
Rash on the baby’s arms and legs: why does the child develop small red and white pimples, how to treat? All types of rashes on the body in children Why do the fingers rash and hurt in a child?

A child's rash always appears unexpectedly. And such a manifestation of the body is by no means without reason. Indeed, in most cases, a child has good reasons for the appearance of a rash on any part of the body. Only after identifying the main causes of the rash can treatment begin, since in most cases, these rashes are symptoms with which the baby’s body notifies that a source of disease has appeared in it.

Causes of a rash in a child

Despite the fact that the reasons for the appearance of a rash in a child can lie in more than a hundred different diseases, having a good understanding of their main similar signs, they can be divided into four groups.

  1. Allergic reactions.
  2. Not proper hygiene child.
  3. The occurrence of blood and vascular diseases.
  4. Allergic reactions.

The breakdown into groups is primarily due to the fact that certain causes of a rash in a child have the same symptoms. Since in addition to formations on the skin, there may be elevated temperature body, cough and runny nose, sore throat and stomach, chills, lack of appetite and many others. Each group has similar treatment, but in any case it must be prescribed exclusively by a qualified doctor. You should not self-medicate, since the health of the child is much more important than demonstrating your knowledge in the medical field.

The child has a rash

Do not assume that the child developed a rash only from an incorrectly selected menu. Rash appears for a hundred reasons. AND this problem occurs in both one-week-old infants and ten-year-old children. Only in the case of older children, it is much easier to cure the rash, since the main reasons for its appearance in most cases are known and the child can safely talk about the accompanying signs of the rash. But with children under 2 years old, everything is much more complicated. Although their entire life is under the constant control of their parents, a child can develop a rash from almost anything. And in this case, a trip to the pediatrician will be able to clarify all the details of the disease, the symptom of which is a rash in the child.

Quite often, a child develops a rash due to an infectious disease occurring in the body. In order to find confirmation of this reason, you should carefully monitor the accompanying signs. For example, a child could come into contact with a carrier of the disease and, because of this, have a fever within a couple of hours. high temperature, loss of appetite completely, pain in the abdominal area. Sometimes, with infectious diseases expressed by a rash, severe cough and runny nose, appearing for no reason, and after severe chills, abdominal cramps and severe diarrhea appear.

If your child develops a rash associated with viral infections such as chicken pox, rubella, herpetic infection, measles, then you will have to cope with the disease for at least two weeks. The body, along with the treatment prescribed by the pediatrician, must itself cope with the underlying disease, the manifestation of which is the rash.

Bacteria can quite often be the main cause of a rash in a child. Of course, you can cope with them with the help of antibiotics and other modern drugs you can do it pretty quickly. Only the main problem is that they say that the baby’s body develops more serious illness, the progression of which can have adverse consequences. Among the diseases spread by bacteria are: scarlet fever, typhoid fever, staphylococcal infection, syphilis, meningitis. These diseases are quite serious and the child developed a rash for very serious reasons.

It is not worth talking about the fact that almost every allergic reaction that occurs in a child’s body manifests itself as a rash. And it can appear from the simplest stimuli. Food allergies, intolerance to fluff and animal hair, allergic perception of cleaning products and detergents, odors of flowers and plants, become the causes of allergic reactions and, as a result, the child developed a rash.

If the manifestation of the rash is due to blood diseases, then there are two main reasons for the appearance of the rash. In case of impaired vascular permeability, the rash looks like a minor hemorrhage. The main “provocateurs” of its appearance are injuries and other specific diseases. A decrease in the number of platelets or disruption of their active work.

A small rash can also appear in a child if the body is not properly hygienic. This is especially common in babies whose skin is extraordinarily delicate. Therefore, the slightest delay in changing diapers and untimely washing can lead to the appearance of a rash.

Although, it also happens that there are several reasons for the appearance of a rash, and only a qualified specialist can find out its true nature.

The child has a rash on his body

When a child has a rash on his body and it does not stop spreading, but increases in geometric progression, then you need to sound the alarm. After all, these are no longer simple small rashes on one of the areas of the body that can be removed by anointing with a solution of furatsilin or washing in a series. Such a rash already speaks volumes. The main diseases due to which a child develops a rash on his body are the following.

  1. Measles. In a child, the rash does not appear on the body immediately. 2-3 days before its appearance, the body temperature increases noticeably and reaches 38 degrees, the appetite disappears and the baby feels sick. If these symptoms are absent, then this disease can be excluded. In the first days, small pink spots on the body appear and disappear. First they appear on the face, and then “descend” throughout the body. The rash is not purulent, but has jagged edges and protrudes slightly above the skin.
  2. Rubella. The temperature rises and intoxication appears. The spots are pink and very small. They mainly appear on the face, armpits, elbows, buttocks and under the knees. Within one day, the body becomes covered in a rash. The disease goes away in three days.
  3. Scarlet fever. Initially, severe intoxication appears and a feeling of severe sore throat appears. A rash appears on the child’s body on the second day. Most of all it affects the groin area, armpits, elbow bends, lower abdomen. In the affected areas, the skin constantly “burns.” With scarlet fever, the eyes and tongue become very red. During three days the symptoms begin to disappear, but the skin is very peeling.
  4. Meningitis. The rash appears on the child’s buttocks, legs and thighs. It has the shape of “stars” and resembles small hemorrhages. Body temperature rises sharply. You should consult a doctor immediately.
  5. Chicken pox. Red bumps appear on the face and under the hair, which, as the disease progresses, spread to the body and take the form of watery bumps. As the temperature rises, the number of rashes increases. On a child’s body, the rash begins to disappear when dried red crusts appear.
  6. Allergy. Along with minor skin rashes, lacrimation, cough and runny nose are observed. The rash may form large red spots.
  7. Pyoderma. Purulent formations initially spread throughout the body in the form of bubbles with clear liquid, but pretty soon they begin to turn yellow and dry out.

Whatever the reason for the rash in a child, it should be examined by a specialist, since there are many reasons, and it can only be cured in one way.

Rash on a child's face

When a rash appears on a child’s face quite often, it is worth thinking about it more seriously. After all, regardless of the child’s age, this is a serious problem. So, in infants, the rash on the face is quite common occurrence. And the reason for this may be common heat rash. In order to avoid it, you should do facial and body hygiene more often and sprinkle prickly heat with a small amount of baby powder. Allergic reactions to food products are quite often expressed by the fact that a rash on a child’s face appears in a matter of minutes, and goes away after 3-6 hours after the specified product was eaten. In this case, by simply excluding this product from the diet for several months, you can avoid the appearance of a rash on the face. In breastfed babies, a rash on the face may become a clear sign diathesis. In this case, his mother should review her diet. Although, not proper nutrition during pregnancy can cause a rash to appear on the baby’s face in the first months of his life.

More serious reasons for which a rash on a child’s face indicates an important illness can be scarlet fever, rubella, and measles. If the rash does not subside within 24 hours, then you should sound the alarm.

Rash on a child's legs

Quite often, the baby’s skin becomes covered with spots. A rash on a child’s legs is less common than on other parts of the body, but the reasons for its appearance are very similar. The “safest” rash on the legs is prickly heat. Young children are susceptible to it in the summer. And with proper hygiene, it goes away quickly. Allergic rashes on the legs are also not uncommon. It occurs in both infants and older children. In this case, by identifying the main allergen and ridding the child of it, you can hope for a speedy cleansing of the skin. A rash on a child’s legs can also appear after insect bites. In such cases, after treating the bite, you can be sure that they will go away in 2-3 days, of course, if the bites do not recur.

There are more serious reasons, for which a rash appears on a child’s legs: vesilocupustulosis, scarlet fever, measles, rubella and chickenpox. In this case, the rash spreads more intensively and increases in size within 2-3 days and only after spreading throughout the entire skin begins to subside. It is not recommended to postpone visiting a doctor.

Rash on a child's hands

Learning the world around us Through touch, babies quite often come into contact with objects that negatively affect their health. Therefore, a rash on a child’s hands is not uncommon. Of course, if the rash is caused by touching irritants such as cats, dogs or chemical allergens, then eliminating the rash is very simple. With mechanical irritation, you can easily localize the rash using good cream. Insect bites that infect the baby's delicate skin will also go away quite quickly if treated well. But it is much more difficult to cope with a problem if its cause lies deeper. Many infectious diseases manifest themselves when a rash on a child’s hands becomes the first symptom.

With viral pemphigus of the oral cavity, rashes appear on the hands of babies. At first these are just red spots, but during the day they turn into small ulcers and damage begins lower limbs and oral cavity.

If a rash on a child’s hands is associated with chickenpox, then the appearance of the rash resembles insect bites. With rashes associated with the coxsackie virus, a large number of blisters can be observed. In addition to the hands, they affect the skin of the nose and mouth, and the child begins to show the first signs of herpetic sore throat.

Don't forget about pseudotuberculosis. True, it is quite difficult to become infected with it, since the carriers of the disease are small rodents and mice. The first signs of infection are distinct lumps on the palms of the hands, which turn red over time. These seals do not cause irritation and the child may not pay attention to it. Such a rash on a child’s hands is very dangerous, so immediate consultation with a doctor is essential.

Rash on a child's stomach

The appearance of a rash on the baby’s stomach has almost the same causes of manifestation as other rashes. In addition to the rash on the stomach, rashes are also observed on other parts of the body. The exception is an allergic reaction to contact with some allergen in the tummy area. So, a rash on the stomach of a child, especially an infant, can appear in children one month old due to incorrectly selected skin care products. Even simple lubrication with skin oil can cause severe irritation, which can only be relieved with special rubdowns.

If a child has a rash on his stomach, it is a consequence of more serious illnesses, which are characterized by just such rashes, then contacting a pediatrician is mandatory. Basically, a rash on the stomach of a child appears with rubella, chicken pox, measles and scarlet fever. Of course, with proper treatment, the rash begins to disappear within 3-4 days. Only for this it is necessary to correctly identify the source of the disease and treat it professionally.

Rash on a child's back

Along with the most common causes, such as allergies, prickly heat, insect bites, measles, rubella, scarlet fever, a rash on a child’s back can also cause other diseases. So, among the most probable causes The appearance of a rash in this particular area of ​​the body can be called bacterial sepsis. In this case, the red pimples quickly turn into new growths of ulcers and spread throughout the body. The child completely loses his appetite, but against the background of this manifestation he constantly feels sick and vomits. In addition, the temperature rises to 38 degrees. Treatment should be strictly under the supervision of a doctor in a hospital.

A rash on a child’s back can also appear due to meningococcal meningitis, which has recently become a very common phenomenon. Along with the back, the rash, along with subcutaneous hemorrhages, can appear on the back, arms and legs. Intoxication is very strong, the temperature rises quickly and strongly. The baby feels constant pain in the neck muscles. Hospitalization in this case is immediate.

Rash on baby's bottom

Quite often, one of the most delicate parts of the baby’s body is covered in pimples. Almost always, there are two reasons for this negative manifestation: improper hygiene and an allergic reaction. Babies are especially susceptible to such rashes in the first months of life. Their skin is unusually delicate, so for many parents, a rash on a child’s bottom has become a common occurrence. Thus, inappropriate diapers (severely irritating the skin), infrequent washing and lack of “breathing” of the skin in this intimate place, leads to the development of red pimples on the butt. Even if the child pooped and this process was not monitored, then staying in a dirty diaper for half an hour without washing it leads to the appearance of a rash on the bottom, especially in the hot season. The cause of the rash can also be common prickly heat. In addition, the rash in babies can be caused by improper milk feeding, but then it appears not only on the butt, but also on the face. Diathesis can be easily overcome by changing the mother's diet (in case breastfeeding) or by changing the mixture (for artificial ones). But sometimes an allergy to the butt can develop due to improperly selected baby skin care products. In those places where one of the care products was smeared, severe redness from a small rash may form. In this case, the rash on the child’s bottom will go away quite quickly if you promptly bathe the baby in the tincture of the series or lubricate it several times with a solution of furatsilin.

Rash in an infant

Caring for her baby, every mother closely monitors any changes in his health. And the rash infant is one of the most common problems encountered in babies in the first months of life. There are several reasons for these manifestations. There are some that are quite safe, but there are also those that you should seriously think about.

Newborn acne is practically safe. Often more than half of babies are born with it. They don't require special treatment and disappear by 3-5 months without leaving a trace. Heat rash is common in children, especially in summer. The child has not yet adapted to environment and cannot understand whether he is hot or cold. Therefore, quite often, small watery pimples appear under the hairline of the scalp, on the forehead and face. Less commonly, a rash appears on the bottom of an infant. In this case, you should carry out hygiene procedures for the child more often, change clothes and diapers, and also allow the baby to be without clothes. Food allergies are almost always associated with the mother’s diet or the formula that is fed to the baby. Changing the diet of both mother and child will help avoid these unpleasant rashes and prevent the manifestations of diathesis. A rash in an infant can also be caused by contact with allergens. It can be animal hair, synthetic materials or washing powder. By eliminating them from everyday life, you can get rid of allergies and carefully monitor that contact no longer occurs.

To more serious problems The occurrence of roseola can be attributed. The appearance of a rash in a baby is preceded by a high temperature for 3 days. At the end of the third day, it subsides sharply and covers the entire baby with small red pimples. After a week they disappear without a trace. In that case effective drugs will become "Ibuprofen" and children's paracetamol. Scarlet fever appears on day 2 after contact with the source of the disease. The rash in an infant appears first on the face and neck, and then spreads throughout the body. The only thing that is not affected is the nasolabial triangle. It turns white. Doctor intervention is necessary immediately. Measles has quite characteristic spots that appear first on the cheeks and behind the ears, and then slowly spread throughout the baby’s body. In this case, a high body temperature is observed. Treatment is strictly under the supervision of a pediatrician.

Red rash in a child

If a child develops a red rash, this can cause several diseases. Toxic erythema of newborns, which occurs in the first week of a baby’s life. This red rash in a child is not dangerous and goes away on its own within a week. Neonatal cephalic pustulosis is also very common in newborns on the face and body. Specific treatment is not required, but it takes a long time, from 3 weeks to 3 months. A bright red rash with flaking scales may indicate allergic reaction baby for various foods and breast milk. By eliminating the allergen, you can quickly cure your baby. In some cases, pediatricians prescribe weak antihistamines.

More serious problems can be caused by a red rash in a child caused by viral infectious diseases. These include chickenpox, rubella and scarlet fever. At proper treatment Symptoms subside on the third day, but observation by a pediatrician is required.

Small rash in a child

Quite often, a minor rash in a child is not a cause for concern. Basically, its appearance is associated with prickly heat, food or contact allergies, eczema, which are not difficult to cure. A small rash in a child requires special attention If, along with its appearance, the baby’s temperature rises, signs of intoxication are observed and he looks tired. In this case, only a specialist can determine the cause of the appearance of a small rash in a child.

Allergic rash in children

Children are exposed to all sorts of influences from the external aggressive environment and their body reacts particularly acutely to negative manifestations. Allergic rash in children is one of them. The reason for its appearance may be improper feeding of the baby, especially infants. He reacts sharply to changes in his mother’s diet and any inappropriate product affects his body. Therefore, a caring mother should reconsider her diet. A bottle-fed baby may have rashes due to improperly chosen nutrition. Therefore, you can try to change your diet and even introduce food for allergy sufferers. Contact allergies are treated by eliminating allergens from everyday life and taking anti-allergy medications intended for children. They should be prescribed by a pediatrician.

A rash in a child causes quite a lot of trouble for both the baby and the parents. And only competent and correct treatment can relieve this unfavorable symptom in a matter of days.

Usually, a rash on a child’s body causes a lot of concern among parents. Indeed, a common symptom various infections, causing a lot of discomfort. However timely treatment skin rashes allows you to quickly forget about itching and burning.

A rash in a child can appear not only on the entire body, but also affect only one area. The number of acceptable diagnoses is reduced and recovery occurs faster

On the head

The rash bothers babies in different parts of the body.

  • On the back of the head small dots pink color most often they talk about overheating and the development of prickly heat.
  • Abundant bubbles and blisters on the back of the head or cheeks indicate infection with scabies.
  • Inflammations in the cheeks and beard indicate allergies to food or medications.
  • If a child has a rash on his eyelids, it means that the child has been selected with the wrong hygiene products. If the rashes on the eyelids look like scales or become crusty, dermatitis is likely to develop.

Around the neck

On the hands and wrists

In the abdominal area

A rash on the abdomen in the form of red blisters occurs in newborns from toxic erythema, which goes away on its own. The abdominal area and hip area most often suffer from pemphigus. The disease begins with slight redness, blisters appear and begin to burst. Similar symptoms are typical for exfoliating dermatitis.

When the bacterial microflora is disturbed in the abdominal area, erysipelas. Do not forget about the acceptable minor rashes from allergies, prickly heat and infections such as chickenpox or scabies.

On the lower back

On the inner and outer thighs

Rashes on a child’s thighs usually appear due to poor hygiene. Often the baby simply sweats in his diapers and suffers from poor-quality clothing. The result is prickly heat. Allergic reactions often provoke inflammation on the inner thigh.

A rash on the thighs indicates the presence of measles, rubella, chickenpox or scarlet fever. In rare cases, rashes indicate diseases of the circulatory system.

In the groin area

A groin rash is the result of infrequent diaper changes or skin contact with dirty diapers. Red diaper rash appears on the skin, and bacteria multiply in it. Miliaria in the groin area in the form pink spots It often appears in a baby as a result of overheating in the sun. Sometimes the source of the rash is candidiasis. Finally, the baby may develop an allergy to diapers.

On the buttocks

The rash on the butt has a nature similar to the causes of groin irritation. Rarely changing diapers and violating hygiene rules lead to inflammatory process. The butt area can suffer from allergies to food or diapers, prickly heat and diathesis.

On the legs, knees and heels and can itch

A small rash on the legs usually appears as a result of dermatitis or allergies. If it itches and resembles mosquito bites, most likely the baby actually suffered from insects.

The cause of a rash on the legs can be an infection or injury to the skin. If your child has itchy heels, the rash is most likely caused by a fungus. An allergic reaction on the heels manifests itself in the form of flaky patches that itch and cause swelling of the feet. On knee joints the rash can appear with eczema, lichen and psoriasis.

On all parts of the body

Inflammation of the skin throughout the body often indicates infection. If a child is covered with a small rash and it itches, the cause is probably an allergic reaction (see: allergic rash) of the body to a strong irritant. If there is no itching from the rash, these causes can be excluded. Most likely there is a problem with metabolism or performance internal organs.

When the rash all over the body is also colorless, most likely the baby is working too hard sebaceous glands. Vitamin deficiency and hormonal imbalances in children's body capable of making themselves felt through rashes without color.

Nature of the rash

If you look closely at your baby's rash, you will notice distinctive features. Color, shape and structure.

Like nettle

A rash that resembles nettle spots indicates a special type of allergy - urticaria. Pink blisters on the skin are very itchy and accompanied by an increase in body temperature. The most common cause of urticaria is hot water, stress, strong physical activity. The rash resembles small blisters on the chest or neck.

Like a mosquito bite

If the rash resembles a mosquito bite, your baby is allergic to poor nutrition. In newborns, this reaction often indicates irregularities in the nursing mother’s diet. Mosquito bites indicate the impact of any blood-sucking insects on the skin, such as ticks or fleas.

In the form of spots

A patchy rash is a very common form of skin inflammation. Most often, the reason lies in a disease of the integument itself or in the presence of an infection. The size of the spots and their color play a big role. Rashes similar to spots appear with lichen, allergies, dermatitis and eczema.

Rough to the touch

The rough rash is most often caused by eczema. In this case, the backs of the hands and face are affected. Rough rashes that resemble sandpaper are sometimes caused by keratosis, a form of allergy. Small pimples affect the back and sides of the arms, but sometimes inflammation appears on the inside of the thighs.

In the form of bubbles and blisters

A rash in the form of blisters appears on the baby’s body as a result of urticaria (see: urticaria in children), miliaria, pemphigus. Among the infectious diseases, rashes with blisters are caused by rubella and chickenpox.

To match your skin color

Flesh-colored growths on the skin are called papules. A rash of this color indicates eczema, psoriasis or contact dermatitis. Sometimes a colorless rash is caused by hormonal changes in the child's body.

Redness due to infections

Signs accompanying the rash often indicate the development serious illness at the baby's.

For sore throat

Often, observing the primary signs of a sore throat in a baby (fever and cough), after a certain time parents notice a rash on his body. Development is likely here infectious disease against the background of weakened immunity. Sometimes redness appears due to tonsillitis. Do not forget that in the process of treating a sore throat, a child often develops an allergy to antibiotics.


The appearance of a rash in combination with the usual symptoms of ARVI has similar causes. The child may have an intolerance to the components of the drugs or an allergy to folk remedies. Most often, redness occurs after a course of antibiotics for ARVI.

From chickenpox

Chickenpox causes itchy spots in babies that almost immediately become large blisters. The rash occurs on the palms, face, torso and even in the mouth. The disease is accompanied by high fever and headaches. When the bubbles burst, the baby's skin becomes crusty.

The answer to the question of how long it takes for the rash to completely go away depends on the timeliness of treatment. Usually 3-5 days are enough.

When measles develops

In the case of measles, the baby usually suffers from fever and large red spots that almost merge with each other. The rash from measles appears first on the head, and then spreads to the torso and limbs. The first signs of measles resemble common cold. This is a strong dry cough, sneezing and tears. Then the temperature rises. How many days does it take for the rashes to go away? As a rule, the skin recovers on the third day.

From infection with scarlet fever

Scarlet fever signals itself by the appearance of small dots on the 2nd day of illness. There is especially a lot of small rash in the elbow and knee bends, on the palms, and in the folds of the skin. The speed of treatment usually does not affect how many days the redness disappears. The rash disappears on its own after 1-2 weeks.

For meningitis

A bright red or purple rash appears on the body of children with meningococcal infection. The disease affects the blood vessels of the skin, so inflammation on the skin forms in various forms. With meningitis, there are rashes on the mucous membranes, on the legs and arms, and on the sides of the body.

When to call a doctor

  • The child develops a fever and the temperature rises to 40 degrees.
  • A rash appears all over the body and unbearable itching occurs.
  • Begin headache, vomiting and confusion in the baby.
  • The rash looks like star-shaped hemorrhages.
  • Swelling and difficulty breathing appear.

What absolutely should not be done

  • Squeeze out pustules yourself.
  • Rip off or pop bubbles.
  • Scratch the rash.
  • Apply brightly colored preparations to the skin (this will make it difficult to make a diagnosis).

In general, a rash is a symptom of many diseases. Sometimes it leads to serious problems, and sometimes it goes away on its own. In any case, it would be a good idea to consult a doctor.


  1. Timely vaccinations can protect a child from infections (But remember, vaccinations are not always beneficial, everything is individual!). There are now vaccinations against meningitis and rashes caused by it. Ask your doctor for more details.
  2. Proper introduction of complementary foods can protect small child from allergic reactions. It is recommended to accustom your child to healthy image life and proper nutrition. This will not only prevent many diseases and strengthen the immune system, but also reduce the risk of developing allergic rash.
  3. If you suspect that your baby has contracted an infection, immediately limit his contact with a potential source of infection.

Let's sum it up

  • Its localization plays a big role in determining the cause of the rash. The areas of the body that come into most contact with clothing or diapers usually suffer from dermatitis and heat rash. The baby's face often becomes covered with an allergy rash. A rash all over the body indicates the development of an infection or a metabolic disorder in the body.
  • Pay attention to the shape of the rash and its color. Small dots indicate allergic reactions, and large spots- about infections. Colorless rash is not contagious, and roughness indicates disorders in the child’s body.
  • Monitor the general condition of the baby, because other symptoms allow you to accurately determine the factor causing redness of the skin. However, keep in mind that these diseases, like acute respiratory viral infections and tonsillitis, very rarely cause a rash on their own. It is worth observing the child's daily routine, because the rash often appears after visiting the pool and similar public places.
  • If a child's rash is accompanied by coughing, vomiting and high fever, we are talking about an infectious disease. At the same time, the whole body becomes covered with spots and itches. With proper treatment, rashes in children disappear after 3-5 days. Sometimes a rash and vomiting are signs of dysbiosis.
  1. If a rash becomes a cause of concern in a newborn baby, the range of its causes is small. Often, pimples without pus appear on the neck and face of children 2 weeks after birth, disappearing on their own. In children under one year of age, small rashes are most often caused by heat rash due to wearing diapers or tight clothing. Red and pink rashes in a small child are associated with allergies to new foods.
  2. When a rash appears after sun exposure, the baby is said to have photodermatosis. Sun allergy accompanied by itching, redness of the skin and boils. The rash is usually rough on the limbs, face and chest. Crusts, scales, and bubbles form.
  3. Allergic reactions in a child’s body can manifest themselves to a variety of irritants. Often, after visiting the pool, a rash appears on the body of children due to the abundance of chlorine in the water. It has already been said that rashes can form even after a course of antibiotics for a sore throat. If we are talking about the treatment of serious diseases such as leukemia, allergies appear within a month.
  4. A small, bright rash in children under the third year of life can appear when new teeth erupt. Here, the rashes are accompanied by a slight fever and weakened immunity due to the appearance of teeth. Most often, teething rashes are located on the neck.
  5. If the rash in babies is not constant (appears and disappears), most likely, there is contact with an irritant that causes an allergy or dermatitis, which occurs periodically. In addition, the rash disappears and appears again with the development of infectious diseases (measles and scarlet fever), urticaria.
  6. To prevent a severe rash in a child, do not try to introduce new foods into his diet too quickly. If your baby shows signs of allergies after swimming in the pool, choose another establishment where the water is not treated with chlorine.

A rash on a baby's hands is a common problem for most mothers. Indeed, kids who are curious and eager to understand the world touch and try everything with all their might.

But, unfortunately, at this age a person is not careful. Often, getting to know something new leads to trouble for the little researcher. The result of these studies may be the appearance of a rash on the hands.

In most cases, a rash on the palms appears due to an allergy to certain irritants. The list of allergens that can cause such a reaction is huge. These include various chemical components in detergents, and biological infection by microorganisms that entered the blood through wounds. One way or another, such a rash is very itchy, which can greatly bother the baby.

A rash on a child’s hands should definitely be a reason for parents to consult a doctor. However, while waiting for an appointment or in the evening, when you can only go to the clinic in the morning, you should try to relieve the child of unpleasant itching. In addition, itching evening time his palms will not let him fall asleep.

First you need to determine the cause of the rash. If a rash on a child’s hands is a manifestation of an allergic reaction, then it will be enough to take the anti-allergy medications that you have always practiced. If you are sure that the rash is a reaction to a mechanical irritant, you can simply treat the affected area with a moisturizer. hypoallergenic cream. In this case, the child’s itching will stop almost immediately. If this does not happen, then the cause of the rash lies elsewhere.

In addition, a rash on a child's hands may be a sign that the child has contracted an infection. There are a number of diseases that initial stage which causes a rash on the palms. This includes, for example, viral oral pemphigus. Right this infection called vesicular stomatitis with eczema. After infection, rashes always affect the child’s hands, and then spots and redness appear on the legs. When the oral cavity becomes covered with pimples and ulcers, the child’s temperature may begin to rise, the baby will become lethargic and apathetic, and also lose appetite.

Different infectious diseases have different rash symptoms. For example, during chickenpox, red spots appear on the child’s hands, reminiscent of insect bites. By the way, not so long ago we wrote about that and. Coxsackie infection is characterized by blisters appearing on the child’s hands. During the course of the disease, the child develops herpangina. Often the cause of a rash in a child is a common bacterial infection called impitigo. Often the rashes first appear around the nose and mouth, and it also happens that small pinkish flat bumps appear on the skin of the hands.

The most dangerous disease that causes in its initial stage is pseudotuberculosis. This disease is spread by small rodents. In most cases, infection occurs after contact with objects to which rodents have access. First, lumps appear on the palms, which turn red over time. Then gradually some of them take on a dark burgundy hue. Despite the fact that this rash on the child’s hands does not cause itching, and the baby initially does not complain of anything, he simply needs urgent hospitalization.

Fortunately, babies have a fairly low chance of encountering this infection. Much more often you can observe chronic rashes, when for unknown reasons the baby scratches his palms all the time, the skin on them is inflamed, pimples, pimples and other areas of inflammation appear regularly. Even if the child does not develop other symptoms, this does not mean that the child is healthy, but quite the opposite. If an infection is not the cause of the rash, like an allergy, it is likely that this may be the initial stage of some kind of chronic disease, and the baby needs a full medical examination.

Human skin can be called an indicator of health. This is especially true for a small child, whose skin is very sensitive to any changes - both in external conditions and in general condition internal organs and systems of the body.

Skin rashes can be of different types. Some of them are not dangerous, others are a signal of the development of an allergic, infectious or autoimmune process. It is impossible to ignore a rash in a child or treat it yourself without finding out the root cause.

Skin rashes are a very common occurrence in young children.

Types of rashes in babies

In dermatology, there are three large groups into which all possible skin rashes in infants are divided:

  1. Physiological. This type of rash occurs in newborns. Rashes appear on the body as a result of hormonal changes occurring in the body.
  2. Immunological. It is a consequence of the effect on the epidermis of various irritating factors, such as allergens, temperature or friction. Such rashes include urticaria, prickly heat, an allergic reaction, or atopic dermatitis. Violation elementary rules hygiene can also lead to undesirable manifestations.
  3. Infectious. A rash is a symptom accompanying a certain infectious (viral) disease, for example, chicken pox or scarlet fever (more details in the article:).

Causes of rashes

There are many reasons why rashes may appear on the head, face, arms, legs, sternum, back or back of the head. The most likely are:

  1. Viral diseases. These include measles, rubella, chickenpox, and mononucleosis.
  2. Diseases bacterial etiology. For example, scarlet fever.
  3. Allergy. Food products, hygiene products, clothing, etc. can cause an allergic reaction. household chemicals, perfumes and cosmetics, insect bites.
  4. Mechanical damage to the epidermis. If the wound is treated insufficiently, irritation of the skin around it may begin, manifesting itself in the form of pimples, white spots, colorless blisters, goosebumps, red or pink spots.
  5. Problems with blood clotting. In this situation, the rash consists of small hemorrhages characteristic of meningococcal meningitis.

So, rashes happen in babies different types and has different etiologies. It is not worthwhile to independently diagnose and determine the type of rash using photos from the Internet, even with good explanations. This should be done by a specialist.

Diseases accompanied by rashes

Any type of rash on the body is a symptom of the disease. They can be very different in appearance. The rash can be papular, pinpoint or, conversely, in the form of large dots or pimples. She's dating different colors, starting with transparent or white color and until bright red. The characteristics that describe rashes directly depend on their etiology or the illness that they accompany.

Dermatological diseases

Among the diseases of dermatological etiology, the symptoms of which are a variety of rashes, the following can be noted:

  • dermatoses (for example,);
  • psoriasis;
  • eczema;
  • candidiasis and other diseases of the epidermis.

Almost always, skin diseases are caused by problems with internal organs and systems in combination with exposure to external factors. For example, neurodermatitis can be triggered by disruptions in the functioning of the nervous and endocrine systems against the background of decreased immunity. In such a situation it is required complex therapy using medications, and not just ointments or creams.

Psoriasis on the hands of a child

As for psoriasis, at the initial stage it looks like an allergic reaction, but over time the plaques become characteristic appearance. Another name for the disease is lichen planus. Psoriasis and eczema are very rare in children of one month of age. Genetic predisposition to these diseases only after 2 years.

Allergic reaction

One of the main symptoms of allergies is a rash. Negative reaction is the result of taking medicinal drugs or eating certain foods. Having different shapes and sizes, the rashes can spread throughout the body, including the face, chest, and limbs.

Basics characteristic difference allergy rash - its severity increases when exposed to an allergen and disappears after eliminating the irritant. Another feature is the presence of severe itching.

The most common manifestations of an allergic rash are:

  1. . Occurs due to foods, medications and temperature factors. Sometimes determine the real reason urticaria is impossible.
  2. . It is a papular red rash that merges and becomes crusty as it develops. It most often occurs on the face, cheeks and places where the arms and legs are bent. Accompanied by itching.

Atopic dermatitis or eczema

Infectious diseases

Quite often, a rash is a sign of an infectious disease. The most famous of them:

  1. . The child develops characteristic watery blisters, which dry out and form a crust. They are characterized by itching. The temperature may also rise, but sometimes the disease goes away without it.
  2. . The main symptoms are enlarged lymph nodes in the neck and a rash in the form of small red spots or dots that first appear on the face and then move to the neck, shoulders and then spread throughout the body.
  3. . Appears as round spots and nodules behind ears spreading throughout the body. The disease is also accompanied by peeling, pigmentation disorders, fever, conjunctivitis, cough and photophobia.
  4. . Initially, the rashes are localized on the cheeks, then move to the limbs, chest and torso. Gradually the rash becomes paler. Scarlet fever is also characterized by a bright red coloration of the palate and tongue.
  5. . It starts with an increase in temperature. The fever lasts about three days, after which a pinpoint red rash appears on the body.
  6. . It is characterized by a red rash that is very itchy.

The symptoms of chickenpox are difficult to confuse with the symptoms of another infection.
Rubella rash
Signs of measles
Roseola rash

Rashes in a newborn

The sensitive skin of newborns is most susceptible to negative external influences. Among the most frequent cases rashes on the baby's body are noted:

  1. . It usually appears in a child due to heat as a result of overheating and difficulty sweating. Most often, this type of rash forms on the head, in particular under the hair, on the face, in the folds of the skin, where diaper rash is present. Rashes are blisters and spots that do not cause discomfort to the child (see also:). For diaper rash, the time-tested Panthenol Spray with dexpanthenol, a precursor substance to vitamin B5, which stimulates skin regeneration processes, is also used. Unlike analogues, which are cosmetics, this is a certified medicinal product and can be used from the first day of a child’s life. It’s easy to apply – just spray it on the skin without rubbing. PanthenolSpray is produced in the European Union, in compliance with high European quality standards; you can recognize the original PanthenolSpray by the smiley face next to the name on the packaging.
  2. . Inflamed papules and pustules affect the face, scalp under the hair and neck. They are a consequence of the activation of the sebaceous glands through maternal hormones. Such acne usually does not need to be treated, but quality care and moisturizing of the skin should be provided. They pass without a trace, leaving no scars or pale spots.
  3. . Manifests itself in the form of papules and pustules with white-yellow color, 1 to 2 mm in diameter, surrounded by a red rim. They appear on the second day of life, then gradually go away on their own.

Heat rash on the face of a baby

How to determine the disease by the location of the rash?

One of the important characteristics of rashes on the body is their localization. It is by what part of the body the spots, dots or pimples are located that one can determine the nature of the problem and the disease that became the root cause of their appearance.

Naturally, this is not the only parameter that is necessary to establish an accurate diagnosis, but it is quite possible to reduce the number of variants of ailments. However, a dermatologist should analyze the factors that caused the appearance of a rash on a particular part of the body and how to treat it in order to avoid serious consequences of self-medication.

Rash on face

One of the parts of the body that is most susceptible to various types of dermatitis is the face.

In addition to the fact that the appearance of small pimples or spots on the face indicates pathologies in the body, such defects also become aesthetic problem.

Reasons why the rash affects facial area, can be very diverse:

  1. Reaction to sunlight. Occurs with prolonged exposure to the sun.
  2. Allergy. It can be caused by cosmetics, for example, creams containing citrus oils. Food is also often the cause.
  3. Prickly heat. It is observed in infants one year of age and younger with poor quality skin care.
  4. Diathesis. It affects children who are breastfed.
  5. Puberty in adolescents.
  6. Infectious diseases. Among them are measles, rubella and scarlet fever.

Rashes all over the body

Quite often, the rash affects more than one specific area, but spreads throughout almost the entire body.

Allergic rash in a newborn

If a child is covered with various kinds of rashes, this indicates:

  1. Erythema toxic. The rash affects 90% of the body. Disappears within 3 days after toxins are removed.
  2. Newborn acne (we recommend reading:). Bathing with baby soap air baths, care and proper nutrition are the solution to this problem.
  3. Allergic reaction. May manifest as urticaria or contact dermatitis on any part of the body where there was contact with the allergen.
  4. Infections. If nothing has changed in the child’s diet and habits, then possible reason rash is an infectious disease.

Red dots on arms and legs

As for the rash on the extremities, its main cause is usually an allergy. These allergic manifestations especially affect the hands. They can remain on the skin for a long time if the child experiences constant stress, emotional distress and fatigue. If left untreated, the problem can develop into eczema.

Another reason why it may sprinkle hands and feet is fungal disease(such as psoriasis, scabies, or lupus). In cases where there is no rash in other places, a simple miliaria is possible.

Allergic rash on a child's foot

Rash on the stomach

The main factor that can trigger the appearance of a rash on the abdomen is infection, in particular, such well-known diseases as measles, rubella, scarlet fever and chicken pox. With timely and competent treatment, the rash begins to disappear within 3-4 days.

Usually, in addition to the abdomen, the skin is affected in other places. However, if the rash is present exclusively on the abdomen, then contact dermatitis is most likely caused by an allergen coming into contact with the baby's tummy.

Rashes on the head and neck

A rash on the head or neck is most often a result of heat rash. In this case, it is necessary to normalize the child’s thermoregulation and ensure proper care for the skin. You can also smear the affected areas with ointments and bathe the baby in a series.

Other reasons for the appearance of a rash in these places include:

  • chicken pox;
  • scabies (we recommend reading:);
  • neonatal pustulosis;
  • atopic dermatitis.

Atopic dermatitis

Red dots on the back

The most common causes of red spots on the back and shoulders are:

  • allergy;
  • prickly heat;
  • insect bites;
  • measles;
  • rubella (we recommend reading:);
  • scarlet fever.

Two more probable diseases associated with such a location of red dots as the back are:

  1. Sepsis of bacterial origin. Red pimples quickly spread throughout the body, turning into purulent formations. The disease is accompanied by loss of appetite, vomiting and nausea, and a temperature of up to 38 degrees.
  2. . In addition to the rash, the child has subcutaneous hemorrhages on the back, a high fever instantly rises, and constant pain appears in the area where the occipital muscles are located.

Sepsis of bacterial origin

White and colorless rash

In addition to the usual pimples or spots of red and pink color, the rashes may be white or colorless. Most often, the white color of the rash is characteristic of an allergic reaction; in adults, it is characteristic of diseases of infectious etiology. Rashes of this kind on the face indicate normal blockage of the sebaceous glands.

As for the colorless color of the rash, it indicates the presence of:

  • vitamin deficiency;
  • hormonal imbalance in the body;
  • problems in the functioning of the digestive system;
  • fungal infection;
  • allergies.

Sometimes a small rash may appear on the baby's skin, which appearance reminds me of goosebumps. This sign indicates an allergic reaction caused by hypersensitivity to various irritants, especially drugs. Children with a hereditary predisposition are more susceptible to it.

Every person has suffered from a rash at least once in their life. A red rash on the hands can occur from many factors: biochemical, physiological and anatomical, vary to varying degrees pain sensitivity.

You need to understand that this is not only an aesthetic problem that needs to be gotten rid of due to its unpleasant appearance, but often the body, in this way, tries to tell its owner about the presence of very serious malfunctions.

At the first signs of a rash, you should immediately consult a doctor so that he can diagnose the reasons for the spread of the red rash on your arms and recommend treatment methods.

Types of red rash on hands

The normal appearance of the skin reflects the internal health of a person, but as soon as malfunctions occur in the body, they first appear on the dermis. Peeling, red rash, and many other symptoms may indicate internal disorders of the body.

That is why there are a number of different types of red rash, differing in appearance and causes of occurrence:

  • Bubble- a small cavity filled with serous fluid inside, no more than 1 centimeter in size. They are divided into single and multi-chamber. After they open, ulcers and erosions remain on the dermis;
  • Ulcers are divided into a number of types: deep, follicular, superficial, but all of them are distinguished by one nature - there is pus in the cavity of the pustule;
  • Papules or nodes can have a size from 1 ml to 3 cm. Their presence changes the color and consistency of the skin;
  • - are small formations on the skin. Their color is pink, and their life span is quite short. Very often they do not require medical intervention and disappear after a few hours;
  • Specks- change the color of the skin, while the damaged dermis continues to be on the same level as the healthy one.

Causes of rashes on palms and arms

A red rash on the palms of your hands and arms can appear for a variety of reasons. They can be quite harmless, like cold, or be a symptom of a number of serious diseases.

Allergic dermatitis

dermatological disease, is of an allergic nature. A red rash occurs as a response of the body to an external irritant, that is, an allergen.

It appears only if the body is initially predisposed and sensitive to this allergic reaction. The problem has a delayed effect, that is, for full manifestation it takes time for the reaction to occur and for the development of an allergy to the provoking factor.

This allergy is one of the subtypes of urticaria, and therefore requires medical intervention and treatment.

Manifestations on hands:

Antibiotics – these medications themselves are strong allergens and cause the most severe reaction penicillin group and sulfonamides.

on hands:

Allergic urticaria

Represents the body's reaction to an allergen.

Manifestations and causes allergic urticaria on hands:

Allergic rash on the hands of a child

An allergic rash on the hands of a child can appear at any age.

Manifestations and causes of allergic rash on children's hands:

Contact dermatitis

Also called allergic, because it occurs due to constant exposure to the hands irritants and allergens.

Manifestations and causes of contact dermatitis in our hands:

Atopic dermatitis

Ordinary dermatitis, gradually developing, begins to have its own nature in subsequent years.

Appears due to inflammation on skin often appears even in infants and children, and is not so common in adults.

Symptoms of problems in the hands are:

To cure this disease requires careful monitoring by a dermatologist and allergist with the prescription of a number of powerful drugs on hormonal basis and antihistamines.

Enterovirus infection

A red rash with this disease mainly affects children under 5 years of age; in adults it is a very rare occurrence.

Manifestations enterovirus infection on hands:


A chronic disease of a neuro-allergic nature.

Manifestations of eczema on the hands:


Manifestations on hands:

  • The reason for the appearance of this disease and the red rash as a symptom is the scabies mite;
  • Severe itching, inflammation in the form of papules and blisters, often on the folds, can affect not only the hands, but the rest of the body;
  • There are often complications in the form of pustules, since the disease is polymorphic;
  • Different high degree contagiousness;
  • However, the possibility of relapse is extremely low, since during the first manifestation of the disease the body intensively produces antibodies to strengthen the immune system;
  • The rash usually appears between the fingers or on the wrist.


A sexually transmitted disease, which is characterized by damage to the skin, mucous membranes and internal organs of a person.

Manifestations of syphilis on the hands:

  • One of the symptoms is the presence of red spots on the palms and arms;
  • The disease is distinguished by its range characteristic features such as swelling of the genital organs, weakness, itching.

If this kind of problem occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor to prevent the body from rotting. Syphilis is highly contagious and should be completely avoided. sex life until complete recovery.


Manifestations of gonorrhea on the hands:

Intestinal yersiniosis

Manifestations and causes of intestinal yersiniosis on the hands:


Manifestations on hands:


Manifestations and causes of vasculitis on the hands:


Meningococcal infection is incredible dangerous disease, in many cases, proving fatal or confining the person to a wheelchair.

Manifestations and causes of meningococcus on the hands:

It should not be allowed to appear on the face.


In childhood, children very often get measles, although many parents vaccinate their children.

Manifestations and causes of measles on the hands:


Another childhood viral disease. It is quite harmless for children, except in cases of mother illness during pregnancy.

on hands:

You can get a vaccine to prevent rubella.

Chicken pox

You can get chickenpox at any age, but it is less dangerous for children.

Manifestations on hands:

Sensitivity to colds

When vascular permeability is impaired in the body, small and large hemorrhages appear on the skin.

However, they do not simply appear, but are provoked by a number of other factors, in particular, the usual increase in temperature during a cold.

So such sensitivity can be attributed to diseases of the circulatory system.


The following factors can provoke the hand:

Herpetic rashes on the palms and back side brushes are rare. But this is the most unpleasant area for the patient, because the palms are most often used in everyday life.

Ways to diagnose the source of the rash

Diagnosing the source of the rash is a rather difficult issue. This diagnosis can only be made by a dermatologist.

Diagnostics for adults:

  • Visual inspection– the rash is checked for characteristic features, quite often they are individual for many diseases;
  • To exclude a rash as a symptom of an infectious disease, a number of tests are prescribed:
    • studying the secretion of ulcers;
    • blood test - this additional information helps to obtain additional information to make a diagnosis.

Differential diagnosis of rash in children:

  • Initial examination of the child and palpation of the rash for characteristic features;
  • Comparison of clinical examination with other research methods such as the primary element of the rash and the nature of its distribution. For example, if the rash appeared on the first day of illness, then this is viral infection. There is a summary table of these comparisons that helps the doctor calculate the source of the rash.

Treatment methods

Treatment of a red rash on the hands depends entirely on the diagnosis. If it is only a consequence of another disease, then medications are prescribed to cure the underlying disease, not the symptom.

For simple relief of itching and burning:

  • You can simply treat the rash with brilliant green or an antiseptic to dry the blisters; they prevent injury to the rash;
  • Use a special ointment, for example, Skin-Cap or Panthenol.

The following is usually used to treat scabies:

  • Ice or corticosteroid ointment can be used to relieve severe itching during treatment.

For allergic dermatitis you need:

  • Find out the allergen and remove it from your life;
  • You will need to reconsider nutrition, cosmetics, animals, flowers and many other substances;
  • For treatment, medications aimed at reducing swelling and redness, such as Fenistil and Advantan, will help.

Preventive measures

To prevent the appearance of a red rash, you can use the following rules:

  • Constantly adhere to the rules of hygiene, wash your hands before eating and after visiting public places warm water and soap;
  • In the cold season, wear gloves or mittens, and in the warm season do not expose them to direct sun rays long time;
  • Use rubber gloves while cleaning to minimize exposure to strong chemicals;
  • Normalize your diet by removing any allergens from it;
  • Do not touch unfamiliar animals on the street;
  • Each family member must have their own hygiene items in the house; they cannot use others’;
  • Use hand moisturizer.


Most often, a red rash on the hands appears due to an allergic reaction of the body to external stimuli. Avoiding them is quite simple, just like curing them.

It’s another matter if the rash is a symptom of another disease. That is why, after detecting inflammation, you need to immediately consult a doctor for a diagnosis and subsequent treatment, and not just hide your hands.