
Lump on weight under skin. Causes of bumps under the skin

By appearance bumps, type of origin, sensations and growth rate, you can first conclude how dangerous it is. The final diagnosis, confirming or refuting the presence of a serious illness, should be determined by the doctor based on the results of the examination.

Causes of bumps on the head

Multiple reasons for which a bump may appear on the head are divided into three main groups:

  1. Insect bites - a lump in the form of a tubercle and redness occurs at the site of the bite due to allergic reaction caused by the ingestion of insect venom into the blood.
  2. Injuries - a painful lump and swelling of the soft tissues appears at the site of the bruise. The size of the bump in such cases depends on the nature of the injury and the degree of intensity of the blow.
  3. Subcutaneous tumors - benign and malignant formations appear due to improper cell division of soft and bone tissues. Some may cause pain, others may not manifest themselves in any way. The rate of their growth depends on the type of tumor, which include hemangiomas, osteomas, lipomas, warts, atheromas, etc.

To understand what caused the bumps on the head, it is necessary to analyze concomitant symptoms and consult a doctor for advice.

Bump on the head: what could it be

At strong blow head on a hard surface at the site of traumatic impact, a bump may appear, which is painful when touched, swelling and redness of the skin. In the first minutes after the impact, it is advisable to apply a cold compress to the site of injury for 15 minutes, which will reduce the likelihood of swelling and pain. If the bump after the bruise has not gone away after a few days, while the head constantly hurts, you should visit a doctor to rule out a concussion.


When exposed to allergens (for example, cosmetics, household chemicals, certain products) numerous tubercles may appear on the head, which turn red and itch severely. To get rid of them, you need to drink an antiallergic drug and eliminate the effect of the allergen. This may require changing the diet, abandoning certain skin and hair care products.

One of the causes of an allergic reaction in the form of a bump on the head is an insect bite. A swelling appears at the bite site, which can be very painful and itchy, redness or blanching of the skin. Immediately after the bite, the swelling must be washed with water. laundry soap, to accept antihistamine, lubricate with asterisk balm. If the lump continues to grow and the state of health noticeably worsens, you should immediately seek help from a doctor.

Lipoma (wen)

A benign lesion, round in shape, in most cases painless, soft and mobile to the touch. Occurs due to violations hormonal background and fat metabolism. With a diagnosed lipoma, its removal is indicated in several ways: with a laser, surgically, or by injecting a special drug into the body that absorbs accumulated fat.


Bone benign tumor which never becomes malignant. Most often it is a painless lump. correct form, firm to the touch. The skin at the location of the tumor does not change color. When diagnosing osteoma, the patient is shown monitoring the tumor over time. If the growth of the bump begins to affect the brain centers or cause cosmetic discomfort, the neurosurgeon will excise the tumor along with nearby healthy cells, while the removed part of the skull bone is replaced with a titanium plate.


A growth on the skin, which looks similar to a lipoma, appears due to blockage of the sebaceous glands. The formation of a dense consistency has a yellowish tint, over time it begins to hurt and cause discomfort. Atheroma is subject to removal by laser or surgical method, while the excised material is sent for histological examination.


A dense and painful bump occurs against the background purulent infection. The swelling has a pronounced reddening of the skin, in its center you can see a rod white color. The maturation of the boil is often accompanied by fever. For the treatment of an abscess, it is required to open it in a medical institution, clean it and install a drain to drain the pus. According to the doctor's prescription, antibacterial and healing ointments and physical procedures can be used.


A benign tumor, which over time can degenerate into a malignant one. The reason for the appearance of a formation filled with blood is the abnormal growth of venous vessels under the scalp. If you look closely, you can see a vascular pattern under the bump. Most frequent place localization of the tumor - behind the ears, in the eye area. Hemangioma is recommended to be removed surgically with sending the excised material for histology.


A benign tumor that grows from the connective tissues of the scalp can appear in any part of the head. The bump can reach large sizes and eventually develop into malignant tumor- sarcofibroma. The causes of the appearance of education are hormonal changes, endocrine disorders, diabetes mellitus. Treatment involves observation by an oncologist, with rapid growth- surgical excision.

A lump on the head of a child and its features

The bumps that appear on the head of children should not be left without the attention of parents.

Most common cause their occurrence regardless of age are injuries. A child can hit his head on a hard object as a result of excessive physical activity, unsteady walking, and also during games. The skin of the child is distinguished by tenderness and excessive sensitivity, therefore, after the impact, the bump grows quickly. If the blow was strong and the vascular rupture occurred during the bruise, then a subcutaneous hematoma forms at the site of the injury.

The first aid for a child when a bump appears after a blow is a cold compress, which should be applied to the bruised area. If there are symptoms such as constant crying, nausea, vomiting, pallor or loss of consciousness, the baby should be taken to the doctor immediately.

Bumps in children can be the result of more than just trauma. They may be the result of the following pathological processes:

  • Cephalhematoma - a tumor of small size, inside which blood accumulates, is characteristic of newborns. The reason for its appearance is a difficult birth, during which the baby's head is injured when it passes through narrow birth canal or the use of a gynecological instrument (eg, surgical forceps).
  • Enlarged lymph nodes - painful bumps are felt in the back of the head or behind the ears. The reason for their growth is reduced work immune system and the development of inflammatory processes in adjacent organs and systems of vital activity.
  • Atheroma (wen) - in children, the tumor appears mainly in the back of the head due to blockage of the duct of the sebaceous glands. The reason for the appearance of a wen is non-compliance with hygiene or improper functioning of the sebaceous glands in a baby.

Rarely, the appearance of bumps in children can be caused by the growth of tumors such as fibromas, hemangiomas, or lipomas. To exclude the development of oncological diseases and their transition to a malignant form, with the appearance and growth of a bump on the head that is not associated with a bruise or insect bite, the child must be shown to the doctor.

A bump on the head: which doctor to contact

If the bump on the head hurts and causes discomfort, you should see a specialist and undergo an examination. Depending on the symptoms and causes that provoked the growth of the bump, the patient, in addition to examining the therapist, may need to consult the following doctors:

  1. Surgeon - in cases where the bump appeared due to a hematoma, lipoma, atheroma, boil, wart or suppuration caused by inflammation of the lymph nodes.
  2. Neurosurgeon - with a diagnosed osteoma.
  3. Allergist - when a bump appears, caused by an insect bite or an allergic reaction.
  4. ENT doctor - with severe symptoms of an increase in lymph nodes.
  5. Oncologist - if you suspect such tumors as hemangioma, fibroma, sarcofibroma.

To determine the nature of the tumor that provoked the growth of the bump, the doctor may prescribe the following instrumental and laboratory examination to the patient:

  • Blood and urine analysis (general) - to assess the general state of health and identify inflammatory processes.
  • Oncomarker - if a malignant tumor is suspected.
  • Radiography - to examine the bones of the skull for the presence of bone tumors and ENT organs with an increase in lymph nodes
  • Ultrasound - to examine the soft tissues and determine the contents of the subcutaneous formation. With an increase in lymph nodes, the examination reveals the degree of the inflammatory process and the presence of a purulent infection.

Treatment is prescribed by a specialized doctor based on the results of the examination.

Choosing a doctor or clinic

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The lumps and lumps that appear on the scalp usually become noticeable to a person only after they have reached a significant size, so their presence is a strong cause for concern. If the neoplasm occurs on the face, on the forehead, it is much easier to see it.

7 reasons why bumps appear on the head

Cones deserve special attention, regardless of location. The correct diagnosis is of great importance, because in most cases, treatment requires surgical intervention. The reasons for the appearance of hard seals on the head can be conditionally divided into external and internal; There are 7 of them in total:

1. Bruise, blow, trauma

The most common cause of a bump on the head is an injury caused by a blow. In this case, tissue edema appears, which outwardly looks like a growth and can be painful. It passes on its own, the process will be faster if a cold compress is applied after the impact.

Among the consequences of injury may be not only a simple bump. A short-term loss of consciousness, the appearance of dizziness, nausea - these symptoms indicate the likelihood of a closed-type craniocerebral injury. In this case, the brain tissue suffers, and the bump is an external manifestation of serious damage. If your head hurts and feels dizzy, you should definitely get a doctor's consultation and determine if there is any vascular deformity and why neurological symptoms appeared. X-rays may be needed to determine the severity of the injury.

2. Insect bite

An allergic reaction to an insect bite usually comes as a surprise to a person, and this is not surprising - many types of insects are extremely rare throughout life. Depending on the severity of the allergy, the bump can be from 5 mm in diameter to several centimeters, while it is dense and itches a lot. If taking antihistamines does not work, you will have to consult an allergist.

3. Atheroma

Atheroma is a painless bump on the head, it was formed as a result of blockage of the sebaceous gland and grows at a rapid pace, it can surpass a chicken egg in size. It is usually localized behind the head. If there is an abrasion or a trace of injury near such a formation, pathogenic bacteria can get inside the atheroma and then a purulent process is formed. The body temperature rises, there is a twitching pain in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bump. The disease does not go away on its own, surgical intervention is inevitable for the treatment of atheroma.

4. Hemangioma

It is a consequence of the incorrect development of blood vessels under the scalp, has the appearance of a round red button. The most dangerous are hemangiomas, which rapidly increase in size and destroy healthy tissues. They are usually localized in the eye area, behind the ears. Observation and treatment should be carried out under the supervision of an experienced specialist.

5. Fibroma, sarcofibroma

A fibroma is a small, hard, benign tumor. In order to distinguish fibroma from malignant fibrosarcoma, you will need to consult an oncologist and take tests.

6. Lipoma

The common name for this disease is wen. Appears as a result frequent injuries, consists of fat cells and does not cause discomfort. You need to see a doctor if this benign tumor has reached an impressive size or if it puts pressure on the vessels, causing swelling.

7. Wart

A large wart may look like a bump on the head, sometimes it is localized in the scalp at the back of the head. A qualified specialist will be able to accurately determine the cause of the wart in a particular case. Most often, the impetus for its appearance is a decrease in immunity. There are several treatment options for warts currently available - drug therapy, laser burning, surgical removal, the use of traditional medicine.

Bumps in children

Separately, mention should be made of cones in children. Due to their mobile lifestyle, children are most susceptible to bumps as a result of injury. After detecting a bump, it is advisable to attach a cold object to it or make a wet compress; can't wrap your head cold water.

If the bump on the head bleeds, it is better to consult a traumatologist for correct processing wounds and early diagnosis of concussion. There are special preparations that help hematomas and edema resolve faster. They can be used in the absence of open wounds, damage.

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The problem of fluid accumulation in the temples

There is a lot of information on the Internet describing swelling of the face or head. But it is not enough to find exhaustive articles on the topic of tumors in the temple area. It itself is formed from bone, which cannot accumulate fluid, only a subcutaneous neoplasm occurs.

Swelling is often observed, descending lower on the cheek. Rarely there is an accumulation of fluid on both sides, why does swelling occur, for example, in the left temple?

Swelling of the lateral parts of the head as a result of diseases

Diagnosing and establishing the causes of swelling of the temple area is not always easy. The examination of the patient is approached in a complex with a visit to the doctors:

Why several directions for examining the body are required can be understood after establishing signs of inflammation:

  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • heaviness around the affected area, extending to the eyebrow, ear, neck;
  • saggy skin;
  • swollen temple veins;
  • pain in the temple area when pressed, which do not appear in all cases.

Sources of swelling on the side of the head

Edema in the temple area is caused by the following reasons:

  • chronic tonsillitis, accompanied by a strong increase in the tonsils;
  • prolonged sore throat;
  • inflammation of the adenoids;
  • allergic reactions;
  • increase blood pressure, which can occur due to the cause of nervous situations, the result is swollen veins of the temples;
  • inflammatory processes in the parotid gland, the causes of parotitis can be hypothermia, infection, trauma;

Causes of swelling of the temples may be the development of many diseases chewing muscles, temporal bone. Allergic reactions can be observed as a result of applying low-quality cosmetics, an insect bite or an infection.

Vascular problems can be the cause of edema in temporal artery disease.

This disease is also called arteritis Horton's disease. Among similar consequences, Kawasaki and Takayasu's disease, as well as periarteritis nodosa, are distinguished. The sources of such ailments, in turn, are hepatitis and herpes viruses.

In addition to the appearance of swollen areas, Horton's disease can lead to partial or complete loss of vision, so this condition must be treated.


The reason for the diagnosis should be the presence of the following symptoms:

  • persistent discharge from the eyes;
  • cyclically recurring pain in the face and head;
  • cloudiness in the perception of surrounding objects;
  • lethargy of the century, its omission is observed.

In search of the main reason why the temple swells, the following types of examinations can be used in different areas of the body:

  • electrocardiogram of the heart;
  • tests for allergic reactions and infections;
  • reencephalopathy of cerebral vessels;
  • computer diagnostics;
  • in temporal artery disease ultrasound diagnostics head and head vessel biopsy;
  • examination of the eye vessels by an ophthalmologist;
  • laboratory blood tests, detection of an increased content of leukocytes;

The ophthalmologist checks the fundus pressure and the patient's vision. If a disease of the ENT organs is suspected, he is referred to an otolaryngologist. If there is swelling of the temporal region of the face, then you should go to any of the listed specialists. You can start with a visit to a therapist who will analyze the existing symptoms, conduct initial tests and, if necessary, refer you to the next specialist.

Prevention and treatment of swelling

Recovery measures are selected based on the full picture of the disease, establishing the cause that caused it. It may be necessary to remove the swelling of the face very quickly, due to its rapid development. In this case, powerful agents with an effective anti-inflammatory effect are prescribed. Among these are glucocorticoids.

At the initial stage, even before the results are obtained laboratory examinations prescribe large doses of medication. In the future, the number of drugs is gradually reduced. Severe conditions rarely eliminated promptly, because the vessels of the temple are very small. These operations are expensive and belong to the section of microsurgery.

To reduce edema, an appropriate diet is followed, in which it is recommended to reduce the intake of salts and the volume of fluids. Here all the rules of nutrition apply for any puffiness.

Diet for swelling

In addition to the medical therapy prescribed by the doctor, it will help to reduce swelling in the temple area. proper nutrition. It is recommended to limit the consumption of the following foods:

  • exclude during prophylaxis mineral water, carbonated drinks, coffee, alcohol;
  • a large number of salts contain tomatoes, celery, beets, beans;
  • semi-finished products, smoked meats, fried foods, canned food contribute to the retention of water in the body;
  • fast foods, disturbed eating patterns aggravating factors;
  • wear and tear upsets all body systems, restless sleep and nervousness play into the hands of the development of swelling of the temple and other more dangerous diseases;
  • spicy dishes and pickled vegetables;
  • reduce the number of servings of a single meal;
  • remove yeast, sweets, flour products from the diet.

There are a large number of diets that effectively help in reducing the swelling of the temples:

Choosing a diet on your own with swelling of the temples is extremely dangerous. You can use a suitable type of diet only after examination and receiving recommendations from a doctor. Each person has their own chronic diseases to consider when choosing products. In some cases, a transitional preparatory period will be required to establish the work of all body systems.

Measures to reduce swelling

Use pure water, without additives. Water alone can reduce swelling by half in a short time. Boiled and mineral liquid is not suitable. Molecules that are not bound to other substances determine the speed of operation of almost all vital systems of the body.

Free water contributes to the rapid removal of fluid and toxins from the area of ​​the temple edema. Among the products it is advisable to choose:

  • lemon, fresh cabbage and cucumbers;
  • drinks: berry juice, cranberry, green tea, lingonberry, pumpkin juices;
  • herbal decoctions: birch buds, burdock, pine buds, parsnip;
  • melon, strawberries, apples, currants, bananas, citrus fruits and brown rice.

Proper nutrition will help not only to remove swelling at the temple, but also to lose extra pounds. However, some of the listed products remove an important trace element from the body of potassium. Such diets are contraindicated for people with heart disease and vascular problems. A supporting factor on the path of recovery will be light sports, walks on fresh air and positive attitude.

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Lumps on the temples in an adult

What could it be? Before that, my head hurt for a long time, somehow strange, not as usual. And this morning I found a bump (swelling) at my temple. By evening it became even bigger. It doesn’t hurt when pressed. What could it be? :((((I signed up for a therapist tomorrow, but something tells me that I should have gone to a surgeon or even to an oncologist ((

URGENTLY go to NII DI! First, get tested for all hidden infections if you are from another city! even if you're from Alaska only in nii di

TO THE INFECTIONIST YOU! to be checked for latent infections!

Causes of bumps under the skin. What does a bump under the skin on the temple of a child portend?

The child's body is very susceptible to a variety of infections and colds. How does a bump form on the temple, what kind of swelling is it, and whether it threatens the life of the child - these are the questions that this article will try to answer.

A bump on the temple can appear for various reasons, and it is important to pay attention to other symptoms. It is quite possible that this swelling was only the result of a severe mechanical injury received by the blow. AT childhood people are actively trying to explore the world, so the appearance of various injuries on their body is not uncommon.

If a lump appeared on the temple, and a bruise formed around it, then almost certainly we are talking about a recent mechanical injury. If after a couple of days the bump does not begin to decrease in size, parents should consult a doctor. If severe headaches are added to the discomfort in the temple area, you should not hesitate either. Sometimes mechanical injuries received in the temple area turn out to be very dangerous. It is quite possible that the baby received a head injury, and severe headaches are direct evidence of serious injuries.

A bump on and temple may also indicate the development of colds. It is quite possible that the child was simply blown away, as a result of which a similar neoplasm appeared. The bump itself hurts slightly, you can safely press it, but it does not disappear anywhere until colds will not be cured. Sometimes pus begins to flow from this formation, which indicates the development of the disease and the aggravation of its effect on the body. If the child often complains of pain in this place, you should contact the pediatrician with symptoms.

bacterial infection- Another reason why a bump appears on the temple of a child. Usually, a boil appears in the form of such a swelling, which hurts very much when pressed. The appearance of a bump is accompanied by a severe headache and fever. Since a boil often indicates the development of very serious infectious diseases, it is better to immediately abandon self-medication at home in favor of drug treatment of the disease.

Hemangioma is another dangerous disease that can manifest itself as a bump on the temple. The disease itself is associated with abnormal development of blood vessels directly under the scalp. Hemangioma develops very rapidly, and the size of the tumor sometimes reaches the diameter chicken egg. How earlier parents pay attention to this disease, the better it will be, because with the development of hemangioma, healthy tissues are damaged.

“I have a bump on my temple and it itches” is a phrase that many parents have heard. In fact, you should not be afraid of such neoplasms, because the reason can be very banal. For example, a bump on the temple can appear if the child was bitten by an insect, and he began to comb the sore spot. To reduce the tumor and unpleasant symptoms, it is enough just to apply ice to the sore spot. Usually, such a measure helps to quickly reduce pain, returning the baby to normal health.

Another reason for the appearance of such bumps is an allergic reaction to some food. Usually bumps occur not only on the temple, but also on the whole body. With an allergic reaction, the neoplasms acquire a reddish color and do not itch. If parents notice such swelling, it is necessary to contact the pediatrician to find out the allergen.

If a child has a bump on his temple, do not ignore the possibility of warts. Such a bump sometimes increases in size, does not hurt when pressed. Another sign of a wart is that hair may stop growing at the site of its formation. You can get rid of this problem folk ways or surgically.

Of course, one cannot exclude the possibility of the appearance of a benign tumor, fibroma, which manifested itself as a tiny bump on the temple. If a child experiences rare headaches, as well as general weakness of the body, you should definitely consult a doctor. Any tumors, even benign ones, are very dangerous and require careful and regular monitoring.

If the child periodically feels sick, he sleeps a lot and is characterized by little physical activity, it is worth sounding the alarm. Such signs directly indicate the formation of a malignant tumor. Perhaps the disease can still be dealt with, but you should not hesitate. As soon as a lump was found, and the child showed strange symptoms that were not characteristic of his behavior, you should immediately contact your doctor. He will either confirm the fears of the parents, or tell about the true reasons for the formation of a strange lump on the temple of the baby.

A caring parent will always be able to detect a strange swelling on the temple of a child in time and consult a doctor with a symptom. The sooner a problem is dealt with, the easier it will be to overcome.

Any swelling on the head should raise questions from parents, because such bumps sometimes directly indicate the development of very complex and dangerous diseases. If, in addition to a bump on the temple, the parent notices that the child is behaving strangely, refusing to eat and play, it means that a very serious problem has developed. In such a situation, only a doctor will help to cope with the disease, explaining the reasons for its occurrence.

  • Allergology and Immunology
  • Andrology
  • Pregnancy and childbirth
  • Venereology
  • Hematology
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  • Dermatology
  • Respiratory system diseases
  • Diseases of the bones and joints
  • ENT diseases or Otorhinolaryngology
  • Diseases of the urinary system
  • Diseases of the digestive system
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels
  • Diseases connective tissue
  • Infectious diseases
  • beauty and health
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  • Ophthalmology
  • Pediatrics
  • Nutrition
  • Psychiatry
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  • Miscellaneous
  • Dentistry
  • Traumatology
  • Surgery
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Bumps appeared on the head

A bump on the head brings a lot of reasons for excitement. Tumors are classified depending on the causes of occurrence and the nature of the course of the disease. Bumps appear on the head under the hairline or on an open area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. There is a solid formation on the back of the head or crown. Modern medicine cannot name the exact factors that lead to the appearance of bumps. Various causes are diagnosed that lead to a violation of the correct division of tissue cells on the head. In the initial stages of development of a bump on the back of the head or crown, a person may not notice the problem until the neoplasm reaches a significant size.

For various reasons, bumps can appear on the head, but the treatment of this inconvenience can vary significantly.

Causes of bumps

Experts have identified several main factors for the appearance of bumps under the scalp:

A large growth on the head, which occurs when the circulatory system is disrupted. The veins are able to grow uncontrollably, a red bump appears. Under the tubercle, you can see a mesh of vessels. Doctors consider hemangioma the most dangerous type of tumor. It is hemangioma that leads to disruption of work and the formation of surrounding tissues of the head. Often this type of tumor is located under the hair. A small hemangioma can grow in size over time and become a malignant tumor. If a hemangioma has come out, it is necessary to seek specialized medical help.

Allergic reaction

A bump on the head occurs when exposed to human body certain allergens. An allergic reaction is caused by food, household chemicals or cosmetics. Such bumps itch and bring a lot of discomfort to a person. To avoid the formation of such bumps, it is worth optimizing your diet and buying products only from trusted manufacturers.

Fibroma and sarcofibroma are skin tumors, but the second phenomenon is malignant. Back to index

Fibroma and sarcofibroma

Fibroma is a benign tumor. It consists of connective tissues of the skin of the head. Fibroma appears on the back of the head, forehead and other parts of the body. In an adult, the neoplasm can reach significant sizes. The main factors that provoke the occurrence of fibroids are heredity, diabetes mellitus or hormonal failure. Fibrosarcoma has similar causes, but is a malignant tumor. In the absence of therapy leads to death. Most often, fibroma is hard to the touch and does not bring pain to a person.

Lipoma on the head

Lipomas form on damaged human fatty tissues. These are benign tumors. Affected by the development of growths of women over 30 years old. Frequent changes in hormonal levels and a violation of fat metabolism lead to the formation of a lipoma. Such tumors develop both on the head and on other parts of the body. The lipoma is round and soft to the touch. You can determine it in the hair on the back of the head.

Pimples and bites

A person can determine the presence of a bump if it bothers and itches. It could be a bite or a pimple. Occur when hygiene is not observed or inflammation of the scalp. Does not require specialized medical treatment and goes away on its own within a few days. Compresses or creams can be used to speed up healing.

Bruise or injury

Often the human body is prone to various kinds of bruises. And the head is no exception. With a strong bruise, a tubercle is formed, which, when touched, hurts a lot. Such a cone is distinguished by red color and swelling. Heals on average in a few days. If the pain in the head does not go away, it is worth visiting a specialist. This will help rule out traumatic brain injury.

A wart on the head is not dangerous, but it can grow and bring discomfort. Back to index

wart on head

A wart is a benign tumor that reaches a considerable size. This brings a lot of discomfort to a person, in particular, because of the appearance. The main factors that provoke the development of warts are hormonal imbalance, inflammation and mechanical damage. Warts, in addition to slow growth, are able to multiply and occupy a significant part of the skin. The bump itself resembles a small brown ball. She is not sick. The wart is constantly growing and reaches 0.5 cm in diameter.

Atheroma on the head

Atheroma is growths on the skin. They occur at any age. Both men and women suffer from this disease. It occurs due to blockage and obstruction of the sebaceous glands on the head. Atheroma has a convex and smooth surface, most often yellow color. If you do not remove atheromas, they hurt and bring discomfort. Lipoma and atheroma are outwardly very similar, so only a doctor is able to establish an accurate diagnosis after the diagnosis.

Wen on the head

The wen on the head is a solid tumor of a rounded shape. Wen are formed over the skin of a person. Wen occur due to hormonal disorders and frequent stressful situations. They usually have a non-infectious etiology. If a wen interferes with a comfortable life (clings to clothes), it is removed. Removal takes place in a hospital under the supervision of a doctor.

Features of bumps in children on the head

In children, bumps on the head appear much more often than in adults. All because of a more mobile way of life. In children, doctors diagnose bumps as a result of a bruise (injury). It is enough just to apply a compress to the head and the inflammation passes faster. However, it is impossible for a child to pour cold water on his head. If there is blood on the bump, you should consult a doctor for an examination. The traumatologist treats the wound to avoid infection. A concussion is also diagnosed. The doctor prescribes medications that help hematomas heal faster. They should only be used as directed by a specialist.

Also, bumps are sometimes diagnosed in newborns. They occur during childbirth, during the passage of the birth canal. Such bumps are called birth trauma. Such a bump has a hard surface to the touch. The injury goes away after a few days on its own and does not require specialized treatment. However, all bumps on the head of children should not be ignored - a doctor's consultation is required.

If you are worried about bumps on your head, you need to contact a dermatologist, surgeon or oncologist. Back to index

Which doctor should I contact?

When a bump appears, it is important to visit a doctor on time. Not all tumors human body benign. Malignant tumors should be treated only under the supervision of a specialist. With bumps, you can contact a surgeon, therapist, dermatologist or oncologist. During the consultation, specialists prescribe a series of examinations to clarify the diagnosis.

Diagnosis of the disease

At the first visit, the doctor examines the bumps. After that, a series of analyzes and studies is assigned. A complete blood count and urine test may be required to evaluate the patient's general health. Additionally, the following studies are assigned:

  • x-ray of the skull - helps to determine the causes of the bumps;
  • Ultrasound diagnostics - helps to determine any changes in tissues and their structure.

After receiving the test results, the doctor makes a diagnosis. In most cases, no therapy is required. Only if a malignant tumor is suspected, a person is invited to take an additional test - blood from a vein for tumor markers. When diagnosing cancerous tumors, the patient must undergo complex therapy in a specialized hospital.

Bump Treatment

For bruises and bites, it is enough to apply a cold compress to the site of injury. It can be a cold object or ice wrapped in a cloth before use. For resorption of the tubercle, the following creams are used: "Rescuer", "Bodyaga" and "Troxevasin". They relieve puffiness and help the bumps heal faster. Atheroma, fibroma or large hemangioma, the doctor recommends surgical removal. After the operation, the patient takes antibiotics. The wound is treated with an antiseptic and sterile dressings are applied. Laser bump removal is becoming popular. This procedure is less traumatic and the wound heals faster.

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The information on the site is provided for general information purposes only. We recommend that you consult a doctor for further advice and treatment.

A bump on the head is a very common occurrence in both adults and children. In most cases, it appears simply from mechanical damage and is not a concern. But, anyway, this formation should be observed, since a hard bump on the temple or head may be evidence of a disease, life threatening and human health. Especially it is necessary to sound the alarm if a lump appears in small child.

Mechanical injury

The formation of a bump on the temple may depend on several factors. You should always pay attention to the symptoms.

Often, a bump under the skin can be caused simply by a mechanical injury received during an impact. Toddlers, by virtue of their age, want to explore the whole world, so the appearance of all kinds of wounds on their body is not uncommon.

If a bruise forms around the bump, this, almost always, indicates that an injury has been received. If, after some time, education does not begin to decrease, parents need to contact a medical institution. If, in addition to unpleasant sensations in the temporal region, a strong headache, do not hesitate to visit a doctor. Mechanical injuries can be very dangerous. For example, a baby could get a head injury, and severe pain is proof of this.

Colds and infectious diseases

Also, the appearance of bumps on the temple may indicate a cold. It may appear when, for example, the child is blown. The pain when you press the bump is not severe, and the swelling itself will not disappear until the cold is cured. Sometimes it also happens that this formation begins to ooze, and pus comes out of it. This is a sign that the disease has worsened.

An infection caused by bacteria is also one of the causes of bumps on the temple. Often education manifests itself in the form of a boil. As a result, the head hurts very much and the body temperature rises. Since the appearance of a boil indicates the development of a serious infectious disease, you should refrain from self-medication and go to the hospital so that the doctor prescribes the necessary drug therapy.

Malignant formations

If a child does not show any physical activity, he is sick all the time and he sleeps long enough - this is a very serious call for his parents. These signs are evidence of the formation of malignant tumors.

As soon as a bump on the head has been found, and the child shows symptoms that were not characteristic of him before, you should immediately consult a doctor. He, in turn, must confirm the terrible diagnosis or refute it, and identify the real causes of the neoplasm.

Caring parents should always monitor the health of their child. The sooner a problem is detected, the more likely it is to get rid of it.

By the appearance of the cone, type of origin, sensations and growth rate, one can first conclude how dangerous it is. The final diagnosis, confirming or refuting the presence of a serious illness, should be determined by the doctor based on the results of the examination.

Causes of bumps on the head

Multiple reasons for which a bump may appear on the head are divided into three main groups:

  1. Insect bites - a lump in the form of a tubercle and redness occurs at the site of the bite due to an allergic reaction caused by the entry of insect venom into the bloodstream.
  2. Injuries - a painful lump and swelling of the soft tissues appears at the site of the bruise. The size of the bump in such cases depends on the nature of the injury and the degree of intensity of the blow.
  3. Subcutaneous tumors - benign and malignant formations appear due to improper cell division of soft and bone tissues. Some may cause pain, others may not manifest themselves in any way. The rate of their growth depends on the type of tumor, which include hemangiomas, osteomas, lipomas, warts, atheromas, etc.

To understand what caused the bumps on the head, it is necessary to analyze the accompanying symptoms and consult a doctor for advice.

Bump on the head: what could it be

With a strong blow to the head on a hard surface, a lump may appear at the site of the traumatic impact, which is characterized by pain when touched, swelling and redness of the skin. In the first minutes after the impact, it is advisable to apply a cold compress to the site of injury for 15 minutes, which will reduce the likelihood of swelling and pain. If the bump after the bruise has not gone away after a few days, while the head constantly hurts, you should visit a doctor to rule out a concussion.


When the body is exposed to allergens (for example, cosmetics, household chemicals, certain products), numerous bumps may appear on the head, which turn red and itch severely. To get rid of them, you need to drink an antiallergic drug and eliminate the effect of the allergen. This may require changing the diet, abandoning certain skin and hair care products.

One of the causes of an allergic reaction in the form of a bump on the head is an insect bite. A swelling appears at the bite site, which can be very painful and itchy, redness or blanching of the skin. Immediately after the bite, the swelling must be washed with water and laundry soap, an antihistamine should be taken, and lubricated with Asterisk balm. If the lump continues to grow and the state of health noticeably worsens, you should immediately seek help from a doctor.

Lipoma (wen)

A benign lesion, round in shape, in most cases painless, soft and mobile to the touch. It occurs due to hormonal imbalance and fat metabolism. With a diagnosed lipoma, its removal is indicated in several ways: with a laser, surgically, or by injecting a special drug into the body that absorbs accumulated fat.


Bone benign tumor that never transforms into malignant. Most often it is a painless lump of the correct form, hard to the touch. The skin at the location of the tumor does not change color. When diagnosing osteoma, the patient is shown monitoring the tumor over time. If the growth of the bump begins to affect the brain centers or cause cosmetic discomfort, the neurosurgeon will excise the tumor along with nearby healthy cells, while the removed part of the skull bone is replaced with a titanium plate.


A growth on the skin, which looks similar to a lipoma, appears due to blockage of the sebaceous glands. The formation of a dense consistency has a yellowish tint, over time it begins to hurt and cause discomfort. Atheroma is subject to removal by laser or surgical method, while the excised material is sent for histological examination.


A dense and painful bump occurs against the background of a purulent infection. The swelling has a pronounced redness of the skin, in its center you can see a white rod. The maturation of the boil is often accompanied by fever. For the treatment of an abscess, it is required to open it in a medical institution, clean it and install a drain to drain the pus. According to the doctor's prescription, antibacterial and healing ointments and physical procedures can be used.


A benign tumor, which over time can degenerate into a malignant one. The reason for the appearance of a formation filled with blood is the abnormal growth of venous vessels under the scalp. If you look closely, you can see a vascular pattern under the bump. The most common location of the tumor is behind the ears, in the eye area. Hemangioma is recommended to be surgically removed with the excised material sent for histology.


A benign tumor that grows from the connective tissues of the scalp can appear in any part of the head. The bump can reach a large size and eventually develop into a malignant tumor - sarcofibroma. The causes of the appearance of education are hormonal changes, endocrine disorders, diabetes mellitus. Treatment involves observation by an oncologist, with rapid growth - surgical excision.

A lump on the head of a child and its features

The bumps that appear on the head of children should not be left without the attention of parents.

The most common cause of their occurrence, regardless of age, is trauma. A child can hit his head on a hard object as a result of excessive physical activity, unsteady walking, and also during games. The skin of the child is distinguished by tenderness and excessive sensitivity, therefore, after the impact, the bump grows quickly. If the blow was strong and the vascular rupture occurred during the bruise, then a subcutaneous hematoma forms at the site of the injury.

The first aid for a child when a bump appears after a blow is a cold compress, which should be applied to the bruised area. If there are symptoms such as constant crying, nausea, vomiting, pallor or loss of consciousness, the baby should be taken to the doctor immediately.

Bumps in children can be the result of more than just trauma. They may be the result of the following pathological processes:

  • Cephalhematoma - a tumor of small size, inside which blood accumulates, is characteristic of newborns. The reason for its appearance is difficult childbirth, during which the baby's head is injured when it passes through the narrow birth canal or the use of a gynecological instrument (for example, surgical forceps).
  • Enlarged lymph nodes - painful bumps are felt in the back of the head or behind the ears. The reason for their growth is the reduced functioning of the immune system and the development of inflammatory processes in nearby organs and vital systems.
  • Atheroma (wen) - in children, the tumor appears mainly in the back of the head due to blockage of the duct of the sebaceous glands. The reason for the appearance of a wen is non-compliance with hygiene or improper functioning of the sebaceous glands in a baby.

Rarely, the appearance of bumps in children can be caused by the growth of tumors such as fibromas, hemangiomas, or lipomas. To exclude the development of oncological diseases and their transition to a malignant form, with the appearance and growth of a bump on the head that is not associated with a bruise or insect bite, the child must be shown to the doctor.

A bump on the head: which doctor to contact

If the bump on the head hurts and causes discomfort, you should see a specialist and undergo an examination. Depending on the symptoms and causes that provoked the growth of the bump, the patient, in addition to examining the therapist, may need to consult the following doctors:

  1. Surgeon - in cases where the bump appeared due to a hematoma, lipoma, atheroma, boil, wart or suppuration caused by inflammation of the lymph nodes.
  2. Neurosurgeon - with a diagnosed osteoma.
  3. Allergist - when a bump appears, caused by an insect bite or an allergic reaction.
  4. ENT doctor - with severe symptoms of enlarged lymph nodes.
  5. Oncologist - if you suspect such tumors as hemangioma, fibroma, sarcofibroma.

To determine the nature of the tumor that provoked the growth of the bump, the doctor may prescribe the following instrumental and laboratory examination to the patient:

  • Blood and urine analysis (general) - to assess the general state of health and identify inflammatory processes.
  • Oncomarker - if a malignant tumor is suspected.
  • Radiography - to examine the bones of the skull for the presence of bone tumors and ENT organs with an increase in lymph nodes
  • Ultrasound - to examine the soft tissues and determine the contents of the subcutaneous formation. With an increase in lymph nodes, the examination reveals the degree of the inflammatory process and the presence of a purulent infection.

Treatment is prescribed by a specialized doctor based on the results of the examination.

Choosing a doctor or clinic

©18 The information on the site is for informational purposes only and does not replace the advice of a qualified physician.

The first signs of a tumor in the head: symptoms, diagnosis

Every person is afraid of cancer. And if lung, skin or breast cancer develops gradually, then the symptoms of a brain tumor may not bother you for years. The brain refers to organs that are distinguished by the absence of characteristic signs of reproduction. cancer cells. Therefore, most often malignant neoplasms diagnosed in advanced patients.

If you know the signs of a tumor in the head, the symptoms and methods of self-diagnosis, you can suspect the disease in time to see a doctor and reliably confirm the presence of a neoplasm.


Tumor symptoms occur when blood circulation in the brain is disturbed, which increases intracranial pressure. This is what causes the general symptoms. The severity of symptoms depends on the rate of reproduction of cancer cells and the location of the tumor. In some cases, even a microscopic neoplasm causes severe symptoms, a great education may not be accompanied by clinical manifestations.

Neurological symptoms may indicate various diseases. One of the most dangerous diseases is neoplasms in the brain. If you know the signs of a tumor, it will be possible to diagnose the disease in time.


One of the causes of headache is increased intracranial pressure. It occurs due to pressure on the brain tissue increasing tumors. At the same time, the pain does not become weaker when using painkillers. Pain can be localized at the site of cancer cells, or it can spread throughout the head. Most often it occurs in the temporal, occipital or frontal region.

Headache with cancer can be completely different:

  • The pain is worse in the morning and less in the afternoon.
  • Occurs only in a dream and is accompanied by confusion.
  • Increases with a sharp tilt of the head or coughing.
  • The pain is throbbing, accompanied by numbness of the skin of the face and general weakness.


Dizziness is also a characteristic symptom of the disease. It occurs as a result of compression of the cerebellum, so there is a malfunction of the vestibular apparatus. The patient has a feeling that he is moving in space, despite the fact that he is not moving. It can also create the illusion of rotating objects. Another characteristic symptom is horizontal nystagmus, which is an involuntary twitching of the eyeballs.


It happens if a neoplasm occurs in the areas of the brain responsible for the gag reflex. Vomiting is most often accompanied by a headache. In this case, the symptom is not associated with food intake, and vomiting does not cause relief. In some cases, the urge to vomit is so frequent and strong that eating becomes impossible.

Weakness of the body

With the growth of the neoplasm, blood circulation is disturbed. Therefore, there is drowsiness, fatigue, decreased immunity and increased body temperature. These symptoms are observed with insufficient or excessive blood supply to certain parts of the brain.


Most often observed if the neoplasm grows slowly or is benign. Cramps are uncontrolled muscle tension in the limbs or throughout the body. Before convulsions, hallucinations, numbness of the limbs, or various visual disturbances may occur.

Mental disorders

Hallucinations and various personality disorders occur infrequently. As a rule, the patient has a clear consciousness. However, various conduct disorders can be observed even on initial stage tumors. These include:

  • Aggressiveness and irritation.
  • Memory impairment.
  • Lethargy.
  • Difficulty in concentrating.
  • Violation of the perception of reality.

On the final stages disease, the patient may be disoriented, completely lose his memory, or even suffer from hallucinations.

Fear of the Light

If the neoplasm affects the area of ​​the brain responsible for visual functions, not only visual impairment, but also photophobia can be observed. This is an unpleasant sensation that is characterized by soreness of the eyes in bright light.

Signs of a tumor depending on the location

The manifestation of the disease also depends on the location of the tumor. Thanks to neurological symptoms it is possible not only to make a diagnosis, but also to accurately determine the location of cancer cells.

frontal lobe

The main signs of a tumor in the frontal lobe include:

  • Decreased mental ability.
  • Violation of speech functions.
  • Stupid and frivolous acts that are not characteristic of the patient.
  • The presence of unsteadiness in gait.
  • Pulling out the lips of the tube when bringing something to the mouth.


If the neoplasm is located in the cerebellum, the following symptoms are observed:

  • Muscle weakness.
  • Balance imbalance.
  • Spontaneous movements of the eyeball.
  • Difficulty walking, frequent falls.

temporal lobe

When a neoplasm occurs in the temporal lobe, the most common signs include:

  • Seizures.
  • Sensory aphasia.
  • Partial loss of objects from the field of view.

Occipital lobe

The occipital dose contains the visual parts of the brain, so the main symptoms that occur with a tumor in this area include:

  • Partial or complete loss of vision.
  • The appearance of bright flashes before the eyes or flickering sparks.

base of the brain

When a tumor occurs at the base of the brain, a number of symptoms occur:

  • Persistent strabismus.
  • Facial numbness.
  • Voluntary eye movement.
  • Pain in the area of ​​the skin of the face.
  • Split image.

Turkish saddle

The presence of a neoplasm in the area of ​​the Turkish saddle can cause such conditions:

  • Smell disturbance.
  • Frequent urination.
  • Large hands, hands and feet.
  • Visible space limitation.
  • Increased sweating.
  • Tachycardia.

Subcortical lobes

When the neoplasm is located in the subcortical lobes, the following signs appear:

  • The appearance of stoop or even hunchback.
  • Increase or decrease in muscle tone.
  • Increase or decrease in sweating.
  • Involuntary movements of the hands or a grimace on the face.
  • Pain on movement.

4th ventricle

Neoplasms in the 4th ventricle are characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Involuntary eye movements from side to side.
  • Severe nausea and vomiting.
  • Dizziness and loss of consciousness.

brain stem

The trunk is the base of the brain. It is in it that all cranial nerves. If a tumor occurs in this area, the following symptoms may occur:

  • Respiratory failure.
  • Facial expression.
  • Pressure surges.
  • Strabismus.
  • Shaky gait.
  • Dizziness.
  • Headaches.
  • Facial asymmetry.
  • Hearing loss.
  • Mood swings.

The brain stem regulates the circulatory and respiratory systems. Therefore, with the progression of the tumor, there is a violation of breathing and heart function.

Cerebral symptoms

The effectiveness of treatment depends on timely diagnosis. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the first signs of cancer. Cerebral signs occur as the neoplasm grows, which compresses the brain tissues and structures. The first symptoms occur even with the formation of a microscopic size.

  1. Violation of sensitivity. The first sign of a neoplasm in the brain is a violation of the reaction to tactile, pain or temperature stimuli.
  2. Movement disruption. The first signs may be minor cuts. With the growth of cancer cells, complete or partial paralysis may occur.
  3. Hearing impairment. Hearing loss is caused by various diseases, so this symptom is rarely associated with a brain tumor. At the initial stage of the disease, hearing can only slightly decrease, and at the last stage it can be completely lost.
  4. Loss of vision. The patient cannot follow moving objects and vision becomes blurred.
  5. Speech disorder. Characteristic signs of a tumor is a violation of oral or written speech. The initial symptoms are slurred speech, changes in handwriting, or the loss of some sounds. At the final stage of the disease, the handwriting and speech of the patient become understandable only to himself.
  6. Seizures. At the initial stage, convulsions may look like a second fading of the patient in one position.
  7. Vegetative disorders. Most often expressed in the form of rapid fatigue, weakness, drops in blood pressure, dizziness and sleep disturbance.
  8. Impaired coordination. At the initial stage, a person cannot touch the tip of the nose with closed eyes or suffers from imbalance. With the growth of the tumor, the patient may fall or drop objects around him.
  9. Personality change. This symptom can be noticed only by close people of the patient. As a rule, a person becomes more distracted, irritable and inattentive. With the growth of the size of the tumor, orientation disorders in time and space may occur.

Cerebral symptoms increase with tumor growth. At the end stage of the disease, the symptoms may be permanent. If you know what are the signs of brain cancer, you will be able to see a doctor in time. Treatment of the initial stage of the disease is possible even without surgical intervention. Therefore, it is so important to pay attention to the signs of a tumor in yourself and loved ones.

A bump on the head

Bumps in the head area occur for various reasons. Most often, education in this area is paid attention when it is already quite large. Usually, the owner of this "charm" is frightened when he finds it. Everyone behaves differently when this pathology is detected: someone begins to listen to everyone in a row and apply all possible recipes of traditional medicine to themselves, while someone immediately goes to see a doctor (and, by the way, does it right) so as not to suffer doubts. Especially if the bump on the head hurts when pressed. So why do they appear?

Causes of bumps on the head

Seals that occur in any part of the body should not be ignored, especially the bumps on the head should be alerted, the causes of their occurrence can be both external and internal. There are seven known factors that cause growths in the head area. The division is, of course, conditional.

A lump that appears due to an injury or bruise

Most often, bumps on the head appear after a bruise. In this case, they are a painful outgrowth, around which the tissues are swollen. As a rule, this seal disappears without outside intervention. You can speed up the process if you apply cold to the injury site.

If, in addition to soreness at the site of injury, there were no other symptoms, you should not worry. If the growth increases in size, the pain becomes pulsating, the temperature rises - this may indicate an abscess, which was formed due to a festering hematoma (bruising). In this case, surgical intervention is indispensable. A hematoma can pass on its own, now there are many drugs that have a resolving effect on such formations.

If, in addition to a bump on the head, there was a loss of consciousness, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, you should immediately go to a medical facility, as this may be a sign of a closed craniocerebral injury. You gotta be ready for what's to come additional research: donate blood, take x-rays.

Bump after insect bites

Insect bites can lead to the appearance of seals in the head area. The bump in this case occurs as a result of an allergic reaction. It can reach three centimeters or more in diameter. A feature of this growth is a rapid increase in size and severe itching. If the seal does not stop increasing after taking antiallergic drugs, you need to go to the doctor.


Growths such as atheroma, long time may go unnoticed, as they do not create any unpleasant symptoms at first. Usually atheroma looks like a bump on the back of the head. The culprits of this formation are clogged sebaceous glands. This tumor grows rather quickly and can reach the size of a chicken egg. Atheroma is removed only surgically.

There are frequent cases of suppuration of atheromas. This happens when the integrity is broken. skin in the area of ​​growth, as a result of which pathogenic microorganisms can enter the wound. At the same time, pulsating pain appears in the atheroma area, the body temperature rises up to degrees Celsius. These symptoms require urgent surgical intervention.


A lipoma is a bump made up of fat cells. This benign connective tissue tumor is also called "wen". The cause of such an outgrowth may be injury, metabolic disorders or genetic predisposition. It grows slowly, practically does not cause discomfort. It becomes malignant (malignant) very rarely. Unpleasant sensations appear only when the cone reaches a large size. In this case, vascular compression occurs. Treatment is predominantly surgical.


Fibroma may be a tumor on the head in the form of a bump, if it is a dense rounded formation, the tissues around which are unchanged, not causing pain. The tumor is benign, consists of connective tissue, grows slowly. By itself, it does not pose any danger to human health. But its location in the head area can be accompanied by permanent injury when combing. Therefore, it is better to get rid of fibroids on the head in a timely manner. medical institution. Moreover, fibroma can be easily confused with fibrosarcoma, which is malignant. Therefore, without consulting an oncologist in this case, you can not do.


A bump on the head may be a hemangioma, that is, a formation that occurs as a result of an anomaly in the development of blood vessels. It looks like a growth like a red button. More often appears in infancy. It usually involutes in the first years of life. But this education cannot be left without attention. These growths can be injured, infected and fester. Treatment should be carried out by a doctor.


Warts can be localized anywhere on the body. She looks like a bump on her head. Warts tend to grow in size. More often, their occurrence is provoked by a decrease in the body's immune forces or stress. They are caused by human papilomatosis viruses.

Warts on the head bring a lot of trouble to their owners. Often they can disappear on their own, but there are many cases when these unattractive growths accompany a person all his life. Therefore, it is desirable to get rid of them as soon as possible. But you need to do this in a medical institution. Warty bumps are treated with medication, laser, cryodestruction, electrocoagulation and surgery. Immunostimulants, vitamin therapy, antiviral drugs are also prescribed.

Any formation in the head area can be either an innocent superficial lump or a sign of a formidable disease. To exclude serious health problems, it is necessary to consult a doctor for any suspicious growths on the head.

The problem of fluid accumulation in the temples

There is a lot of information on the Internet describing swelling of the face or head. But it is not enough to find exhaustive articles on the topic of tumors in the temple area. It itself is formed from bone, which cannot accumulate fluid, only a subcutaneous neoplasm occurs.

Swelling is often observed, descending lower on the cheek. Rarely there is an accumulation of fluid on both sides, why does swelling occur, for example, in the left temple?

Swelling of the lateral parts of the head as a result of diseases

Diagnosing and establishing the causes of swelling of the temple area is not always easy. The examination of the patient is approached in a complex with a visit to the doctors:

Why several directions for examining the body are required can be understood after establishing signs of inflammation:

  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • heaviness around the affected area, extending to the eyebrow, ear, neck;
  • saggy skin;
  • swollen temple veins;
  • pain in the temple area when pressed, which does not appear in all cases.

Sources of swelling on the side of the head

Edema in the temple area is caused by the following reasons:

  • chronic tonsillitis, accompanied by a strong increase in the tonsils;
  • prolonged sore throat;
  • inflammation of the adenoids;
  • allergic reactions;
  • an increase in blood pressure, which can occur due to the cause of nervous situations, the result is swollen veins of the temples;
  • inflammatory processes in the parotid gland, the causes of parotitis can be hypothermia, infection, trauma;

The causes of swelling of the temples may be the development of many diseases of the masticatory muscles, the temporal bone. Allergic reactions can be observed as a result of applying low-quality cosmetics, an insect bite or an infection.

Vascular problems can be the cause of edema in temporal artery disease.

This disease is also called arteritis Horton's disease. Among similar consequences, Kawasaki and Takayasu's disease, as well as periarteritis nodosa, are distinguished. The sources of such ailments, in turn, are hepatitis and herpes viruses.

In addition to the appearance of swollen areas, Horton's disease can lead to partial or complete loss of vision, so this condition must be treated.


The reason for the diagnosis should be the presence of the following symptoms:

  • persistent discharge from the eyes;
  • cyclically recurring pain in the face and head;
  • cloudiness in the perception of surrounding objects;
  • lethargy of the century, its omission is observed.

In search of the main reason why the temple swells, the following types of examinations can be used in different areas of the body:

  • electrocardiogram of the heart;
  • tests for allergic reactions and infections;
  • reencephalopathy of cerebral vessels;
  • computer diagnostics;
  • in case of temporal artery disease, an ultrasound diagnosis of the head and a biopsy of the vessels of the head are performed;
  • examination of the eye vessels by an ophthalmologist;
  • laboratory blood tests, detection of an increased content of leukocytes;

The ophthalmologist checks the fundus pressure and the patient's vision. If a disease of the ENT organs is suspected, he is referred to an otolaryngologist. If there is swelling of the temporal region of the face, then you should go to any of the listed specialists. You can start with a visit to a therapist who will analyze the existing symptoms, conduct initial tests and, if necessary, refer you to the next specialist.

Prevention and treatment of swelling

Recovery measures are selected based on the full picture of the disease, establishing the cause that caused it. It may be necessary to remove the swelling of the face very quickly, due to its rapid development. In this case, powerful agents with an effective anti-inflammatory effect are prescribed. Among these are glucocorticoids.

At the initial stage, even before the results of laboratory examinations are obtained, large doses of the drug are prescribed. In the future, the number of drugs is gradually reduced. Severe conditions are rarely eliminated promptly, because the vessels of the temple are very small. These operations are expensive and belong to the section of microsurgery.

To reduce edema, an appropriate diet is followed, in which it is recommended to reduce the intake of salts and the volume of fluids. Here all the rules of nutrition apply for any puffiness.

Diet for swelling

In addition to the medical therapy prescribed by the doctor, proper nutrition will help reduce swelling in the temple area. It is recommended to limit the consumption of the following foods:

  • exclude for the period of prevention mineral water, carbonated drinks, coffee, alcohol;
  • a large amount of salts contain tomatoes, celery, beets, beans;
  • semi-finished products, smoked meats, fried foods, canned food contribute to the retention of water in the body;
  • fast foods, disturbed eating patterns aggravating factors;
  • work for wear and tear upsets all body systems, restless sleep and nervousness play into the hands of the development of swelling of the temple and other more dangerous diseases;
  • spicy dishes and pickled vegetables;
  • reduce the number of servings of a single meal;
  • remove yeast, sweets, flour products from the diet.

There are a large number of diets that effectively help in reducing the swelling of the temples:

Choosing a diet on your own with swelling of the temples is extremely dangerous. You can use a suitable type of diet only after examination and receiving recommendations from a doctor. Each person has their own chronic diseases that must be considered when choosing products. In some cases, a transitional preparatory period will be required to establish the work of all body systems.

Measures to reduce swelling

Use pure water, without additives. Water alone can reduce swelling by half in a short time. Boiled and mineral liquid is not suitable. Molecules that are not bound to other substances determine the speed of operation of almost all vital systems of the body.

Free water contributes to the rapid removal of fluid and toxins from the area of ​​the temple edema. Among the products it is advisable to choose:

  • lemon, fresh cabbage and cucumbers;
  • drinks: berry juice, cranberry, green tea, lingonberry, pumpkin juices;
  • herbal decoctions: birch buds, burdock, pine buds, parsnip;
  • melon, strawberries, apples, currants, bananas, citrus fruits and brown rice.

Proper nutrition will help not only to remove swelling at the temple, but also to lose extra pounds. However, some of the listed products remove an important trace element from the body of potassium. Such diets are contraindicated for people with heart disease and vascular problems. A supportive factor on the path to recovery will be light sports, walks in the fresh air and a positive attitude.

© 2018 About edema. The information posted on the site is the property of the site administration and is protected by copyright law. Copying information is possible only when placing an active hyperlink to the source page.

A bump on the temple can arise according to various circumstances, and it is important to concentrate interest on other signs. It is absolutely probable that this swelling was only the result of a powerful mechanical injury, an acquired shock. AT infancy society is rapidly trying to explore the world, for this reason, the occurrence of various injuries on their torso is not unique.

If there was a bump on the temple, and a bruise appeared around it, in this case, almost certainly, the conversation is about a mechanical injury acquired not so long ago. If after a couple of days the bump does not decrease in volume, parents need to resort to a doctor. If powerful headaches are added to the unpleasant feelings in the temple area, you also do not need to pull. In some cases, mechanical injuries acquired in the temple region become very unsafe. It is absolutely probable that the child has acquired a craniocerebral injury, and powerful leading pains are direct evidence of significant defects. A lump on the temple and can also talk about the formation of colds. It is absolutely probable that the child was simply blown away, as a result of which such an education arose. On its own, the bump hurts slightly, you can calmly press it, but it does not disappear anywhere until the time when the cold is cured. In some cases, pus is taken from this formation, which indicates the formation of the disease and the aggravation of its effect on the body. If the child often complains of suffering in this area, it is necessary to resort to the pediatrician with signs. Bacterial infection is another factor according to which a bump on the temple occurs in children. As a rule, in the variant of this kind of swelling is an abscess, which is very very painful when pressed. The appearance of a bump is accompanied by a powerful basic annoying pain and fever. Since an abscess often speaks of the formation of very significant contagious diseases, it is more correct to immediately renounce self-medication in everyday circumstances in favor of medicinal relief from the disease.

A tumor is another serious illness that can be expressed in the form of a bump on the temple. On its own, the disease is associated with the erroneous formation of blood vessels directly under the scalp. The tumor is formed very quickly, and the volume of the tumor in some cases reaches the diameter of a chicken testicle. The sooner the parents direct their interest to this disease, the more correct it will be, since with the formation of a hemangioma, the destruction of strong materials occurs. "I have a bump on my temple and it itches" - a statement that many parents have heard. In the process itself, there is no need to be afraid of similar formations, since the reason can be very obvious. For example, a bump on the temple can occur if the children were stung by an insect, and he began to comb the sick place. To reduce the swelling and unpleasant symptoms, it is enough just to apply ice to the sore spot. As a rule, such a measure can help to instantly reduce pain, returning the baby to a standard state. Another factor in the occurrence of similar bumps is an allergic reaction to some kind of feeding food. As a rule, bumps appear not only on the temple, but in absolutely the entire body. With an allergic reaction, the formations acquire a red tone and do not itch in any way. If the father and mother saw such swelling, it is imperative to resort to a pediatrician in order to check the allergen.

If children have a bump on the temple, the likelihood of a wart should not be avoided either. Such a bump in some cases increases in volume, does not ache at all when pressed. Another criterion for a wart is that in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bits formation, curls have every chance to stop growing. It is possible to get rid of such a problem by nationwide methods or by surgical means. Of course, it is impossible to eliminate the appearance of a high-quality tumor, fibroma, which manifested itself as a tiny bump on the temple. If the baby feels the rarest headaches, and besides the general weakness of the body, you must definitely resort to a doctor. All kinds of tumors, including benign ones, are extremely dangerous, and call for painstaking and constant research.

A bump on the temple is an infrequent symptom. But it may indicate a disorder or even serious illness. Therefore, with swelling and bumps in the temporal part of the head, a specialist consultation is needed.

Why whiskey swells

Most often, swelling of the temple and bumps in the temporal part are provoked by local pathology. Systemic disease in etiology is rarely present.

Temporomandibular joint injury

In the case of diseases of the jaw joint (eg, arthritis of the temporomandibular joints), a person experiences pain below the temples on the cheekbones, before auricle; sometimes pain, swelling (bumps) appear on top of the ear, on the temples. Seizures are accompanied limited ability opening of the mouth, sometimes with a lateral deviation, it is difficult to chew solid food.

If the temples are swollen, a bump has appeared, there may be temporal arteritis on the vein - an inflammatory vasculopathy characteristic of the elderly.

Neurological symptoms:

  • headaches;
  • memory impairment;
  • dementia.

Eye signs:

  • sudden and irreversible, mostly significant reduction in visual function.

Systemic symptoms:

  • fatigue;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • night sweats;
  • weight loss;
  • pain in the jaw and temporal region during eating (the jaw does not deviate to one side);
  • muscle pain.

Important! When a lump appears on the temples, the timeliness of diagnosis is important for the start of treatment; delayed identification of the problem is fraught with blindness.

What measures to take

With redness, swelling, bumps on the temples, you should consult a specialist. This is a symptom of a number of diseases that can lead to serious consequences.

Which specialist treats swelling of the temples

Treatment or its individual dosage for edema and bumps on the temples is strictly individual. Monitoring for adverse long-term complications is necessary. The cooperation of a therapist, immunologist, rheumatologist, ENT specialist, neurologist is required.

Treatment of temporal arteritis

Today, the cornerstone of therapy for temporal arteritis bumps on the temples is treatment with corticosteroids. It should be initiated without delay, consisting of relatively high doses of steroids, preferably during hospitalization by intravenous administration methylprednisolone. At the same time, anti-ulcer drugs (H2 receptor antagonists, proton pump inhibitors) are administered in order to prevent steroid-induced peptic ulcer, and potassium chloride for potassium supplementation for increased urinary loss.

Causes of bumps on the head

The reasons why the temples swell, bumps appear on the head, are varied. They are represented by both relatively banal factors and serious diseases. Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner, identify the cause and eliminate it.

Bump on the head - what could it be

For the appearance of seals, bumps, puffiness, insect bites, neoplasms in adipose or bone tissue can be responsible.


The right or left temple may be affected by a bruise, most often occurring when subjected to a blunt impact with a large area. With this trouble, reversible destruction of neuronal membranes can occur. This functional state with an instant onset has no morphological background and is accompanied by vasomotor and vegetative symptoms. There is soreness of the eye, pain in the temple, swelling is formed. Headaches and nausea are also characteristic.


Allergy is an exaggerated, inappropriate reaction of the body's immune system to substances that a person usually encounters in environment. These substances - allergens - include mites, pollen, animal hair, food ingredients.


  • swelling of the nasal mucosa (allergic rhinitis);
  • various types of eczema, rashes;
  • redness, itching, swelling of the eyes (allergic conjunctivitis);
  • narrowing of the trachea, bronchitis, shortness of breath, sometimes an asthmatic attack.

If the temples are swollen on both sides, accompanied by these symptoms, consult an allergist.


A wen or lipoma is actually a tumor, but benign. Lipomas grow very slowly, consist of fat cells, look like a ball under the skin. Wen can occur anywhere in the body where there is fat, such as around internal organs, is plural.

Often body fat originate from the layer of subcutaneous adipose tissue, therefore, they can form on the temples in the form of bumps. Lipomas are soft, elastic, mostly non-painful. The wen hurts when you press on the nerve or if there is an angiolipoma (a lipoma richly supplied with blood vessels).


This is a benign tumor that grows from bone tissue. The neoplasm is usually diagnosed in children and adolescents, it accounts for about 10% of all bone tumors, it can occur without clinical manifestations or manifest itself as a lump, including on the temples. Only in some localizations, osteoma causes serious disorders.

This is a skin cyst that occurs due to blockage of the sebaceous glands and overproduction of sebum.

Atheroma is an enlarged sebaceous gland. Its content has a whitish color (it may differ with infection or other processes). On the side facing the surface of the skin, there is often a small filled hole - in most cases, the cause of atheroma. Depending on the size of the atheroma, the skin deforms and becomes thinner in different ways. Atheroma in the form of bumps on the temples is one of the most noticeable.

Important! On the cheek, a flux looks like an atheroma, but it is painful.


Furuncle is an abscess purulent inflammation hair follicle or skin glands, causing epithelial necrosis, spreading to the surrounding area.

The area of ​​the boil is red, painful, hot, swollen. With its development, pus forms in the middle, forming a mucous crust, which usually bursts.


This is a benign tumor formed from blood vessels. Approximately 2% of hemangiomas are congenital; they have a high probability of disappearing over time. 10% of hemangiomas appear within 1–2 years of life. Some hemangiomas appear in adulthood, others are characteristic of old age. If a neoplasm has formed and does not disappear, it tends to grow, change color, and multiply.

If it occurs on the surface of the skin (superficial hemangioma), then it does not pose any health risk, it is only an aesthetic problem. A deep or mixed hemangioma is life-threatening, putting a person at risk of extensive bleeding. Fortunately, these complications are quite rare.


This is a benign tumor formed on the body from connective tissue. It is harmless, mainly a cosmetic defect.

Fibroma appears on the skin, is characterized by a spherical focus, harder than the surrounding tissue (sometimes, on the contrary, it is soft). A neoplasm can occur anywhere on the body - on the left or right temple, in the cheek area and in other places.

It's inflammatory infection that affects the lymph nodes, which swell, become painful. At the temple, lymphadenitis appears both from the right region and from the left.

According to the origin of the infection, several types of inflammation are distinguished, according to which the course of the disease can be determined.


Inflammation salivary glands- sialadenitis - according to the cause is divided into:

  • viral;
  • bacterial;
  • autoimmune.

Sometimes the disease proceeds under the picture of acute inflammation, sometimes it passes into chronic form. Acute inflammation lasts several days, manifested by redness, swelling, pain at the site of inflammation and a little higher (up to the temple), the skin over the affected gland may be warmer. With chronic inflammation, these symptoms are relieved, a person may feel mild pain or observe swelling of the salivary gland.

very unpleasant inflammatory disease requiring hospitalization. As a primary disease, mastoiditis rarely occurs, often occurs as a complication of otitis media.

Inflammation is present fever, ear pain. There may be hearing impairment, swelling of the temples.

Mastoiditis can occur up to 3 weeks after otitis media.

Insect bites

A common reaction to insect bites is strong pain at the site of the bite, extending to the surrounding tissues, swelling. When bitten, a small itchy bump appears in the temple area. The intensity of pain changes over time. Redness, swelling occurs within 10 minutes after the bite. Within a week (in the absence of an allergy to insect bites), the skin condition returns to normal.

Important! If you previously had superficial tissues swollen after bites, consult a specialist, you may have an allergy.

Lump on child's head

In children, bumps on the temples and on the head as a whole occur mainly due to bruises or some disorders. But there may be growing pains, accompanied by swelling. This condition is most often recorded in children 3–12 years old, but the exact age cannot be specified. Therefore, if a child has swollen temples, he complains of soreness, take him to the pediatrician - growing pains can affect all children in the process of development.

Growing pains are not associated with other symptoms. If the soreness is accompanied by fever, tremors, redness, see a doctor immediately. It is necessary to exclude other ailments (bone inflammation, orthopedic defects, metabolic, muscle, joint diseases, blood diseases, cancer).

A bump on the head - which doctor to contact

If a bump grows on the head, you can contact a therapist who will refer you for an examination, or a surgeon - he is able to make a preliminary diagnosis, on the basis of which further tests are carried out.

First aid

First aid is advisable if a lump appears and the temples swell after the blow. Gotta follow the victim's breath, call ambulance. In all other cases, in order to get rid of the bumps, an examination is required to identify the pathology.