
Rash on a child's wrist. Skin rash on a child's arms and legs

Skin rash is changes that appear unexpectedly and represent elements of different origins and locations. If a rash occurs, you should find out the cause of its occurrence, for which you need to urgently visit a dermatologist.

A rash on the hands may appear as a result of a skin reaction to local irritants. In addition, it may be a consequence of a general disease of the body caused by exposure to infection. In particular, eczema manifests itself in the form of a localized rash on the hands, and the rashes are multiple and they tend to merge.

An infection called rumbicosis may appear on the hands. The cause of an itchy rash on the hands may be exudative erythema, manifesting itself in many forms and is divided into two main types: idiopathic and symptomatic.

The appearance of a rash on the hands in the form of blisters occurs as a result of exposure to viruses that multiply rapidly and infect healthy cells. Most often, such a rash first appears during early childhood.

Dermatosis on the hands

Dermatosis can appear at almost any age and there are many reasons for its appearance. It can be caused by both external and internal factors. It is treated in a specific way, due to the fact that it is necessary in any case to stop the pathology of the lesion skin.

One of the main reasons causing the appearance dermatosis is hereditary. After several generations, a tendency to develop allergic reactions on the skin to external irritants can be passed on. Dermatosis can also occur as a result of malfunctions in the functioning of the body's internal systems. Changes in the internal lining can be caused by problems in the endocrine, immune and nervous systems. In addition, the development of dermatosis can be facilitated by intense activity of irritants of an infectious nature. Its appearance can be caused by bacteria, viruses and fungal infections.

The nature of dermatosis is very diverse and is not associated with the effects of infection on the body. It can occur under the influence of the following irritants:

  • chemical - preservatives, acids, metals, solvents;
  • biological - pollen of plants and insects, animal hair, poisons;
  • physical - temperature changes;
  • mechanical - friction, shock, tension, pressure.

These factors very easily provoke the appearance of dermatosis in people who are highly sensitive.

Fungal infection - the cause of rash on the hands

Some types of fungi are pathogens skin diseases. When exposed to a fungal infection, the body's tissues are damaged by certain types of fungi. Infections can be either superficial or localized. Most often, their occurrence and development occurs against the background of conditions associated with immune deficiency.

The relevance of the problem of fungal infections is due to the ability of most fungi to form spores. Due to this circumstance, they are able to survive unfavorable conditions for a long time, maintain viability and the ability to infect a susceptible organism. When infected human body and his activity immune system fungi may not manifest themselves for quite a long time, being in a latent state. As soon as the body's immune system weakens, the infection becomes active.

Fungal infections are divided into the following forms according to the type of pathogen:

  • candida fungal infections(caused by a fungus of the genus Candida);
  • infections such as trichophytosis (fungal infections of nails, skin, mucous membranes);
  • fungal infections such as cryptococcus (a fungal infection of the lungs and internal organs);
  • fungal infections such as aspergillosis (lung diseases caused by infection, occurring against the background of a general decrease in the body’s immunity).

Scabies - a rash on the hands

Scabies is a skin disease caused by the scabies mite. The disease is contagious and can be transmitted through direct contact between people through handshakes, bedding, clothing, and the use of the same objects. For a long time There was an opinion that scabies could be transmitted as a result of contact with animals, but in practice this point of view was not confirmed. Scabies is accompanied by itching of the skin, scratching and scabies. Scabies itching is the main symptom of the disease, manifesting mainly at night. In addition, scabies causes a rash to appear on the skin. Most often it occurs on the palms and legs, less often on the entire body. This is explained by the fact that, as a rule, people become infected with scabies through touching and shaking hands.

Both adults and children are susceptible to scabies. Its causative agent is the scabies mite. It is small in size and to the naked eye almost invisible.

Insect bites

Insect bites are quite unpleasant and often very dangerous. This is due to the following factors:

  • in case of individual intolerance to the effects of poisons on his body, an allergic reaction and anaphylactic shock may occur;
  • with multiple insect bites, the blood enters a large number of toxins that can cause general poisoning of the body and can even be fatal;
  • if the bite falls on the tongue area, swelling of the larynx is possible, which can result in asphyxia and subsequent death.

Types of rashes on the hands

Surely every person has encountered a rash on their hands at least once in their life. For example, everyone can remember situations when, having returned home after being in the cold, he discovered a red rash on his hands, popularly called chicks. In medical terms, this phenomenon is called dermatitis. In addition, rashes on the hands can appear for many other reasons.

Red rash on hands

If a red rash appears on your hands, you can assume that this was due to an allergy, infection, or chronic skin disease. It is necessary to urgently seek help from a dermatologist to determine the cause. this state and prescribing appropriate treatment.

When contact dermatitis occurs, it is important to understand in time what exactly caused its appearance and eliminate the cause. IN initial stage In case of illness, it will be enough to simply wash the skin and treat it with an antiseptic. After this, an ointment containing corticosteroid hormones should be applied. If blisters appear, you should not use the ointment; you should use lotions sold in pharmacies. If itching begins, you can apply ice. You should definitely use antihistamines; if a red rash appears on the skin of your hands, Suprastin should be used. At severe allergies effectively intramuscular use hormonal drugs.

Small rash on hands

A small rash on the hands may indicate fungal disease- rubrophytia. Often its pathogen resides on the hands, without causing any disease. However, as soon as a decrease in immunity occurs, it overcomes the barrier erected by the skin and penetrates its surface layers. The development of rubrophytosis occurs as a result of treatment with antibiotics and other medicines, reducing immunity. It is possible to become infected with it as a result of direct contact with a carrier of the disease or touching his objects. The disease can develop from dry skin of the hands and the presence of abrasions and microcracks in it.

As a result of infection with rubrophytia, the skin of the hands becomes dry in the area of ​​​​the folds between the fingers, redness is observed, it peels off and becomes covered with a small rash. The process moves to the back of the hand, but its course may not be so aggressive due to the fact that the hands are washed constantly. The nails may also be involved in this process, with damage to the free or lateral nail plates. As a result, they either thicken or become thinner. This causes your nails to become brittle and break. If immunity is significantly reduced, the rash may spread throughout the body.

The rash on the hands itches, what to do?

Whenever alarming symptoms A rash on the hands accompanied by scabies should immediately seek advice from a specialist. Skin diseases can be cured, but you should not risk exposing others to the risk of infection. The disease will not go away on its own and may become more severe. chronic form, which will be much more difficult to cure.

Rash on the hands of a child

A rash on the hands is typical for a child. This means that as he grows up the situation will change in better side and the rash will go away. If treatment is necessary, then the following is used:

  • hormonal corticosteroid ointment;
  • all kinds of emollient creams that help moisturize and soften the skin of the child’s hands;
  • limiting exposure to cold on the child’s skin if it occurs cold allergy. This is achieved by wearing mittens and warm gloves;
  • antihistamines to reduce itching of the skin if it itches a lot;
  • a drug such as Riciniol, which can reduce an allergic reaction.

Every person has suffered from a rash at least once in their life. A red rash on the hands can occur from many factors: biochemical, physiological and anatomical, vary to varying degrees pain sensitivity.

We must understand that it is not only aesthetic problem, which must be gotten rid of for a reason unpleasant looking, but often the body thus tries to tell its owner about the presence of very serious malfunctions.

At the first signs of a rash, you should immediately consult a doctor so that he can diagnose the reasons for the spread of the red rash on your arms and recommend treatment methods.

Types of red rash on hands

The normal appearance of the skin reflects the internal health of a person, but as soon as malfunctions occur in the body, they first appear on the dermis. Peeling, red rash, and many other symptoms may indicate internal disorders of the body.

That is why there are a number of different types of red rash, differing in appearance and causes:

  • Bubble- a small cavity filled with serous fluid inside, no more than 1 centimeter in size. They are divided into single and multi-chamber. After they open, ulcers and erosions remain on the dermis;
  • Ulcers are divided into a number of types: deep, follicular, superficial, but all of them are distinguished by one nature - there is pus in the cavity of the pustule;
  • Papules or nodes can have a size from 1 ml to 3 cm. Their presence changes the color and consistency of the skin;
  • - are small formations on the skin. Their color is pink, and their life span is quite short. Very often they do not require medical intervention and disappear after a few hours;
  • Specks- change the color of the skin, while the damaged dermis continues to be on the same level as the healthy one.

Causes of rashes on palms and arms

A red rash on the palms of your hands and arms can appear for a variety of reasons. They can be quite harmless, like cold, or be a symptom of a number of serious diseases.

Allergic dermatitis

- a dermatological disease of an allergic nature. A red rash occurs as a response of the body to an external irritant, that is, an allergen.

It appears only if the body is initially predisposed and sensitive to this allergic reaction. The problem has a delayed effect, that is, for full manifestation it takes time for the reaction to occur and for the development of an allergy to the provoking factor.

This allergy is one of the subtypes of urticaria, and therefore requires medical intervention and treatment.

Manifestations on hands:

Antibiotics - these medications themselves are strong allergens and cause the most severe reaction penicillin group and sulfonamides.

on hands:

Allergic urticaria

Represents the body's reaction to an allergen.

Manifestations and causes allergic urticaria on hands:

Allergic rash on the hands of a child

An allergic rash on the hands of a child can appear at any age.

Manifestations and causes of allergic rash on children's hands:

Contact dermatitis

Also called allergic, since it occurs due to constant exposure to the hands irritants and allergens.

Manifestations and causes of contact dermatitis in our hands:

Atopic dermatitis

Ordinary dermatitis, gradually developing, begins to have its own nature in subsequent years.

Appears due to inflammation of the skin and often appears even in infants and children, but is not so common in adults.

Symptoms of problems in the hands are:

To cure this disease requires careful monitoring by a dermatologist and allergist with the prescription of a number of powerful drugs on hormonal basis and antihistamines.

Enterovirus infection

A red rash with this disease mainly affects children under 5 years of age; in adults it is a very rare occurrence.

Manifestations enterovirus infection on hands:


A chronic disease of a neuro-allergic nature.

Manifestations of eczema on the hands:


Manifestations on hands:

  • The reason for the appearance of this disease and the red rash as a symptom is the scabies mite;
  • Severe itching, inflammation in the form of papules and blisters, often on the folds, can affect not only the hands, but the rest of the body;
  • There are often complications in the form of pustules, since the disease is polymorphic;
  • Is different high degree contagiousness;
  • However, the possibility of relapse is extremely low, since during the first manifestation of the disease the body intensively produces antibodies to strengthen the immune system;
  • The rash usually appears between the fingers or on the wrist.


A sexually transmitted disease, which is characterized by damage to the skin, mucous membranes and internal organs of a person.

Manifestations of syphilis on the hands:

  • One of the symptoms is the presence of red spots on the palms and arms;
  • The disease is distinguished by its range characteristic features such as swelling of the genital organs, weakness, itching.

If this kind of problem occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor to prevent the body from rotting. Syphilis is highly contagious and should be completely avoided. sex life until complete recovery.


Manifestations of gonorrhea on the hands:

Intestinal yersiniosis

Manifestations and causes of intestinal yersiniosis on the hands:


Manifestations on hands:


Manifestations and causes of vasculitis on the hands:


Meningococcal infection is incredible dangerous disease, in many cases, proving fatal or confining the person to a wheelchair.

Manifestations and causes of meningococcus on the hands:

It should not be allowed to appear on the face.


In childhood, children very often get measles, although many parents vaccinate their children.

Manifestations and causes of measles on the hands:


Another childhood viral disease. It is quite harmless for children, except in cases of mother illness during pregnancy.

on hands:

You can get a vaccine to prevent rubella.

Chicken pox

You can get chickenpox at any age, but it is less dangerous for children.

Manifestations on hands:

Sensitivity to colds

When vascular permeability is impaired in the body, small and large hemorrhages appear on the skin.

However, they do not simply appear, but are provoked by a number of other factors, in particular, the usual increase in temperature during a cold.

So such sensitivity can be attributed to diseases of the circulatory system.


The following factors can provoke the hand:

Herpetic rashes on the palms and back side brushes are rare. But this is the most unpleasant area for the patient, because the palms are most often used in everyday life.

Ways to diagnose the source of the rash

Diagnosing the source of the rash is a rather difficult issue. This diagnosis can only be made by a dermatologist.

Diagnostics for adults:

  • Visual inspection– the rash is checked for characteristics, quite often they are individual for many diseases;
  • To exclude a rash as a symptom of an infectious disease, a number of tests are prescribed:
    • studying the secretion of ulcers;
    • blood test - this additional information helps to obtain additional information to make a diagnosis.

Differential diagnosis of rash in children:

  • Initial examination of the child and palpation of the rash for characteristic features;
  • Comparison of clinical examination with other research methods such as the primary element of the rash and the nature of its distribution. For example, if the rash appeared on the first day of illness, then this is viral infection. There is a summary table of these comparisons that helps the doctor determine the source of the rash.

Treatment methods

Treatment of a red rash on the hands depends entirely on the diagnosis. If it is only a consequence of another disease, then medications are prescribed to cure the underlying disease, not the symptom.

For simple relief of itching and burning:

  • You can simply treat the rash with brilliant green or an antiseptic to dry the blisters; they prevent injury to the rash;
  • Take advantage special ointment, for example, Skin-Cap or Panthenol.

The following is usually used to treat scabies:

  • Ice or corticosteroid ointment can be used to relieve severe itching during treatment.

For allergic dermatitis you need:

  • Find out the allergen and remove it from your life;
  • You will need to reconsider nutrition, cosmetics, animals, flowers and many other substances;
  • For treatment, medications aimed at reducing swelling and redness, such as Fenistil and Advantan, will help.

Preventive measures

To prevent the appearance of a red rash, you can use the following rules:

  • Always adhere to good hygiene rules, wash your hands before eating and after visiting public places warm water and soap;
  • In the cold season, wear gloves or mittens, and in the warm season do not expose them to direct sun rays long time;
  • Use rubber gloves while cleaning to minimize exposure to strong chemicals;
  • Normalize your diet by removing any allergens from it;
  • Do not touch unfamiliar animals on the street;
  • Each family member must have their own hygiene items in the house; they cannot use others’ ones;
  • Use hand moisturizer.


Most often, a red rash on the hands appears due to an allergic reaction of the body to external stimuli. Avoiding them is quite simple, just like curing them.

It’s another matter if the rash is a symptom of another disease. That is why, after detecting inflammation, you need to immediately consult a doctor for a diagnosis and subsequent treatment, and not just hide your hands.

Usually, a rash on a child’s body causes a lot of concern among parents. Really, common symptom various infections, causing a lot of discomfort. However timely treatment skin rashes allows you to quickly forget about itching and burning.

A rash in a child can appear not only on the entire body, but also affect only one area. The number of acceptable diagnoses is reduced and recovery occurs faster

On the head

The rash bothers babies in different parts of the body.

  • On the back of the head small dots Pink colour most often they talk about overheating and the development of prickly heat.
  • Abundant bubbles and blisters on the back of the head or cheeks indicate infection with scabies.
  • Inflammations in the cheeks and beard indicate allergies to food or medications.
  • If a child has a rash on his eyelids, it means that the child has been selected with the wrong hygiene products. If the rashes on the eyelids look like scales or become crusty, dermatitis is likely to develop.

Around the neck

On the hands and wrists

In the abdominal area

A rash on the abdomen in the form of red blisters occurs in newborns from toxic erythema, which goes away on its own. The abdominal area and hip area most often suffer from pemphigus. The disease begins with slight redness, blisters appear and begin to burst. Similar symptoms are typical for exfoliating dermatitis.

In case of violation bacterial microflora appear in the abdominal area erysipelas. Don’t forget about acceptable minor rashes from allergies, prickly heat and infections such as chickenpox or scabies.

On the lower back

On the inner and outer thighs

Rashes on a child’s thighs usually appear due to poor hygiene. Often the baby simply sweats in his diapers and suffers from poor-quality clothing. The result is prickly heat. Allergic reactions often provoke inflammation on the inner thigh.

A rash on the thighs indicates the presence of measles, rubella, chickenpox or scarlet fever. In rare cases, rashes indicate diseases of the circulatory system.

In the groin area

A groin rash is the result of infrequent diaper changes or skin contact with dirty diapers. Red diaper rash appears on the skin, and bacteria multiply in it. Miliaria in the groin area in the form pink spots It often appears in a baby as a result of overheating in the sun. Sometimes the source of the rash is candidiasis. Finally, the baby may develop an allergy to diapers.

On the buttocks

The rash on the butt has a nature similar to the causes of groin irritation. Rarely changing diapers and violating hygiene rules lead to an inflammatory process. The butt area can suffer from allergies to food or diapers, prickly heat and diathesis.

On the legs, knees and heels and can itch

A small rash on the legs usually appears as a result of dermatitis or allergies. If it itches and resembles mosquito bites, most likely the baby actually suffered from insects.

The cause of a rash on the legs can be an infection or injury to the skin. If your child has itchy heels, the rash is most likely caused by a fungus. An allergic reaction on the heels manifests itself in the form of flaky patches that itch and cause swelling of the feet. On knee joints the rash can appear with eczema, lichen and psoriasis.

On all parts of the body

Inflammation of the skin throughout the body often indicates infection. If a child is covered with a small rash and it itches, the reason is probably an allergic reaction (see: allergic rash) of the body to a strong irritant. If there is no itching from the rash, these causes can be excluded. Most likely there is a problem with metabolism or the functioning of internal organs.

When the rash all over the body is also colorless, most likely the baby is working too hard sebaceous glands. Vitamin deficiency and hormonal imbalances in children's body capable of making themselves felt through rashes without color.

Nature of the rash

If you look closely at your baby's rash, you will notice features. Color, shape and structure.

Like nettle

A rash that resembles nettle spots indicates a special type of allergy - urticaria. Pink blisters on the skin are very itchy and accompanied by an increase in body temperature. The most common cause of urticaria is hot water, stress, strong physical exercise. The rash resembles small blisters on the chest or neck.

Like a mosquito bite

If the rash resembles a mosquito bite, your baby is allergic to poor nutrition. In newborns, this reaction often indicates irregularities in the nursing mother’s diet. Mosquito bites- talk about the effect of any blood-sucking insects on the skin, for example, ticks or fleas.

In the form of spots

A patchy rash is a very common form of skin inflammation. Most often, the reason lies in a disease of the integument itself or in the presence of an infection. The size of the spots and their color play a big role. Rashes similar to spots appear with lichen, allergies, dermatitis and eczema.

Rough to the touch

The rough rash is most often caused by eczema. In this case, the backs of the hands and face are affected. Rough rashes that resemble sandpaper are sometimes caused by keratosis, a form of allergy. Small pimples this affects the back and lateral areas of the hands, but sometimes inflammation occurs inside hips

In the form of bubbles and blisters

A rash in the form of blisters appears on the baby’s body as a result of urticaria (see: urticaria in children), miliaria, pemphigus. Among the infectious diseases, rashes with blisters are caused by rubella and chickenpox.

To match your skin color

Flesh-colored growths on the skin are called papules. A rash of this color indicates eczema, psoriasis, or contact dermatitis. Sometimes a colorless rash is caused by hormonal changes in the child's body.

Redness due to infections

Signs accompanying the rash often indicate the development serious illness at the baby's.

For sore throat

Often, observing the primary signs of a sore throat in a baby (fever and cough), after a certain time parents notice a rash on his body. Development is likely here infectious disease against the background of weakened immunity. Sometimes redness appears due to tonsillitis. Do not forget that in the process of treating a sore throat, a child often develops an allergy to antibiotics.


The appearance of a rash in combination with the usual symptoms of ARVI has similar causes. The child may have an intolerance to the components of the drugs or an allergy to folk remedies. Most often, redness occurs after a course of antibiotics for ARVI.

From chickenpox

From chickenpox Babies develop itchy spots that almost immediately become large blisters. The rash occurs on the palms, face, torso and even in the mouth. The disease is accompanied by high fever and headaches. When the bubbles burst, the baby's skin becomes crusty.

The answer to the question of how long it takes for the rash to completely go away depends on the timeliness of treatment. Usually 3-5 days are enough.

When measles develops

In the case of measles, the baby usually suffers from fever and large red spots that almost merge with each other. The rash from measles appears first on the head, and then spreads to the torso and limbs. The first signs of measles resemble common cold. This is a strong dry cough, sneezing and tears. Then the temperature rises. How many days does it take for the rashes to go away? As a rule, the skin recovers on the third day.

From infection with scarlet fever

Scarlet fever signals itself by the appearance of small dots on the 2nd day of illness. Especially a lot small rash in the area of ​​the elbows and knees, on the palms, in the folds of the skin. The speed of treatment usually does not affect how many days the redness disappears. The rash disappears on its own after 1-2 weeks.

For meningitis

A bright red or purple rash appears on the body of children when meningococcal infection. The disease affects the blood vessels of the skin, causing inflammation on the skin different shapes. With meningitis, there are rashes on the mucous membranes, on the legs and arms, and on the sides of the body.

When to call a doctor

  • The child develops a fever and the temperature rises to 40 degrees.
  • A rash appears all over the body and unbearable itching occurs.
  • Begin headache, vomiting and confusion in the baby.
  • The rash looks like star-shaped hemorrhages.
  • Swelling and difficulty breathing appear.

What absolutely should not be done

  • Squeeze out pustules yourself.
  • Rip off or pop bubbles.
  • Scratch the rash.
  • Apply brightly colored preparations to the skin (this will make it difficult to make a diagnosis).

In general, a rash is a symptom of many diseases. Sometimes it leads to serious problems, and sometimes it goes away on its own. In any case, it would be a good idea to consult a doctor.


  1. Timely vaccinations can protect a child from infections (But remember, vaccinations are not always beneficial, everything is individual!). There are now vaccinations against meningitis and rashes caused by it. Ask your doctor for more details.
  2. Proper introduction of complementary foods can protect small child from allergic reactions. It is recommended to accustom your child to healthy image life and proper nutrition. This will not only prevent many diseases and strengthen the immune system, but also reduce the risk of allergic rashes.
  3. If you suspect that your baby has contracted an infection, immediately limit his contact with a potential source of infection.

Let's sum it up

  • Its localization plays a big role in determining the cause of the rash. The areas of the body that come into most contact with clothing or diapers usually suffer from dermatitis and heat rash. The baby's face often becomes covered with an allergy rash. A rash all over the body indicates the development of an infection or a metabolic disorder in the body.
  • Pay attention to the shape of the rash and its color. Fine point speaks of allergic reactions, A large spots- about infections. Colorless rash is not contagious, and roughness indicates disorders in the child’s body.
  • Follow general condition baby, because other symptoms allow you to accurately determine the factor causing redness of the skin. However, keep in mind that these diseases, like acute respiratory viral infections and tonsillitis, very rarely cause a rash on their own. It is worth observing the child's daily routine, because the rash often appears after visiting the pool and similar public places.
  • If a child's rash is accompanied by coughing, vomiting and high fever, we are talking about an infectious disease. At the same time, the whole body becomes covered with spots and itches. With proper treatment, rashes in children disappear after 3-5 days. Sometimes a rash and vomiting are signs of dysbiosis.
  1. If a rash becomes a cause of concern in a newborn baby, the range of its causes is small. Often, pimples without pus appear on the neck and face of children 2 weeks after birth, disappearing on their own. In children under one year of age, small rashes are most often caused by heat rash due to wearing diapers or tight clothing. Red and pink rashes in a small child are associated with allergies to new foods.
  2. When a rash appears after sun exposure, the baby is said to have photodermatosis. Sun allergy accompanied by itching, redness of the skin and boils. The rash is usually rough on the limbs, face and chest. Crusts, scales, and bubbles form.
  3. Allergic reactions in a child’s body can manifest themselves to a variety of irritants. Often, after visiting the pool, a rash appears on the body of children due to the abundance of chlorine in the water. It has already been said that rashes can form even after a course of antibiotics for a sore throat. If we are talking about the treatment of serious diseases such as leukemia, allergies appear within a month.
  4. A small bright rash in children under the third year of life can appear when new teeth erupt. Here, the rashes are accompanied by a slight fever and weakened immunity due to the appearance of teeth. Most often, teething rashes are located on the neck.
  5. If the rash in babies is not constant (appears and disappears), most likely, there is contact with an irritant that causes an allergy or dermatitis, which occurs periodically. In addition, the rash disappears and appears again with the development of infectious diseases (measles and scarlet fever), urticaria.
  6. To prevent a severe rash in a child, do not try to introduce new foods into his diet too quickly. If your baby shows signs of allergies after swimming in the pool, choose another establishment where the water is not treated with chlorine.

A rash on a child's hands occurs quite often. As you know, children are very curious, so they learn about the world through touching various objects. They play on the playground where there is dirty sand or pick up twigs, leaves or pebbles from the ground. Pathogenic bacteria get on your hands, causing unpleasant symptoms, including a rash. There are other causes of rashes on the hands, fingers and wrists.

The cause of a symptom such as a rash on a child’s hands depends on various factors. Rashes can be caused by pathogenic microbes, chemicals, mites, or the body’s reactions to allergens.


Allergic reaction. The baby may have eaten, touched or put on something, causing the top layer of skin to react in the form of a rash on the arms, cheeks or all over the face, neck, butt, stomach, feet and chest. Most often, parents do not immediately notice a skin reaction to an allergen, so it is sometimes difficult to determine which object or food is the culprit of the unpleasant symptoms.

The most dangerous thing is prolonged contact with the allergen, the surface of the skin itches, and the number of rashes increases.

Atopic dermatitis

This type of dermatitis is an indicator of the presence of a congenital allergy. IN similar cases A rash on a child’s hands appears with frequent contact with a certain allergen. More often allergic rash, which manifests itself in this disease, is located symmetrically on the skin. It can be detected on the legs, face, butt, both hands, elbows, cheeks, stomach, between the legs and on the fingers. The rashes themselves are represented by small blisters.

In addition, blood counts will help exclude inflammatory process in the body of a child, which is suspected elevated temperature bodies. An elevated body temperature in a young patient may prompt the doctor to send the child for PCR diagnostics.

Sometimes the doctor prescribes a test such as microscopy. This analysis will confirm the presence of scabies, which can also manifest itself in the presence of a rash on the skin of the hands, face, neck, cheeks and butt.


Various diseases may be accompanied characteristic species rash, which varies both in size and color, shape and nature of its surface. Also rashes are distinguished from each other by the presence of contents, such as fluid or pus. Common types of rash:

  • Vesicle, represented by bubbles, is usually filled with liquid and reaches 0.5 cm in diameter. Most often, when it is damaged, a wet patch of skin appears.
  • Macula, which looks like a speck, represents the part of the skin where discoloration has occurred. However, this rash does not rise above the surface of the skin. It can appear not only on the hands, but also on the face, butt, and other areas of the skin.
  • Bubble(not to be confused with a bubble) in diameter is 0.5 - 2 cm.
  • Blisters have a spherical irregular shape and look like bubbles. The size of the blisters exceeds 0.5 cm.
  • Pustule is an abscess that protrudes above the surface of the skin and is filled with pus.
  • White rash on the hands may indicate the presence allergic dermatitis. The white rash initially has small sizes and occupies small areas of the skin, then begins to spread throughout the body.


After diagnosing the rash, the specialist should prescribe treatment. Parents should not treat rashes on the arms, butt, abdomen and other areas of the skin of a small child on their own, especially if the child has a fever.

Treatment of rashes is divided into two main areas:

  • relieving symptoms such as fever and rashes and unpleasant itching;
  • treatment of the disease that led to the rash.

Treatment may be required antihistamines , means of local influence, which are presented ointments, creams, gels containing hormones. The rash may sometimes need to be treated with injections or medications taken orally.

  • Read in more detail:

Treatment may involve taking antifungal, antiviral or antibacterial agents . But don’t forget about taking vitamins that will help strengthen the child’s immune system. Can itching be treated? sedatives, antiallergic cooling gels.

Sometimes the doctor suggests treating a rash on the hands with special ultraviolet lamps, which can be included in physiotherapy. The rays of such devices can destroy bacteria and eliminate acne.

Human skin is constantly in contact with various objects, care products and detergents. Most exposed skin areas are not protected and are often exposed to various negative influences. Presence of rashes on different parts bodies can be a sign of many diseases, this is especially evidenced by a rash on the wrists. The causes, photos, common types of skin rashes and treatment methods are described in detail in this material.

Small rash on wrists

A small rash can appear on the wrists of many people, especially children. Such rashes may have different origins, however, most often they are a sign of an allergy that occurs due to external or internal stimuli. The most common of them: decorative cosmetics, perfumes, creams, household chemicals, weather conditions, medications, food products, neuropsychic stress or stress.

The rash can be recognized thanks to the following characteristic features:

  1. Occurs on the skin almost immediately after interaction with an allergen;
  2. When the body reacts to an allergen, redness appears on the back of the hand or between the fingers;
  3. The rash may increase or decrease depending on the patient's condition;
  4. An untidy and itchy sensation occurs.

Allergic reactions with a prolonged, acute or chronic course can develop into eczema or dermatitis. is a chronic disease in which a small rash or small vesicles with clear contents appear on the skin:

Dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin caused by direct contact with a specific irritant. Dermatitis can be simple and allergic. Visual cues dermatitis - slight redness or blistering irritation. A type of chronic dermatitis is, which appears mainly in children. This dermatitis is characterized by the appearance of increasing itching and a bright rash on the hands. Sometimes swelling and red spots on the skin may occur. In this case, the skin becomes keratinized, flaky and dry, as in the photo:

Treatment of eczema or dermatitis begins with identifying the cause. Usually such diseases require long-term therapy using antiallergic, anti-inflammatory and sedatives, as well as active treatment with external medications.

Red rash on wrists

Rashes with characteristic red spots can be the result of factors such as allergies, infection, chronic diseases skin or general disease. Certain types of rash require preliminary examination by a dermatologist and complex treatment.

A small dotted or larger ring-shaped rash appears on the surface of the hands. The rash affects a specific area of ​​the skin or covers the entire skin of the hands. Basically, this irritation shown in the photo does not cause any discomfort (it does not itch or itch). But this is not a reason to ignore going to the doctor.

Diseases that appear on the skin of the hands like red plaques or papules include:

Externally, the rashes may be the same and have similar manifestations, but their origin will be different. Therefore, only a dermatologist can diagnose and determine the method of treatment.

Rash on hands from wrist to elbow

The rash can affect the skin on the arms from the wrist to the crook of the elbow. The reasons for this phenomenon have different origins: fungus, infectious diseases, allergies, disturbances in the functioning of internal organs, metabolic disorders, genetic predisposition. Irritation can be caused by wearing thick synthetic clothing, poor diet, negative impact cosmetics components and household chemicals. The most common causes of rashes in this area are endocrine, metabolic disorders, vitamin deficiency and allergies.

An allergic rash appears on the skin of the hands in the form of pimples:

For preventive purposes, it is recommended to avoid contact with cleaning agents or wear special protective gloves. In addition, you should identify possible allergens - foods or drinks that contribute to the development of rashes. Drug treatment accompanied by taking antihistamines.

Acute skin lesions include :

The disease is of an allergic nature. The syndrome may occur any age. The main symptoms are malaise, headache, heat, formation of blisters on the skin and heavy defeat mucous membranes. The onset of the disease can be triggered by taking antibiotics, infectious agents and malignant diseases.

Rash on arms from armpits to wrist

Itching in the area armpits prevents you from leading your usual lifestyle, playing sports, wearing your favorite clothes and taking daily care of your body. Causes of itching and rash in this zone may be associated with:

  • improper personal hygiene;
  • using antiperspirants;
  • wearing low-quality underwear and clothing;
  • shower products and cosmetics;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • the presence of diseases in the body.

Often unpleasant rashes are associated with dermatological diseases, such as , furunculosis, candidiasis and various varieties.

In most cases, it develops in children after a long illness. This is characterized infection impaired pigmentation of the skin area, peeling, skin itching and profuse suppuration:

Is a dermatological disease:

Which is associated with the appearance of a small rash in the armpit area and between the fingers. The photo shows the manifestations of scabies on the wrists and hands in the form of small vesicles, papules and blisters. Uncharacteristic rashes on the hands and armpits can be both harmless and very dangerous to human health.

If the rash on your wrists itches, what is it?

An unpleasant itching sensation appears due to contact with harmful chemicals, lack of hygiene, infections or reactions to colds, occurring in the body.

Allergies and allergic rashes can appear as a reaction to any irritant (new food, cosmetical tools, drugs). Infectious rashes accompanied by itching and hyperemia of the skin. They appear due to immune disorders, lack of hygiene and the presence of various damage to the skin of the hands. , bacteria and other harmful microorganisms may well cause infectious reactions. As a result, an itchy rash and inflammation occurs.

Skin rashes can also be a manifestation of various skin diseases. One of the most common skin diseases is atopic eczema. :

In which the hands become covered with small, watery blisters, and then a partial pustular rash forms . Eczema also causes small nodules, blisters, or pinpoint erosions. Skin condition significantly different from healthy: Mostly areas of the skin are dry and dotted with multiple scales and crusts.

It is important for a person to understand that when a rash appears, which in addition itches, this is a direct reaction of the body to some provoking factor.

The rash does not itch, reasons with photos

Many rashes can occur without characteristic and noticeable itching in the area of ​​the irritated area. If it appeared rash on wrist without itching, then first of all you need to try to find out the cause by its main characteristics, but it is best to consult a doctor. Typically, the non-itching rash appears as pale pink and brown nodules, dots, blisters, spots or plaques.

Most often, the rash is of allergic or infectious origin. However, the causes may be diseases such as congenital, meningitis, and rubella. and children usually appears first on the face, and then spreads over the entire surface of the body:

In adults, round pink-red spots usually last 2-4 days (sometimes a week). Then they disappear without age spots and peeling.

It is recommended to carefully monitor your health. Since rashes can indicate not only skin diseases, but also about the availability nervous diseases and unhealthy lifestyle. Timely prevention, diagnosis and complex treatment skin rash will give an opportunity prevent the occurrence of many diseases.

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