
Signs of fibrous mastopathy what. Symptoms of fibrocystic mastopathy of the mammary glands and how to treat the disease

This disease most often occurs in women of reproductive age. Fibrous mastopathy of the mammary glands is a benign formation in the connective tissues of the breast lobules and milk ducts. The exact cause of its formation is unknown, but the impetus for its occurrence is hormonal disorders. The disease is dangerous because long absence treatment leads to the need surgical intervention.

How does fibrous mastopathy manifest?

Disease on initial stage is practically asymptomatic. Or rather, there are signs, but they are very similar to the sensations that arise in the chest a few days before menstruation. This is why the disease is diagnosed late.

The first signs of mastopathy:

  • breast pain;
  • increase in breast size, feeling of heaviness;
  • increased sensitivity of the nipples.

As the disease progresses, other signs appear:

Since the main cause of fibrous mastopathy is hormonal disorders, this disease is sometimes preceded by signals from the female body:

The fibrous form of mastopathy is not life-threatening for a woman, but if left untreated it can degenerate into a malignant neoplasm.

Features of the disease

The concept of “fibrous mastopathy” includes a group of breast diseases. All of them are benign in nature, but under the influence of certain factors there is a possibility of malignancy - transition to malignant form.

It is customary to differentiate fibrous mastopathy into diffuse and nodular. With the first type of disease, changes occur in most of the chest and can change their location. In the second case, a local dense node is formed.

Several years ago, mastopathy was diagnosed mainly in women aged 30–35 years. Today it occurs in girls aged 11 and in mature women over 60.

The female mammary gland consists of several tissues:

The chest consists of 15–20 lobes. Each of them has milk ducts that pass through the glandular tissue and connect at the nipple. Connective and adipose tissue are located between the lobes, their quantity varies depending on age and condition hormonal levels. Yes, in women childbearing age their ratio is 1:1. During lactation, the amount of adipose tissue decreases by 2 times.

Breast tissue reacts to any fluctuations in hormones, even during the cycle. Due to changes in hormonal balance and the influence of other factors, the relationship between connective and epithelial tissue, small compactions appear that tend to increase.

Causes of fibrous mastopathy

Pathological changes in the mammary glands occur against the background of a sharp hormonal change in the body. Risk factors include:

The female body works under the influence of sex hormones (estrogen and progesterone). A change in their ratio affects all systems, but primarily the mammary glands.

Hormonal imbalance is caused by irregular sex life, lack of orgasms, prolonged stress and chronic fatigue.

This disease can also occur as a result external influence. This may include:

The emergence benign neoplasms Internal diseases also contribute to breast cancer:

Don't forget about hereditary factor. According to statistics, more than half of patients with fibrous mastopathy had relatives with similar diseases or breast cancer.

Diagnosis and treatment

Only a mammologist (or a gynecologist in his absence) can identify fibrous mastopathy. As a rule, women turn to him when they experience severe pain or large lumps. Several methods are used to diagnose the nature and location of the tumor:

If the patient seeks advice from early stages diseases used for treatment conservative method. It consists of taking hormonal drugs and medications for therapy concomitant diseases. The course of treatment includes mandatory intake of vitamins, diuretics and sedatives. Under the supervision of your attending physician, you can use the products alternative medicine. They help remove pain symptom and have a slight sedative effect. It should be remembered that traditional methods cannot replace full treatment.

Surgical intervention is resorted to in some cases;

The operation is performed under general or local anesthesia. There are 2 types of surgical interventions:

  1. Sectoral resection. The seal and adjacent tissue are removed through a small incision.
  2. Enucleation. The tumor is “husked out” without affecting nearby tissues.

After the operation, a conservative treatment method is used.

Fibrous mastopathy of the mammary glands affects about a third of all women. Disease prevention is healthy image life and regular visits to the gynecologist. Early diagnosis allows you to avoid diseases dangerous consequences.

Fibrocystic mastopathy is a common disease of the mammary glands that occurs during reproductive age. It is characterized by an impaired ratio of epithelial cells and connective tissue fibers in the mammary gland, which leads to changes in its histological structure and the formation of cysts of various sizes.

The basis for the development of fibrous mastopathy is hormonal imbalance, characterized increased level estrogens, incl.their metabolites and a decrease in the progesterone saturation of the woman’s body.

Reasons for the development of fibrous mastopathy

Fibrocystic mastopathy is considered as one of the manifestations hormonal disorders in the female body. Its development is often associated with psycho-emotional stress, affecting the central link in the regulation of the menstrual cycle.

As a result, the formation of FSH and LH is disrupted, which predisposes to progesterone deficiency (absolute - the total content of progesterone in the body is reduced, or relative - the total content of progesterone is normal, but in percentage terms it is reduced, while estrogens are increased). This leads to the development pathological process fibrous mastopathy in breast tissue.

Normally, progesterone has a significant effect on the condition of the breast. This hormone is characterized by a number of physiological effects:

· Prevention of increased capillary permeability, which is caused by estrogens;

· Reducing the swelling of connective tissue fibers (elastic and collagen), which develops in the second phase of the cycle;

· Inhibition of cell division.

The effects of estrogen are in many ways opposite to those discussed above. These hormones (especially estradiol):

Increase the activity of cell division in the ducts and in connective tissue mammary glands, leading to hypertrophy (increase in size) and hyperplasia (increase in number);

· Increase blood supply and stimulate the growth of new blood vessels, causing increased swelling of the tissue;

· Enhance hydration of connective tissue.

Increased proliferation in the mammary gland associated with excess estrogen content (absolute or relative) is realized through the following mechanisms:

Immediate direct stimulation when the hormone binds to the corresponding receptors located on the surface cell nucleus;

· Induction of the formation of growth factors;

· Suppression of the activity of proliferation inhibitory factors.

Therefore, therapeutic measures aimed at reducing the production of estrogens and blocking their binding to receptors are quite effective in the treatment of fibrocystic mastopathy. They affect the main pathogenetic mechanisms of this disease. Its hormonal nature is also confirmed by such facts as:

Spontaneous regression of fibrocystic mastopathy after complete cessation of menstrual function (menopause);

· Re-development cystic and fibrotic changes in the mammary gland when taking estrogen-containing drugs during menopause.

Suppression of proliferative signs by adding a progesterone component to them. That's why modern drugs For replacement therapy are always combined (estrogen + progesterone).

Excessive cell division within the ducts leads to their obstruction. The alveolar epithelium continues to produce secretion, but it remains inside the lobules, because is not removed due to an existing mechanical obstacle. This leads to an increase in the size of the lobules and the formation of cavities (cysts). If bacterial flora attaches, an abscess (purulent inflammation) develops.

Symptoms of fibrous mastopathy

Up to a certain point, fibrocystic mastopathy is asymptomatic. However, one can suspect trouble in the female hormonal system by the presence irregular cycle or other menstrual disorders:

- heavy periods;

· long-lasting periods;

· severe pain in menstrual days;

Intermenstrual spotting or bleeding.

These symptoms indicate an excess of estrogen and a lack of progesterone in the female body. An objective assessment of these disorders is made possible by a blood test to determine hormone levels.

Fibrocystic mastopathy also has specific symptoms:

· Pain in the mammary glands, especially severe on the eve of menstruation. They are associated with increased vascularization observed against the background of progesterone deficiency;

· Increased breast density;

· Swelling of the mammary glands;

· Isolation of pathological secretion (not detected in all patients with this diagnosis).

In some cases pain syndrome in the area of ​​the mammary glands is not associated with their pathology. This can cause diagnostic errors when osteochondrosis, glenohumeral periarteritis and other diseases occur under the guise of mastopathy. Carry out differential diagnosis By clinical picture Maybe. In these pathological processes, pain is characterized as follows:

· Character - burning, shooting or stabbing;

· There is no connection between pain syndrome and menstrual phases;

· Increased pain after psychoemotional stress and physical activity.

Diagnosis of mastopathy

Diagnosis of fibrocystic mastopathy consists of 3 main stages. The first one is ultrasound scanning breast (ultrasound). It is recommended for women to undergo it annually, especially after 35 years. A local increase in acoustic density is regarded as an ultrasound criterion for fibrocystic mastopathy.To increase diagnostic accuracy, it is recommended to perform ultrasound scanning in different phases cycle (for dynamic study of the picture).

It should be noted that the isolated presence of small cysts in the breast tissue is not a variant of the pathology. It can also be observed normally. If cysts of minimal size are detected, the mammologist should not make a diagnosis of mastopathy. The identified signs are interpreted in conclusion as “cystic” changes.

At the second stage, mammography is indicated - an X-ray examination of the mammary glands. This research can begin diagnostic search in women over 40 years of age, for whom it is recommended once a year. The information content of mammography is lower in women with increased physiological density of the mammary glands. However, their density depends not only on individual characteristics, but also from the menstrual phase. So, it increases in the luteal phase (after the 15th day of the cycle and before menstruation). Therefore, it is better to perform mammography in the follicular phase, i.e. until the 15th day from the start of menstruation. The situation is similar with ultrasound examination.

Histological examination is the third stage, which is not recommended for all patients. It is necessary for the final diagnosis of a benign pathological process (benign changes, precancerous or malignant). However, to obtain the most reliable results, the biopsy should be performed on certain days of the cycle. The optimal time is considered to be the same follicular phase (after the end of menstruation and before the 15th day). It's not typical for her cell division, programmed cell death and stromal swelling. These processes, observed in other phases of the menstrual cycle, can cause an increased percentage of diagnostic errors.

Types of fibrous mastopathy

Fibrocystic mastopathy is a group of heterogeneous diseases. Based on the X-ray picture (mammography), they are classified into 6 forms:

1. Adenosis, in which there is a predominance of the glandular component. This form is most common in young women (20 to 27 years old).

2. Diffuse fibrosis - connective tissue stroma predominates. The number of collagen fibers in it increases, and elastic fibers almost completely disappear. The alveoli are “walled up” with dense stroma, which is not able to stretch when necessary (for example, during lactation). Therefore, with this form, breast compaction is most pronounced. Diffuse fibrosis is often diagnosed in women suffering from diabetes mellitus, in which tablets hypoglycemic drugs ineffective (insulin dependent type). In English literature this state received a separate name - fibrotic diabetic breast disease.

3. Cystic form, which is characterized by diffuse compaction of the glands, combined with local. The cysts are well demarcated from the surrounding tissue, they have clear boundaries and a smooth surface (the tuberosity is suspicious for the malignancy of the process).

4. Mixed form - combined enlargement of glands and stroma with the formation of small cysts. It is diagnosed in 40% of cases, being the most common in all age groups. The increased interest of doctors in this form is explained by the possibility of malignancy (development of breast cancer). The risk depends on the degree of proliferation. If it is absent, then the probability of cancer is no more than 0.9%, with moderate proliferation - 2%, and with severe proliferation - 31%.

5. Sclerosing adenosis - proliferation of connective tissue in enlarged glands;

6. Nodular form - local accumulations of collagen and elastic fibers.

Treatment of mastopathy

Treatment of fibrocystic mastopathy is still a challenge. Featured hormonal drugs are not able to completely normalize the histological picture of the mammary glands. Moreover, they are not deprived side effects, and after their withdrawal, intense cell proliferation is observed (relapse of the disease). Therefore, scientists around the world are working to create a unique drug Mabustin for the treatment of mastopathy, which should have a number of properties:

· Effectively suppress uncontrolled cell proliferation and prevent relapse (regardless of further medication use);

· Do not call adverse reactions;

· Suppress the production of estrogen in the liver;

· Reduce the synthesis of estrogen in the ovaries and adrenal glands;

· Do not affect the level of your own progesterone;

· Do not change the hormonal regulation of organs with the exception of the mammary glands;

· Do not cause endometrial atrophy, which develops in case of long-term use progesterone drugs (atrophy leads to breakthrough bleeding).

One of the tasks of modern mammology is the early detection of mastopathy and timely prescription conservative therapy. This makes it possible to reduce the number of operations performed for large breast cysts. However, to date, the frequency of such surgical interventions for this diagnosis is 10-15%. Conservative treatment mastopathy at the modern level is carried out comprehensively. It includes such areas as:

· Normalization psychological state women (auto-training, psychological consultation);

· Vitamin therapy;

· Enzymes;

· Hormones and their analogues, including biologically active complexes based on indole-3 carbinol;

· Pain relief if the pain syndrome is accompanied by a disorder general status women.

Drug treatment is carried out for a long time. One course lasts from 3 to 6 months. However, after discontinuation of hormones, in a large percentage of cases, a relapse of the disease occurs within a year. Therefore, great importance is attached to dynamic monitoring of patients. They should visit a mammologist regularly for early detection hyperplastic processes in the mammary glands and timely initiation of a new course of therapy. This will reduce its duration and the total dosage of the drug. At the same time, women should attach great importance to the psycho-emotional background, because its normalization affects the cause of the disease, preventing its development.

According to statistics - studies at diagnosis

According to statistics, almost half of all people are diagnosed with mastopathy. modern women childbearing age. One of the varieties of this disease is the fibrous form of damage to the mammary glands.Treatment of fibrous mastopathy >>>

Fibrous mastopathy - based on a review of the women's newsletter Mabusten, provided by Bradner Deword GmbH

Any inflammatory processes in the mammary glands in women, if left untreated, often lead to tissue proliferation and the formation of compactions or neoplasms. This disease is called fibrous mastopathy. The cause of this disease is hormonal imbalance in the female body. Tumors that arise in the breast often grow into large formations.

To prevent the development of negative processes in the mammary gland, you should regularly undergo diagnostic examination. Professional examinations help to detect the disease in time and begin effective therapy. Treatment of fibrous mastopathy folk remedies gives good results. Our ancestors have accumulated quite a lot of such funds; they have been tested and tested by time.

Recipes for tumor processes in the mammary gland

1. Treatment of tumors in the mammary glands traditional healers has long been carried out using garlic and Kalanchoe. To do this, from crushed garlic to a mushy form and vegetable oil prepared the mixture in such an optimal proportion as 1:2.

That is, they took, for example, 100 grams of garlic and poured 200 grams of oil into it. By the way, the oil must be without undergoing a purification (refining) process. Then the resulting mixture was sent to a cold place and the production of the next component began. Kalanchoe was mixed with honey 1:1 and the resulting composition was also sent to the refrigerator. Garlic oil mixed with Kalanchoe should be taken daily before meals. It is advisable to take the medication half an hour before meals. Dose: tablespoon of each composition.

At the same time as taking the medicine, you should carefully rub or make compresses on the sore mammary gland using a solution of kitchen salt. The compresses are kept on all night. Solution: take three and a half tablespoons of salt per liter of warm water. Duration of treatment: 3 weeks.

2. Fibrous lumps in the chest are treated with salt massages. They are carried out 4 times a day. The procedure is performed in a circular motion, very gently for 5 minutes.

After this, the breasts are washed and lubricated camphor oil. Such procedures will definitely show their positive therapeutic results within three days.

3. Fibrous mastopathy is treated with healing folk ointment. To do this, mix propolis tincture with liquid paraffin (natural petroleum jelly) and lanolin (natural wax) in a ratio of 1:5:5. Sometimes Vaseline is replaced with pork fat.

To mix everything better, the ingredients should be heated in a water bath. This ointment must be placed on a piece of cloth and applied to the chest. Benign formations will gradually decrease.

5. In the fight against benign formations in the chest, people use celandine ointment. To prepare it, take a fresh plant with a stem during its flowering period. Wash thoroughly and grind in a meat grinder.

Then the resulting mass is squeezed out and the juice is poured into a bottle. Mix the juice with melted pork fat or cow (butter) butter in a 1:1 ratio. They receive a healing ointment that is applied to the chest.

The mammary gland should then be well wrapped in a towel. After three hours, you can wash your breasts warm water and wipe it off. This procedure must be done daily.

6. They recommend drinking this folk remedy. Mix: melted ghee, medical alcohol, radish juice and aloe juice. All ingredients are taken in equal parts. Leave for about three days in a cool, dark place and begin treatment. Drink the medicine four times a day, one tablespoon at a time.

7. Treatment of fibrous mastopathy with folk remedies has never been complete without the use of cabbage leaves or burdock leaves.

They were applied as independent medicines, and together with other useful and healing ingredients.

Often the leaves of these plants were smeared with honey and various natural ointments. More details.

8. It is useful for pain in the mammary gland not only to make compresses from burdock, but also to drink juice. To do this, fresh leaves of the plant are crushed using a meat grinder and the resulting green mass is thoroughly squeezed. Drink 1 tablespoon of juice before meals three times a day. The course is at least 3 weeks. (This juice should be taken with caution by patients with pancreatic disease).

Fibrous mastopathy should be treated as early as possible. Modern medical technologies make it possible to detect this disease at the earliest stages. Early diagnosis will help avoid surgical intervention and reduce treatment time.

Hormonal imbalance in the body provokes the onset of a disease such as mastopathy. The pathology occurs in young girls and women over forty years of age . Fibrous mastopathy is a disease characterized by the development of compaction inside the mammary gland. Dangerous changes affect intraductal areas.

Benign formation in the gland can be diffuse or nodular. When pathology develops in one gland, unilateral mastopathy is diagnosed, and in two - bilateral.

ICD-10 code for fibrous mastopathy is N60-N64.

The phenomenon has its own classification, features and differences.

The diffuse form is characterized by fibrous compactions that are combined with cysts. Fibroadenomatosis is expressed in varying degrees– from moderate to strong. In the gland, the cyst can be single, small or multiple.

The disease is classified taking into account the predominant component in the gland:

  • mastopathy with fibrosis
  • bilateral sclerosing adenosis
  • fibrocystic form
  • mastopathy with cystosis
  • mixed form

Fibrocystic changes in the mammary gland are divided into several types. In the adenomatous form of mastopathy, the glandular component predominates. The disease is manifested by swelling of the mammary glands.

The proliferation of cystic fibrous and fatty tissue occurs throughout the breast.

When cysts predominate, atrophy of the gland lobules develops and the ducts expand. The seals in the gland are round in shape and can be easily felt upon palpation. The adenous form is characterized by excessive growth fibrous tissue, enlargement of gland lobules.

The nodular form of fibromastopathy is characterized by the presence of compaction boundaries in the gland. The pathology is diagnosed when the cystic cavities are filled with fluid. This form of the disease is prone to degeneration into malignant, causing breast cancer.

Causes of pathology

The appearance of compactions in the gland is associated with a change in the ratio of progesterone and estradiol. Due to hormonal imbalance, breast tissue begins to grow. The amount of progesterone decreases, which causes fibrotic changes in iron. A description of the disease and commentary videos about focal pathology can be found on the Internet.

To the development of fibromatous pathology mammary gland lead:

  • hormonal imbalances
  • progesterone deficiency
  • disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system
  • increased sensitivity of the body to estrogen
  • insufficiency of hypothalamic function
  • reproductive dysfunction
  • liver diseases

Frequent menstrual irregularities cause certain changes. When an egg does not ovulate in a cycle, estrogens continue to stimulate the uterus. In the gland, under their influence, the tissue begins to grow.

Various pathologies thyroid gland have a direct effect on the production of hormones. Hormonal imbalance is the main cause of mastopathy in the mammary gland. Female breast always responds to changes in hormones, menstruation, pregnancy.

The development of fibrofatty mastopathy can occur due to frequent abortions, pregnancies, lack of breastfeeding after childbirth. The amount of hormones that are responsible for a woman’s reproductive function decreases. The disease is caused by various diseases genitals, inflammatory process in the ovaries and involuting uterus. An important role is played by the lack of sexual activity in an adult woman.

The balance of hormones in the female body is especially negatively affected by stress. When a woman feels depressed or nervous stress, negative biochemical reactions develop in her body. There is a decreased production of progesterone and the development of mastopathy.

Symptoms of the disease

With mastopathy, the mammary gland begins to ache. The pain can radiate sharply to the armpits or shoulder blades. Discomfort and predominance of heaviness cause pathological changes in the gland and an increase in pressure from the growing compaction. With mastopathy, the gland becomes larger to the touch, and pain is felt on palpation.

Symptoms of mastopathy mammary glands may be permanent or periodic. Due to hormonal imbalance, a woman becomes more nervous and constantly anxious. Sometimes an increase in breast volume, asymmetry of the glands, and their deformation are diagnosed.

With mastopathy, a light, watery secretion is often released from the nipples. Swelling of the gland is combined with a feeling of fullness. The nipples of the glands may become deformed and retract. All of the above signs of gland involution should be noted special attention. The photo shows the difference between healthy and affected areas.

Diagnosis of the disease

At the first signs of the disease, it is important to contact a mammologist.

Among the diagnostic methods for identifying pathology, the following are widely used:

  • Ultrasound of the mammary glands
  • mammography
  • Breast MRI
  • tests for tumor markers
  • puncture with biopsy

Ultrasound examination of breast tissue helps to identify echo signs of the node and the location of cystic capsules. Ultrasound determines the size of formations that mammography does not show. Diagnosis is safe and minimally invasive. The Bi-RADS scale code helps the diagnostician determine the norm of an echographic examination and the difference.

Mammography is X-ray examination mammary glands with minimal radiation exposure. The method is safe and helps to diagnose changes in glandular tissue. A mammogram is performed using a special machine.

Magnetic resonance imaging helps the doctor visualize changes in the mammary gland, localize the tumor in the organ, assess the condition of the milk ducts and the structure of pathological foci.

Analyzes and cytological studies were at one time developed in international medical centers in order to help find out the nature of education. They confirm or exclude the predominance of malignant cells. The study reveals the structure of cysts and breast cancer.

Treatment of fibrous mastopathy of the mammary glands

Therapy for mastopathy depends on the nature and type of pathology. If there is a strong proliferation of fibrous tissue, it is more difficult to cure the disease. In such a situation, surgery will be required.

As complex therapy apply:

  • products with progesterone
  • oral contraceptives
  • vitamin complexes
  • sedatives
  • drugs to improve immunity
  • painkillers


Main in drug regimen are tablets with progestron - Duphaston, Utrozhestan. They eliminate the deficiency of this hormone in the female body and inhibit growth cystic formations. To stabilize hormonal balance they are used contraception Danazol, Zoladex. The androgenic drug Danazol moderately suppresses the effect of estrogens and inhibits changes in breast cells. Hormonal treatment must be prescribed by a doctor.

The effective prolactin activator Bromocriptine helps in the fight against mastopathy. The drug regulates the menstrual cycle and ovulation. Also used in treatment effective medicine Tamoxifen. It blocks the bioactivity of unwanted fat reactions and stops the proliferation of fibrous tissue. Update cellular structures is facilitated by taking the drug Retobiol, an effective hormonal anabolic that can increase the amount of necessary hormonal substances.

Herbal medicines

To stabilize emotional background Various sedatives are used - Novo-Passit, Persen, infusions of valerian and motherwort. These drugs have a pronounced sedative effect, increase the body’s resistance to stress, normalize sleep. Yoga helps to establish a psycho-emotional background.

Herbal medicines include Mastodinon and Wobenzym. Plant composition The medicine has a safe effect, eliminates the inflammatory process, and stimulates the immune system. Homeopathic remedies and B vitamins are widely used in the elimination of mastopathy. A woman needs treatment for a long time - until complete remission.

In some situations, it is impossible to cope with the disease without surgical intervention. The operation is performed after a thorough diagnosis. Carried out by a doctor sectoral resection and removal of fibrous tissue areas.

Recipes are used as an auxiliary measure traditional medicine. Healers recommend applying a compress of cabbage leaves, honey, and burdock to the diseased gland. Fresh cabbage and burdock leaves eliminate swelling of the mammary gland. It is also recommended to take infusions of medicinal herb- mint, chamomile, elderberry, immortelle, birch.

Prevention of breast disease

Medical monitoring will help prevent the onset of gynecological disease, hormonal imbalance during menopause or after childbirth. To get pregnant successfully and avoid gland disease, a woman needs to adhere to healthy good nutrition. Healthy diet– effective home prevention. Dietary moderate diet is calculated individually.

To prevent danger it is important:

  • protect the mammary glands from injury;
  • promptly treat diseases of the reproductive organs;
  • establish a healthy diet;
  • avoid hypothermia;
  • do not sunbathe topless;
  • lead a healthy lifestyle.

The risk of mastopathy is reduced by the timely birth of a child, as well as regular intimate intimacy with a partner.

Forecast for the development of the disease

Treatment of the gland must be timely. The disease is easier to overcome initial stages. As shown medical practice, the result of therapy is often positive. It all depends on the etiology and manifestation of regression.

Mastopathy should be treated until the disease stops expressing itself. Otherwise, unintended consequences may arise.

After treatment for mammary gland mastopathy, a relapse of the disease is possible. A complete recovery from mastopathy is possible only if all the doctor’s conditions are met. Judging by the reviews of patients on the forum, correct treatment helps stop the growth of cystic seals.

Fibrous mastopathy occurs in a woman’s body by various reasons, but the main one is hormonal imbalance. Moreover, this is one of the most common pathologies in women and occurs in 30% of all cases.

If fibrous mastopathy of the mammary gland is diagnosed, what is it and how to treat the disease - questions asked by patients to the doctor.

Fibrous mastopathy is an overgrowth of the connective tissue of the mammary gland, where the fibrous component significantly predominates (according to ICD 10). The changes also affect the intraductal tissues, as a result the lumen of the duct narrows until it closes completely.

In patients with fibrous form diseases, when palpating the breast, lumps are felt, pressing on which causes pain.


There are various classifications pathologies, one of them divides the disease into the following forms:

  • : in turn, it is divided into fibrous with the presence of compactions in the connective tissue of the breast and when the compactions are combined with cysts.
  • or focal: this includes fibroadenoma or cyst.

When mastopathy develops in one breast, they speak of a one-sided pathology, in two – bilateral. In one mammary gland there is most often focal or nodular mastopathy.


The main causes of fibrous mastopathy of the mammary gland are hormonal imbalances, when estrogen predominates in a woman’s body and there is not enough progesterone.

Such a disorder in the female body is possible in following cases:

  • . After conception, hormonal changes in the body begin with the goal of bearing a child and subsequent breastfeeding. After an abortion, a malfunction occurs, which can cause the development of mastopathy.
  • Diseases of the reproductive system. Includes inflammatory and infectious diseases, acute and chronic.
  • Diseases of the endocrine system. The appearance of breast problems can be influenced by a malfunction of the thyroid gland, diabetes mellitus, obesity and other diseases.
  • Lack of sex life. If a woman does not have intimacy, this seriously affects the overall hormonal balance.
  • Lack of childbirth and lactation. It is laid down by nature that female body intended for reproduction. Lack of pregnancy or refusal to feed the baby after childbirth can negatively affect your health.
  • Genetic factor. If a woman in the family suffered from fibrous mastopathy, the risk of getting sick is very high.
  • Frequent stressful situations. Negative emotions also negatively affect hormonal balance.
  • Bad habits. Alcohol abuse drugs, smoking almost always leads to disorders in the reproductive sphere.
  • Topless tanning. Staying in direct sunlight or in a solarium with your breasts exposed has a negative effect on breast tissue. And even frequent sunbathing with a closed chest has a bad effect.

Fibrous mastopathy of the mammary glands is a common disease among women. The first ones are not pronounced; for this reason, patients do not always pay due attention to them and consult a doctor too late.


Most often, when the disease is present, the following symptoms occur:

  • Unpleasant sensations in the mammary glands that occur in the second part of the menstrual cycle and during menstruation. In some cases, the pain radiates to the shoulder, armpit or shoulder blade. The reason is a change in the structure of the interlobular connective tissue, which causes pressure in the gland.
  • Increased breast volume. Reason – venous stasis and swelling of the connective tissue of the gland. Breast size may increase by approximately 15% or more.
  • Feeling of tightness in the chest.

In the absence of treatment and the development of the disease, the following occur:

  • painful lumps in the glands;
  • constant pain that does not depend on the phase of the cycle;
  • nervousness and anxiety;
  • asymmetry of the glands;
  • nipple discharge.


When contacting a mammologist, he conducts an examination and palpation examination. Next, the patient is prescribed other diagnostic methods, including:

  • mammography;
  • puncture;
  • analysis for tumor markers;
  • CT and MRI.


fibrous mastopathy is conservative, that is, with the help of medications. For this purpose the following is prescribed:

  • Hormonal products containing progesterone (Utrozhestan, Duphaston).
  • Oral contraceptives to normalize hormonal levels (Zoladex, Danazol).
  • Herbal medicines (Wobenzym, Mastodinon).

A woman may also be prescribed as part of complex therapy:

  • complex of vitamins;
  • immunostimulating drugs;
  • calming;
  • painkillers.

Folk remedies

Treatment with folk remedies can be used as a supplement to drug therapy, but not as the main thing. The reason is that herbs and their decoctions, and other folk methods cannot completely relieve symptoms and fibrous seals.

At the same time similar treatment excellent complements drug therapy and improves its efficiency.

Decoctions from the following plants help well with fibrous mastopathy:

  • red brush;
  • burdock;
  • yarrow and valerian;
  • mint and string;
  • fennel and motherwort.

You can make compresses on the affected areas from cabbage leaves.

Diet for illness

When treating fibrous mastopathy, it is required. The patient is advised to give up chocolate, tea and coffee.

IN daily diet worth including:

  • plant foods, vegetables and fruits;
  • foods containing fiber.

It is also important to exclude foods that are high in calories.


If the treatment is properly selected and the woman follows all the doctor’s recommendations, the prognosis for the disease is positive.

However, the possibility of relapse is always present. For this reason, even with successful treatment, it is necessary to periodically visit a mammologist.

Lack of adequate treatment or self-medication can provoke the transition of mastopathy into a malignant form. Therefore, it is so important to consult a doctor promptly when the first signs appear.

Prevention measures

Is it possible to avoid the development of mastopathy? No one is immune from this, but you can minimize the risks by adhering to the following recommendations.


  • regular sex life;
  • giving up bad habits;
  • timely treatment of gynecological diseases;
  • refusal of artificial termination of pregnancy;
  • maintain lactation after childbirth.

Video about treatment of the disease