infection of a viral, bacterial, or fungal nature enters a weakened body. When immunity decreases, the body cannot cope with illnesses on its own. Over time, weeping areas of skin irritation become wounds, sometimes even purulent. Infection spreads by scratching problem areas and in the absence of disinfection.

The cause of the disease hairline, may become banal mechanical damage skin, the use of hairpins and other accessories that cause wounds on the head.

Heredity, allergic reactions, and unfavorable ecology greatly complicate treatment.

Symptoms of major scalp problems

Their appearance is a signal of a violation of hygiene rules. They are often found on the head of a child who has been in contact with other sick people, or in adults who have visited a bathhouse or train where the rules were not followed. sanitary standards. Lice bites cause minor sores and an itchy head.

The reason is a microscopic mite that has settled in the upper layers of the skin. With reduced immunity or due to skin wounds, the tick rushes into the deeper layers of the dermis, causing the patient to develop acne, ulcers, redness on the face and scalp. He is bothered by severe itching. You will need the help of not only a dermatologist, but also a dermatocosmetologist.

Sores on the scalp occur due to dysfunction of the sebaceous glands, poor nutrition, deficiency of certain vitamins. Pathology may be associated with diseases nervous system or HIV infection.

Inflammation, crusts and peeling are observed in the hair and face. In some cases, seborrheic dermatitis develops.

It is characterized by itching and dandruff. And this is not necessarily due to poor hygiene. Even the best and most expensive shampoo will not help if the sebaceous glands are disrupted and the immune system is weakened.

Contact dermatitis

Sometimes called allergic reaction on various objects or organisms with which a person has been in contact. The place of contact turns red, there is a feeling of itching and burning, which does not go away on its own.

The doctor must find out the nature of this reaction and prescribe an antiallergic drug.


It can be mild or severe. If you have a mild headache, your head will itch and small raised plaques will appear on your skin, which you can get rid of with special shampoo.

In severe cases, when there is an increase in regional lymph nodes, the help of a doctor will be required.

Why it occurs is still a mystery to scientists. The patient first appears under the hair, after a while it begins to itch and flake. If the disease cannot be defeated at the initial stage with the help of a special shampoo, then very soon its signs will appear on the face and throughout the body.

The scalp is covered with reddish and purple bumps (papules). Over time, they turn into scars, where hair disappears. Children rarely suffer from this disease; mostly older people suffer from this disease. You should contact a dermatologist immediately, as you will not be able to cure it on your own.

If watery blisters and reddish spots appear on the head, this may be a sign that a herpes virus similar to the chickenpox virus has entered the body. Characteristics of herpes zoster painful symptoms: itching, headaches, which can even result in paralysis of the facial nerve. Seeing a doctor is mandatory.


Also called dermatophytosis. The disease is caused by a fungus. Over time, they become inflamed and become wounds. In their place, scars form. The disease is highly contagious and mainly affects young people. Another unpleasant thing is that hair in problem areas can be lost forever.

Another name is multi-colored. On the upper layers of the skin, spots of different colors appear, appearing under small scales. This type of lichen is characterized by severe itching and sweating. Since it is fungal in nature, it is necessary to treat the disease with antifungal drugs.

At weak immunity Sores may appear on the head, which itch very much, and then become inflamed and fester. The scabs that form in their place will gradually grow if left untreated. timely treatment. The doctor will recommend suitable ointment with shampoo and drug treatment.

Very contagious. Transmitted from animal to human. The rash in the form of bubbles gradually expands in area. The hair dries out and begins to break.


Exists in two forms. When it is superficial, a rash appears, the skin peels, hair breaks easily and falls out. Dark dots remain in their place. In the second case, you can also lose hair, but at the site of hair loss there will be reddish-brown bumps.

Favus (scab)

Fungal skin infections lead to itching and burning. Yellowish crusts with an unpleasant odor appear in this area. They may bleed. Hair becomes brittle and loses its shine. It sometimes takes several months to cure a patient.


Itching, redness and rashes, all the negative phenomena presented in the photo are only the visible part of the problem. Scabs and falling scales can lead to the development of such serious consequences as:

If head sores do not disappear for a long time, and advertised shampoos, oils and vitamins do not help much, you should consult a doctor. Tests will be prescribed that will determine the nature of the disease: is it an infection, hormonal disbalance or an attack of a weakened organism by a fungus.

Recommendations on how to treat dandruff and scalp sores depend on the results of tests and analyses. In the mildest cases, patients receive advice from their attending physician on the use of ointments, gels, and serums that have a general tonic or antifungal effect. In more severe cases local treatment There are not enough foci where sores appear. Then apply:

  • antibiotics;
  • drugs that have a positive effect on intestinal microflora; removing toxins from the intestines;
  • antihistamines - for allergies.

Most external remedies that are used when the head itches contain coal tar, zinc, Birch tar. In modern clinics, along with the use of shampoos and ointments containing salicylic acid or natural oils, try to use complex treatment.

Patients who have undergone subcutaneous injections or laser treatments respond positively to these methods. Substances that kill the infection are injected under the skin, and wounds on the head are well disinfected using a laser. Complex therapy, including massage and the influence of a steam capsule, act quite effectively and quickly.

Traditional methods

Tested by time and in effectiveness are not inferior to the means invented in our time. Of course, they should not be used in advanced cases.

Traditional medicine knows how to get rid of scabs or dandruff. To do this, use tomato juice, mix it with vegetable oil in equal parts. Wipe the affected areas with a warm mixture. An ointment based on lard, with the addition of salt and sulfur. In folk practice, everyone’s favorite drink, bread kvass, is widely used. It is useful not only when consumed internally, but also helps to heal from crusts on the surface of the skin.

In combination with drug treatment A good help would be to use decoctions of St. John's wort, oak and chamomile. Collections of celandine, string and calendula will greatly alleviate the patient’s condition. A tar soap will be useful not only during the course of treatment, but also in the future, to prevent relapses. Herbal rinses will help not only sick hair, but also preserve the beauty of healthy hair.

It is better to discuss all the causes and treatment of the disease with your doctor so as not to harm your skin. An ordinary scratch can lead to dire consequences. The question of what happened to the skin and how to treat it should always be asked to a specialist.