
Severe vomiting what to do. Severe vomiting in an adult, what to do? Treatment of hormonal disorders

  • What to give?
  • Diet
  • All mothers and fathers know very well that vomiting in children is not so rare occurrence. However, in practice, when faced with an attack, many are simply lost and do not know how to provide first aid to the baby, what to do and where to call. Authoritative pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky, the author of numerous articles and books on children's health, explains why vomiting happens and what adults should do about it.

    About vomiting

    Vomiting is a protective mechanism, a reflex eruption of stomach contents through the mouth (or nose). During an attack, the abdominal press contracts, the esophagus expands, the stomach itself relaxes and pushes everything that is in it up the esophagus. This rather complex process regulates the vomiting center, which in all people is located in the medulla oblongata. Most often, vomit is a mixture undigested remains food and gastric juice. Sometimes they may contain impurities of pus or blood, bile.

    The most common cause of childhood vomiting is food poisoning. Vomiting can occur in different infectious diseases: rotavirus infection, scarlet fever, typhus.

    Less commonly, this problem is caused by accumulated toxins; this condition can occur with serious kidney disease.

    Other causes of vomiting include diseases of the stomach and intestines, neurological diagnoses, and head injuries.

    In children, vomiting can often be provoked by severe emotional shocks.


    Doctors distinguish several types of infant vomiting:

    • Cyclic vomiting (acetonemic).
    • Renal.
    • Hepatogenic.
    • Diabetic.
    • Cardiac.
    • Psychogenic.
    • Cerebral.
    • Bloody.

    In most cases, vomiting in children begins at night. The baby wakes up from severe nausea. In this situation, it is important not to be scared or confused. Parents' actions should be calm and confident.

    How younger child, the more dangerous vomiting is for him, since dehydration may occur, which can be fatal for babies.

    One-time vomiting (without any additional symptoms) in a child should not cause much concern for parents, says Evgeniy Komarovsky. The fact is that this is how the body “cleanses” itself of accumulated toxins and food elements that the child could not digest. However, parental inaction can be fraught with tragic consequences in cases where vomiting is repeated, as well as if there are other symptoms indicating disorders in the body.

    The most common cause of vomiting in children is food poisoning. Poison can enter a baby’s body through various foods: dairy, meat, seafood, vegetables and fruits.

    In the vast majority of cases the gag reflex is caused by nitrates and pesticides, with which fruits and vegetables are processed. Even very quality products meat products can cause severe poisoning if they are prepared incorrectly.

    Evgeny Komarovsky emphasizes that the first symptoms food poisoning usually begin to appear between 4 and 48 hours after eating. Quite often, you can stop vomiting caused by food on your own, at home.

    However, Evgeny Komarovsky reminds that there are situations in which mothers and fathers should not engage in independent healing. Medical assistance require:

    • Children from 0 to 3 years old.
    • Children who are vomiting in the background elevated temperature bodies.
    • Children who have vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain (all or just some of the symptoms) have lasted for more than two days.
    • Children who are not “alone” in their illness (if other household members have similar symptoms

    There are situations in which a child needs emergency care as soon as possible medical care. You should call an ambulance in one or more of the following conditions:

    • Vomiting occurred after eating mushrooms.
    • The vomiting is so intense that the baby cannot drink water.
    • Vomiting is accompanied by clouding of consciousness, incoherent speech, poor coordination of movements, yellowing of the skin, dry mucous membranes, and the appearance of a rash.
    • Vomiting is accompanied by visual enlargement (swelling) of the joints.
    • Against the background of repeated vomiting, there is no urination for more than 6 hours, the urine has a dark tint.
    • In emetics and/or feces ah there are impurities of blood and pus.

    While waiting for the doctor to arrive, the child should be placed on his side so that during the next vomiting attack the child does not choke on the vomit. The baby should be held in your arms, on its side. There is no need to give any medications.

    In order for the doctor to quickly understand the true cause of the child’s condition, parents must remember in as much detail as possible what the baby ate over the last 24 hours, what he drank, where he was and what he did. In addition, mom and dad will have to carefully examine the vomit in order to then tell the doctor about its color, consistency, whether there is an unusual smell, whether there are any impurities of blood or pus in it.

    Analyzing color

    Dark vomit (the color of coffee grounds) may indicate serious problems with the stomach, up to peptic ulcer.

    If there is an admixture of bile in the masses and there is a bitter-sweet smell, one may suspect a problem with the gallbladder and bile ducts.

    Green vomit may indicate the neurological nature of the reflex; vomiting in severe cases also occurs stressful situation when the child cannot cope with anxiety and feelings in any other way.

    It is recommended to leave samples of vomit and feces of a sick child until the doctor arrives in order to show them to a specialist. This will contribute to the fastest and accurate diagnosis the true cause of the condition.

    Vomiting infant may be a completely natural process of development of digestive functions, but it is better if this is stated by a doctor. Komarovsky emphasizes that often in children infancy vomiting can be a completely expected cause of banal overeating if parents are too zealous in their desire to feed their child more and more calories.

    Vomiting can also be of another nature - allergic, traumatic, and also inflammatory. In other words, this reflex accompanies a great variety of different diseases, some of which require prompt hospitalization followed by surgical assistance, and therefore you should not underestimate vomiting attacks.

    So, parents should make every effort not to stop vomiting at any cost and try to treat something folk remedies, but in order to observe carefully. It will be just great if they can provide the following information to the doctor who comes to the call:

    • Frequency and periodicity of attacks (at what intervals does vomiting occur, how long does it last).
    • Does the child feel better after the next attack, does the abdominal pain decrease?
    • What is the approximate volume of vomit, its color and whether there are any impurities.
    • What has the baby been sick with over the past year, over the past two weeks?
    • What did the baby eat, and do the parents suspect food poisoning?
    • Has the child's weight changed over the past 2 weeks?

    If a child has some of the above symptoms, but is not vomiting, Komarovsky advises inducing the reflex on his own. To do this, you need to give the baby 2-3 glasses to drink. warm water or milk, and then gently insert your fingers into the oropharynx and move them slightly. You can lightly press the root of your tongue with your fingers or a spoon.

    There is no need to feed the child anything. However, drinking is a must. At the same time, you should know that feeding a child when vomiting is whole science, it must be carried out strictly according to the rules. Firstly, says Evgeny Komarovsky, drinks should be small, but very frequent. A single dose is a few sips. Secondly, the temperature of the water should be similar to body temperature, so the liquid will be absorbed more quickly, which will protect the child from dehydration. When asked what to drink, the doctor replies that the best option are oral rehydration solutions or homemade solutions saline solutions. If desired, you can give your child still mineral water, tea, compote.

    Under no circumstances should you add sugar, jam, or honey to your drink. If the child flatly refuses to drink what he is supposed to, offer him what he likes - juice or a sweet drink, but at the same time dilute it with water so that the resulting drink is as clear as possible.

    It is useful to give activated carbon, but only in strictly designated proportions - 1 gram of the drug per kilogram of the child’s weight, no less. If the temperature has risen, you can give your baby an antipyretic, Paracetamol is best.

    Vomiting and nausea– protective reflexes that accompany each other and cannot be consciously controlled. Vomiting is often intended to cleanse gastrointestinal tract from harmful substances. may be a symptom various diseases, pregnancy in women.

    Vomiting and poisoning

    If vomiting develops due to food poisoning (diarrhea, rumbling in the stomach, weakness, slight increase in temperature), you need to rinse the stomach with plenty of water. Rinsing is done as follows: the patient should drink as much boiled water as possible, and then induce vomiting by pressing the root of the tongue with a spoon or finger. After the vomit has passed, repeat the procedure until the patient vomits. clean water. You can take sorbent drugs such as White clay or .

    Antiemetic drugs

    If the cause of vomiting is unknown or cannot be eliminated, antiemetic medications should be taken.

    Vomiting caused by various reasons can be stopped with drugs such as Cerucal and Motilium. Cerucal is a remedy that stops vomiting at the level of the brain; it is effective against vomiting in migraines, traumatic brain injury, gastroenteritis, gastric atony, and kidney disease. Adults take Cerucal 30 minutes before meals, 1 tablet three to four times a day, Motilium is taken half an hour before meals, one to two tablets three times a day.

    Cisapride acts on vomiting faster than Cerucal, but it is effective only for vomiting caused by atony of the intestines and stomach. Cisapride is taken one to two tablets ten minutes before meals.

    Painful multiple vomiting with gastroenteritis, after chemotherapy and radiation therapy in oncology, it is eliminated by taking one or two tablets of Ondansetron, Emetron or their injections (the drugs cannot be taken for liver diseases). Vomiting caused by air sickness, sea sickness, or motion sickness can be relieved by Ciel. It is taken before meals, one to two tablets two to three times a day. Prevention of motion sickness - take one or two tablets half an hour before the trip; children can be given half a tablet.

    Ciel reduces attention, so you should not drive a car while taking this drug. During pregnancy, the drug Coculin relieves well. Frequent vomiting dehydrates the body, so the patient needs to be given large number liquids.

    Vomiting accompanied by severe diarrhea mixed with blood, severe weakness, high temperature- signs of intestinal infection. Severe vomiting, discoloration of stool, darkening of urine - a sign viral hepatitis. If you suspect an acute intestinal infection or hepatitis, the patient should be shown to a doctor immediately.

    Nausea and vomiting

    Nausea is a feeling of deep aversion to food. It leads to belching or vomiting.

    Nausea and vomiting are reactions to signals from the brain. This signal causes the abdominal muscles to contract and the ring of muscle between the stomach and esophagus, called the esophageal sphincter, to open. As a result, the contents of the stomach, which should normally be sent down the digestive tract, is pushed up and out of the mouth by reverse contractions of the esophagus.

    Reasons :

    Pregnancy, stomach ulcer, - inflammation of the liver (hepatitis),- inflammation of the appendix (appendicitis),- acute inflammation gastric mucosa (gastritis),- gallbladder disease,- infection of the digestive tract,- disorders of the central nervous system, - food poisoning,- anxiety, - pain, - overeating, - alcohol poisoning,- surgery, - migraine, - radiation therapy.


    Nausea and vomiting are often accompanied by:

    Increased salivation- sweating, - increased heart rate,- pale skin,- rapid breathing.

    What should you do if your child is vomiting?

    In children, vomiting is a common symptom of stomach upset. For the most part, this is not a serious condition, but sometimes requires immediate medical attention.

    1) Call a doctor immediately if the baby’s vomit is pushed out with such force that it is scattered over a distance of up to a meter. This may indicate partial or complete intestinal obstruction. Also, call a doctor immediately if there is blood in the vomit, vomiting begins several hours after a fall or head injury, or vomiting is accompanied by a headache and stomach pain.

    2) Prolonged vomiting, especially accompanied by diarrhea, is a good reason to consult a doctor. It leads to dehydration, a life-threatening condition.

    3) If vomiting is not accompanied alarming symptoms, make the child more comfortable. When vomiting, support his forehead. Then you should rinse your mouth and wipe your face with water.

    4) Give your child a teaspoon of water, tea, juice (not orange) every 10-20 minutes until he can hold it in his stomach, or let him suck on a lollipop. Gradually increase the amount of liquid you drink at one time.

    5) If the child has not vomited for more than four hours, give him a piece of dry bread or unsweetened cookies. Then feed him simple, light food. When the disorder stops, gradually transition the child to a regular diet.

    What to do when vomiting in adults

    1) Consult a doctor immediately if you vomit blood or severe pain in the abdomen or after a recent head injury. If you small child severe vomiting, call a doctor immediately.

    Urgent medical attention is needed for those who feel very sick, vomit frequently, or if vomiting does not stop for more than 24 hours.

    If the patient is unconscious and vomiting, place him on his side with his neck extended (unless there is reason to fear injury to the head, neck or back). This will prevent choking on vomit. For head injuries, roll the victim to a side position. This will ensure the outflow of vomit and access to air. When rolling, you must ensure that your neck is motionless.

    If nausea (without vomiting) does not go away after a day or two, you should consult a doctor.

    2) For normal nausea and vomiting accompanied by indigestion, make the patient more comfortable. When vomiting stops, replace fluid loss. Give the patient a teaspoon of clean water every 15 minutes until he can hold it in his stomach. Then let him drink liquid at room temperature in small sips every 15 minutes. While recovering from an attack of nausea and vomiting, a person may consume gradually increasing amounts of food and drink. For example, after 4 hours you can drink a large sip of clean liquid and eat one cracker or cookie. If this food does not make you worse, move on to simple light food such as soft-boiled eggs, boiled chicken, clear broth. After 24 hours, if everything is fine, you can eat regular food, avoiding spicy foods and overeating.

    3) Forget about stomach medications. Stomach medications are not intended to stop vomiting. Take them only if vomiting is due to excess stomach acid. For example, if you have a stomach ulcer or have eaten something that causes irritation. They can then neutralize excess acid or soothe irritation. Otherwise, forget about them.

    4) Replace important food ingredients. They are also thrown out with vomit. minerals. Take clear soups or apple and cranberry juices. Water is better than nothing, but ideally you should add a pinch of salt and sugar to it for each glass.

    5) Use a color test. If your urine is dark yellow, it means you are not drinking enough. The paler it becomes, the better you are at preventing dehydration.

    6) Drink warm drinks better. It is not advisable to drink cold drinks, which act as a shock on a sensitive stomach. It is best to drink drinks at room temperature or warm.

    7) Let the bubbles come out. When you're vomiting, you don't need those little bubbles. Before drinking, give your favorite soda mineral water stand until the bubbles come out.

    Remedies for nausea :

    1) If you want to eat, first rinse your stomach with liquids - tea or juices. Liquids should be warm or room temperature, but not cold, to avoid further shock to the stomach. Drink no more than 30-60 grams at a time.

    2) Drink non-carbonated drinks. If you want to drink sparkling water, open the cap and wait for them to dissipate and the water to come to room temperature.

    3) Use acupressure. Press on the membrane between the large and index fingers on each hand. Use deep firm pressure and quick massaging movements for several minutes. Using the same massage and pressure, rub thumb or thumbnail, the area between the tendons of the second and third toes.

    4) Eat carbs first. If you need to eat something and don't feel too nauseous, eat small amounts of light carbohydrates, such as toast or crackers. Once the nausea subsides, try a light protein like chicken breast or fish. Fatty foods are the last thing to add to your diet.

    5) Stop taking medications. Stomach soothing agents are used for problems with stomach function caused by diseases, and not for a tendency to nausea. However, if your nausea is caused by inflammation or irritation, and if it is not very severe, it is prudent to start with them, although they are not nearly as transparent as doctors prefer.

    6) Try ginger treatment. It is recommended to take ginger root in an amount depending on how sick you feel. You'll know you've taken enough when you burp and taste ginger. Take it in capsule form. Most people need to eat too much fresh ginger to get the same effect as using the powder. If your symptoms are very mild, ginger ale or ginger cookies may help.

    7) Get it over with. One of the most effective ways stopping nausea means allowing you to vomit. The nausea will go away immediately, and maybe just one good release will do the trick. And, at the very least, you will have a temporary respite from this disgusting feeling. However, doctors do not recommend inducing vomiting; do this only as a last resort.

    Medical sections: diseases of the digestive system

    Medicinal plants: calamus, oblong quince, silver birch, trefoil watch, urban gravilate, garden marjoram, peppermint, sweet celery

    Get well!

    Nausea may occur due to various reasons, for example, due to an intestinal infection. The causative agents of intestinal infections are salmonella, dysentery bacillus, enteroviruses, rotaviruses, and so on. The virus enters the mouth and infects the person. To establish true reasons, you need to contact a specialist. Only together with a doctor can you get rid of obsessive malaise. After all, vomiting does not allow one to live normally, makes a person incapacitated and depletes the body.

    Why does a child vomit?

    The causes of vomiting and nausea can be bronchitis, ARVI, pneumonia and so on. Usually vomiting is not persistent, but occurs once. The infection also has other manifestations such as fever, lethargy, anxiety, appetite and sleep disturbances. Babies under one year of age may also have diarrhea. In the end, cough, runny nose and pain when swallowing occur.

    At the onset of serious diseases such as encephalitis and meningitis, there may be vomiting. She has a stubborn character and does not bring relief. The child generally feels unwell, is inactive, lethargic, whiny, and does not want to eat anything. Children under one year old constantly scream shrilly and react sharply to light. Usually a high temperature rises - 39-40 ° C and convulsions may begin. If parents suspect the presence of such serious diseases, they should urgently call ambulance.

    With brain tumors, vomiting also occurs, which occurs suddenly, in the morning or at night, and does not stop for a month. Headaches lead to loss of appetite, lethargy or excitability, the mood changes dramatically and the baby becomes very moody.

    Why does he vomit after eating?

    After eating, you may vomit due to poisoning, illness, toxicosis and other reasons. For example, under stress and anorexia nervosa A spasm occurs in the esophagus, preventing food from being absorbed normally. In these cases, relaxation usually helps. If it does not give visible results, it is better to visit a doctor.

    May vomit after eating acute appendicitis. First, anxiety appears, appetite decreases and sleep is disturbed, and only then does it arise repeated vomiting and high temperature. Appendicitis is characterized by pain in the right side or in the navel area. Children who cannot speak curl up and kick their legs. If the appendix is ​​located atypically, there is a urge to defecate and painful urination.

    Why does a cat vomit?

    A cat can vomit for various reasons, for example, due to worms, dry food or hair. It especially often vomits in animals that have lush hair. Because when they lick, they fill their stomach with hairballs, which prevent the digestive system from functioning normally.

    If the vomiting is persistent and does not stop for a long time, you should take your pet to the veterinarian. Perhaps the malaise has more serious reasons and it cannot be done without the intervention of a specialist.

    Why can't you pick flowers?

    Flowers are the reproductive organs of plants. No seeds - no offspring. People usually tear up the most beautiful specimens and contribute to the degeneration of the species. For example, lilies of the valley do not grow everywhere, but due to the fact that they are constantly being cut off, the species is gradually disappearing. The only thing that saves them is a powerful root system.

    Picking flowers also disrupts the food chain, because many birds and animals feed on seeds. Moreover, the fact that they pick flowers is not scary. After all, they are interested in the stage at which the seeds are already ripe. This means that after the animal has emptied its intestines, the plant will get a second life and grow in a new place.

    You cannot think only about yourself, showing greed and selfishness. We need to worry about future generations, who will also want to admire natural beauty and breathe clean air.

    Why does a dog vomit?

    Dogs vomit rarely and easily, so don’t immediately think about any terrible disease. In animals, just like in humans, vomiting is a common protective mechanism that clears the stomach of excess food, water and low quality products. If vomiting is intense and prolonged, it is better to immediately contact a veterinarian.

    During real vomiting, muscles contract abdominal cavity, diaphragm and chest. Vomiting is dangerous because the animal loses a lot of fluid and may fall into state of shock. To determine whether a pet is dehydrated, you need to lift a fold of skin on the back and if, after releasing it, it does not straighten out immediately, it means that dehydration is occurring.

    If your dog is vomiting, you should not give him cold water, because it will provoke new attack. Although without water it is impossible to restore normal condition animal, you just need to water it correctly: often and in small portions.

    Why is he vomiting bile?

    Vomiting is a forced and uncontrollable process that involves the abdominal muscles and diaphragm. With nausea and vomiting, dizziness, weakness and sweating appear, and salivation increases. If vomiting is repeated several times, bile appears in it. If there is a large amount of bile in the vomit, you should immediately call an ambulance. Perhaps the patient cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis or serious poisoning.

    Hospitalization is necessary for repeated vomiting, when, in addition to the eruption of vomit, diarrhea and high fever appear. If abdominal pain does not go away within an hour during vomiting, gas occurs and stool is retained, surgical intervention may be required. In any case, you need to do an ultrasound, which is unrealistic at home.

    Why does a person vomit?

    Vomiting is a reflex act in which food masses are removed from the stomach. Small children are not able to resist such a strong reflex. Even adults can't always restrain themselves. There are many reasons for vomiting. People vomit due to overeating, eating poor quality food, viral diseases and so on. In children, vomiting may occur due to high fever, concussion, meningitis, or injury. The reasons may be psychological in origin, for example, a person feels sick from stress or unwillingness to do something.

    The nature of the vomit is of great importance. Detection of bile, blood, feces, and so on - all this helps to establish the correct cause of the ailment. If you vomit with bile, then most likely it is poisoning. You need to rinse your stomach and call an ambulance. After cleansing the stomach, rinse your mouth with water.

    Why does the machine break the thread?

    There are women for whom sewing is their main job and a way to feed their family. They usually work on large sewing machines and problems are resolved by specialists working at the same enterprise. What if a woman has a car at home and is her own repairman? In this situation, you can turn to the Internet or the instructions that came with the mechanism. Perhaps it's all about incorrect threading. You need to double-check everything several times and, if necessary, call a technician.

    Why does he vomit in the morning?

    You may feel sick in the morning for various reasons, for example, liver failure or pregnancy. In order to establish the exact cause, you need to undergo an examination, take tests and do an ultrasound. After a good examination, you can begin treatment.

    If a woman is pregnant, morning sickness will go away within a few weeks. Toxicosis is normal phenomenon For this state. You just need to be patient and wait. In order to alleviate your condition a little, you can leave a banana, water and cookies on your bedside table before going to bed. A light breakfast in bed will help relieve nausea. But it’s better to put the basin there, just in case.

    Why does he vomit blood?

    Vomiting blood is a very serious matter and can lead to death. You should not wait for death; it is better to go to the hospital immediately. The causes may be open ulcers of the stomach or duodenum.

    Doctors will conduct good examination and will prescribe treatment, thanks to which you can live a long and happy life.

    Why can't you tear up photographs?

    Photos, especially bad ones, clutter your closet and collect dust. Where should I put them? It is not recommended to throw it away, nor is it recommended to tear it. Why? Psychics believe that photographs are a powerful source of energy. They allow you to influence a person from a distance. If you tear or throw away a photo, the person depicted in it may get sick or die. This, of course, is hard to believe, but there are many examples of this. Poking your eyes and other organs with a needle can disrupt their function. But this can only happen to people endowed with superpowers. An ordinary person, no matter how much he can poke the photo of his boss, will not get any results, even if he really wants to.

    Beliefs, legends, fairy tales - there is some truth in them, but you should not rely entirely on folk tales that come from the depths of centuries. The Indians, for example, did not allow them to be photographed because they believed that photography would take away part of their vital energy or all your life. They had no idea what photography was, so they were not able to reason sensibly. We are not Indians and should not be afraid to be photographed. Photography just captures a moment in our life and does not take away anything at all.

    Why do pregnant women vomit?

    Toxicosis is an almost integral part of pregnancy. Although not everyone vomits, many carry and give birth without special problems. Nausea and vomiting during pregnancy are associated with the fact that expectant mother is changing hormonal background. And the body does not allow a woman to eat foods that are harmful to the baby. If the vomiting is persistent and profuse, and the woman is unable to eat anything and loses nutrients and fluids, she may need to be hospitalized. In the hospital, the pregnant woman is given an IV, and she gradually begins to eat.

    Many people think that they shouldn’t take pills during pregnancy and start getting carried away. traditional medicine, forgetting that many herbs stronger than drugs chemical origin. Even herbs should be brewed only after consulting a doctor, not the Internet. By self-medicating, you can not only harm the child, but also lose him altogether.

    Why does a parrot vomit?

    All people have their own preferences. Some people love dogs, some people love cats, and some people don’t need pets at all. People who own parrots should know that birds need flight. Therefore, from time to time, pets should be allowed to fly around the apartment, after closing all the windows. You also need to keep an eye on what your parrot eats. Some tamed parrots begin to eat the same things that the owner eats. This is wrong, because sausage or dumplings can cause a parrot to vomit. If the bird has not eaten anything extra, but still vomits, then perhaps this is due to lack of sexual intercourse. After a year, you need to buy a larger cage and a representative of the opposite sex. A parrot may vomit due to hormonal changes that occur at certain times of the year.

    In general, parrots usually buy WAKA food. It is almost impossible for them to be poisoned; it only has positive reviews and great popularity among those who keep birds at home. Whatever the food, there is no point in overfeeding your pet. Otherwise, he may vomit. If vomiting is accompanied by altered droppings, then you need to get tested, perhaps the parrot has megabacteriosis. The water in the drinking bowl should always be clean and fresh, then the parrot will feel great.

    There can be many reasons for vomiting. In order to get rid of the malaise, you need to get tested and monitor your condition. Perhaps you just need to adjust your diet and healthy image life, sleep normally and spend a lot of time on fresh air. If the cause of vomiting is any serious illness, it is necessary to begin treatment, only eliminating the root cause will allow you to get rid of the general malaise.

    Vomiting is a reflexive protective reaction of the body aimed at emptying the stomach of its contents. This occurs due to contraction of the abdominal muscles, in to a greater extent diaphragm. The process is regulated by the vomiting center in the brain. The causes of vomiting are varied. To determine them, the nature of the vomit is analyzed. They happen different colors and contain impurities of undigested foods, mucus, blood, and bile.

    Causes of vomiting associated with pathology of the digestive system

    This is the most common reasons, in which vomiting occurs. It usually develops after eating and is associated with inflammatory processes mucous membrane.


    Every person has experienced indigestion. It is caused by eating heavy or poor-quality food, and also occurs when overeating. Vomiting in this condition is one-time. After it there is always noticeable relief. General condition satisfactory. A person can easily return to their normal lifestyle and daily routine within 1-2 hours. Vomit contains small amounts of food pieces and mucus.

    First aid is to refrain from eating any foods for 2-3 hours to give the stomach a break to recover, and to refrain from physical activity for the rest of the day. If this happened in the workplace and the activity is related to physical activity, if possible, take short breaks (5-7 minutes) every hour.

    Acute intestinal infections (AI)

    OKI or gastroenteritis – frequent and dangerous reason. One of the main symptoms is frequent vomiting, which occurs as a result of damage to the mucous organs of the gastrointestinal tract by pathogenic microorganisms. The most common pathogens that lead to this condition are E. coli, staphylococcus, dysentery, cholera, typhoid fever, botulism.

    With gastroenteritis, vomiting occurs repeatedly, is difficult for a person to tolerate, worsens general health, and severely dehydrates the body. Associated symptoms– diarrhea (sometimes up to 15 times a day), high temperature, intoxication. Stool and vomit may contain large amounts of mucus, undigested food, at severe course diseases - blood and pus.

    The main task in providing assistance to the victim is to prevent critical dehydration of the body. To do this, the patient must drink at least 4 liters of water per day. Rapid loss of fluid will lead to a high concentration of toxins in the blood and, as a result, brain poisoning and kidney failure.

    The cause may be enzymatic insufficiency of the pancreas. Lack of enzymes - proteases, amylase, lipase, steapsin, nucleases. This leads to the fact that the incoming food is not fully digested, is not broken down into proteins, fats, carbohydrates and, as a result, is not absorbed in the intestines.

    Vomiting occurs after a person has eaten fatty, fried, smoked food. After 1-2 hours they develop characteristic symptoms- nausea, constant vomiting(every hour), one-time loose stool. At first, food is evacuated from the stomach, then vomiting appears gastric juice.This condition occurs when acute pancreatitis or exacerbation chronic form diseases.

    One more thing functional disorder– disruption of bile production, difficulty in outflow, its reflux into the stomach. Occurs with inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis) or the presence of stones, obstruction bile ducts(dyskinesia), liver inflammation (hepatitis).

    Providing assistance:

    1. Organize the patient to fast for the first 24 hours after the attack.
    2. Within a week, prescribe a fasting diet to relieve inflammation.
    3. In order to unload the pancreas, take enzymes daily during meals - pancreatin, Creon, mezim, festal.
    4. No-spa for vomiting bile in children and adults is indicated when there is severe pain in the right hypochondrium. It will relieve spasm of smooth muscles and alleviate the condition.

    Chemical or drug poisoning

    The causes of vomiting are the penetration of toxic substances into the body. Contributing factors are neglect of safety precautions when working with toxic substances, accident, poisoning with household chemicals.

    When toxic chemical compounds enter the gastrointestinal tract, they affect the mucous membrane, change its structure and impair functionality. The degree of damage depends on the concentration and volume of the substance that has penetrated inside. The esophagus and stomach are the first to be affected; they are destroyed more than other organs. Chemical burn may cause:

    • hyperemia (redness), inflammation;
    • erosions, ulcers;
    • thinning of the organ;
    • necrosis (death);
    • perforation (rupture) of the walls.

    In the victim's body they are triggered defense mechanisms and vomiting occurs. If toxic substances enter through respiratory tract, the person is feeling sick. If you are vomiting, this is a sign of brain damage.

    In case of chemical poisoning, you should not wash your stomach yourself. This will increase the degree and area of ​​the burn.

    Constant nausea and vomiting occur from systematic overdose medicines. The reason is non-compliance with the treatment regimen, independent increase in the dose taken. This is especially true for patients taking antipsychotics - narcotic drugs from insomnia, migraines, mental disorders. These drugs can cause withdrawal syndrome– addiction that requires increasing dosage.

    Causes of vomiting associated with damage to the nervous system and other internal organs

    The reason why a person experiences constant vomiting may be irritation of the vomiting center, which is located in the medulla oblongata.

    Once in the body, alcohol is quickly absorbed through the walls of the gastrointestinal tract into the blood and rushes to the brain. When the permissible limits of consumed alcoholic beverages are exceeded, intoxication develops. The resulting vomiting is not due to ethanol entering the stomach, but to poisoning of the brain. Depending on the degree of intoxication, it can be single or multiple.

    Vomiting indicates severe poisoning. Alcohol destroys blood and brain cells, leading to oxygen starvation. In this case, vomiting is a harbinger of respiratory and cardiac dysfunction, up to their stop.

    Diseases and injuries of the nervous system

    Lesions of the central nervous system that cause vomiting:

    1. Infectious diseases – meningococcal infection. When it enters the body, the pathogen multiplies quickly. When it dies, endotoxins are released, which rapidly destroy blood vessels and mucous membranes, often causing the development of infectious-toxic shock. Symptoms: sharp pain in the head, eyeballs, vomiting, high tactile sensitivity, irritation to light, sound.
    2. Concussion occurs due to bruises, blows, collisions. Factors – domestic, sports and industrial injuries, criminal incidents. As a result, the functionality of neurons is impaired. Symptoms: single vomiting, shallow and rapid breathing, slow heartbeat, memory impairment.
    3. Compression of the brain occurs as a result of filling the cranial space with blood and intracerebral fluid. Brain damage - life-threatening state. It develops as a result mechanical injury. Symptoms: repeated vomiting, severe headache, psychomotor agitation, high blood pressure, epileptic seizures.

    Nausea, vomiting, pain in the occipital region are signs of a sharp increase in blood pressure to critical levels. Instability of circulation in the brain, increased tension in the blood vessels affects the vomiting center. At systolic blood pressure over 200 mm Hg. Art. The patient may experience severe repeated vomiting. Accompanying symptoms are chills, headache, swelling of the face and limbs, sudden loss of strength, and fainting.

    The appearance of a hypertensive crisis is promoted by stress, jar of Hearts, meteorological conditions, physical activity.

    Causes of vomiting in children

    In children, the causes of vomiting depend on age characteristics. Infants experience frequent regurgitation due to overfeeding. Or as an adaptive reaction to new living conditions of the body. In infants, vomiting for no reason is common.

    Factors for the development of vomiting in children:

    • Congenital malformations internal organs digestive system.
    • Immature vestibular apparatus – motion sickness in motor vehicles.
    • Dyspeptic disorders - food inappropriate for age, inappropriate baby food, improper introduction of complementary foods.
    • Vomiting as a reaction to taking pharmacological drugs.
    • Allergic reactions to products.
    • Foreign body in the throat, esophagus or stomach.

    Identifying the causes of vomiting allows you to determine what to do in a particular case, what measures to take to eliminate and prevent the symptom.