
Pharyngitis what to do. Which doctor treats pharyngitis

A sore throat often occurs as a result of which, without appropriate and timely treatment, quickly turns into chronic form. The danger of the disease also lies in the development of serious complications.

There are many methods for treating pharyngitis - irrigating the throat with a spray, gargling, inhalation, antibacterial therapy, and internal medication.

Pharyngitis is an inflammation of the pharyngeal mucosa

To diagnose pharyngitis, in addition to examination by a specialist, sometimes a throat smear may also be required.

It is important to note that the signs of the disease may differ depending on the two forms of pharyngitis: acute and chronic. When pharyngitis occurs in an acute form, the symptoms are more pronounced, and the patient feels significant discomfort. Chronic pharyngitis is characterized by minimal clinical signs.

You can also determine the type of pharyngitis based on the symptoms of the disease:

  • Hyperemia of the throat mucosa indicates catarrhal pharyngitis.
  • Enlarged ones may indicate a hypertrophic type of the disease.
  • With atrophic pharyngitis, the mucous membrane becomes thinner due to a prolonged inflammatory process.
  • Pharyngitis, provoked by inhalation of allergens, is accompanied by hyperemia of the back of the pharynx, swelling of the mucous membrane, and sore throat.

If the above symptoms are detected, you should consult a specialist for an accurate diagnosis of the disease, which can be confused with or. After the examination, the doctor will prescribe the necessary therapy.

Drug treatment

In acute illness resulting from bacterial infection, V mandatory antibacterial therapy is prescribed.

These can be antibiotics of the following groups:

  • Penicillin group. Such drugs effectively act on staphylococci. They contain clavulanic acid and amoxicillin. Trimafox, Flemoclav, Amoxicillin, Ecoclave are considered popular in the treatment of pharyngitis.
  • Macrolides. Such drugs are often used because they have the property of quickly penetrating into the infectious focus and are effective against many pathogenic bacteria. In addition, they are used for penicillin intolerance. The macrolide group includes Erythromycin, Zitrolide, Spiramycin.
  • Cephalosporin series. Effective agents are Cefriaxon, Suprax, Cephabol, Zinnat, Cephalexin, Cefuroxime. They are used for advanced pharyngitis and the development of complications.
  • Tetracycline group. Prescribed in rare cases when microorganisms are resistant to antibiotics of other groups. These drugs are not recommended for use in the treatment of pharyngitis in children.
  • Sometimes antibacterial agents may be prescribed local action. These are drugs such as Fusofungin or.

When taking antibiotics, you must not forget about preventing dysbiosis, which develops from antibacterial therapy. To do this, take probiotics - Lactobacterin, Linex, Bifiform.

For viral pharyngitis, it is necessary to take antiviral drugs, for example, Neovir, Arbidol, Isoprinosine.

Modern and effective drug Imudon is considered to be used for the treatment of pharyngitis.

To eliminate discomfort and pain in the throat, you can use the following tablets:

  • Falimint
  • Strepsils
  • Grammidin
  • Lysobacter
  • Faringosept
  • Hexoral Tabs
  • Sebidin
  • Septolete
  • Neo-angin
  • Drugs containing iodine may be prescribed: Yox, Vocadine,

An integral method of treating pharyngitis is gargling. Medicinal solutions, Chlorhexidine or Chlorophyllipt are excellent for the procedure.

Sprays will help relieve inflammation and reduce pain:

  • Ingalipt
  • Hexasprey
  • Kameton
  • Orasept
  • Tantum Verde

For coughs that accompany pharyngitis, it is recommended to use syrups that help thin the sputum. Many of them contain extracts of medicinal plants: Alteyka, Gerbion, Linkas. These syrups are especially suitable for the treatment of pharyngitis in children. You can drink syrups based on ambroxol and acetylcysteine.

For an illness that occurs as a result of allergens entering the body, antihistamines: , Tavegil, Claritin, Suprastin, Loratadine. They help relieve swelling and redness of the throat.

Effective means in this regard are the following fees:

  • Black elderberry flowers, speedwell and mint.
  • Birch leaves and oak bark.
  • Calamus bark and chamomile.
  • Horsetail, raspberry (leaves), immortelle.

Plants are taken in equal proportions. The collection (a tablespoon) is brewed in one glass of boiling water. Leave to brew for about two hours. The throat should be gargled with warm broth. You can also perform the procedure with decoctions of chamomile, eucalyptus, mint, and elm bark, both individually and in collections.

For the procedure, you can use fresh, but diluted with water, juices of white cabbage or beets.An effective, affordable and safe solution for rinsing is table solution, but better than sea salt. Gargling will help reduce pain and discomfort in the throat.

The popular method is inhalation.

Inhalation based on honey is effective. This beekeeping product can also be used for applications. The following remedies can be used for pharyngitis:

  • Honey syrup with garlic.
  • Pine buds in honey.

Folk remedies are considered very effective. However, they are only auxiliary methods of treatment and their use should be agreed with a specialist.

Inhalation using a nebulizer

Significantly facilitate the inhalation procedure and increase the therapeutic effect this method possible using a special device -.

There are several types of such devices on the pharmaceutical market. It’s quite easy to use – just pour it into the nebulizer tank medicinal solution and, using a mask, breathe in healing vapors for about 15 minutes. It is important to note that the nebulizer is indispensable in the treatment of otolaryngological and colds in children and pregnant women.

Suitable for inhalation for pharyngitis infusions from medicinal herbs, which have anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and analgesic effects:

  • Chamomile
  • Eucalyptus

For inhalation method treatment, the following essential oils can be used to help moisturize the pharyngeal mucosa and reduce the reproduction and growth of pathogenic microorganisms:

  • Peach
  • Pink
  • Olive
  • Mint
  • Eucalyptus
  • Sage

When coughing, medicinal solutions can be used for inhalation - Acetylcysteine.

How to properly treat chronic atrophic pharyngitis?

When you have pharyngitis, you must follow certain rules so that recovery occurs faster.

Experts strongly recommend providing the patient with the correct drinking regime. This is necessary in order to prevent dehydration and moisturize the throat, which helps reduce pain in it. In addition, warm liquid significantly soothes an irritated throat. Suitable drinks include water, green tea with honey, fruit drinks, and compotes.

A patient with pharyngitis is not recommended to eat spicy, sour, salty, or pickled foods. It is advisable to include soft foods in your diet that will not irritate the mucous membrane of the throat. You should also avoid drinking and eating with temperature changes.

It is important to remember that smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages is also unacceptable if you are ill.

Patients whose pharyngitis is caused by a bacterial infection should follow the rules of personal hygiene in order not to get sick again and to prevent the spread of the disease.

Possible complications of pharyngitis

Treatment of pharyngitis in adults and children usually takes place at home. In some cases, inhalations are prescribed in the physical room, supplemented by treating the mucous membrane with antiseptic agents. Antibiotics are rarely used. At the same time, treatment of pharyngitis with folk remedies in adults and children is prescribed by doctors themselves.

Before starting to treat the pathology, it is necessary to classify the disease. In acute form, it occurs immediately after aggressive exposure. This type can usually be successfully cured with proper therapy. Prescribing drugs to oneself often transforms the acute stage into chronic pharyngitis.

Treatment at home for various types of diseases:

  • Acute form can be treated well with rinses. Suitable for these purposes pharmaceutical drugs(Chlorhexidine, Miramistin, Chlorophyllipt) or infusions, decoctions of medicinal plants. Recently, the use of a nebulizer has proven itself to be excellent. The procedures can be carried out with saline solution or expectorants (Lazolvan, Ambroxol). It is important to treat acute pharyngitis at home according to a clear plan. Antiseptic drugs must be selected with wide range actions. In addition to rinses, manufacturers offer lollipops, lozenges, and sprays. It is worth noting that lozenges are ineffective. They are prescribed for minor redness of the throat or for prevention.
  • Treatment of chronic pharyngitis at home, similar to the method described above. When the first symptoms appear (redness, dryness, pain), immediately take an antiviral drug tablet (Groprinosin, Anaferon, Isoprinosine). Rinsing or using sprays (Givalex, Kameton, Tera-flu) will have a local antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Fungal form more difficult to treat than bacterial or viral disease. Having studied the etiology of the disease, antimycotic drugs (Diflucan, Fluconazole, Mikosis) and Nystatin or Natamycin are prescribed. After taking an antibacterial course, it is important to normalize the microflora (Biogaia, Linex, Normobakt L).
  • Treat allergic pharyngitis at home it is usually recommended according to the following scheme: antihistamines(Acrivastine, Cetirizine, Loratadine, Terfenadine); cromones that stabilize cell membranes (Ketotifen or nedocromil sodium). To treat pharyngitis at home with rinses, Miramistin, soda or furatsilin solutions are suitable. Read more about allergic pharyngitis →
  • Granular form It is treated by eliminating causative factors, relieving symptoms and strengthening the immune system. To do this, rinse with solutions of sea salt or soda and wash the throat with solutions of silver nitrate or tannin. To stimulate mucosal regeneration, take B vitamins or retinol. It is recommended to take local drugs (Imudon, Lizobakt) and systemic modulators (Licopid). Therapy is supplemented with inhalations (acetylcysteine, hydrocortisone, carbamethylcysteine). Read more about granulosa pharyngitis →
  • Atrophic pharyngitis involves long-term, complex treatment. Therapy must be prescribed by a specialist. It is especially dangerous to try to eliminate the disease in children at home on your own. An example of a course of treatment for an adult patient: local antibiotic (Fusafyungin) and antiseptics (Biclotymol, Antiangin, Yox). For fungal etiology of pathology, Candide and Clotrimazole are prescribed. Strengthen the immune system with drugs Bronchomunal, IRS 19, Lizobak, Hexaliz. Pain relief is provided by the drugs Tetracaine or Strepfen. Inhalation therapy is supplemented with saline solution. Read more about atrophic pharyngitis →

Folk remedies are often included in the treatment of pharyngitis in children and adult patients. The popularity of many recipes is explained by the safety of use and effectiveness in combating the disease:

  • Warm milk with honey before bed in combination with potato steam inhalation. The recipe has been tested for years; it allows you to quickly cope with the unpleasant symptoms of pharyngitis.
  • Propolis has a powerful antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. To carry out the procedures, prepare a solution from a pharmacy alcohol tincture. Add 20 drops of propolis to 30 ml of water. The procedure involves instilling it into the nasal passages (2 drops in each nostril) and gargling with the same remedy for 1-2 minutes 3 times a day. Atrophic pharyngitis is not recommended to be treated with propolis. The product will dry out the already thinned mucous membrane.
  • Salt. You can quickly relieve acute pharyngitis with salt, preferably sea salt. For half a liter of warm water, add 1 tbsp. l. product. Stir and gargle 6 times a day for a week. The child needs to prepare a solution by reducing the salt concentration by half.
  • Herbs. Treatment with folk remedies for pharyngitis will be effective when used medicinal herbs, provided that the patient does not have allergic reactions to them. Plantain, thyme, chamomile, sage or calendula are suitable. Boil 2 tbsp in a liter of water. l. any raw material in a water bath. Add 1 tbsp to the warm, strained broth. l. honey and a pinch of citric acid. Use the rinse 5-10 times a day.

It is worth noting that before starting therapy at home, you must consult with your doctor.

Competent therapy can eliminate the symptoms of acute pharyngitis in 3–7 days. Rarely does it take longer.

As for the chronic form, it cannot be cured quickly. The path to recovery depends on many factors: causes, duration, individual characteristics patient.

Experts remind us that the disease is easier to prevent. Preventive actions consist of caring for the oral cavity, strengthening local and general immunity, and avoiding hypothermia.

Inflammatory processes in the area respiratory tract can rightfully be called the most common diseases. People of all ages are at risk. Among the ailments, pharyngitis is widely known, which many people mistake for a “simple” sore throat, since the symptoms of these two inflammations are very similar. The fundamental difference is only the localization of the source of the disease, therefore, with full understanding clinical picture Each disease can be diagnosed independently.

At the slightest pain in the throat, the first thing the patient does is try to visually assess the degree of irritation of the mucous membrane. But other than confirming a change in the color of the inflamed larynx, such a “research” is unlikely to yield results, so it is better to entrust the diagnosis to a doctor. In situations where seeking qualified help is impossible, you should listen to your own feelings.

So, the first thing you need to do to self-diagnose the disease is measure your body temperature. As a rule, with angina it rises to 38-38.5 °C, and sometimes higher. As for pharyngitis, the temperature can fluctuate within normal limits or rise to 37.5 °C.

With angina, the patient feels more sore throat in the afternoon and evening, but with pharyngitis, the throat is most bothered after a night's sleep. In addition, with a sore throat, eating not only causes discomfort, but also becomes simply unbearable, and with pharyngitis it relieves painful sensations and provides temporary relief.

Only a doctor can confirm or refute the diagnosis made by the patient himself and tell him how to treat pharyngitis. True, by listening to your own body, you can significantly alleviate the condition and prevent further development diseases.

Diagnosis: pharyngitis

This disease is quite often diagnosed in both children and adults during examination by a therapist or ENT specialist. In half of the cases, the diagnosis may come as a surprise to the patient, since other than discomfort in the pharynx, no other symptoms are observed. This situation occurs only in mild forms of pharyngitis, so many consider this disease to be common and are irresponsible in its treatment.

As for acute manifestation a disease when not only the mucous membrane is affected, but also the lymphoid tissue of the pharynx, then after examining the throat with pharyngitis, the doctor immediately diagnoses this disease. To prevent the development of the inflammatory process and treatment, the specialist will prescribe an appropriate course of therapy, which must be completed.

Inflammation of the pharyngeal mucosa, which is inherent in this disease, can occur for many reasons, but the most common of them is the influence of various external chemical irritants, inhalation of heavily polluted or cold air. A little less often, pharyngitis can be a consequence negative impact on the body of various microbes, fungi and viruses. And the third, most common reason due to which the disease develops is the migration of infection from other foci of inflammation to the upper respiratory tract. Thus, the disease can develop with rhinitis, sinusitis and even dental caries.

By type, the disease is divided into acute and chronic pharyngitis. The first is classified according to the etiological factor, the second - according to the nature of the development of changes in the pharyngeal mucosa. According to this system, acute pharyngitis can be bacterial, allergic, fungal, viral or traumatic, which developed as a result surgical intervention or hits foreign body.

As for chronic diseases, they are conventionally divided into catarrhal (simple), atrophic (subatrophic) and hypertrophic forms. Moreover, as practice shows, chronic pharyngitis can combine several forms at once. That is why quite often in patients with diffuse changes the mucous membrane of the pharynx appears focal hyperplasia lymphoid tissue of the tubopharyngeal ridges or posterior pharyngeal wall.

Among all types and forms of the disease Special attention should be given to catarrhal pharyngitis in ARVI, which in 70% is a consequence of the influence of viruses on the human body. The most typical causative agents of this form of the disease are respiratory syncytial virus, coronaviruses, parainfluenza and influenza viruses, adenovirus and rhinoviruses. Moreover, the latter, as research results show, during seasonal epidemics are the cause of more than 80% of ARVI cases. The situation is complicated by the fact that infection with viruses is only the first phase of the development of the disease and “paves the way” for the subsequent bacterial infection.

The clinical picture of this form of the disease is characterized by soreness, dryness, discomfort and pain when swallowing in the larynx. The pain is felt especially strongly with the so-called “empty throat”, and when drinking warm liquid the patient experiences relief and decreased pain syndrome. In rare cases, the clinical picture is complemented by symptoms such as a rise in body temperature and general malaise. If the inflammatory process begins to develop in the tubopharyngeal ridges, the patient may feel aching pain in the ears. Also, many patients experience enlargement and pain in the upper cervical lymph nodes upon palpation. Granular pharyngitis is easily diagnosed by pharyngoscopy, which is performed by a doctor, since, in addition to hyperemia of the palatine arches and the posterior wall of the pharynx, inflammation of the lymphoid granules is clearly expressed.

As for chronic forms of the disease, the clinical picture is characterized by the absence of visible symptoms, such as fever or general malaise. Patients feel only a sore or dry throat. Often, against the background of these symptoms, a dry persistent cough appears, which is the cause of irritability and sleep disturbances.

As a rule, in order to diagnose pharyngitis in children or adults, an examination by a doctor is sufficient. If after pharyngoscopy the doctor has doubts, he may recommend additional virological or bacteriological research To do this, you need to take a swab from the patient’s throat.

Pharyngitis in children

Children with weakened immune systems are at higher risk than other age groups. As a rule, 80% of cases of diagnosed pharyngitis in children have a viral etiology. The situation is complicated by the fact that in the first hours and even days of illness, the child cannot correctly navigate the situation and show where it hurts. At this time, the inflammatory process in the pharynx progresses and becomes more complex, “capturing” increasingly large areas of the mucous membrane. The baby develops a dry cough, the baby becomes irritable and capricious, and if we're talking about about viral infection, the temperature may rise significantly. If even some of the symptoms that characterize pharyngitis in children appear, treatment should begin immediately to prevent the spread of the disease.

In order for the baby to cope with the disease as soon as possible, the first thing parents need to do is consult a pediatrician. Only a doctor after pharyngoscopy will be able to confirm or refute the alleged diagnosis. Even if a visual examination of the patient’s pharyngeal mucosa clearly indicates the onset of pharyngitis, it will still be necessary to take general analysis blood to determine the etiology of the disease. In accordance with the results of the study, the child will be prescribed a course of therapy - antiviral or antibacterial.

If acute pharyngitis is the result of a bacterial infection and has already affected the child’s body, the doctor, in accordance with the individual characteristics of the child, will select an antibiotic. Depending on the complexity of the disease, these may be drugs such as Cefadox, Zinnat, Fromilid, Sumamed and others.

In milder forms of the disease it is enough local application antibiotic in the form of inhalation and irrigation. For this purpose, children are most often prescribed the drug "Bioporox", which is available in the form of a dosed aerosol. In addition to excellent antimicrobial properties, this medicine has a good anti-inflammatory effect.

The doctor must select the course of treatment, because before treating pharyngitis in a small patient with an antibiotic, the doctor must take into account the individual characteristics of the patient and accurately calculate the recommended dose of the drug. Otherwise self-treatment taking such medications can lead to various gastrointestinal complications and other problems. It should be noted that not only in the acute form, but also if the child has chronic pharyngitis, treatment should be selected exclusively by a doctor.

With adult patients, the situation is much simpler than with children, because already at the first symptoms of the disease, a person can consult a doctor and immediately begin treatment.

It should be noted that the range of drugs that will help cope with this disease is much wider for patients over 12 years of age than for preschoolers and junior schoolchildren. If we consider the treatment of pharyngitis in adults, or rather its acute viral forms, then systemic antibiotic therapy is the most effective option. In such a situation, the drug “Augmentin”, “Zinat” and others can be used. For complex treatment Patients are prescribed a gentle diet and plenty of warm drinks.

If the cause of pharyngitis is a viral infection, then therapy is naturally aimed at combating the causative agents of the disease. For this, patients are prescribed a course antiviral drugs in combination with immunostimulants. These can be either individual medications or those that combine both properties. For example, the products “Groprinosine” and “Isoprinosine”. As local treatment and to relieve symptoms, patients are recommended to use medications in the form of an iodine-based spray or lozenges. However, before treating pharyngitis with such medications, you should make sure that these medications will not cause allergic reaction, because they include a large number of essential oils and additional components.

Getting rid of any chronic disease is much more difficult than getting rid of its acute form, and pharyngitis is no exception to the rule. People with this diagnosis will need a fairly long period of time for treatment and complex therapy, which includes drugs not only to eliminate the source of the disease, but also immunostimulating drugs.

Treatment with traditional methods

Pharyngitis is one of the few diseases for which doctors are not opponents, but supporters of the use of traditional medicine. For example, in the hypertrophic form of the disease, they recommend gargling with decoctions and infusions of herbs and plants containing large amounts of tannins. So, before treating pharyngitis with such means, the patient should definitely consult with a specialist. Otherwise, anti-inflammatory therapy can aggravate the health condition and cause various allergic reactions.

If acute pharyngitis is diagnosed, treatment at home can be carried out using folk remedies. To do this, you need to prepare an infusion for gargling from medicinal plants such as eucalyptus, chamomile, sage leaves and calendula. All these ingredients should be taken in equal proportions and pour boiling water. Remember that one tablespoon is poured into one glass of boiling water. Leave the broth for about 15-18 minutes in a water bath. Ready-made product You should gargle 5-7 times during the day; after the procedure, it is recommended not to eat or drink for 25-30 minutes. If you have an inhaler in the house, this healing infusion can also be used for inhalation.

Despite the fact that the clinical picture of the acute form is much more severe than that which characterizes catarrhal pharyngitis, treating the latter at home will require more effort and time. To overcome the disease, you should use pharmaceutical herbs, which contain large amounts of tannins. These include birch leaves, viburnum and oak bark, as well as St. John's wort and willow. The infusion is prepared as follows: for one procedure, you need to pour 1 tablespoon of dry ground herbal raw materials with a glass of boiling water and leave to infuse in a water bath. For greater treatment effectiveness, it is recommended to alternate rinsing with an anti-inflammatory decoction of barberry, sage, lemon balm, aspen and chamomile. So, now you know how to treat pharyngitis in children and adults, good health!

Acute or chronic inflammatory disease pharynx is called pharyngitis. This is a very common pathology in people of all ages, its frequency increases sharply during seasonal ARVI.

The vast majority of cases of both acute and chronic pharyngitis are infectious in nature. Most often pathogens of this disease are respiratory viruses (influenza, parainfluenza, adeno- and rhinoviruses), less often it is caused by bacteria (strepto-, staphylo- and pneumococcus), in some cases etiological factor become fungi. Non-infectious causes pharyngitis are allergic reactions, traumatic damage to the pharyngeal mucosa, exposure to dust and various chemicals.

The main cause of chronic pharyngitis is the opportunistic bacterial flora of the oral cavity, which is activated in conditions of decreased local and/or general immunity.

In addition, chronic pharyngitis can also occur against the background of certain somatic diseases– the most striking example is gastroesophageal reflux disease (or GERD): with this disease, there is a regular reflux of acidic gastric masses into the esophagus and higher, up to the oral cavity. In patients, this condition is manifested by symptoms such as heartburn, sour belching, and sore throat due to the irritating effect of stomach contents on the mucous membrane of the pharynx.

Cases of chronic pharyngitis are also common as a result of constant or frequent exposure to conditions with high levels of dust in the air.

Provoking factors are:

  • hypothermia;
  • bad habits (smoking, alcohol);
  • concomitant somatic pathology;
  • endocrine disorders.

In the acute form of pharyngitis, the infectious agent enters the pharynx from the outside (more typical for viruses) or from foci of infection existing in the body (tonsillitis, caries, etc.). This form The disease usually affects all parts of the pharynx (nasopharynx, oropharynx and laryngopharynx), as well as nearby parts of the upper respiratory tract (nose, larynx, trachea).

Exacerbation of chronic pharyngitis occurs either when the body’s defenses are weakened (opportunistic flora is activated oral cavity), or during an exacerbation of the disease that was its cause (for example, GERD). In the chronic version of the course, only one anatomical region of the pharynx is most often affected, and neighboring parts of the respiratory tract are not involved in the process.

The general condition of patients with pharyngitis, as a rule, does not suffer. Body temperature may rise slightly (usually no higher than 38 C), mild malaise, and drowsiness may appear.

Local symptoms are a feeling of a foreign body, discomfort in the throat, soreness and dryness in it. Later pain appears, usually moderate or mild.

If there is significant swelling in the throat area, the pain may spread to the ears or a feeling of stuffiness may occur.

Against the background of constant tickling, an obsessive, dry, superficial cough appears. Over time he becomes productive.

Since pharyngitis is an inflammation, it can react lymphatic system, which will be manifested by some enlargement of the anterior cervical lymph nodes and their pain on palpation.

In case of severe viral infection and pharyngitis in particular (with adenovirus infection, flu) symptoms of intoxication can be much more pronounced, and in parallel with the symptoms of pharyngitis, there will be symptoms of damage to other organs (conjunctivitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, etc.).

As for exacerbations of chronic pharyngitis, when this state The patient's well-being rarely suffers. Symptoms of intoxication are practically absent, and the temperature most often does not rise. There is a dry throat, a feeling of a lump or foreign body that you want to cough up, coughing.

The diagnosis of either acute or chronic pharyngitis, as a rule, does not cause difficulties for the doctor. After collecting complaints and anamnesis, the therapist or ENT doctor conducts a visual examination of the pharynx - pharyngoscopy, assessing the nature of changes in the mucous membrane of the posterior pharyngeal wall:

  • at acute pharyngitis it is hyperemic and edematous, inflamed lymphoid granules are visualized on its surface;
  • the hypertrophic form of chronic pharyngitis looks like excessive growth (hyperplasia) of lymphoid tissue against the background of redness and swelling of the mucous membrane;
  • the atrophic form of the chronic version of the disease is characterized by thinning of the mucosa, the presence of many vessels, dry mucus or crusts on the surface of the membrane.

If it is important for the doctor to know the nature of the pathogen, he will prescribe a throat smear test, which will be sent for virological or bacteriological testing.

Often, patients with pharyngitis - both acute and chronic in the acute stage - suffer only slightly. Of course, not every patient wants to run to the doctor at the slightest cough - more often people try to treat mild forms of the disease on their own.

Pharyngitis: treatment with medications

Warm (but not hot!) drinks and special lozenges with an analgesic and antiseptic effect will help relieve a sore throat with pharyngitis.

There are many over-the-counter safe drugs, which you can use yourself if certain symptoms of the disease appear. In case of treatment of pharyngitis during pregnancy consultation with a doctor is required to avoid consequences!

  1. If your doctor has previously prescribed you any antiviral medication, and there have been no negative reactions to this drug If you don’t have this problem, it would be good for you to have it in your medicine cabinet at all times and start taking it immediately, at the first sign of a viral infection. The following antiviral drugs are most often used: Groprinosin, Amizon, Ingavirin, Isoprinosine.
  2. Mouth rinses antiseptic solutions(Chlorhexidine, Chlorophyllipt alcohol, Furacilin) ​​are undoubtedly important and very effective for pharyngitis. Conduct this procedure it is required as often as possible - 1-2 times every hour.
  3. You can use sprays and lozenges that act locally and have an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Of the sprays, it is worth noting Kameton, Ingalipt, Givalex, Tera-flu, from lollipops and lozenges - Lisobakt, Isla-mint and Isla-moos, Faringosept, Strepsils, more serious drugs - Decathylene, Trachisan.
  4. Surely you are asking the question: “How to treat a cough with pharyngitis?” Traditional medicine offers a variety of safe and effective syrups at plant based(Gerbion, Dr. Theiss plantain syrup, Eucabal, Bronchipret), which have an expectorant effect, and drugs containing synthetic medicinal substances(Lazolvan, Ambrobene, Fluditek, ACC, Bromhexine), which are mucolytics (i.e., thinning sputum).
  5. Inhalation using a nebulizer is very helpful in moisturizing the dry mucous membrane of the pharynx and stimulating mucus discharge. As a solution for inhalation, you can use the most harmless, but no less effective remedy than others - saline solution. In addition to it, products containing ambroxol are often used (to treat coughs), and certain models of the device allow you to use even decoctions of medicinal herbs for inhalation.

Treatment of pharyngitis with folk remedies

Let me make a reservation right away that I, as the author of the article and a practicing therapist, do not approve of the craze that many people have for traditional medicine. Treatment should always be comprehensive, and the use of exclusively traditional methods often leads to the development of complications. However, I have several recommendations in my arsenal regarding traditional medicine for the treatment of pharyngitis.

  1. Rinsing the mouth with infusions of herbs that have antiseptic properties (sage, chamomile, eucalyptus, calendula). The infusion must be prepared at the rate of 10 g of plant material per 1 glass of boiling water. Gargle for 5 minutes every hour.
  2. The same herbs can also be used for inhalation through a nebulizer (be careful: not every model of this device allows the use of herbal solutions).
  3. It is very effective to use propolis tincture to treat pharyngitis. It is necessary to dilute 30 drops of 30% tincture in 100 ml of warm water - gargle with the resulting solution 3-4 times a day.
  4. As a rich source of vitamin C, which is known to be necessary for the body during infectious diseases, an infusion of pine buds (20 g of raw material per 1 glass of boiling water) can be used as an inhalation solution.
  5. An excellent cough remedy is cocoa butter. A small piece of it (half a teaspoon) should be added to a glass of warm milk and taken 3-4 times a day.
  6. Blackberries help relieve inflammation in the throat. You can use a decoction of its leaves as a solution for rinsing and inhalation, or you can simply eat fruits that are not only tasty, but also rich in vitamins.

In conclusion, I would like to say that yes, mild forms of pharyngitis can be treated at home.

However, people prone to allergic reactions should be extremely careful when using new medications and traditional medicine, especially those containing copper and iodine.

If the effect of your treatment is not observed within 2-3 days or, conversely, your condition has worsened since the onset of the disease, it is still recommended not to self-medicate, but to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Pharyngitis is considered one of the most common diseases during the cold season. It is easy to treat and, with adequate therapy, does not cause much discomfort. How to cure pharyngitis at home? What are the consequences of this disease? Let's try to answer these questions.

Experts say that more than 2/3 of cases of pharyngitis are provoked by viruses. Damage to the pharyngeal mucosa occurs as a result of a common ARVI, which leads to an exacerbation of the disease. There are many viruses that can lead to the development of pathology:

  • rhinoviruses;
  • influenza viruses, their varieties;
  • adenoviruses;
  • enteroviruses;
  • herpes;
  • Coxsackie virus.

The clinical picture of pharyngitis depends on the type of pathogen, the ability of the immune system to fight viruses, and also on the age of the patient. Any infection can occur only on the mucous membrane of the pharynx or spread to nearby organs.

With ARVI, in addition to the throat, the nasal mucosa, trachea and even bronchi are affected. Herpes simplex, in addition to inflammation of the pharynx, will spread to the oral mucosa.

Other causes of pharyngitis can also be pathological conditions. There are many factors that lead to the development of the disease. This is facilitated by inhaling cold or polluted air, drinking alcohol or smoking. In addition, the negative reasons that cause pharyngitis include:

  • hypothermia of the body;
  • taking cold drinks, food;
  • decreased immunity;
  • chemical and physical irritation of the pharynx;
  • viral or infectious process in the body.

Pharyngitis can occur as a complication of existing diseases. This may be due to caries, other oral diseases, and rhinitis. Therefore, when appointing drug therapy these factors must be taken into account.

Causes of pharyngitis

There are two types of pharyngitis: acute or chronic. Acute pharyngitis is manifested by unpleasant sensations in the throat: soreness, dryness, pain. This may be accompanied by general malaise, fever, and weakness.

Symptoms of chronic pharyngitis are less pronounced. Hyperthermia is rare, although discomfort remain in the throat. Patients complain that they constantly want to clear their throat by coughing. Against the background of chronic pharyngitis, tonsillitis can develop.

How acute pharyngitis differs from chronic pharyngitis, see our video:

But it is impossible to do without treatment in this situation. You will need to take medications, rinse with antiseptics, and physiotherapeutic procedures. In some cases, folk remedies also help quite well.

Drug treatment of pharyngitis is reduced to alleviating the patient’s condition and eliminating the symptoms of the disease. For sore throat and pain in the throat, antiseptic and painkillers are prescribed. Chlorhexidine, Ingalipt, Chlorphyllipt cope well with pathology.

You can use tablets or lozenges: Septolete, Strepsils and others. If the disease is complicated, antibacterial agents may be required: Azithromycin, Biseptol, Amoxiclav. It is not recommended to use them without a doctor's prescription.

During the treatment of pharyngitis, it is necessary to additionally provide support for weakened immunity. Apply

vitamin preparations


Again, these medications must be prescribed by a doctor.

Preparations for the treatment of pharyngitis

To enhance the effect of drug treatment, you can use well-known folk remedies. Rinsing with a soda-saline solution helps a lot in the fight against pharyngitis. To do this, dissolve half a spoonful of soda and ordinary table salt in one glass of water and rinse several times a day.

Enough effective method home treatment can be considered the use of bee products. Warm tea with natural honey will soften sore throat, will eliminate dryness and itching. Lubricating the inflamed area with propolis has a good anti-inflammatory effect. Instead of propolis, you can take sea buckthorn oil.

You can gargle a sore throat with decoctions and infusions of medicinal plants. Calendula, chamomile, St. John's wort and string work well against inflammation. To strengthen the immune system, you can take rosehip decoction.

Several recipes for treating pharyngitis in our video:

To alleviate the patient's condition with pharyngitis, warming compresses can be used at home. They should be applied to the neck area for 20-30 minutes before bedtime. They also have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect steam inhalations. Inhaling hot air helps relieve sore throat and soften the mucous membrane. For inhalation, you can also use a soda-salt solution, eucalyptus leaves, and calendula flowers.

In the absence of high temperature, it is good to carry out warming baths for the hands and feet. They are carried out every day approximately an hour before bedtime. Then put on warm socks and lie down under the blanket.

An integrated approach to the treatment of pharyngitis promotes rapid recovery. However, if complications arise during the course of the disease, you should immediately contact a medical facility.

If the usual symptoms of the described pathology are supplemented by uncharacteristic signs, this should alert the patient. Often there are complaints that the pain in the throat began to radiate to the ear, headaches appeared, and weakness increased. In this case, you need to urgently call a doctor.

The inflammatory process that develops with pharyngitis can spread to neighboring organs. Often, otitis, rhinitis, and tonsillitis occur against its background. At high temperatures, general intoxication of the body can occur, which leads to complications in the joints, heart, and nervous system. It is not recommended to treat such conditions at home, since there is high risk for the health and even life of the patient.

How to properly treat a sore throat:

Proper care for a patient with pharyngitis, especially if it is a child, is a very important part of complex treatment. It is necessary to ensure that the patient does not drink too hot or cold drinks. Spicy, salty and fatty foods, which can irritate a sore throat, should be excluded from his diet.

The room where the sick person is located must be regularly ventilated. Wet cleaning should be carried out daily. The patient must be provided with separate dishes, towels and bedding, as well as purchase new ones. toothbrush to eliminate the risk of another infection.

Prevention of pharyngitis

With adequate drug therapy, the prognosis for treating pharyngitis at home is positive. Recovery usually occurs within 1-2 weeks. The pain syndrome disappears, the patient becomes easier to breathe.

To avoid recurrence of the disease, the patient is recommended to undergo local hardening with cool water, and is also prescribed medications to support the immune system. Taking vitamins good nutrition, caring for your body - The best way prevention of any colds.

Pharyngitis, regardless of its etiology, is an inflammatory disease of the epithelial tissues of the larynx, which progresses and affects increasingly large areas of the pharynx. It can develop locally, provoking a pathological condition exclusively in the throat area, or it can penetrate the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract and cause tracheitis, the presence of which is accompanied by a dry barking cough that lasts for several weeks. The disease occurs in acute and chronic forms. Based on the type of origin, pharyngitis is divided into bacterial, viral or fungal. It all depends on which pathogenic microorganism caused the development of the disease and was subsequently identified based on the results of bacteriological culture of the pharyngeal contents.

The inflammatory disease has various forms of manifestation, which in most cases have high degree latency and are disguised as other types of diseases that are no less common in the larynx area. Let's take a closer look at the types of pharyngitis.


The infectious nature of the origin of the inflammatory process in the throat is associated with infection of the epithelial cover of this part of the human body by pathogenic microbes such as Staphylococcus aureus, gonococcus, pneumococcus, meningococcus, streptococcal infection, Pseudomonas aeruginosa. After entering the larynx, the pathogenic microflora goes through an adaptation stage and after that begins to actively multiply, most often provoking an acute clinical picture of the development of the disease.


It occurs less frequently than, but is still diagnosed in patients who have encountered the influenza virus, herpes infection of genotype 1 or 2, Coxsackie virus, Epstein-Barr virus. This type of inflammatory process in the throat is characterized by sluggish dynamics and often enters a latent stage with periodic exacerbations in the off-season, when the patient’s body is most weakened.


According to its clinical picture, regardless of the nature of its origin and what microbes it is caused by, it is divided into the following forms.


Is different dynamic development with the simultaneous manifestation of all symptoms at once. The patient experiences very severe malaise, the flow of almost all life cycles and all the body’s forces are thrown into the fight against the inflammatory disease. lasts from 5 to 9 days, and then the signs of the disease gradually subside and a slow recovery occurs, or the disease enters the latent stage with sluggish inflammation in the tissues of the throat.


A disease that is virtually always present in the larynx and may not manifest itself at all for a long period of time, differing only in minor symptoms in the form unpleasant odor from the mouth or small patches of redness in individual areas in the throat area.

As soon as the immune system a person under the influence of certain negative factors becomes weak, infectious agents present on the mucous membrane of the pharynx are activated and manifest themselves in the acute phase.

Based on this classification based on the results of a comprehensive examination of the patient who applied for medical care with the corresponding complaints, the attending physician makes a diagnosis that corresponds to the clinical picture of the manifestation of the disease.

Causes of the disease, is it dangerous and contagious to others?

Pharyngitis of any etiology is caused by exposure of the human body to a pathogenic infection that has entered the throat from environment together with food or the dirty hands of the sick person, or penetrated along with the blood flow from another source of infection present in the patient’s body. Therefore, the following causative factors are identified that contribute to the development of inflammation in the larynx:

  • physical and nervous overload, when the body practically does not rest and becomes vulnerable to biological agents from the outside;
  • alcohol abuse, drugs and smoking;
  • work in hazardous working conditions, where the air in production premises is saturated with vapors of organic acids, heavy metals and other toxic substances (metallurgical or chemical industry facilities);
  • chronic diseases in the oral cavity (stomatitis, diseased teeth, gingivitis, periodontal disease);
  • concomitant diseases of the immune system, when the body secretes an insufficient number of cells responsible for protective function;
  • untreated tonsillitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, inflammation from which has spread to healthy areas of the throat;
  • poor nutrition with insufficient consumption of fresh fruits, vegetables, boiled meat, fish, and dairy products.

Depending on the individual characteristics of each patient’s body, it is possible that pharyngitis can develop under the influence of other, no less negative factors.

Fever and other symptoms of pharyngitis

Violation of body heat metabolism in a person suffering from pharyngitis is one of the key signs indicating the presence of an inflammatory process in the throat. In addition, upon examination the patient exhibits the following symptoms of the disease:

If the disease is caused by viral microorganisms, then the presence of such additional symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, lack of appetite, nausea.

Diagnostics and tests

In order to determine whether a patient has pharyngitis, the attending physician first conducts a visual examination of the throat area, and then prescribes a test. the following types analyses.

Bacterial culture

It is necessary to determine which microbes are in the larynx area and cause acute inflammation. To do this, using a sterile cotton swab, the doctor collects the mucous membrane from the surface of the front wall of the throat, tonsils and palate, and then sends the selected biological material to the laboratory to conduct research. Based on the results obtained, appropriate antibiotics and other drugs that are effective against specific microorganisms are already selected.

Blood from a vein

It is necessary to undergo an examination using this analysis so that the doctor has information about the biochemical composition of the patient’s blood, which microorganisms dominate in it, and whether the microbes have gone beyond the larynx with further spread throughout the body along with the flow of the bloodstream.

Blood from a finger

This clinical analysis blood, which must be donated to determine the quantitative composition of such vital blood components as erythrocytes, platelets, leukocytes, phagocytes, lymphocytes. They participate in the immune processes occurring in the patient’s body and affect its protective function in the fight against infection.

Urine collection

It occurs in the morning, when the patient has just woken up and has not yet gone to the toilet. Urine is also subjected to laboratory testing to determine how severe the inflammation is in the body and whether it has damaged the kidneys, which are constantly in contact with large volumes of blood and lymph containing pathogenic microorganisms.

The availability of data on these key types of tests allows the doctor to make a final conclusion and diagnose the patient with an acute or chronic form.

How and with what to quickly treat pharyngitis in adults?

Therapy of pharyngitis in patients of the adult age category is based on the fact that the attending physician prescribes the patient to take the following complex medicines, as well as performing procedures that have a beneficial effect on the patient’s recovery process and complete relief from signs of inflammation in the throat:

  • antibiotics and antiviral therapy (prescribed tablets or intramuscular, and selected based on the bacterial or viral strain found in the larynx);
  • gargling with antiseptic solutions of Miramistin, Chlorhexidine, Furacilin (performed 2-3 times a day after meals);
  • In the morning and evening, I lubricate the patient’s laryngeal walls with Lugol to carry out local disinfection of the inflamed mucous membrane;
  • anti-inflammatory inhalations using a nebulizer (decoctions of medicinal herbs such as chamomile, St. John's wort, sage, plantain, coltsfoot, and other remedies prescribed by the doctor are added to the filling container);
  • alcohol compresses, which are placed on the surface of the front of the neck (to prepare such a compress, you need to moisten a piece of cotton wool in warm water, apply a small amount of alcohol to it and fix it on skin, put plastic wrap on top to prevent liquid from leaking, and then tie the compress with a scarf).

At simultaneous use All of these therapeutic agents, recovery from pharyngitis will occur within 5-8 days from the start of treatment. If the disease does not occur in an acute form, then the patient feels relief even earlier.


Most patients who have been treated for pharyngitis note that the disease can be quickly cured only through the use of broad-spectrum antibacterial and antiviral drugs. Otherwise, the disease quite often transforms into a chronic form and periodically makes itself felt in the form of seasonal exacerbations. The viral and fungal varieties of the disease are the worst to treat, since microbes in this category are naturally resistant to most medications and also adapt well to aggressive environmental conditions.

symptoms of pharyngitis in the photo

Patients who ignored the symptoms of pharyngitis for a long period of time, or tried to treat a sore throat on their own without seeking medical help, faced severe complications of the disease, as well as a number of negative consequences, manifested in destructive changes occurring in the tissues of the laryngeal epithelium.

The average duration of treatment for pharyngitis ranged from 7 to 15 days. Moreover, all patients underwent therapy in the inpatient department of the clinic or received medical care on an outpatient basis. A similar opinion is shared by people who shared their experience of dealing with pharyngitis on forums on the Internet, as well as those interviewed in real life.


In the absence of adequate drug therapy for the inflammatory process in the larynx, or inappropriately selected medications, the following complications may develop:

  • atrophy of the pharyngeal mucosa with loss of its functionality, constant dryness and lack of sensitivity;
  • transition of the disease into a chronic form with periodic exacerbations, the symptoms of which are extremely difficult to relieve even with potent medications;
  • development of oncological processes with education malignant tumor throat;
  • inflammation and further damage to the submandibular lymph nodes;
  • depletion of the general immune system and the body’s vulnerability to other infectious strains;
  • spread of the disease to bronchopulmonary tissue and development of pneumonia or acute bronchitis infectious etiology.

Each of the listed negative consequences of pharyngitis entails a decrease in the quality of life of the patient, who is forced to fight not only the primary symptoms of the disease, but also its complicated form.


The difference between pharyngitis and other inflammatory diseases that develop in the larynx is that it can be prevented in a timely manner and even primary symptoms can be prevented. To do this, you should regularly perform the following measures prevention:

  • treat foci of infection in the oral cavity, maxillary sinuses, ears, tooth roots;
  • every 6 months take a course of taking vitamin and mineral complexes;
  • give up bad habits and fill your diet with fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs, meat, ocean fish and natural lactic acid products;
  • harden the body daily by dousing cold water, acceptance contrast shower, wiping the body with a damp towel;
  • stimulate the immune system with tincture of Echinacea purpurea, ginseng root, decoctions of rose hips, cranberries, chamomile;
  • Dedicate 30-40 minutes a day to moderate sports activity in the form of light running, cycling, push-ups or pull-ups.

At the first signs of inflammation of the tonsils or the front wall of the throat, you should immediately consult a general practitioner and not self-medicate - only then will you be able to avoid extensive damage to the pharynx.


Patients who first encounter acute or chronic pharyngitis always ask a large number of questions related to the etiology of the disease, as well as the form of its course. We will try to give comprehensive answers to the following questions, which are considered medical practice the most common.

What to do if pharyngitis persists and does not go away for a month?

If pharyngitis does not go away for a long time, then you must immediately make an appointment with an otolaryngologist and undergo a re-examination of the body, as well as the area of ​​the larynx itself. It is quite possible that a complication has developed in this part of the body and is already present. secondary disease of the upper respiratory tract, or the immune system cannot cope with the infection and the disease rapidly progresses.

How to soothe pain with pharyngitis?

In order to relieve pain in the throat, which is a traditional symptom in the presence of this disease, you should take antiseptic and anti-inflammatory drugs. Strepsils lollipops, Faringosept, Halls. The optimal number of lozenges allowed for use during the day is 3-5 pieces.

How does pharyngitis differ from tracheitis, tonsillitis and laryngitis?

The difference between this type of disease is that pharyngitis covers the entire pharynx at once, and these diseases are localized only in certain parts of it. For example, tonsillitis in the tonsil area, laryngitis is characterized by inflammation of the vocal cords, and with tracheitis, the mucous membrane of the trachea is under infectious attack.

Can it be cured forever?

Pharyngitis is a disease that is not classified as incurable. Therefore, you can completely get rid of it once and for all if you start therapy in a timely manner and do not progress the disease to a critical state with the development of negative consequences and pathological complications.

How long does it take to treat pharyngitis?

The duration of treatment for pharyngitis largely depends on the form in which it occurs. Acute inflammation is treated for 10-14 days and after the specified time the patient returns to his usual lifestyle. The chronic form of the disease requires longer treatment and can last from 20 to 30 days.

Which doctor should I contact?

At the first signs of an inflammatory process in the larynx, you should seek medical help from a general practitioner or otolaryngologist.

These are the doctors who specialize in the treatment of inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx and the entire larynx as a whole. They will conduct a visual examination of the condition of your throat and offer to undergo an examination. If a patient is hospitalized in an infectious diseases department, a virologist or infectious disease specialist may additionally be involved in his treatment.

Do they give sick leave for pharyngitis? It all depends on how severe the disease is. If the patient's health condition is unsatisfactory and he cannot perform his job responsibilities

If bed rest is required, then in this case the attending physician decides that the patient needs sick leave for the period of treatment. It does not matter whether the patient undergoes treatment in a hospital setting or receives manipulation procedures on an outpatient basis, only periodically visiting a health care facility.

Pharyngitis is an inflammatory process that affects the mucous membranes and lymphoid tissue of the pharynx. Among diseases of the ENT organs, this ailment occurs most often. Pharyngitis is especially often diagnosed in children, and it is almost always accompanied by inflammation of the upper respiratory tract.

Pharyngitis: classification

There are two types of pharyngitis:

  1. spicy;
  2. chronic.

Acute pharyngitis develops as an independent disease after hypothermia, overheating, inhalation of dust or irritants. The inflammatory process can be caused by too cold or hot food or exposure infectious agents. Taking into account the reason that provoked the development of acute pharyngitis, the following types are distinguished:

  • bacterial;
  • viral;
  • fungal;
  • allergic;
  • traumatic;
  • caused by the influence of aggressive factors (hot steam, liquid, chemicals, irradiation).

Chronic pharyngitis can develop as an independent disease (due to regular irritation of the pharyngeal mucosa), or it can be caused by acute forms of pathology that are not fully treated. Taking into account the nature of the lesion, the following forms of chronic pharyngitis are distinguished:

  • simple (catarrhal);
  • atrophic;
  • hypertrophic.

Very often during illness they are combined different types pharyngitis. In this case, a mixed form of the disease is diagnosed.


Doctors consider the main factor provoking the development of pharyngitis to be the influence of cold, polluted or hot air, or exposure to chemical irritants.

The causes of infectious pharyngitis are:

  • pathogenic microorganisms (pneumococci, streptococci and staphylococci)
  • viruses (adenoviruses, influenza viruses);
  • fungi (candida).

In addition, an infection that has invaded neighboring organs can trigger the inflammatory process. For example, pharyngitis often develops against the background of dental problems, sinusitis or chronic rhinitis(runny nose).

Causes of acute pharyngitis

In almost 70% of cases, acute pharyngitis is caused by viruses. The most common of them are rhinoviruses, adenoviruses, coronaviruses, influenza and parainfluenza viruses, as well as pneumococci, streptococci and staphylococci.

Much less often, the inflammatory process in the pharyngeal mucosa is triggered by viruses herpes simplex, cytomegalovirus, enteroviruses or Coxsackie and Epstein-Barr viruses. In other cases, the development of acute pharyngitis is facilitated by allergic reactions, injuries or exposure to irritating factors.

Causes of chronic pharyngitis

The main reasons contributing to the transition of acute pharyngitis to chronic are:

  • Frequent colds accompanied by a decrease in immunity.
  • Bad habits, especially long-term smoking or inhalation tobacco smoke with passive smoking.
  • Severe concomitant diseases (diabetes mellitus, renal, pulmonary or heart failure).
  • Hormonal disorders, thyroid diseases.
  • Vitamin deficiencies, prolonged stressful situations.
  • Gastrointestinal diseases (pancreatitis, atrophic gastritis, cholecystitis, gastroesophageal disease).
  • The influence of chemical irritants. Long-term use certain medications (for example, vasoconstrictor drops), inhalation of fumes from household chemicals, paints, pathological conditions of the esophagus and stomach, in which their acidic contents are thrown into the nasopharynx (gastroesophageal reflux).
  • Exposure to physical factors - inhalation of dust, hot or cold air, eating too spicy, or excessively cold or hot food.
  • Professional factor. Work in hazardous industries associated with large amounts of dust, steam, harmful chemical fumes or professions associated with constant high loads on the muscles of the pharynx (singers, announcers, teachers).

The classification of pharyngitis according to ICD 10 depends on its form and the type of infectious agent. So, acute form pharyngitis is coded J02, while a disease caused by streptococcal infection will be coded J02.0

Symptoms of the disease

Acute forms of pharyngitis are accompanied by such characteristic symptoms as dryness and sore throat, discomfort and painful sensations when swallowing (especially with an “empty” throat). On palpation there is an increase in size and pain. cervical lymph nodes. At the same time, the patient complains of general malaise, an increase in temperature to subfebrile levels, and often, as the inflammatory process spreads, pain in the ears occurs.

Good to know

The throat with pharyngitis is red, however, inflammation of the tonsils, characteristic of acute tonsillitis (tonsillitis), is not observed.

Often such symptoms are the first sign of some infectious diseases - scarlet fever, measles. In this case, the picture of the disease is complicated by high fever, the appearance of a rash and other signs of intoxication of the body.

In children

Acute pharyngitis in children usually occurs in a more severe form and is accompanied by severe inflammatory process in the nasopharynx, heavy discharge from the nose (catarrhal rhinitis), difficulty in nasal breathing, increased temperature.

Many parents are interested in: “How many days does the temperature last for pharyngitis?” It is difficult to give a definite answer to this question. It all depends on the clinical picture of the disease and the severity of the symptoms. In general, the symptoms and treatment of pharyngitis in adults are practically no different from the picture of the disease in children.

Chronic pharyngitis usually does not cause significant worsening general condition. The body temperature does not rise, but the patient complains of soreness and dryness in the throat, a feeling of a lump and a constant desire to cough.

Often there is a persistent dry cough with pharyngitis or discomfort associated with the need to swallow mucus that accumulates on the back wall of the throat. Often manifestations of chronic pharyngitis are accompanied by general weakness, headache, and swollen lymph nodes.

Granular pharyngitis

This form of the disease manifests itself constant dryness and itching in the throat, a tickling or burning sensation, and pressing pain when swallowing. Sputum or mucus appears, which is difficult to expectorate; at night there are attacks of spasmodic coughing. Upon examination, red nodules are noticeable on the back wall of the pharynx, which are formed due to damage to the lymphatic tissue.

Subatrophic pharyngitis

Also accompanied by dryness, soreness, and a feeling of a lump in the throat. In this case, the desire to cough leads to attacks of dry cough, which torments the patient continuously (even at night). Mucus constantly accumulates on the wall of the pharynx, crusts form, and bad breath appears. A painful cough causes insomnia, which contributes to increased nervousness and irritability.

Atrophic pharyngitis

Bloody crusts gradually appear on the nasopharyngeal mucosa. At the same time, the mucous membranes of the throat turn pale, become dry and thin. The surface of the pharynx may be covered with dried mucus, and sometimes injected vessels become visible on it.

The hypertrophic form is accompanied by swelling of the mucous membranes, hyperemia and the formation of foci of hyperplastic lymphoid tissue on the posterior wall of the pharynx.

You can consider all the features of this or that form of pharyngitis in the photos that are presented on thematic sites on the Internet.

Complications of pharyngitis

If treatment for acute pharyngitis is not started in time, the disease quickly becomes chronic, which in the future can lead to unpleasant complications, including complete atrophy of the pharyngeal tissue or a malignant tumor process. Chronic pharyngitis can eventually develop into tracheitis, laryngitis (inflammation of the trachea and larynx) or cause chronic bronchitis.

Pharyngitis caused by streptococcal infection provokes an abscess, a sign of which becomes constant pain in the throat, erythema and unilateral swelling. Another unpleasant manifestation is the inability to talk for a long time. This becomes a real problem for those patients whose professional activities involve teaching and lecturing.


An experienced otolaryngologist will easily diagnose correct diagnosis for any form of pharyngitis. To do this, an examination of the mucous membrane of the throat is carried out. The procedure is carried out using a special device - a pharyngoscope and in good lighting.

Additionally, in order to differentiate from other diseases with similar symptoms, a number of bacteriological and virological studies of a pharyngeal smear are carried out. The use of these methods allows you to accurately determine the type of infectious agent in order to prescribe the correct treatment in the future.

If necessary, an endoscopic examination of the nasopharynx and larynx is carried out, a tomography of these organs is done, and other specialized specialists are involved (endocrinologist, gastroenterologist or neurologist).

Treatment methods

To choose the right treatment tactics, it is first necessary to establish the causes that cause the characteristic symptoms. Uncomplicated forms of the disease, provoked by smoking, exposure to physical factors or exposure to irritating substances, do not require the use of antibacterial therapy.

In such cases, you can get by with symptomatic treatment, including rinsing, warming a sore throat, hot drinks, a gentle diet, and steam inhalations. It is possible to use local antimicrobial therapy, that is, gargling with antiseptic solutions. A mandatory requirement for the treatment of pharyngitis is complete cessation of smoking.


Antibiotics for pharyngitis are prescribed if the causative agents of the infection are pathogenic bacteria. Such products contain an antibacterial component with a broad spectrum of action, providing an antimicrobial and antiviral effect. Drugs for the treatment of pharyngitis are produced in the form of solutions for rinsing, inhalation, tablets, lozenges or lozenges. They must eliminate the influence of irritating agents and have low allergenicity and toxicity.

Part antibacterial agents in addition to the main substance, antiseptic components are required (chlorhexidine, thymol and its derivatives, iodine, alcohols), local anesthetics to eliminate pain (lidocaine, tetracaine), essential oils. In addition, the preparations may contain natural antiseptic substances isolated from plant extracts or bee products, as well as vitamins and antiviral components. Drugs of choice for pharyngitis:

  • - inhaled antibiotic based on fusafungine. Has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory activity. Quickly copes with the manifestations of acute pharyngitis, which is facilitated by its dosage form. When spraying an aerosol, active particles easily penetrate into the most inaccessible areas of the respiratory tract and provide the necessary therapeutic effect.
  • . The drug with the active ingredient hexethidine is available in the form of a spray and solution. This is a powerful remedy with a wide spectrum of antibacterial and antifungal effects. Additionally, it provides an enveloping, antiseptic, analgesic and deodorizing effect. Shows activity against most bacteria that cause pharyngitis.
  • . One of the best antiseptics with a wide spectrum of antimicrobial action, allowing you to cope with a wide variety of pathogens, ranging from bacteria to herpes viruses, chlamydia and fungi. The drug is available in aerosol form, begins to act within a minute after use and maintains its therapeutic effect for an hour. At the same time, it is safe and does not have a toxic effect on the body.
Other medicines

Among other drugs widely used in the treatment of pharyngitis are the drugs Kameton, Ingalipt, Hexasprey, Imudon, Iodinol, lozenges and lozenges for resorption - Faringosept, Septolete, Strepsils.

Some drugs based on iodine derivatives (Iodinol, Povidone-iodine), propolis (Proposol), essential oils or sulfonamides can be irritating and provoke allergic reactions, which limits their use. In addition, it should be remembered that medications containing chlorhexidine (Drill, Sebidine) have high toxicity Therefore, they should not be used uncontrolled, and should be used with extreme caution when treating children.

To reduce discomfort and pain, the doctor may recommend rinsing with a warm solution of furacillin or a weak solution of potassium permanganate, which will additionally provide an antiseptic effect. Preparations in the form of lozenges or lozenges usually have low therapeutic activity, so they are prescribed only for mild forms of the disease.

For children

For children younger age Those who cannot gargle on their own or correctly use lozenges are prescribed pharyngeal irrigation with antiseptic aerosols (Cameton, Hexoral, Inhalipt). To consolidate the therapeutic result from the treatment of acute pharyngitis and prevent relapses in the chronic form of the disease, it is recommended to treat the throat with Lugol's solution or protargol.

Additionally, herbal immunomodulators are prescribed - preparations with echinacea, eleutherococcus, ginseng, vitamin mineral complexes, promoting the activation of local and general immunity.

During the course of treatment, dietary adjustments are necessary. All dishes with an irritating effect (hot, salty, spicy, sour) are excluded from the menu. Food should not be served too cold or hot; all dishes should be warm. The patient is recommended to have an enhanced drinking regime - it is necessary to drink as much warm liquid as possible (milk with honey, tea with jam). Drinking alcoholic beverages, as well as smoking, must be completely abandoned.

Folk remedies for pharyngitis

Traditional medicine is widely used in the treatment of pharyngitis. These include rinsing with decoctions of medicinal herbs (which have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects), steam inhalations, warming the throat, and drinking plenty of warm drinks.

To alleviate the condition, it is recommended to humidify the air in the room, drink more fluids and keep your throat warm. Warm herbal baths with the addition of essential oils, inhalations based on a decoction of pine cones and pine needles, coltsfoot leaves, mint or string. To alleviate the condition of a sore throat, it is recommended to chew 2 clove buds (spice) every 3 hours or gargle with warm salt water (1 teaspoon of salt per 500 ml of liquid).

The following plants are used as herbal infusions for inhalation:

  • yarrow;
  • pepper;
  • lavender;
  • Linden blossom;
  • calendula;
  • chamomile,
  • plantain;
  • sage.

For the procedure, infusions are prepared according to the same scheme - 10 g of dry plant material is poured into 200 ml of boiling water, infused for an hour, filtered and added to water for inhalation in a volume of 30 ml.

To treat the back wall of the pharynx with chronic pharyngitis, it is recommended to prepare a composition of 1 part alcohol tincture of propolis (10%) and 2 parts peach oil and glycerin. This mixture should be lubricated daily on a sore throat.

The following recipe can achieve a good anti-inflammatory effect: prepare a collection of shoots of Schisandra chinensis (10 g) and equal amounts of string and mint (5 g each). Pour 200 ml of cold water into a large spoon of the mixture and boil over low heat for 3 minutes. Infuse the mixture for about an hour, filter and take 50 ml warm, adding a little honey to improve the taste.

Chamomile tea has excellent softening and anti-inflammatory properties. To prepare it, 1 tsp. crushed chamomile leaves are poured into 200 ml of boiling water, infused, filtered and drunk warm, or used for rinsing. A composition containing equal amounts of currant leaves, sage and chamomile inflorescences (5 g each) has a similar effect. 10g of this collection is poured into a glass of water, boiled for 5 minutes, then infused for an hour. It is recommended to drink a warm decoction before bed, adding 3 drops of fir oil to it.

A decoction of the leaves of St. John's wort, oregano, sage, lemon balm and hop cones, taken in equal proportions, will help eliminate coughing attacks, reduce pain and soothe irritation. You need to put two in a thermos big spoons vegetable collection, pour 500 ml of boiling water, close the lid and leave to infuse overnight. In the morning, strain and take 1/3 cup several times a day or use the infusion for rinsing.

Prevention of pharyngitis

As preventive measures to prevent the development of pharyngitis, it is recommended to completely stop smoking, avoid the influence of harmful, irritating factors, strengthen the immune system, healthy image life, reconsider your diet.

Treat foci of infection in the body in a timely manner, prevent the development of caries and other dental problems.

During the heating season, it is advisable to purchase a special humidifier that will help eliminate excessive dry air in the room.

If you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract associated with gastroesophageal reflux, it is recommended to raise the head of the bed while sleeping. This will help avoid the reflux of acidic stomach contents into the esophagus and prevent irritation of the pharyngeal mucosa.

It is useful for everyone to know about the symptoms and treatment of pharyngitis in adults! This inflammatory disease of the back wall of the pharynx, affecting the lymphoid tissue and mucous membrane, can be dangerous! If the pathology is neglected, inflammation can spread to neighboring organs and cause complications. varying degrees gravity.

An inflammatory disease of the posterior wall of the pharynx, which affects the lymphoid tissue and mucous membrane, is called pharyngitis. Symptoms and treatment in adults will be described in detail below.

The disease is dangerous because if neglected, inflammation can spread to neighboring organs and cause sinusitis, otitis, sinusitis. Complications can lead, in particular, to rheumatic lesion heart or joints.

The cause of the disease can be either viruses or bacteria, and physical irritation of the nasopharynx (cold or dirty air, chemical fumes, alcohol, cigarettes). Sometimes pharyngitis is a consequence of gastritis, pancreatitis, or reflux disease.

Pharyngitis in adults usually manifests itself acutely, characterized primarily by a sore throat and inflammation of the tonsils. However, treatment should not be prescribed based on these symptoms alone, but after confirmation of the diagnosis by a doctor. After all, other pathologies can be the cause of a sore throat.

In any case, if symptoms of pharyngitis appear in adults or children, you should consult a doctor to determine the causative agent of the disease and choose adequate treatment.
Useful site article: Thrush. Treatment is fast and effective. Medications.

Symptoms and signs in adults

Pharyngitis in adults is divided into acute and chronic; in general, the symptoms of both forms are similar, but there are also differences (and in treatment, accordingly, too).

  • General symptoms:
  • Soreness and dry throat;
  • Redness and looseness of the posterior pharyngeal wall;
  • Dry cough.

In the acute course of the disease in question, pain may be felt during swallowing, as well as weakness throughout the body and a rise in temperature. In case of chronic pharyngitis - the general condition is satisfactory, and you always feel a “lump” in your throat and constantly want to clear your throat.

Temperature with pharyngitis

For acute pharyngitis caused by viruses, body temperature can occasionally rise to 39°C(depending on the state of immunity), and in most cases it reaches no higher than 38° and should stabilize within 3 days.

If the temperature does not decrease on its own after this period of time, we are talking about a bacterial complication that must be treated with antibiotics. With chronic pharyngitis, the temperature is usually normal, but can sometimes increase slightly (up to 37.5°C).

If pharyngitis is caused by exposure to irritating factors such as smoke, alcohol or the release of gastric juice, then there will be no fever.

You can use different thermometers to measure temperature, but mercury thermometers still give the most accurate results and are inexpensive.

Important to remember! With symptoms of pharyngitis and its treatment in adults, the temperature cannot be reduced to less than 38.5°, because in this case the natural protective processes will be disrupted. In children, the bar for bringing down the temperature is lower and is determined by the doctor individually.

Is pharyngitis contagious to others?

Depending on the type of disease, there is a risk of infecting others. Symptoms will help determine what kind of pharyngitis it is. And treatment for this disease in adults can be carried out both at home and without interruption from work, if the person is not contagious.

You can only become infected during an acute course of the disease. with an increase in temperature and other signs of a cold (runny nose, sneezing, etc.) - in this case, pharyngitis exists as part of ARVI.

Once the disease has become chronic, the person no longer poses a danger to others. The same applies to allergic form pharyngitis, and its occurrence from external stimuli(air, drinks, etc.).

Treatment of pharyngitis at home in adults, depending on the form

In most cases, everyone can determine for themselves what caused pharyngitis (the symptoms will tell you). And treatment for adults is not complicated; it can be done at home. However, it is recommended to first consult a doctor to avoid mistakes.

Fungal pharyngitis

Its peculiarity is that the throat turns red unevenly, and damage may occur on only one side. Confirmation is received as a result laboratory tests. Therapy is primarily aimed at combating the fungus- the doctor prescribes antifungal drugs(“Nystatin”, “Fluconazole”, “Terbinafine”) in the form of capsules (tablets) or injections.

Sprays and ointments for topical use along with antiseptics are also prescribed. In addition, it is imperative to take medications to strengthen the immune system and eliminate the factors that caused the disease (such as taking antibiotics or glucocorticosteroids).

Chronic pharyngitis: symptoms and treatment in adults

The chronic form of the disease in question is in turn divided into several varieties.

They are as follows:

  • Catarrhal pharyngitis;
  • Hypertrophic pharyngitis;
  • Atrophic pharyngitis.

Catarrhalpharyngitiscommon among people working in hazardous industries, and smokers. TO characteristic symptoms include a constant feeling of something foreign in the throat and a sore throat.

There is also a burning sensation after eating foods that irritate the throat (spicy, too sour, etc.) and inhaling cold, hot or dirty air, and a cough may appear. Treatment in this case is aimed mainly at eliminating irritating factors - cigarettes, alcohol, polluted air, etc.

Types of pharyngitis.

With hypertrophic pharyngitis, normal epithelium is replaced by flat epithelium, the mucous membrane becomes thicker, depressions and growths are visible on it. The patient constantly has a sore throat, purulent masses form on the back wall, due to which there is a constant desire to cough, and they can also cause bad smell from mouth.

Atrophicpharyngitis - here, on the contrary, the mucous membrane becomes thinner, the epithelium exfoliates, the mucous glands become clogged. The mucus becomes very thick and can turn into crusts that periodically come off. In this regard, a person has a constant feeling that something is blocking his throat, and he suffers from a constant dry cough.

Treatment of chronic pharyngitis in adults is aimed at relieving symptoms and eliminating precipitating factors.

  • Ban smoking, alcohol, spicy, hot or cold food.
  • During exacerbation Antibiotics may be prescribed.
  • Anti-inflammatory sprays with antiseptic (“Hexoral”, “Kameton”), lozenges (“Faringosept”, “Grammidin”), decoctions of chamomile, mint, sage.
  • Warm drink(milk with honey and butter is especially good).
  • Vitamins and means to strengthen the immune system.
  • Physiotherapy(inhalation, UHF, ultrasound).

Note! The drink should be warm, not hot, since hot water, on the contrary, will worsen the condition.

Viral pharyngitis: symptoms, treatment

As a rule, this disease most often occurs during the off-season; it is caused by a variety of viruses.

Symptoms include:

  1. In the throat– pain and soreness, especially during meals;
  2. Submandibular lymph nodes enlarge;
  3. Tormentingly dry cough;
  4. Temperature the body rises (it happens without this).

Treatment is as follows:

  • Compliance bed rest.
  • Exception irritating factors such as hot and spicy food, cold air, etc.
  • Abundant warm drink (raspberry tea, cranberry juice).
  • At high temperature– antipyretic.
  • Antiviral medications (selected by a doctor!).
  • Local antiseptics(“Hexoral”, “Miramistin”, “Strepsils”) and gargling with herbal decoctions.

Important to remember! Viral pharyngitis is contagious, so when caring for a patient it is necessary to take precautions (separate dishes, gauze bandage, washing hands after contact, etc.).

Acute pharyngitis: symptoms and treatment

Acute pharyngitis is characterized by severe sore throat, especially when swallowing dry food, and a dry cough, sometimes with a rise in temperature. Due to the fact that the acute form of pharyngitis can have different origins(exacerbation of chronic, ARVI, fungal infection, allergy), treatment is carried out after identifying the cause.

So, if chronic pharyngitis has worsened, then most likely its nature is bacterial, therefore, it needs to be treated with antibiotics.

Signs of ordinary acute pharyngitis in comparison with a healthy throat.

For viral acute pharyngitis, antiviral medications are used, for fungal acute pharyngitis, antimycotics are used. in case of an allergic reaction, antihistamines are prescribed. These drugs are used in combination with standard methods of treating pharyngitis.

Granular pharyngitis: symptoms and treatment

With this form of the disease, a person experiences certain symptoms.

They are usually the following:

  • Dryness, soreness;
  • Sensation of a foreign component in the throat with constant desire clear throat;
  • Deterioration of condition after screaming, laughing, a long conversation.

Treatment of this type of pharyngitis in adults is aimed at reducing symptoms and eliminating causes, as well as strengthening the immune system.

The following prescriptions are indicated for treatment:

  • Gargling saline solution (to wash out pathogenic microflora and clear mucus).
  • Posterior wall of the pharynx lubricated or irrigated with “Protargol” or 1% silver nitrate (to reduce swelling).
  • In the presence of large granulosa formations, they can be cauterized with liquid nitrogen.
  • The mucous membrane is processed moisturizing means (for example, retinol solution).
  • Inhalations to soften the throat and relieve inflammation (with mucolytics and corticosteroids).
  • Recommended appointment immunomodulators(“Imudon”, “Lykopid”).
  • To speed up recovery mucous membrane, the doctor prescribes injections of aloe, vitamin B, etc.

Medical silver nitrate. It is used to make a solution for gargling.

Useful site article: Levomekol. What is the ointment used for, instructions, price, analogues, reviews

Atrophic pharyngitis: symptoms and treatment

With this form of pharyngitis, when crusts are already forming on the back wall, in addition to the usual soreness, there may be a feeling of sand in the throat, because of this, I always want to cough and swallow saliva, but this does not bring relief.

Sometimes pain may appear - in the morning, when inhaling dry and polluted air. In therapy it is important to cleanse the mucous membrane and help it recover, but first of all it is necessary to eliminate the causes of the disease.

In this case it is necessary:

  1. Elimination of negative factors: dry air (humidification and ventilation of the room), cigarette smoke, alcohol, irritating food.
  2. Clearing the pharyngeal wall from crusts and mucus using a slightly alkaline solution (possibly with a small addition of iodine) - either in the form of rinsing or wiping with a cotton swab.
  3. Throat treatment"Lugol."
  4. Inhalations with aromatic oils (eucalyptus, rose, mint).
  5. Physiotherapy(UHF, laser therapy).

Allergic pharyngitis: symptoms and treatment

The culprits of such pharyngitis are various allergens, especially chemical vapors. The symptoms are no different from other forms (dry throat, sore throat, coughing), in addition, the voice may become hoarse.

Sometimes there are signs of suffocation. Treatment of allergic pharyngitis in adults involves, firstly, minimizing contact with the allergen, and secondly, alleviating symptoms.

In this case it is necessary:

  • Take antihistamines drugs (“Loratadine”, “Cetirizine”).
  • If your nose is stuffy, vasoconstrictors are prescribed.
  • Washing the throat and nose saline solutions (to wash away allergens and mucus).
  • In severe cases Corticosteroids may be used.
  • At seasonal allergies allergen-specific immunotherapy is prescribed (introduction of small doses of an allergen into the body, usually carried out in a clinic under the supervision of a doctor).

Treatment of pharyngitis with folk remedies in adults

Many people independently treat pharyngitis using folk remedies, diagnosing themselves without a doctor based on symptoms. In adults, this is possible if they regularly encounter this disease and know what helps them personally. It is better not to take risks with a child, but to seek medical help.

Inhalations for pharyngitis through a nebulizer

It should be noted that inhalation using a nebulizer helps with viral pharyngitis and various physical irritations of the pharynx (food, air, allergens, etc.), with bacterial and fungal forms they are not effective.

Thanks to The nebulizer turns the medicine into tiny vapor particles, it easily penetrates into tissues and is absorbed, practically without being absorbed into the blood, and, accordingly, the risk of adverse reactions is reduced.

To treat pharyngitis in a nebulizer, you can use auxiliary products.

For example, the following:

  1. Mineral water(better "Borjomi"). Suitable for prevention.
  2. Tincture calendula with saline solution.
  3. Propolis tincture with saline solution (in the absence of allergies).
  4. Furacilin.

It is better to check the proportions and dosage with your doctor.

Attention! Despite the obvious advantages, nebulizer treatment has contraindications. This heat body and allergies to certain drugs.

How to gargle for pharyngitis

One of the most important tasks for a disease such as pharyngitis is to relieve symptoms. Both treatment for adults and children necessarily includes rinsing. Gargling helps flush out viruses, bacteria and mucus from the throat., has an anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and regenerating effect on the mucous membrane.

You can gargle using the following means:

  • Bark decoctions oak, sage, chamomile, eucalyptus leaves;
  • "furacilin";
  • Sodov
  • Solev solution (1 tsp per liter of water);
  • Tincture calendula diluted in warm water;
  • Propolis;
  • « Chlorophylliptom».

When diluting medications with water, it is necessary to follow the proportions specified in the instructions (the same is true when brewing herbs). You need to gargle regularly, every 2-3 hours.(on the first day of illness - every hour), the solution should be moderately warm so as not to irritate the throat.

Healing drinks for pharyngitis

Among other things, in the treatment of pharyngitis in adults warm drink is helpful to relieve symptoms and healing the throat.

Healing drinks include:

  1. Rose hip decoction. It not only helps in treatment, but also strengthens the immune system.
  2. Milk with honey. Helps fight infection and soothe the throat. (You can also add a little butter to soften the throat.)
  3. Green tea with honey.
  4. Chamomile tea.
  5. Tea with raspberries.

Drug therapy

Treatment with various medications is more effective than folk remedies, but requires a serious approach. When using medications do not neglect the doctor’s recommendations, especially when it comes to the choice of antibiotics.

Antibiotics for pharyngitis in adults

If the doctor sees from symptoms and tests that pharyngitis in an adult is bacterial, then he prescribes treatment with antibiotics (they do not affect viruses). These can be either local drugs - Bioparox, Cameton sprays, Hexaliz lozenges, or general-spectrum antibiotics (injections, capsules, tablets).

When choosing a suitable drug, the doctor takes into account the patient’s age, his general health, weight, degree of illness, therefore different people Various types and dosages of drugs may be prescribed.

For pharyngitis, the following antibiotics are most often used:

  • "Amoxicillin"
  • "Azithromycin"
  • "Lincomycin"
  • "Augmentin"
  • "Cefadroxyl"

Lugol for pharyngitis

"Lugol" has excellent antiseptic, antibacterial and antifungal properties, therefore it is widely used for all forms of pharyngitis. They can treat the mucous membrane with a cotton swab or, to avoid the gag reflex, use a spray. No less effective are rinses with Lugol's solution.(a few drops per glass of warm water).

Despite the relative harmlessness of the drug, it should not be abused. So, treatment of the throat with a tampon should be carried out 2-3 times a day, use a spray or gargle with a solution no more than once every 2-3 hours (up to 6 times a day).

Miramistin for pharyngitis

"Miramistin" is also used for any form of pharyngitis, including chronic. It has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. Can be used as a spray (3-4 pumps 4 times a day) or as a rinse solution (same frequency).

Pharyngitis tablets and other drugs

Among other remedies, there are lozenges and sprays that relieve pain and help relieve inflammation, as well as gargling solutions. They should be used in combination with other drugs for pharyngitis.

The most popular sprays:



"Tantum Verde";


Lozenges (lozenges):






Rinse solutions:




How to cure chronic pharyngitis forever

Any chronic disease is called that way because it is almost impossible to get rid of it. However, if you approach this issue seriously and comprehensively, you can achieve lasting improvement and forget about pharyngitis (the symptoms will go away).

AND treatment in adultsmust begin with a clear decision to change lifestyle, because the main factor in this case is not medications, but getting rid of what causes exacerbations.

Hardening of the throat with chronic pharyngitis

By hardening the throat, you can reduce the number of exacerbations of chronic pharyngitis, and when used in combination with other measures, you can completely forget about this disease.

Hardening options:

  1. Three times a day gargle first with cool water (25°C), gradually, every 2-3 days, lowering its temperature by a degree. When the water temperature reaches 8° decrease, stop and continue rinsing at this temperature. The effect can be improved by rinsing with chilled decoctions of medicinal herbs.
  2. Every evening Before going to bed, take cool foot baths, also gradually reducing the water temperature: from 25-28 ° C to 10. The duration of the procedure is a maximum of 3 minutes. Immediately after it, you need to rub your feet red with a towel.
  3. Similar procedure– contrasting foot baths. Alternately stand in a basin of water at 35° (3 minutes) and 15° (half a minute), and so on 3 times.
  4. There is also this hardening method: suck ice cubes or ice cream, increasing the portion daily. However, this method is quite controversial, since pharyngitis is contraindicated. low temperatures food and drinks. It is more appropriate to use it healthy people for the prevention of throat diseases.

Hardening of the throat is best done against the background of general and other special hardening procedures.

Useful site article: How to induce menstruation if you are late. All ways and means.

Cough with pharyngitis, how to treat it in adults

Very often pharyngitis is accompanied by a cough, sometimes it is rare, sometimes intrusive and painful. In order to get rid of this unpleasant symptom, you have to take medications. Only a doctor can choose them correctly, based on what type of cough the patient has.

For example:

  • When dry(beginning) cough will be helped by antitussive drugs (“Sinekod”, “Stoptussin”);
  • When wet(when it already descends into the bronchi) - expectorants (Gerbion, Bronchipret) and sputum thinners (Ambrobene, Lazolvan, Bromhexine).

Also Inhalations help with cough using a nebulizer and lozenges.

How to treat pharyngitis during pregnancy

Since not all medications are approved during pregnancy, expectant mothers should approach treatment carefully and not take medications without consulting a doctor.

Mainly, it is necessary to perform general recommendations for pharyngitis: fresh clean air, hydration, warm drinks, a gentle diet. You can make compresses on the neck with camphor oil. Rinse with herbal decoctions or Rotokan, Chlorhexidine.

The following medications are allowed:

  1. For sore throat: lozenges “Faringosept”, “Lizobakt”; sprays "Hexoral", "Tantum Verde";
  2. At a temperature:"Nurofen" for children, "Paracetamol".

For a bacterial infection, the doctor selects the antibiotic. It is strictly forbidden to hover your feet(this can cause abortion) and use iodine when rinsing.

Pharyngitis is a very unpleasant disease and should not be neglected. It is better to stay at home for a few days and recover than to live with chronic pharyngitis later. However, you should not self-medicate; your doctor will prescribe medications that are appropriate for your particular case.

From this video you will learn important Additional information about the symptoms and treatment of pharyngitis in adults:

This video talks about the treatment of pharyngitis in adults with folk remedies:

Good health and mood to you every day!