
When bending down, it compresses the head. What to do if you have a headache when you tilt your head down? There are several main types of headaches

Headache is a symptom of a large number of diseases that has different character. What causes pain when tilting the head, and how to identify the pathology causing the discomfort.

Why does my head hurt?

There is no person who does not know what it is headache. Some people experience it extremely rarely, while others suffer from it all the time. Sometimes the pain occurs or becomes more severe when you try to bend your head or stand up. What causes headaches when you bend your head? Let's find out in this article.

Headache is discomfort, extending from the eyes to the back of the head. Patients often complain about it at doctor's appointments. Its appearance reflects a painful, unbalanced state of the body.
Sometimes my head hurts when I turn or bend.

Types of pain

Headache occurs:

  • primary;
  • secondary.

In case of primary pain, a detailed examination does not indicate any abnormalities in the patient’s health. Secondary pain is symptomatic and indicates:

  • pathologies of internal organs;
  • damage to the body by toxins;
  • head and neck injuries;
  • pathologies of metabolic processes;
  • side symptoms of certain medications.

Why does my head hurt when I bend down? More on this later.

Speaking about headaches, we remember that discomfort occurs when exposed to blood vessels, tissues, skin And meninges. When describing a headache, patients say about it like this:

  • dull;
  • aching;
  • compressive;
  • pulsating;
  • paroxysmal;
  • constant;
  • periodic;
  • occurring during movements.

The doctor, interviewing the patient, pays attention to the circumstances and type of pain. This makes it possible to diagnose the pathology causing it.

What causes headaches when bending over?

If your head hurts when you tilt your head, there may be the following reasons:

  • sinusitis (sinusitis);
  • acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections;
  • flu;
  • cervical migraine;
  • nervous overload;
  • neoplasms in the brain;
  • violation of intracranial pressure;
  • anemia;
  • hypertension and cardiac disorders;
  • diseases of the cervical spine;
  • stiffening of the neck muscles;
  • vascular pathologies.

Pain occurs as a result of:

  • alcohol and drug abuse;
  • incorrect use of medicinal substances;
  • staying in an uncomfortable position for a long time.

It happens that when you bend over, you get a headache in your temples.

Additional symptoms

Complementary and associated symptoms will be:

  • complaints of tinnitus;
  • fever and high temperature;
  • dizziness;
  • complaints of memory impairment.

Against the backdrop of constant headaches, it is extremely important not to put off visiting a doctor.
This will help to promptly identify and treat fairly serious diseases. The attending physician involves specialists of a narrower profile for consultation - a cardiologist, a surgeon, a neurologist, especially if the head hurts when tilting the head.

What does the nature of the pain indicate?

The pain may:

  • arise;
  • will worsen.

When your head hurts when bending down, primary diagnosis will:

  • sinusitis (sinusitis);
  • migraine;
  • hypertension.

If the pain worsens with tilting the head, then its root cause is:

  • With periodic headaches with a feeling of pressure and compression over the entire surface of the head, with pronounced pressure in the forehead and eye sockets, with aggravation when bending over - constant nervous tension, stress and the insomnia they cause.
  • Pain in a part of the head that lasts more than three hours is accompanied by weakness, nausea, sensitivity to bright light, sharply intensifying when bending over, and can be provoked by fear, fear, or intense odors.
  • Migraine, the cause of which is cerebral circulation disorders, brain pathologies.
  • Rare pain (cluster) is most common in men, has the character of a pulsation in a certain part of the head, sharply intensifies when bending over, is accompanied by a rush of blood to the face and the separation of tears. Duration - several hours. The cause is not fully known, but most often it is caused by alcohol abuse and dehydration.
  • The pain is constant, severe, and greatly aggravated when bending over. Accompanied by lack of appetite, sleep disturbances, and depressed mood. Temporal arteritis affects people over 50 years of age and is caused by inflammation in the blood vessels.
  • A sharp one-time pain in one of the areas of the head, intensifies when turning, is accompanied by speech and coordination disorders - intracranial bleeding after injury or due to pathology of the cerebral vessels.

We looked at how a headache hurts when tilting your head. Often a person is bothered by the following conditions:

  • A sharp headache lasting more than a day.
  • Pain that is most severe and sudden.
  • Constant severe headaches after age 50.
  • Headache with the appearance of vision pathology, speech impairment, weakness in the arms or legs (cerebral hemorrhages).
  • Severe headache with high temperature, vomiting, numbness of the neck muscles (may indicate infectious lesions of the brain).
  • Tangible pain in the eye sockets, which is accompanied by a severe headache.

If these symptoms occur, you should immediately consult a doctor or call emergency medical care.

Causes of pain in the forehead

Sometimes a person's forehead hurts. Such sensations intensify when bending forward and
are regarded as one of the specific symptoms of frontal sinusitis. The cause is the accumulation of mucus in the frontal sinuses. Viscous thick mucus presses on the outer walls of the sinuses, which have large number nerve endings. Pain in the forehead is more noticeable in the morning, less in the evening.

Such symptoms are caused by the sinuses overflowing with pus overnight, and when standing up the mass presses on the wall of the frontal sinus. Throughout the day, the pathological fluid flows out through natural openings, and the pain gradually subsides. In some cases, when the pus cannot drain, the headache becomes very severe.
Accompanying symptoms are often discomfort in the eye sockets, reaction to bright light, and disturbances of smell.

Pain in the forehead and nose is caused by infection and inflammation of the ethmoid bone and sinuses (ethmoiditis and sphenoiditis). Another cause of discomfort when bending over the forehead and nose is sinusitis (sinusitis). The course of these diseases is more complex - the pathology extends to the jaw areas.

Causes of pain during sinusitis

Sinusitis is an inflammation that affects the paranasal sinuses upper jaw(Highmore's). Inflammatory damage occurs with acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, and rhinitis. The disease can be provoked by:

  • anatomical features of the nose;
  • polyps in the nasal passages;
  • runny nose of an allergic nature;
  • constant hypothermia;
  • swimming or diving;
  • facial tumors.

Inflammations are caused by bacteria, viruses and fungi. With sinusitis, as with frontal sinuses, pain and discomfort are provoked by the accumulation of mucus in the sinuses and pressure on pain receptors. Morning pain is caused by the accumulation of a critical mass of mucus and pus overnight.

Additional symptoms

Additional symptoms of sinusitis are:

  • Thick purulent discharge from the nose (may be absent, white or transparent).
  • A stuffy nose, which can cause difficulty in draining pus from the sinuses.
  • Increase in body temperature to 39 degrees Celsius. At chronic sinusitis There may be no temperature.
  • Sinusitis pain is often confused with migraine. Migraine pain, like sinusitis, intensifies if the head tilts forward. Their provoking factors are noise, light, smell. A person with a migraine feels nauseous. And sometimes in this case the head hurts when bending back.
  • The inflammatory process during sinusitis provokes general malaise, poisoning the body with decay products. After the symptoms of the disease are relieved, the headache goes away.

Manifestation of headache and sinusitis:

  • Feeling of pressure and pain in a specific part of the face (eye sockets).
  • Pain when palpating the face.
  • A sharp increase in pain when bending or moving the head.
  • A sharp increase in pain when leaving the room in the cold or vice versa.
  • Typical headaches occur with a cold or immediately after it.

The ENT specialist refers the patient to an x-ray or computed tomography scan. If there is a suspicion of allergic cause sinusitis, a test will be performed to identify the allergen. Most often, with this pathology, the forehead hurts.


To relieve pain, the doctor prescribes:

  • treatment with antibiotics and corticosteroids (Beclomethasone, Fluticasone);
  • antihistamines(“Diphenhydramine”, “Clemastine”, “Loratidine”);
  • sinus rinsing and nasal sprays (“Afrin”, “Neo Synephrine”);
  • physiotherapeutic procedures;
  • relief of asthma attacks (with allergic sinusitis).

To ease the course of the disease and relieve headaches, use:

  • nasal humidifier;
  • steam inhalations;
  • massage the most painful areas.

Unless your doctor has prescribed nasal products, they should not be used for more than three days. Good effect Sinupret, containing herbal components, helps thin mucus, drain it and relieve headaches when bending over. You can use over-the-counter pain relievers such as Tylenol or Ibuprofen to relieve headaches. However, you should not take medications uncontrollably without consulting your doctor.


Headache is often a symptom of migraine. In some cases, when you tilt your head down, the back of your head hurts. There are several types of disease that have common feature- the pain is very severe, the attack lasts up to two days, it cannot be relieved with ordinary painkillers. The cause of exacerbation of pain when bending over will be a change in pressure to which the patient’s vessels cannot respond correctly. Pain may be felt in:

  • forehead and eye areas;
  • crown and temples;
  • quite rarely - the back of the head.
  • give to the ear and lower jaw area.

Pain in the eye area confuses patients, causing them to assume sinusitis. The causes of migraine are not fully understood. It can be provoked by bright colors, sounds, and strong smells. To relieve pain, you need to lie down in a cool, dark, well-ventilated room, isolated from extraneous sounds.

To treat migraine, the patient should adhere to:

  • daily routine with sufficient night sleep;
  • principles of healthy eating.

To prevent attacks you should:

  • observe drinking regime;
  • take sedatives;
  • Use appropriate painkillers (triptans).

Medicines that relieve migraine pain are prescription medications prescribed by a doctor. People often complain that they have a headache on the left side when bending over.

Headache due to pressure changes

A fairly common cause of headaches when bending over is a change in pressure, arterial or intracranial. If a patient is diagnosed with a constant decrease in pressure, the vessels cannot cope with the blood flow with a sharp downward tilt. Increased pressure and vasospasm provoke an attack of pain. This type of headache often occurs in women during pregnancy and sudden changes in hormonal levels. It is most acutely felt in the area of ​​the temples or crown, and quite rarely in the forehead and back of the head.

When reduced, the mechanism of pain is identical to that described. Sometimes dizziness occurs when you tilt your head down.
Over-the-counter pain relievers are used to relieve this type of headache. But it should be understood that complete elimination of pain of this type is only possible by treating the cause that causes the pathology.

  • maintaining a daily routine with adequate sleep;
  • sufficient physical activity, mandatory walks fresh air;
  • compliance drinking regime(at least 2 l clean water per day) and food intake;
  • elimination of stress and prolonged mental stress;
  • treatment of major diseases that weaken the body.

With increased pressure, the patient complains of dull pain in the back of the head, which intensifies with tilting of the head or movement. With a deep tilt of the head, pulsation is noted in the parietal part or the back of the head. At the same time, there is a red complexion, shortness of breath, dizziness, nausea, severe weakness. When the pressure is reduced with one of the medications prescribed by the doctor, the pain goes away. Additionally, you can take a pain reliever recommended by your doctor. When you get a headache in the forehead area when bending over, it is better not to self-medicate, but to immediately seek medical help.

Drug therapy for headaches

Headache is a symptom of the disease. The discomfort can only be eliminated by removing the underlying cause.
When selecting drug therapy, the doctor takes into account not only the underlying disease, but also concomitant ones, as well as the individual condition and characteristics of the patient’s body.

Main drugs:

  • Painkillers are used to relieve pain symptom, usually these are antispasmodics and analgesics. Triptans are used to relieve migraine attacks.
  • Antispasmodics eliminate constriction of blood vessels, relaxing their walls and thereby relieving throbbing pain.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed for sinusitis.
  • Antihypertensive medications relieve blood pressure and relieve headaches.
  • Hormonal and antihistamines help relieve allergic reactions and asthma attacks, and relieve headaches.


All medications, especially over-the-counter ones, must be used strictly according to the instructions. If the pain continues for more than three days and its intensity does not decrease, you should consult a doctor immediately.

The most common cause of headaches when bending over is sinusitis (also called sinusitis). With this disease, the head hurts in the area of ​​the eye sockets, cheekbones, cheeks, teeth may hurt, and this pain is aggravated when bending over. How to recognize the cause of a headache when bending over and how to treat it?

ICD-10 code

R51 Headache

Causes of headaches when bending over

The nose is the first to encounter pathogenic microbes penetrating from environment, therefore, inflammatory processes often develop in it. There are local “battles” between the immune system and pathogenic flora, and the immune system often loses.

How to distinguish sinusitis from migraine?

If you have a headache when bending over, you need to find out the real reason headache. One recent study found that of 100 people who thought they had sinus headaches, nearly 90% actually suffered from migraine headaches.

With migraines, headaches can also get worse when you bend forward and they can also be accompanied by nasal congestion. But migraine headaches are likely to be aggravated by noise or light and may be accompanied by nausea.

Why was there such confusion?

First, the symptoms various types headaches have a lot in common. Secondly, headaches occur with many diseases, such as colds. Given this confusion, it is important to establish correct diagnosis. Why? Proper treatment for a headache due to sinusitis may not have any effect on treating another illness - and vice versa. Without a correct diagnosis, doctors will not be able to relieve your pain.

Why does sinusitis occur?

Sinus headaches when bending over can be caused by sinus congestion and inflammation, which is called sinusitis or sinusitis. Sinusitis, in turn, is caused respiratory infections such as colds or flu, allergies or hay fever.

Pathogenic microbes enter the sinuses, and the body cannot resist the infection. Reasons: decreased immunity, hypothermia, allergies, high activity pathogenic microbes.

A person cannot breathe through the nose with sinusitis. Possible causes are inflammation and swelling of the throat mucosa and a deviated nasal septum. The sinus is isolated from the nasal cavity, but it contains a lot of mucus, which gradually fills the sinuses and is constantly secreted. This creates ideal conditions for the proliferation of microbes.

In the sinuses nose goes the process of inflammation, decay products (pus) are released. Since there is no outflow from the sinuses, decay products are under pressure in it and are intensively absorbed into the blood, poisoning the entire body. In addition, excess pressure irritates the sinus of the nasal wall. Hence characteristic symptoms, in particular, severe headache when tilting the head.

Headache due to sinusitis often worries women during pregnancy. There are many herbs and medications that pregnant and breastfeeding women should not use. Consult a physician before using herbs or supplements if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

The mechanism of headaches with sinusitis

Healthy sinuses allow mucus to drain and air to circulate throughout the nasal passages. When the sinuses become inflamed, these areas become blocked and mucus cannot drain. When the sinuses are blocked, they become an excellent place for bacteria, viruses, and fungi to settle there and grow faster and faster.

Symptoms of headache when bending over

Head pain with sinusitis is most often deep, throbbing, and concentrated in the front of the head and face.

Sinus (sinus) headaches often begin as soon as you get up in the morning and can get worse in the afternoon. Sinus headaches can be difficult to diagnose because their symptoms are similar to tension headaches and migraines.

Sinus headaches typically cause these symptoms

  • Pressure and pain in one specific area of ​​the face or head (such as the eye sockets)
  • Face is sensitive to touch
  • The pain intensifies with sudden movements of the head and bending forward
  • The pain is stronger and sharper in the morning because mucus collects in the sinuses all night
  • Sudden changes in temperature when a person leaves a warm room in the cold aggravate the pain
  • Headache often begins during or immediately after a cold

Other symptoms may be associated with inflammation of the sinuses:

  • Postnasal drip sore throat (pharyngitis).
  • Yellow or green nasal discharge.
  • Red and swollen nasal passages (nasal congestion).
  • Fever, chills - mild to moderate.
  • General feeling of weakness, weakness.
  • Fatigue.

Diagnosis of headache when bending over

Your doctor will ask questions to differentiate sinus headaches from migraines and tension headaches. If you've recently had a cold, allergy attack, or sinus infection, talking about it can help your doctor make a definitive diagnosis.

An ENT specialist will usually carefully examine the nose to check for sinus congestion and secretions. The doctor also presses different areas your face to test for sensitivity. A doctor can use a light to check your sinuses for inflammation, and if the light doesn't shine through, your sinuses may be congested with mucus.

If your doctor suspects you have chronic sinusitis, you may need an x-ray. computed tomography(CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). If your doctor suspects an allergy may be causing your sinusitis, you may need an allergy test. You may need an additional referral to a specialist known as an ear, nose, and throat (ENT) doctor or otolaryngologist. This specialist may perform a nasal endoscopy using a fiberoptic scope to clearly view the condition of the sinuses.


You must go to the department emergency care or call ambulance if you are experiencing the following condition

  • Sudden and severe headache that persists or gets worse within 24 hours
  • Sudden severe headache that can be described as "your worst pain"even if you've always been prone to headaches
  • Chronic or severe headaches that begin after age 50
  • Headache that is accompanied by memory loss, confusion, loss of balance, changes in speech or vision, loss of strength, numbness or tingling in any extremity
  • Headache that is accompanied by fever, neck stiffness, nausea and vomiting (this may indicate meningitis)
  • Severe headache in one eye accompanied by redness of the eyes (may indicate acute glaucoma)

Treatment for headaches when bending over

The best way to get rid of sinus headaches that occur when you tilt your head is to treat inflamed sinuses. Your doctor may prescribe antibiotics or corticosteroids.

Lifestyle changes, such as using a humidifier or irrigating your nasal passages with salt water, are also needed. Some food additives and herbs can help prevent colds and flu or shorten their duration. They can treat sinusitis in combination with antibiotics to treat infection and support immune system.

Comprehensive treatment of headaches due to sinusitis

These treatments will help relieve sinus congestion and headaches:

  • Using a humidifier.
  • Using saline nasal spray.
  • Breathe over steam or in a steam room 2 - 4 times a day (for example, while sitting in a bathtub with a hot shower).
  • Treatment of allergic asthma attacks.
  • Other methods that may help with headaches include.
  • Massage painful areas of the head and neck.
  • Relaxation methods.

Medicines to treat headaches when bending over


Your doctor may prescribe antibiotics if he or she suspects you have bacterial infection. For treatment acute sinusitis you can be treated with antibiotics for 10 to 14 days. Treatment for chronic sinusitis may take longer, usually 3 to 4 weeks.

Nasal corticosteroids

These sprays can reduce nasal inflammation and relieve allergy and cold symptoms: sneezing, itchy, and runny nose. They are most effective in reducing symptoms, although treatment may take a few days to a week after starting to use them.

  • Beclomethasone (Beconase)
  • Fluticasone (Flonase)
  • Mometasone (Nasonex)


Antihistamines are available in the form of oral and nasal sprays. They are available by prescription and over-the-counter to treat allergies. Prescription antihistamines fast action may provide mild to moderate symptom relief. They all work by blocking the release of histamine in the body.

Antihistamines: diphenhydramine, chlorpheniramine (Chlor-Trimeton), clemastine (Tavist). These good old antihistamines can make you drowsy.

Fexofenadine (Allegra), cetrizine (Zyrtec), and loratadine (Claritin) are newer antihistamines that do not cause drowsiness.

Many prescription decongestants are available in tablet or nasal spray form. They are often used as antihistamines.

Oral nasal agents

These may include Sudafed, Actifed, Afrin, neo-Synephrin. Some decongestants may contain pseudoephedrine, which can increase blood pressure. People with high blood pressure or an enlarged prostate, you should not take medications containing pseudoephedrine.

Avoid using nasal products for more than 3 days in a row unless directed by your doctor. Do not use them if you have emphysema or chronic bronchitis.

In one study, 82% of patients with sinus headaches showed significant allergic reaction to a triptan, this drug is commonly used to treat migraines.

Surgery and other procedures

For chronic sinusitis, if prescribed treatment is not effective, your doctor may recommend endoscopic surgery, which is used to remove polyps or bone spurs. Enlargement or opening of the sinuses is also sometimes recommended to treat sinusitis and reduce headaches when bending over. for this purpose there is also a very effective procedure, it's called rhinoplasty. It involves the process of inserting balloons inside the sinus cavity and then inflating them.

All operations that concern the sinuses are performed by an ENT specialist.

Nutrition and nutritional supplements

Some supplements may help prevent or treat headaches due to sinus congestion or by reducing sinus inflammation. They can also help protect against colds. Since additives may have side effects and interact with other medications, you should only take them under the supervision of a knowledgeable physician.


Some research suggests that bromelain, an enzyme derived from pineapples, may help reduce inflammation and swelling of the sinuses and relieve sinusitis symptoms. However, not all researchers unanimously accept this point of view.

Bromelain is often combined with quercetin, flavonoids - plant pigments. It is found in fruits and vegetables, which can be taken as an antihistamine. Bromelain may increase the risk of bleeding, so people who take blood thinners such as warfarin (Coumadin) or clopidogrel (Plavix) should not take bromelain without talking to their doctor.

Taking bromelain with ACE inhibitors, a person can cause a strong decrease blood pressure, increase the risk of hypotension.


Quercetin is a flavonoid, a pigment that is responsible for the color of the vegetables and fruits in which it is found. It inhibits the production and release of the chemical histamine, which causes allergy symptoms such as runny nose and watery eyes. Quercetin is often combined with bromelain, a supplement made from pineapples. However, there is no definitive evidence that quercetin works well in the human body. More research is needed.

Some people may prefer water-soluble forms of quercetin, such as hesperidin methyl chalcone (HMC) or quercetin chalcone. Quercetin may interact with some medications, so check with your doctor before taking it for headaches.

Probiotics (Lactobacillus)

Probiotics, or “friendly” bacteria, may help if you are taking antibiotics for sinusitis. They may also reduce the likelihood of developing allergies. People who have a weakened immune system or are taking medications to suppress the immune system should ask their doctor before taking probiotics.


Using herbs is a good approach to strengthen the body and treat headaches. Herbs, however, can cause side effects and interact negatively with other herbs, supplements, or medications. Therefore, you should take herbs with caution, under the guidance of a physician.

As with supplements, there are many herbs that can help reduce the risk of sinus headaches, help fight a cold, boost the power of your immune system, or reduce sinus inflammation.

Effective herbal supplements for bending headaches due to sinusitis include Sinupret, an herbal composition containing elderberry (Elderberry nigra), horse sorrel(Rumex acetosa), primrose (spring primrose), European verbena (Verbena officinalis) and gentian (Gentiana yellow). According to research, Sinupret is very helpful in relieving the symptoms of sinusitis. The herbs it contains will help thin out mucus and help it drain from the sinuses, and also helps strengthen the immune system.

Other plants are traditionally used to treat headaches

  • Baikal skullcap
  • Pyrethrum (Tanacetum Parthenium)
  • willow bark
  • St. John's wort
  • Ledum
  • Viburnum juice with honey
  • Mullein
  • Melissa
  • Oregano

People who are taking blood thinners or women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should not take these herbs. People who are allergic to aspirin should not take willow bark. Pyrethrum may interact negatively with several medications. If you are allergic to ragweed, you may also be allergic to feverfew.


Homeopathy can significantly relieve chronic headaches. Several studies have examined the effectiveness of specific homeopathic remedies. Professional homeopathic doctors can recommend treatment for sinus headaches based on their knowledge and clinical experience. In one study of the effects of homeopathy, more than 80% of participants experienced significant improvement in symptoms within 2 weeks after taking a homeopathic remedy.

To prescribe a medicine, homeopaths take into account the constitutional type of a person, his state of health, and individual tolerance to treatment. An experienced homeopath evaluates all these factors when determining the most suitable remedy for each specific person.


Although scientific research There is very little on this subject and they show conflicting results; some doctors believe that acupuncture helps relieve sinusitis symptoms. Acupuncturists typically describe sinusitis as "dampness" that creates inflammation and congestion in the mucous membranes. This dampness is cleared by strengthening the spleen meridian and stomach meridian.



Although there is no research on the use of chiropractic care to treat sinus headaches, some practitioners suggest that it can reduce pain and improve the condition for many people.


For headaches of unknown etiology, relaxation techniques can be very helpful. This is especially true if the headaches return frequently, as happens with sinusitis. You can try the following methods:

Biofeedback to control muscle tension

Learn to meditate, breathe deeply, or try other relaxation exercises such as yoga or hypnotherapy

Try guided imagery techniques (imaginary situations and solutions)

Home treatment for headache when bending over

Headache treatment typically has a dual purpose: you treat the headache while at the same time addressing its underlying causes.

To relieve the pain and pressure on your sinuses from sinusitis, there are some treatments you can try.

Use of over-the-counter drugs

This is an obvious solution and you've probably already tried it. But medications such as acetaminophen (Tylenol), ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), or naproxen sodium (Aleve) may help reduce pain. Always read the label and do not use these medications for more than 10 days without talking to your doctor.

Try decongestants

These medications can help open blocked sinuses by reducing swelling in the nasal passages and reducing the amount of mucus. But follow the instructions. Do not use nasal sprays or decongestants for more than three days in a row, and do not use oral decongestants for more than seven days in a row. Examples of such means are phenylpropanolamine, tetrizoline, indanazoline.

Keep your nasal passages moist

Dry air will irritate your sinuses, which are already damaged. So use a humidifier or wet steam to clear mucus from your sinuses. Rest with a warm, damp towel on your face for a few minutes. Try a saline nasal rinse after the nasal spray.

Use nasal irrigation (or lavage)

Rinse your sinuses with onion juice diluted with half and half water or salt water. It moisturizes the nasal mucosa and helps clear mucus from the nasal passages, which helps relieve sinus pressure and reduce headaches. If you've never tried this approach, ask your doctor for advice.

It is important to note that if you are using sinus irrigation, rinsing or rinsing, you must use distilled water, sterile water, or previously boiled water to formulate the irrigation solution.

Avoid irritants

Perfume, cigarette smoke and some chemicals may worsen sinusitis symptoms by irritating the nasal passages.

If home treatment does not work or if you continue to have a high fever, pain or swelling of the face or eyes, redness around the eyes and cheeks, severe headache, confusion or a stiff neck, call your doctor right away. Together, you can determine a definitive diagnosis and then implement the correct treatment for bending headaches.

Unpleasant sensations that occur when tilting your head down are a fairly common phenomenon that brings particular discomfort to a person. To successfully get rid of headaches, it is necessary to find out the exact cause of the pathology. There are many ways to treat this disease, but first of all it is recommended to consult a doctor for a full examination.

It happens that when you tilt your head, a sharp throbbing pain appears in the forehead and upper part of the face. This condition is often accompanied by nasal congestion, as well as a feeling as if there is a leak in the frontal lobe. inflammatory process.

The pain often spreads to the eye sockets, temples, cheekbones, and teeth. When you turn your head sharply, the unpleasant sensations intensify significantly.

If you feel a throbbing headache, we recommend that you read more.

If yours, then you should pay attention to the information material that we previously posted on our website.

Among the main symptoms of this pathological condition note the following:

If your headache is accompanied by a symptom such as weakness, then read . It describes in detail possible reasons, treatment and preventive measures.

If, then read this topic in more detail on our website.

Origin of headache

The development of cephalgia can be provoked by a disease such as sinusitis. As a rule, discomfort is localized in the area of ​​the cheeks, teeth, eye sockets, cheekbones, and the discomfort intensifies when the head is tilted. Pathogenic bacteria spread in the nasal cavity, causing various types inflammation. Any pathological process (frontal sinusitis, sphenoiditis) is accompanied by a headache that occurs when bending over.

Due to a person’s long exposure to the cold, the body’s low resistance to infections and colds pathogenic microbes spread in the sinuses.

The development of an inflammatory process in the olfactory organ can also be triggered by allergies.

The main cause of headaches when bending over is considered to be sinusitis. Pulsating sensations are localized in the forehead, temples and face. , after waking up.

Sinusitis develops as follows: when a person with a weakened immune system breathes contaminated air, the microbes that enter the body provoke the development pathological process in the nasal sinuses. As a result, a runny nose begins, or laryngitis. If the disease is not treated, the inflammation intensifies. Pus is released and collects in the sinuses.

We wrote about it earlier.

If too much inflammatory exudate accumulates, a feeling of fullness will be present even with the normal position of the head. When bending over, the pain tends to intensify.

Such discomfort, caused by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinus, is most often localized in the temples, forehead and face. The symptoms of sinusitis are very similar to the symptoms of migraine, although migraine pain occurs for completely different reasons. With such a neurological illness, a false sensation of nasal congestion may appear, so only a qualified specialist can make the correct diagnosis.

To distinguish migraine from sinusitis, you need to know the symptoms of the latter. Among the main signs of the disease, characterized by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinus, are:

  • feeling of squeezing in different parts head (usually in the forehead and temples);
  • discomfort every time you touch your face;
  • increased pain when tilting the head down;
  • increased intensity of unpleasant sensations in the morning;
  • malaise at .

When to see a doctor

Below are situations in which medical care must be provided immediately:


Depending on the severity of the symptoms, there are several ways to get rid of the disease.


To relieve a headache caused by sinusitis, it is necessary to eliminate the underlying disease. Taking antibiotics and corticosteroids will help in the fight against sinusitis. As a rule, the course of treatment lasts no more than 10 days. However, if sinusitis is chronic, taking medication may last up to three weeks. Together with medications, it is recommended to use nasal sprays, which alleviate the course of the disease and eliminate sneezing and itching.


Endoscopic surgery is performed if the pathology cannot be treated drug treatment. With this procedure, polyps and spurs that interfere with healing are removed. If there is no improvement in the condition, a puncture is made maxillary sinuses.

Alternative medicine

In the fight against negative symptoms The following simple methods will help with various types of inflammation:

  • humidify the indoor air frequently;
  • rinse the nose with a solution with the addition of sea salt;
  • massage painful areas of the head, face and neck.

You can use nutritional supplements that target sinus inflammation and relieve headaches when bending over. It's about o biologically active substances from natural fruits. They are taken under the supervision of a doctor.

The following herbs are effective in the treatment of sinusitis: St. John's wort, skullcap, mullein, wild rosemary, lemon balm. There are many folk remedies, which include the above plants.

Before using any herbs, it is necessary to study their contraindications. It is important to remember that blood thinners should not be taken by pregnant or breastfeeding women.

If you carry out complex treatment, that is, use antibiotics, lead healthy image life, monitor the air humidity in the room, perform inhalations with herbal infusions, avoid external stimuli, you will be able to successfully overcome the disease.

Every person has experienced headaches when turning or bending down. People ignore this phenomenon because the disease goes away on its own in a short time. However, if you don’t know why your head hurts, especially when bending down, this is the body’s reaction to disturbances in its functioning.

The human body signals failures of its systems. Headache occurs when bending down for several reasons that require consultation with a specialist. Painful sensations are associated with spasms and pinching, observed during colds and are a consequence of psychological and nervous disorders.


With sinusitis, stagnation of mucus and pus occurs in the sinuses, which causes discomfort. People who experienced this type of sinusitis experienced one of the main symptoms of their disease - pain in the frontal part of the head. This is usually a throbbing pain.

Sinusitis is an inflammation of the sinuses and nasal mucosa, but the cause is serious illness- common cold. Patients especially complain about different degrees pain in the head when bending over. During the development of sinusitis, unpleasant sensations are concentrated in the nasal cavity, in the area of ​​the forehead and eyes (as with ordinary rhinitis). The most unpleasant thing is pain in the bridge of the nose.

Doctors recommend starting treatment for sinusitis from the onset of the first symptoms and syndromes. As the disease worsens, the pain attacks intensify. When bending over, there is pulsation and excess pressure in the nose, which causes a headache.

Lack of sleep and overexertion

Lack of night rest negatively affects brain function. Sleep disturbances and an increased degree of nervousness lead to disorders of all body systems. With a systematic lack of sleep, a person becomes anxious, poorly perceives information, gets tired faster, has a sore neck, feels heaviness in the head and migraines.

Similar symptoms occur in students and workaholics who do not get a good night's sleep. Overvoltage leads to a decrease in further performance. There is a high probability that after a week of sleep deficiency, pain will occur in the back of the head, temples, and jaw.

Patients call pain in the forehead the most unpleasant. It creates a feeling of high temperature and “boiling” of the brain. To prevent negative consequences excessive load, take care of the regime and plan it carefully.

Problems with the vertebrae in the neck

According to neurologists, common reasons pain when moving the head - osteochondrosis cervical region spine. It becomes difficult to tilt your head, and a sudden sharp pain occurs. How to diagnose osteochondrosis?
Gently tilt and turn your head in different directions. If you feel discomfort in the back of your neck or hear a crunching sound, change your lifestyle. Osteochondrosis develops due to low mobility and incorrect posture.

If neck pain does not bother you, then simple physical exercise 10-15 minutes a day can alert her.

Dilatation of cerebral blood vessels

Unlike previous causes of pain in the head when bending down, this disruption in the body’s functioning is more dangerous and carries with it more negative consequences. An enlargement in the blood vessels of the brain is called an aneurysm. It occurs due to disturbances in the structures of the vascular walls.

Symptoms of a cerebral aneurysm:

  • vision problems;
  • headache when bending over;
  • a feeling of pressure in the head on the left or right, as well as in the temples;
  • dizziness and fatigue appear;
  • the nature of the pain varies from throbbing to squeezing.

Dilatation of blood vessels occurs in adults and children. The danger of a ruptured aneurysm is the bleeding in the brain that it leads to. When you move your head (no matter in which direction), the pressure in the vessels increases. This creates a disruption in the blood supply to important areas of the brain and the entire body, and in the future can lead to stroke and death.

If you are at risk (you are over 40 years old, use alcohol and/or drugs), often experience severe migraines, and you experience pain when bending down or bending your head, then you should urgently visit a doctor.

Stressful situations

Every third person in the world suffered from insomnia and depression, and every second observed in themselves increased irritability. These are the first signs of stress, which is based on increased workload and emotional pressure. If you rarely rest, don't be surprised by headaches when bending forward or even constant pain.

How to deal with stress? When leaving the office, it's time to pay attention to the weather, trees, singing birds and children running past! One of effective ways Walking in the fresh air is recognized as a way to combat stress. Just 15-30 minutes of walking at a steady pace a day is enough to clear your mind and make you feel better.

Actions against stress and nervousness are aimed at improving mood. The right decision is to set aside about an hour a day for your favorite activity. The solution to this problem depends solely on your imagination.

Poor nutrition

A large amount of work and lack of time force people to eat on the go. It is much easier to buy a sandwich at a cafe you come across along the way than to spend an hour or two preparing a full lunch. However, your body pays for the abuse of processed foods and fast food.

People with this lifestyle are more likely to experience dysfunction digestive system and symptoms of dizziness. Treatment of headaches begins with normalizing the diet and carefully planning the diet.

Sedentary lifestyle

For people with a sedentary lifestyle, poor health, reduced immunity, and chronic headaches are most common. Due to the long-term absence of protozoa physical activity in the body, blood rushes to the head, the person feels heat on the face, and the back of the head seems to shrink.

Simple exercise will save you, the main thing is regularity. Do a light stretch in the morning as soon as you get out of bed, and a few exercises throughout the day. If your head hurts when you bend your head, it is useful to squat and stretch your neck.

Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages

Headaches in alcoholics are common. If ordinary person drank a lot, then the syndrome can visit him in the form of an unpleasant symptom of an alcohol overdose.

When alcohol enters the blood, it produces more red blood cells, which are responsible for transporting oxygen.

Clots form from them. As a result, it happens oxygen starvation brain Next, there is destruction of cells in the brain, which affects the temporal, ear, ocular, frontal, occipital and parietal regions. If such headaches are too frequent, then reduce the consumption of alcoholic beverages to a minimum.

Allergic reaction

An allergy headache is a symptom that manifests itself in a system with other individual reactions of the body, which one can only guess about. During the off-season, allergy sufferers experience back pain, problems with the spine, and even asthma attacks.

At the first sensation of discomfort in the nose and temples, the patient should take antihistamine, and to enhance the effect, purchase nasal drops (when you have a runny nose, your forehead hurts, which makes it difficult to concentrate).

Blood pressure surges

People with sudden changes in blood pressure know about nightmare headaches, especially for older people. If you don’t have a tonometer nearby when you experience a migraine, do a simple test: try lowering your head and making a few gentle movements of your neck to the sides and forward.

If these maneuvers cause pain, there is a high probability that this is due to high blood pressure. To prevent sharp jumps limit your consumption of drinks high content caffeine

Neurological causes

If the pain only intensifies over time, and you cannot fight it with the help of analgesics, then immediately consult a neurologist. It is easier to stop any disease early stages, why getting tested is the best decision. The doctor will prescribe treatment with special medications.

scuba diving

Cephalgia when immersed in water is a consequence of increasing pressure. Moderate pain in the head when bending and maneuvering underwater - normal phenomenon for a beginner. If you are not involved in scuba diving professionally, but want to try it as a new sensation, then note a few points:

  1. If you experience a headache on the left side when descending, you cannot swim lower - this will end with a rupture of the eardrum.
  2. The ascent is carried out as slowly as the descent.
  3. If you have a headache before diving, please notify the instructor, who will assist you. special measures. Remember: incorrect diving techniques can cause curvature and sprain of the spine, as well as pathologies of the spinal region.

Chronic or infectious diseases

During the development of an infectious disease, cephalalgia is a side effect of intoxication (the effects of toxins on the body). It often causes familiar symptoms: headache in the forehead area, body aches. Along with them, a person experiences headaches when coughing and bending over. They fight this not only with the help antiviral agents, but also observing bed rest and other doctor’s advice.


With a migraine, the pain is localized in the back of the head and intensifies when tilting the head forward. Predisposition to the disease can be hereditary, so do not be surprised if one of your parents has many very similar symptoms.

The causes of headaches are:

  • sleep disturbance;
  • broken power supply;
  • alcohol addiction;
  • emotional overstrain.

A simple treatment is to take over-the-counter pain relievers that contain aspirin.


Adults, as well as children with weak immunity. Like infectious diseases, a cold does not have one symptom and is not acquired by simple drafts.
Unpleasant sensations when bending over are caused by excess pressure in the sinuses, as in initial stage sinusitis, accompanied by high fever and sore throat when coughing on one side. The complaints are the same: when you tilt your head down, something seems to be pressing on your head, a feeling of vacuum.
Colds can be treated with medications and drinking plenty of fluids. If your throat hurts (when you tilt your head back), drinks should be warm, but not hot.

Temporal arteritis

It is also called temporal - chronic disease vessels. Characterized by inflammation and damage to the walls of blood vessels. The development of the disease is associated with weak immunity. The patient becomes unwell excessive sweating, pain when tilting the head down.

Temporal arteritis is easily confused with migraine: if you touch the temple, the sensations get worse. DIY methods Diagnosis of symptoms is unreliable, so do not neglect visits to your doctor.

Severe intoxication of the body

Intoxication is accompanied by nausea, pain in the joints and muscles of the forehead. A similar condition occurs after consuming new foods (possibly exotic), or with an overdose of alcohol or drugs. Defeat occurs nerve fibers, causing drowsiness and general malaise.

People complain that they get headaches when making sudden movements. This is a sure sign of intoxication of the body. To help your body eliminate harmful substances, you need to drink more fluids and get enough sleep.

Neoplasms in the nose area

The cause of tumors in the nasal area is a cranial hernia. She is classified as benign tumors and treat surgically. A sign of a hernia is a thickening in the nose and sinuses, a feeling of nasal congestion and aching headaches when tilting the head.

The tumor is distinguished by a feeling of heaviness in the nasal cavity: in a position with a tilted nose, you will feel a lump in the area of ​​​​the bridge of the nose. There are more complex tumors in the nose that are malignant.

Cancers of the nose are rare, but do occur. Only a doctor can diagnose cancer after taking tests and conducting additional examinations. Self-medication for suspected cancerous tumor You won't be able to practice in the nose.

Types of pain

When a headache appears once every six months, it does not bother a person and does not interfere with life. In cases where chronic pain occurs, it is worth looking for patterns and causes. Pain has its own classification, which will help the doctor in determining treatment.


This type is characterized by intensity and pulsation on the left side of the head. Usually, but they appear regularly, so they can torment a person. In case of prolonged manifestations, the patient is prescribed an oxygen procedure and prescribed medications.


Attacks of compressive tension pain are infrequent, but noticeable. It is similar to pressure (as if a ring was put on the head, and it is compressed in the forehead area). Unlike cluster pain, tension lasts up to a week, without ceasing to remind itself. A person can choose a painkiller himself and cope with such a headache.


The effect of alcohol on the brain was described above, so it is not surprising that the phenomenon of a hangover itself exists. It does not require treatment, a person just needs to sleep. Take paracetamol before bed.


On average, migraines last 3 hours or longer. In a quarter of people suffering from this disease, an attack occurs after external influence - bright light or unpleasant odor. The simple solution is to avoid such irritants.

Migraines can be treated with simple painkillers, but they cannot be completely eliminated.

Additional symptoms

Headache occurs when the head is tilted down in people everywhere. If the functioning of various systems is disrupted, the body signals this with all its might.

  • eye pain;
  • increased body temperature;
  • fatigue and apathy;
  • lack of appetite;
  • sudden mood changes.

Symptoms are self-determined, but when sharp deterioration If you are feeling well, it is better to consult a doctor.

Begin treatment with an examination of the body

The optimal solution: go for a consultation if you feel practical discomfort due to headaches, if they interfere with your usual activities. Contact a therapist or neurologist at the clinic (it’s safer to go to the latter; most likely the former will refer you there).

If you are not satisfied with the services provided, and pain bothers you, start looking for a private medical center.

No one will directly answer the question of why the temples squeeze when tilted. To determine the causes, you need to take blood tests to diagnose anemia and hormones. thyroid gland, for cortisol, may be needed general analysis urine.

Based on the results, the doctor will prescribe treatment. For reliability, they may be sent for subsequent studies: MRI of the brain, ultrasound of blood vessels and ECG.

Quick help with medications

Below is the table effective medicines for instant headache relief. The dosage is indicated for an adult per dose.

How to get rid of it using folk remedies

Our grandmothers invented a dozen methods for getting rid of headaches using only medicinal plants. For isolated pain attacks they are useful:

  1. A well-known method is to drink St. John's wort tincture (1 glass before each meal). Healing components of St. John's wort: ascorbic acid and tocopherol are part of the medications we take.
  2. A tincture of water will help get rid of headaches, increase immunity, and normalize digestion.
  3. IN lately popular to use essential oils. Lavender and sage are rubbed into the temples and applied to the cheeks. They prevent nasal congestion and headaches.

Features of the prevention of cephalalgia

To be less likely to encounter unpleasant sensations in the head and neck area, there are methods of prevention:

  • avoid stress;
  • fulfill breathing exercises morning and evening;
  • massage (preferably professional);
  • acupuncture;
  • full sleep.

These procedures only maintain health, so you should think about them before the onset of cephalgia.

A common symptom of a huge number of diseases is headache. A neurologist most often hears these complaints from his patients. The cause in most cases is disturbances in the functioning of blood vessels, which are associated with their spasms. Pain in the head area is observed in areas that are particularly sensitive: veins, arteries, periosteum, muscles, subcutaneous tissue, nerves, mucous membrane, eyes and sinuses. Pain in each of these areas indicates the presence specific disease and the method of treatment is selected individually, depending on the disease causing pain. Such sensations also manifest themselves in different ways. Let's look at the case when a headache appears when tilting the head down.

What is the reason?

Typically, this symptom accompanies a fairly common disease - sinusitis. In this case, pain is observed in the area of ​​the cheeks, cheekbones, teeth, and eye sockets, which noticeably intensify when the person bends down. Pathogenic microorganisms from outside enter the human body through the nasal passages, so it is in them that inflammation occurs first. Local immunity enters the fight against the pathogen and most often loses. The term sinusitis combines several types of inflammation, and each of these diseases causes a headache when bending down; This:

  • sinusitis - inflammation of the maxillary sinus;
  • frontal sinusitis - the frontal sinus is involved in inflammation;
  • sphenoiditis - the sphenoid sinus is affected.

The pain itself occurs when bending over due to inflammation and congestion of the nasal sinuses. The reasons why the infection spreads in the sinuses are hypothermia, poor immunity, infections, and colds. Allergies can also cause such inflammation.

The main symptom of sinusitis is the patient’s inability to breathe through his nose. The disease causes swelling of the nasal mucosa, which interferes with normal breathing. Despite the fact that the maxillary sinus is almost isolated from the nasal cavity, mucus accumulates in it, which, in turn, is constantly secreted. In such an environment, pathogenic microbes multiply best.

So, the inflammatory process continues in the nasal sinuses, and pus is constantly released. The outflow of secretions from the maxillary sinus is extremely difficult; they accumulate, create a certain pressure, and are absorbed into the blood, weakening the entire body. This pressure causes the symptom of pain when bending down.

This pain is localized in the front of the head, face and has a pulsating, deep character. It begins in the morning, immediately after getting up and, continuing throughout the day, can intensify in the evening. Since the pain of sinusitis is similar in location and nature to the pain of migraine and tension, it is necessary to find out the cause before treatment.

What causes headaches when bending over?

In addition to headaches with sinusitis, the following phenomena can be observed:

  • sensitivity of the face when touching it;
  • pain and pressure in one area of ​​the face;
  • with sharp turns of the head, bending, the pain intensifies;
  • pain appears with maximum strength in the morning, since the sinuses collect mucus all night;
  • pain begins when the first signs of a cold appear, or immediately after recovery;
  • there is an increase pain and when there is a temperature difference, for example, when a person leaves a warm room and goes out into the cold.

There are other signs of sinus inflammation: nasal discharge becomes yellow or green, sore throat, swelling of the nasal passages, fever, fatigue, weakness.

Other causes of headaches

When a patient comes to the doctor and says, “My head hurts when I bend over,” the specialist determines what other causes, besides sinusitis, can cause this effect. Such reasons include tumors, polyps in the nasal cavity, asthma, allergies, especially seasonal complications, as well as swimming underwater or climbing to high altitudes. Thus, a doctor must determine the exact cause of this condition. The ENT specialist will find out what disease you need to be treated for: sinusitis or another whose symptoms are similar. It will determine the availability painful sensations in the nasolabial triangle, on the face, is there any discharge from the nose and what is its nature, in what condition are the nasal sinuses. If necessary, it may be advisable to conduct other studies, magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography.

In order to cure pain, you need to know its root cause. If the cause is sinusitis, it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment from an appropriate specialist. If an exacerbation occurs, antibiotics are taken to eliminate the inflammatory process. In the future, experts advise carrying out preventive measures: using room humidifiers, doing inhalations, rinsing the nasal cavity saline solution, do a back and neck massage. These simple methods will help avoid blockage of the maxillary sinuses and prevent pain in the head when bending down.

Treatment methods

To treat headaches when bending over, use various drugs. The doctor prescribes antibiotics if there is a bacterial infection. Sinusitis in acute form at proper treatment It goes away in two weeks, but sinusitis takes longer to treat – up to four weeks.

Corticosteroids in the form of nasal sprays reduce inflammation and allergy symptoms: runny nose, itchy nose, sneezing. Momettasone, Beclomethasone, Fluticasone are drugs that are quite effective against such symptoms, and treatment takes up to seven days.

Antihistamines are used as nasal and oral sprays. They are used as antiallergic drugs and are sold in pharmacies both without a prescription and with one. Rapid-acting antihistamines are available by prescription and reduce moderate to mild allergic symptoms. Their action is based on blocking the release of histamine. Among the well-known drugs of this kind are Diphenhydramine, Clemastine, Chlorpheniramine. These are drugs used in medical practice for a long time. They have the main drawback - they cause drowsiness. New drugs do not have this drawback: these are Loratadine, Fexofenadine, Cetrizine.

If there is no effect from medicinal methods specialists can recommend surgical treatment. Using endoscopic surgery methods, polyps and other formations are successfully removed. Increasing the lumen of the nasal sinuses is also carried out using this method. This way you will get rid of headaches that occur when bending down. Very effective method– rhinoplasty.

An alternative way to treat such headaches is medicinal herbs. They strengthen the body and effectively relieve symptoms, but may have their own side effects. Therefore, consulting a doctor is extremely important here. To combat headaches caused by inflammation of the sinuses, use herbal teas. Among them, such drugs as Sinupret with elderberry, primrose, horse sorrel, and verbena are known. Drugs of this type make the contents of the sinuses more liquid and promote its rapid elimination.